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Book online «Pokemon Special 1 by Aaron (best motivational books .txt) đŸ“–Â». Author Aaron

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ride on that thing?

Green: this.

Jiggly: (expand) puff... puff....

Green: and now... Horsea! Smokescreen please! And perfect.

Bill: Don’cha think this is kinda little overkill?

Green: we can’t be too careful. Here. Take a look.

Bill: so that’s why it’s so cold! We’d be fightin’ every step if we’re on the ground!

Green: Jiggly airlines aren’t the quickest way to travel, but it’s sure the quietest! Okay, Yellow—which way do we go?

Yellow: um, well... I do have a map... but... I don’t know how to read it! I think it may be... this way?

Bill: Please! Gimme a look at that!

Green: Bill! Don’t move so much! It’s tight enough as it is!

Aaron: ow... stop it!

Bill: hey now! If I don’t try to- -

Green: watch it!

Yellow: hey!

Aaron: no. the map!

Bill: darn it!!

A Slowbro picked up the map...

Aaron’s head: Com’on throw it away!

And with sudden action... the Slowbro just eat the map!

Aaron: no way!

Bill: what’re we gonna do now!?

Green: this is your fault, Bill!

Yellow: look!

Bill: where’s it goin?

Aaron: perhaps to tell its trainer?

Yellow: what should we do Green?

Green: Horsea! We’ll wait here until the Slowbro is out of sight! We’ll follow it once we have enough distance.

Bill: are you crazy? How do we follow what we can’t see!?!

Aaron: simple. Horsea will drip oil one by one so we can follow it.

Bill: oh yea. Wait a minute! How’d you know?

Aaron: my Dex can exchange information with other Poke-Dex owners. You know... via Bluetooth!

Bill: oh yea...

Yellow: we gotta hurry. The three cities are having a hard time fending off those attacks!

Aaron: let’s go!

After we follow the drip of oil to the location...

Green: we should be coming to the other side of the island soon.

Bill: that’s gotta be it.

Green: ... did Horsea go... INSIDE!? We can’t risk just dashing in after... we’ve gotta learn more! Huh?

Bill: a Clefable...?

Aaron: has sensitive hearing... even a pin drop feels like a normal whisper, meaning it’s like 0.622 miles away.

Green: Yellow!

Yellow: okay! I can hear... voices... people talking... the expression... surprised but not afraid. I think its someone we know, right?

Aaron: let’s find out, shall we?

???: well, hello there.

Aaron: !! No way!!

Green: Team Rocket!!! Blaine... and Blue!?!

Blaine: I’m glad you two got here safely, Aaron and Yellow... but who are these two with you?

Yellow: these are Green and Bill. They followed me and came to help. And... Who are they?

Blaine: ah, yes...

Blue: Lt. Surge, Koga and Sabrina... ex-members of Team Rocket. We’ve just met up here too.

Koga: you want to know why we’re here? Simple. We want to defeat the Elite Four too. And that’s all.

Blaine: Defeat the Elite Four!?

Lt. Surge: I suppose we should let you in on it. You FOOLS actually thought you had eliminated Team Rocket, didn’t you

Sabrina: Just before the Silph Company Building collapsed, we all slipped out... and have been rebuilding, waiting for our next chance!!

Koga: but then the mainland comes under attack, people are being slaughtered. We can’t have that in an area WE’RE supposed to control!!

Sabrina: you did come here to defeat the Elite Four too, I trust? If you promise not to get in our way... then... just this once, we’ll deign to work with you.

Aaron: (gulp)

Lt. Surge: you know the saying... “an enemy of my enemy is my friend” eh?

Aaron: that’s so old...

Blue: “deign” to work with us, huh? That’s what WE should be saying.

Koga: is it now?

Blue: I came here for a reason. To nail this Agatha of the Elite Four with her grudge against my grandfather. That’s it. If you give your word not to stand in the way of that, I don’t care WHAT you do.

Sabrina: heh. So it’s settled then. Alakazam!!

Aaron: (tap) well... the spoon of destiny?

Sabrina: I believe you’re familiar with it...

Aaron: my dad teaches me how to use it.

Sabrina: but, with the mainland under attack, you might assumed Cerise was lightly defended. In fact, none of the Elite Four have moved from the island.

Everyone: what!?

Sabrina: since there’s 9 of us, we will take them in groups of two-three. Hold that spoon and focus your will to fight. Alakazam will sense your thoughts and pair you up according to the spoons of destiny!!

Aaron: okay! (in head) I have to help Yellow to find Red... that’s my only mission... and defeat the Elite Four he fought with!!

I open my eyes... and everybody’s stunned. Well, not everyone... Blue and Team Rocket only aren’t stunned about it.

Aaron: no way!! It’s split!!

Sabrina: the first pair is settled... this is a first...
Aaron: it’s pointed... to both Blaine and Yellow!?

Sabrina: the second and third pairs! So it’s decided! How amusing... we’ve been given our foe from the Silph Company battle...

Bill: it’s not bent!!

Sabrina: the spoon of destiny will not react to one that does not have the will to fight... or is not worthy of a partner!

Lt. Surge: huh. Mine’s not bent either! If the pattern holds true, I suppose my partner should be Red. But since he isn’t available... (Laughing) we’re left with each other!! Come on!!

Bill: what!? Hey!!!

Koga: now... according to our reconnaissance, this cave continues deep into the heart of the island like a maze. The four groups will split here and look for the headquarters separately.

Yellow: Blue’s determined!

Aaron and Blaine: any you Yellow?

Yellow: yes SIR!

Aaron: let’s go... DEFEAT THE ELITE FOUR!!!


We’re on Cerise Island, the HQ of our threat, The Elite Four. Our mission is to defeat them. We manage to enter half-way to our goal... but while we’re on our way... things get complicated....

Yellow: Pika! What’s the matter!? I understand being on an enemy’s island makes you uneasy but...

Blaine: Yellow, can I take a look at Red’s Poke-Dex!?

Yellow: s-sure.

Blaine: I told you about the new command, “Pikachu Emotion Mode” that Professor Oak just put in, right?

Yellow: yes but, I haven’t been able to use the command very well... since I can communicate with Pokemon much better on my own, I haven’t...

Blaine: whoa! These levels are off the charts!

Yellow: I sense that Pika is on the verge of remembering something important... but I’m unable to read it’s thoughts clearly...

Blaine: Yellow, I’ve been thinking about this... we found out from that man they called “super nerd” that red’s battle was on Mt. Moon. This Pikachu should’ve known that already, right? Since it was actually there? So why, if Pikachu’s leading you to Red, didn’t it take you there? Could it be... not because it didn’t choose to take you there... but it COULDN’T!?

Yellow: couldn’t ... take me there?

Blaine: try this on, when Pikachu was separated from Red, it sustained incredible injury. Physically... and emotionally. Possibly including short-term memory loss.

Aaron: like a saying, “to lose is to find, and to find is to lose”.

Blaine: exactly!!

Yellow: Pika...

Blaine: that scar doesn’t seem to heal... maybe there’s a psychological scar too...

Yellow: Pika... is this true?

We continue our path until we see something unusual...

Aaron: Blaine!! Yellow!! Look!!

What we see in front of us, is a window of some kind...

Aaron: there’s Bill... and Lt. Surge too....

Yellow: ow! What is this!?

Blaine: I think we’re being blocked by something!!

Yellow: Bill!! Bill!! They can’t hear us...?

Blaine: no! we can see them from this side... but I don’t think they can see or hear us! It’s almost like a magic mirror.

Aaron: Rein! Try to scan the mirror...

Rein: master... I sense that it contains not only natural glass and rocks... but also traces of barrier and Mirror wall...

Aaron: I see...

Yellow: they can’t last much longer! We gotta help them, Pika!

Blaine: your right. Rapidash!!

Aaron: yeah! Luke!!

Blaine: fire spin!

Yellow: thunder shock!!

Aaron: Rein, set 3 Hyper Beam!! Luke, set 2 Brick-Break!!

Blaine: darn! Not even a dent!

???: you on the other side of the barrier! Listen well! I tolerate no interference in this battle! Depart with haste!

Aaron and Yellow: Blaine!?

Blaine: not something we can agree to! Rapidash! Fire spin!

???: bear the consequences!!

Aaron: no!!!

Now we’re practically trapped within a wild Onix... Luke is the only one who’s still free... and they returned... to my Poke-ball. We have almost lost all hope!!

Aaron: DARN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But just we really lost hope... a miracle...

Aaron: r...Red... it’s Red!?

Blaine: I can’t believe this! We’d almost given up!

Yellow: Red! Red!

Pika: pikapi!!!!!

Yellow: RED!!!!!!!!!!

Aaron: THANK GOD! He’s safe...

Blaine: Yellow!! Aaron!! Grab hold of something! There’s a torrent coming our way!...

I just feel relieved but something is not right!! We didn’t notice about the giant pressure pushed away Yellow’s straw hat! I’m surprised...

Blaine: Tsunami!!!!

Yellow: Reeeed!!!!!

Aaron: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We’re swept away from where we are and pushed around through the currents like being trashed by a Gyarados....

We land somewhat near the core of the island...

Aaron: nnh... urgh... my head..... Urgh... huh... (Blink) guys... huh you’re...

???: rest Aaron... you need to rest... you will accomplish your mission... you... are the one... who will... release the warrior within...

Aaron: (awake) aaah!!!! (Huff...huff) a dream... Yellow... hey... Yellow... wake up... Blaine...

Blaine: uhh... Aaron...

Aaron: look at Yellow... he.... she’s a girl...

Blaine: I know...

Yellow: please... I... only wanted to save Red...

Aaron: I’m sorry... but... we have to go back up there again!

Yellow: will you two keep this a secret?

Aaron: yes...

Blaine: yes...

Yellow: (put back straw hat) thank you. Oh no... my sketchbook, Red’s Poke-Dex!!

Blaine: we’ll be fine on our own... Growlithe... let’s go!

Aaron: yeah....

Yellow: mm!!

???: well... well... well... if it isn’t Yellow, Aaron and an old man.

Aaron: who’s there!?
Yellow: Pika! Flash!

Blaine: its...

Aaron: Lance...

Lance: well... this is a surprise... I believe your ready to battle...

Yellow: yeah... we’re ready!

Blaine: and no holding back!

Aaron: you’re going down!!!

Lane: henh! If you think your going to battle me... (swoosh)! Aaron Carter... you must enter this tunnel... you will meet an opponent so powerful that he even defeated a difficult enemy!!

Aaron: fine!

Yellow: but... Aaron... we can’t do this without you.

Blaine: be careful Aaron!

Aaron: yes sir!

Lance: enter!

Aaron: and good luck to you too!

After inside the tunnel... I find touch the sides... and I know it’s not a trap...

Aaron: Shock! Flash! Thanks...

We moved on to the light and I look at the sign... ( this way) I followed it and it reveals a private battle arena.. and my opponent is in front of me... a match against
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