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Book online «Fire Moon by Miss CrazyPlantLady (phonics reading books .TXT) 📖». Author Miss CrazyPlantLady

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against her harsh expression, her soft curls framed her face and giving off the impression she was approachable. Her clothes were screaming practical, skin tight pants with a matching short sleeve top, as if she prepared to fight every second of the day.

I didn't acknowledge the comment, "We received a message from Cameron's pack up north, he requested a union of marriage between my sister and him."

My sister was barely fifteen, youngest pack member with the kindest eyes and warmest personality. The message was extremely out of the blue, my father thought it was a hoax but we later received another and I would kill Cameron before I let him touch my sister.

Cameron's pack was almost the same size as August's, Cameron's being larger and the only difference being that Cameron was a cruel, disgusting, evil being. He tortured and captured omegas, killing them for sport and sending their heads to their packs. There were rumours of him even skinning wolves but I shuddered at the thought of wolf hides pinned to his wall and prayed that it was just a rumour.

The pack was just as deathly. No one could stop them or beat them. They were unstoppable. Untouchable.

August's eyes widen slightly and Bain hissed at the mention of Cameron's name. His reputation had bled through all packs.

"My sister is fifteen, there was no way my father could accept the request and that was an answer that Cameron couldn't accept" my words rushing out but I could barely whisper those last words, "we received a Burn Notice this morning."

A Burn Notice.

A death threat.

A war declaration.

Cameron wanted to destroy our pack and he could do that with a single swipe of his claw. We would die and it didn't matter how hard we fought because we were nothing compared to Cameron and his pack.

I looked straight into the artist palette eyes that were August's, "If you don't help us, we will be dead in six months."

August crossed his arms, we still stood so close that his arms brushed my chest and I ignored the warmth spreading to the rest of my body.

His voice came out hoarse, "Why does he want your sister so bad?"

Before I could speak, everyone's eyes moved to Sam behind me.

Sam's hands flew in the air, "Alice is the only child of Vic's that has access to their wolf, both Eden and Morgan are Changelings."

Morgan, my older brother. He worked himself sick trying to find his wolf, he wanted to take over my father so bad and would stop at nothing to ensure that my sister didn't have to.

Bain was confused and so was his grumpy companion, he turned to me "So is she next in line?"

I nodded, "If neither of us find our wolf, she will take over the pack."

Morgan not finding his wolf was sending me slowly into a panic, he was 4 years older than me and I assumed he would have found it by now but every day is the same. He wakes up, leaves, comes back, wakes up, leaves, comes back and it doesn't look like it's going to stop any time soon.

"Gus" The blonde woman spoke, she eyed the tense man in front of me, "There's twenty in the pack," her voice was deep and clear.

A trickle of jealousy warmed my veins and I tried to ignore the nickname she probably called him all the time and I breathed, "Twenty-five, twenty-five dead unless you help us."

They looked at each other and I knew they were speaking in their minds.

August never moved away from me, not a step and I could feel his body warmth touching my skin. His eyes turning into glowing sapphires as he looked back at me and from the expression alone, I knew. I knew he wouldn't help us. Couldn't help us. He had to put his pack first.

I felt the tears on the back of my eyes and I fought to keep them there, "I understand that my father broke the law, broke his Alpha's orders and I understand that this is not your problem but I will be facing Cameron alone with or without you and I know that I will lose" I stepped back down the stairs, "The second I die, Cameron will capture and torture all my pack members."

They all shuddered at the thought.

Sam's hand warmed my shoulder as I finally reached him.

My eyes still locked on August's, his eyes fell the Sam's hand and then returned, "I'm begging" Tears fell as I fell to my knees, I looked up at them with my chin high, not letting a slither of shame slide into my body, "Please."

August's jaw tightened as he strode down to me and picked me up from my position, everywhere our skin touched was burning, the heirloom ice cold against my burning skin, "You do not kneel, pup and you do not beg."

I could see my confused teary face in his eyes. My amber eyes red rimmed and wide. My dark hair falling around my face as the bun I made this morning came loose. I saw the weak Changeling everyone else saw. 

I had no choice. My family was going to die and I would fight alone if I had to. Cameron was so deadly that I knew the second I saw that Burn Notice that we were dead. My father knew it too.

I couldn't let my sister be forced into that miserable life and neither could my father. We would fight until our very last breath.

August's touch was burning where he held my arms, his eyes were glowing with rage and fury. His voice was so deep and rough, "We will help you."

It was moments later that we all sat in August's house. A giant oval table, sitting across from me was the small angry blonde and next to her was August. Bain slid into the seat next to me and Sam was lounging on the other side.

Sitting around us were Etas, Zetas and Kappas with Nu, Psi and Lambdas standing around us and they were all looking at me. Some with glares of annoyance. Some with curiosity and only Bain showed a small smile. Bain's presence almost matched August's, powerful and loud but it was August's demeanour that held everyone's tongue. His power practically vibrated off him and no one dared speak until he had spoken or meet his gaze.

The walls of the room were made out of concrete, polished until smooth, curving delicately at the ends. A large hanging fireplace sat in the far corner, warming the room and gave it an intimate feel. The lights were woven metal spheres, casting a warm glow through the room.

Everyone was silent until August cleared his throat, "We have been asked to help Vic Addandam's..."

An uproar of gasps, sounds of disapproval and growls. Majority crossed their arms and started shaking their heads. One of the Psi complained, "Why should we help that traitor?"

August shot one look at all of them and silence filled the room once more, he was talking to them through their bond.

I always heard about the bond but because I hadn't found my wolf, I didn't get to hear anything from my father and for some reason, I felt angry about being left out. August was leaving me out. He could be telling them a different story, telling them lies about why I need their help.

I crossed my arms, "Care to share with the whole room?"

August's eyebrows rose in question and a ghost of a smirk came across his face, "Well pup, I thought you wouldn't want to hear their comments but if you insist."

A flick of his wrist and the room burst with loud voices, talking all over each other, all the voices blending into nothing but nonsense.

"Just let them die!"

"Why should we care?"

"I'll kill them myself!"

"Like hell I'd help them!"

"Enough" August's thundering voice silenced them, "They received a Burn Notice from Cameron."

Gasps and shrugs. More chatter and more disagreeing.

One look and they all silenced and August crossed his arms, looking at them, "We all know how small Vic's pack is" A few snickers came from the Psi, "We cannot sit and let our kind be murdered over a marriage request."

My dark eyes locked with the grumpy blue eyed blonde across from me. She looked annoyed and bored. The Sigma standing behind her rested his hand on her shoulder, a slender finger resting right on the neckline of her shirt and touching the skin of her neck. He was a tall man as well, his chest wasn't as large as August's but was a close second, it was covered with a chunky sweater and a collared shirt, he was wearing the same scowl as her. Mirroring each other while looking completely opposite.

We don't have a Sigma in our pack. Sigma is the pack know-it-alls. The one with the biggest brain, knows all history and a great deal of every subject. They tutor our pups and other pack members.

One of the Deltas sitting to her left growled at me, "Let's just kill them right now."

Sounds of agreement spread through the crowd. An annoyed growl escaped August's throat as a disappointing click of a tongue left Bain's and the lanky man was suddenly facing the man, no words were spoken but the unnamed man shrunk back without looking back at me.

August recrossed his arms, eyes glowing, "I need everyone to be on board before we move on" his voice deep, loud and clear all at once, "Anyone who has concerns, voice them now."

There were a few quiet murmurings, eyes moving from August to me to Sam to me and back to August.

The Theta stood up from across the table, a short man and he swallowed before speaking, "I fear that they will only turn Cameron on to us and we will be outnumbered for a war." Being the lead medic, the Theta has a lot of respect from the pack.

Agreeing nods around the table and August nodded in respect to his member, "Will, I understand your concerns..." The rest of the conversation was between their minds.

Will's eyes were saucers and he gave me a quick glance before nodding and he took a step back, "I will fight."

My gaze was pulled to August's and the tug between us so taught and straining, "They're going to help."

A wave of relief washed over me. My father would be so grateful of August and his pack, no one expected him to say yes or his pack members but even with August's numbers, we were outnumbered and Will was right.

Sam's fingers grasped mine under the table, his fingers drawing words on my hand, secretly whispering "Trust?"

Almost as if he knew, August's eyes moved to Sam and he signed "We don't go back on our word."

Trust them? Not all of them.

Trust him? Maybe.

My eyes met that artwork that was August's eyes and I felt the string grow impossibly tighter. I knew he wouldn't go back on his word; I knew he'd fight his hardest to help us.

My fingers wrote a reply on Sam's hand, "Yes."

Sam just smiled and leaned away from me, his fingers moving, "How will you help us?"

A challenge and irritation flicked over August's face, I expected him to react but he leaned forward, bracing his arms on the table, "I will not discuss the plan with anyone expect my pack and your Alpha," his eyes meet my brown ones, "especially not to an Omega."


Bottom of the pack. Last to eat and first to be left behind. The only authority an Omega has is over the pups. I never liked bullies and I refused to show him that his insult struck something in me.

I absorbed the irritates tone he threw towards Sam and stood. All the seated wolves stood with me and I didn't bother looking at them trying to protect their Alpha. My finger pointed accusingly at August, "How about you fix your tone?"

Eyebrows raised, the blonde Alpha smirked, leaning back in his chair and peeled his eyes from me to look at the bored

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