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Book online «Pokemon Special 1 by Aaron (best motivational books .txt) đŸ“–Â». Author Aaron

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it’s small.... but an opening!

???2: but we can’t get through that tiny li’l hole! Well!?

???: Pika! Go into the ball for a moment!

And Pika entered the Poke-ball... and I think I know what he’s planning...

???2: once they’re in their balls, Pokemon are small enough to go in your pocket! You might also call ‘em Pocket M- -... wh-what are you planning now...

Aaron: you’re thinking what I’m thinking...

???: THIS!

With the kid’s expression... I can tell something’s not quite right...

Aaron: you’re okay!?

???:’s both of them... the ice missiles are made of Cloyster’s Spike Canon boosted by Dewgong’s Ice Beam. That’s why they’re so incredibly powerful. If we can stop one of them... we just might be able to escape.

???2: w-wait a minute! How d’you know what Pikachu saw outside!? This happened before... with Pika and Seadra...!

???: all I know is... when I do this I can somehow, faintly, sense the feelings and thoughts... of Pikachu and other Pokemon...

???2: they’re THOUGHTS!!

Aaron: we gotta act now... it’s freezing in here! Even my Magmar can’t hold it...!!

???: okay... let’s do this!!!


Lorelei: the cold inside the cave must have immobilized them by now. HENH. They’re out of options. They either get hammered by the ice missiles... or get jumped coming out of the rubble!

After Lorelei sees a Poke ball...

Lorelei: there... just as I THOUGHT!! They’re using the same trick!!

Lorelei: HAHAHA!! They’re just begging to be crushed! Cloyster! Dewgong! That ball with Pikachu in it... DESTROY it!!

As the spike canon hit the Poke ball...

Lorelei: got it!...! What!?
Aaron: go Bronx!! Faster!!! Hurry!

???: heh!

Lorelei: it can’t be! The... the Poke Ball we just destroyed... is empty!! It was a DECOY!!

Aaron: ready kid!?

???: nod

Aaron: Bronx....boosts Pika’s speed with GUST!!!!

Lorelei: back in your shell, Cloyster!!


Aaron: woo!!! Good one kid.... right at the sweet spot!!

???2: with that Cloyster down... Dewgong ain’t gonna be able to make those ice missiles... so now’s our chance to get outta here!!

Lorelei: you concentrated only on Cloyster in that attack, didn’t you? You knew that with one disabled, the other wouldn’t be much of a threat! You must have known who they were before you came out... but you couldn’t have seen them from inside the cave! How did you KNOW?


Lorelei: ANSWER ME!!

Aaron: we gotta get outta here!!!!!

???2: you’re... not going to fight back!?
???: we are no match!! We gotta run!!

Aaron: KEEP MOVING!!! Faster Bronx!!!

Lorelei: so... it seems you’re NOT just running like a coward. You have something normal trainers don’t have! What is your name!?

???: call me Amarillo! Amarillo Del Bosque Verde!!

Aaron’s head: an Italian.... but how!?

Aaron: it’s catching up... and they’re out running us!!

Lorelei: ha ha ha... ICE BEAM!!

Aaron: oh no! ROADBLOCK!!!

???2: h-hey! THAT way’s the river!

Aaron: Bronx!! SURF!!

???2: the second time today...

Lorelei: after them!

???2: looks like they got the advantage this time!

Aaron: oh boy.... WAVEEE!!!!

Lorelei: let’s thank them for the entertaining match! AURORA BEAM!!

Aaron:! Our feet!!

Lorelei: ha ha ha! Going somewhere?
Aaron: oh man.... gotta get Marco!

Lorelei: not so fast! SUPERSONIC!

Party: aaaah!!!!

Aaron: my ears!!! Can’t... reach... Marco....

Lorelei: ha ha ha... you’ve made this harder than it had to be...

Aaron’s head: oh man....just six hours and it feels like the end of my life... whatta drag!!!

SFX: scrape scrape (x13)

Aaron: huh? What that noise! Waah!!

And I notice a Rattata under the ice block...

Aaron: wow... smart... and soo close...

???2:I never woulda thought to escape with a Rattata... them’s SOME front teeth ya got there, fella!

Amarillo: this was my first Pokemon... my first friend... thanks, Ratty.

???2: you know what? We never did introductions! I’m Bill

Amarillo: zzz

Aaron: here we go again... oh nice to meat ya... I’m Aaron

Bill: yeah... nice to meet ya!!


And so our journeys continue eastward on the ice block which it’s practically almost melting away... but we’re still far away from the forest... Somewhere a natural intersection between Route 3 and Route 16...

Time: 9 p.m. day 1

I’m at the city restocking myself at the store and also buying a lot of Full Restore with my cash worth 1500 in a 50% discount!

I also have a fateful encounter with a very important person

???: are you Aaron Carter? Aaron Carter of Pallet Town?

Aaron: yes. What do you...waa!

???: is something wrong?

Aaron: You’re... Lady Erika... gym leader of Celadon City... why do you want?

Erika: there’s something important to discuss with you...

Aaron: oh...

At the camp site

Aaron: hey... Amarillo! I found someone!

Erika: you are the one aren’t you? The one who passed through Pallet Town- - and took “PIKA” with him.
Amarillo: !?

Erika: Professor Oak was kind enough to fill me in. Red’s Pikachu... the one returnee from a terrible battle... and a boy in a yellow straw hat along with his assistant who said Pika would help him... the professor seemed to hold you in a very high regard... but it seems Pika is less easily impressed. Who are you?

Aaron: he’s Bosque Verde.

Amarillo: thanks...

Erika: I’m Erika. Celadon City Gym Leader and one of Red’s closest friend. I have come to place Pika under my care.

Aaron and Amarillo: !!

Erika: that Pikachu is our only lead to Red. Our enemies will be eager to destroy that lead... but the forces of Celadon under my command should be enough to protect it. Bosque Verde... a surname to the peculiar to the Viridian area, is it not? Which is where this Pikachu came from originally. I imagine Pika followed you because of your SCENT. I hope you aren’t counting on a tenuous bond like THAT which in the heat of battle!

Follower: Lady Erika!... whisper (x3)

Erika: are you SURE about that!? A sighting of someone fitting Red’s description on the outskirts of Celadon City!?

Aaron: let’s go!

Location: Celadon City, west side.

Aaron: so it is Red!
Aaron: hey... wait a minute...

Amarillo: what?

Aaron: that’s not Red!

Amarillo: what!?


???: heh! Shock away, brainless one! I’m well prepared for ANYTHING you might do!


Aaron: impossible!

???: a bodysuit fools! A bodysuit of my own invention, devised to block electric shocks and to emit a scent... chemically engineered to match Red’s! Today you face invincible scientific wizardry!


???: though a foolish world insists upon calling me “SUPER NERD”- That very fact that I anticipated your route surely demonstrates that my genius is not to be mocked!

Aaron: LET...HER...GO!

???: not too close, soldiers of Celadon! You have the advantage of numbers... but I have your leader’s life in my hand!

Citizens: ...

???: now you’re demonstrating some intellect. Marowak... BONE-MERANG!

Aaron: everybody! Get down!

???: and again! Feh. Too easy. That will suffice.

Amarillo: you!! Give me back... my PIKA!

???: YOUR Pika...!?

Amarillo: until we return Pika to Red... I, Amarillo Del Bosque Verde, am that Pokemon’s trainer

???: you, baby-brain... are Pika’s trainer!? Ha Ha Ha... of course you are!

Aaron and Amarillo: ...

???: then it’ll be no trouble for you to take back!!


???: I don’t advise entering the league games just yet “trainers”! Hee-hee-heeeee!

Aaron: if he want’s a fight... he’s just begging for it... return! GO! BRONX! Let’s go!

Aaron: Amarillo!! Hurry up!!!

Location: Central Celadon City.

Aaron: man... too dark... ok.. Rein... flash!
Amarillo: thanks.

Aaron: look out! Up above!

Amarillo: Marowak’s Bone-merang!!

Aaron: Amarillo! Focus on the club’s position

Amarillo: got it...

Aaron and Amarillo: !! Aah!!

Aaron: I... gotta... get... the... others... to... return... safe for now... earplugs

Aaron: it’s too much screeching... not even Amarillo can hear me...Rein... cover your ears... and... PSYCHIC!!!

I actually thought the sound was over... not this time...

Aaron: whew... here it comes again!

Amarillo: RUN!

Aaron: yaaah!!! Again!! Too loud... Rein... return...

I felt a lot of pain... even the sound have over taken the earplugs...

Aaron: Amarillo!... keep them safe! You know what to do!

I let him do his job... keeping Pika safe... I was knocked out from the spore attack and remember seeing Amarillo with me...

Rein: (poor master and Amarillo...)

Aaron: uh... what’s... going on?

???: good, you two are awake. Name’s Misty. I’m a friend of Red’s. What’s happening is... well see for your self.

???2: someone’s trying to steal away our only link to Red!

Amarillo: we’ll... help too...

Misty: no! you’re hurt! Don’t worry! We won’t let him get away that easily!

Aaron: thank you. Let’s rest... Rein.

Erika: oh no! there’s a wild Pokemon in that tree!

???3: what!?

Amarillo: let’s go!

Aaron: Rein... get ready... and... set 2! BARRIER FLOAT!

Amarillo: nice save Aaron!

Aaron: yeah... you did a great job too Amarillo!

???3: Those kid’s... just tried to rescue that Caterpie in their condition...

???3: good job you two. Aaron and Amarillo or can I call you...”Yellow” to make it easier for me

Aaron: wait... who’s yellow?

???3: this child of course. Although you scarcely have what I’d call a “yellow streak”...

Amarillo: uh... who...

???3: I’m Blaine from Cinnabar Gym. Nice to meet you two.

???2: and I’m Brock from Pewter Gym.

Misty: all good friends of Red.

Erika: but I don’t understand... why was the one who tried to steal Pikachu now being kidnapped himself?

Aaron: maybe someone does not want the so-called “super nerd” to be questioned.

Blaine: to keep him from talking? Could be... we’d better hurry on researching that suit.

Brock: then I’ll go to Mt. Moon to investigate. It’s pretty close to Pewter City.

Erika: I will rally my forces in case of a battle...

Misty: the- the fog!!

Blaine: wait- the Gastly that we thought was blown away- was hiding in our captive! It’s attacking again!!

Brock: no! It’s spreading too fast...!

???: it’s a gas Pokemon! Attack the core!

Aaron: REIN!! PSYCHIC!!!
Brock: who the-!?

???: rather than trying to blow away or slice through the fog... its best attack the source of the power. You’ll head off any second attacks.

All groups: BLUE!

Erika: thank you Blue. You saved us. But why are you here?

Blue: you were talking about whoever might be behind your opponent...

Everyone: ...

Blue: most likely, it would be Agatha... the Ghost Pokemon- wielding trainer of the Elite Four.

Aaron: the... Elite four...

Misty: those trainers who’ve surpassed even the Gym Leaders? But Blue... why do you think...?

Blue: the attack strategy was precisely the same... as the one I fought before!

Brock: don’t tell us-

Blaine: you fought with one of the elite four!?

Blue: yes... purely by accident,
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