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Book online «Pokemon Special 1 by Aaron (best motivational books .txt) 📖». Author Aaron

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you said it Bronx!

Luke: Lu....luc! (Yeah! Me too!)

Shock: Pika pi... (Yeah!)

Marco: mag-mar! (Mmm... comfy...)

Leafy: Lea...Leaf... (I need some mud... or water...)

Rein: (I’m tired too!)

Aaron and his Pokemon: zzz (snoring sound)

While we’re sleeping away...

SFX: boom sound

Aaron: (awake) what was that!?

After the explosion happened... something unusual happened...

Aaron: guys wake up! The ship’s tilting!!! Return!

I manage to get outside and I follow Yellow to the engine room.

Aaron: Yellow! What going on!?

Yellow: I just saw a3 people coming out from this room just now!

Aaron: yup. Definitely sabotage... Rein picked up traces of a bomb and another Psychic attack...

Yellow: hmm.

???: as I thought! Two fiends have destroyed the engine room! Well then- take that! PAY DAY!

Yellow: what do you think you’re doing!/

Aaron: HEY!!! MY MONEY!!!

???: disgraceful! To think those mere children could be culprits! But I can’t forgive anyone who harms my beloved ship!


Yellow: ouch! He’s not listening

SFX: gwiii!!!

Aaron: oh boy!

Yellow: watch out!

Pika appeared...

Pika: Pika!

Yellow: good work, Pika!

Aaron: oh boy... it’s flooding... there’s some big hole here... Bronx... Ice Beam!

Yellow: nice move Aaron!! Okay... Pika... fill me in.

Aaron: Rein... info!

Yellow: the passengers are in danger too. We must hurry and go above.

Aaron: and Rein said that the real culprit’s identity is pretty blurry!


???2: (laughing)! Don’t tell us you forgot about TEAM ROCKET!!

Aaron: oh man... not these guys again... Team...Rocket...

???: oh, no... We’re up against Team Rocket...!?

Aaron: let’s go... Yellow!

???: h-hey you... Wait...!

Yellow: you ain’t gonna get away with this!

???2: and who are you!?

Aaron: (grin)

Aaron: okay guys... let’s go!!!

Now it’s about us against the so-called Team Rocket’s...

???2: are those our opponent’s!? this will be amusing!!

???2: Enkas! Wheezing!

???2 b: Hypno! Slowpoke!

???2 c: Voltorb! Electrode!

Aaron: LET’S GO!!!

???2: who are these stupid kids!?

Yellow: I am Amarillo! They call me Yellow!!

Aaron: and I’m Aaron! And thou shale not hurt anyone anymore!!!

???2: what the-

???: instead of attacking... they’re scattering!?

Aaron: Rein... Luke... you’re with us! The rest handle the others!

Instead on planning to get around them... I want to battle with all three of them at once...

Aaron: attack... Rein... set 2 Thunder-punch! And Luke... Karate-Chop! Everyone help the passengers!!

The attack gives out a small fog which disappears within a few minutes and with a sudden confusion attack... I can only think of everyone’s safety...

Yellow: Kitty! String Shot!!

Aaron: nice save Yellow!!!
Aaron’s head: he he... this is gonna work...

Yellow: everybody!! Swim towards the harbor!!

Aaron: okay... Bronx... help Omny... Ice Beam!!!

Yellow: the passengers are all safely at the docks. We’re the only ones on the boat.

Aaron: care to give up?

???: give up!? Enkas! Wheezing! Acid!! Sludge!!

Aaron and Yellow: whoa!!

Aaron: we’re heading towards Davy Jones’s locker!!!

Gravy: Grav....

Yellow: that’s the way, Gravy

Aaron: okay!! Shock, thunderbolt!!

Yellow: Ratty, cut the ship!

Aaron: so... will you give up yet!?

Yellow: or do I tell Gravy to let go!?

???: we... give up...

Aaron and Yellow: Laughing!!

Location: Vermilion Harbor
I’ve been waiting at the harbor until I hear a special legend...

Mr. Fan: tell me... are you two familiar with the Moon Stone?

Aaron: yeah! It’s inability to evolve Pokemon... like that?

Mr. Fan: that’s the one. However, there’s actually four other types... there’s the Leaf Stone, Fire Stone, Water Stone and Thunder Stone! You know that it disappears after one use, right?

Aaron and Yellow: yes.

Mr. Fan: but somewhere, there are four very rare stones that won’t lose it’s power even after using it. People have sought them for a long time. According to legend, those very four stones, lie at the bottom of Vermilion Harbor!

Yellow: and... does this have a connection with Red?

Mr. Fan: the connection is this. For years most people laugh of the legends of those stones... until two years ago... something happened that changed their minds. All thanks to Red! At the time of the incident, Red, having just arrived at this harbor was flung into the sea with his Poliwhirl. The Poliwhirl that saved his life, after quite suddenly... becoming a Poliwrath!! So I think the Poliwhirl encountered something in that water that evolved it... maybe those four stones of evolution do lie at the bottom of the sea! As for the rest... I can’t seem to remember...

Aaron: maybe those stones lie at the bottom... power of evolving...

Yellow: off we go!

Mr. Fan: wait! You’re not thinking of going after those stones...? they’re suppose to be a heavily guarded sanctuary! You can’t just waltz in there!!!

Aaron: let’s go. Thanks for the info old man!! Maybe we can find some hints about Red.

Location: beyond the harbor

While we’re floating on Bronx’s back with Yellow’s Kitty’s silk float tied to it’s tail... Yellow sit on it... as for me... well... zzz

Yellow: AARON WAKE UP!!!!

Aaron: huh? WHOA!!! THAT’S BIG!!!

We got trapped by the Tentacruel and being dragged underwater.

Aaron: huh? A baby Tentacool... it needs help.. okay... I know you don’t like water Luke... but you gotta help ‘em!

Yellow: with the help... I don’t think both of us can last underwater.

Luke and Gravy: lift the heavy boulder freeing the baby Tentacool.

Aaron: okay... now to get them back...

I feel pain all over me.... because of the pressure... maybe... I don’t know...

SFX: drip... drip....

Aaron: nnnh... urgh... my head... GASP! I’m alive.... hey... the baby... thanks...
Yellow: thank goodness your alive Aaron.

Aaron: thanks...

A sudden mysterious light gleamed from one side.

Aaron: an evolution stone.

Yellow: just only the Leaf stone...

Aaron: wait... you want me to take it!?

Wild Tentacool: cool...( yes...)

Aaron: okay.

Yellow: all of the stone’s are missing.... fire, water and electric...

Aaron: maybe it caused Red’s Poliwhirl to evolve... oh well... at least we can see this sight... and a little present from the ocean too.

Back on land...

I waited outside to heal Luke from his wet fur...

Aaron: sorry Luke... it’s just an emergency....


Aaron: you don’t have to be angry ya know!


Later that night...

At night fall... we tried to look for another water-type that’s meant for Yellow. (But it seems that he forgotten that I have a water-type but it can only transport one person only)

I’ve already set up camp for the night and ready to sleep.

Aaron: okay. Dinner’s ready, it’s late and I’ve got nothing to do... man this is boring!!! (Lie’s on back)

Aaron: those stars... I wonder... if she’s looking at it now... (YAWN) zzz

SFX: swoooo.... wave crashes!!!

Aaron: (wakes up) huh? A wave!! Oh no... YELLOW!!!

At the beach.

Aaron: YELLOW!!! Are you okay?

Yellow: yeah...

Aaron: who are you?

???: many thanks, yes! Saved my life, you did!

Aaron: why are you out at the open ocean, at the middle of the night especially?

???: practicing this, I was!

Yellow: a surfing contest....

???: ooo... yes! Call me the Swimmer, they do! Taken part, I have, oh hoho... many many contests all over the region! I live for competition, I do!! Last touches, that’s what we made for tomorrow, when suddenly came the huge huge wave, it did! But no hope now, no no no. and even the qualifying rounds, I got...

Aaron: hmmm... a Dragonair...

Swimmer: oh, yes!! The competition, you should, enter, yes! Will lend you my Slowpoke, I will!

Yellow: really!? Are you sure!?

Swimmer: for you help, it’s my least!!

Aaron: I’m in... let’s do it!!

The next day...
Location: Vermilion Harbor.

Aaron: okay Bronx... this is your first time for sports... remember... speed is the key.

Bronx: nod

Yellow: I’ve gotta win it!

Aaron: something’s not right... the air feel’s different... as if it’s out of balance... Yellow!!

Bronx turns to Yellow and a big wave interrupted Bronx’s route...

Aaron: what... is this!?
At land.

Aaron: (kuff... kuff) n-no... VERMILION CITY!!!

???: where are you!? Come on out!! ... Moved on already, mm? oh well... let’s go Dragonair.

Aaron: Yellow... we gotta go after that guy!!

Yellow: okay!! Mr. Swimmer! We’re going after him! With Doduo’s speed, we can cover it on land

Swimmer: what!?

Yellow: I want to give you back your Slowpoke. I don’t want any of your friends to get hurt!

Swimmer: but that Pokemon can Surf! You can’t go after him!

Aaron: we’ll have to fight him mister!

Swimmer: fighting like that, no no no!

Yellow: we’re being followed by some kind of enemy. If he’s one of those enemies... and that’s why the city was destroyed... then its our duty!

Aaron: Yellow, we’ll lose sight of him if we keep doing this! If I even use Bronx, we’ll lose sight of him pretty quick too!

Yellow: Pika! We’re counting on you!

As I believe... the plan is to use Pika to trail that man on the Dragonair. If it works... we’ll find out what’s that man’s motive!

???: why have you followed me!?

Yellow: tell us! Why did you destroy the city!?

???: I was looking for something... and the buildings were blocking my view. Pity it was a wasted effort.

Aaron: just for that... countless Pokemon and people would’ve been...

???: they didn’t die... the surfing contest is quite the event even for Vermilion City. The city should have been empty.

Aaron and Yellow: what!?

???: well, a trainer or two might have lost a part or something but... heh! And of course since you followed me... YOU’LL have to die too!!!

Aaron: what!? Let... go of... us!!

Yellow: I’ve heard of Team Rocket using Pokemon for evil but... I never... gah! Heard of this!!

???: evil... ha! Is that all I was doing? I had no idea... (laughing) but look at it from a Pokemon’s perspective. Would you want to be kept as a PET in some suffocating little city like that? Human and Pokemon are diametrically opposed! All humans, except for the elite trainers, will be destroyed!! That is the mission of Lance of the Elite Four!!

The Dragonair wrapped us tight and I even can’t reach my Poke-balls.

Aaron: h-hey! We’re... floating!!
Lance: of course! Dragonair can skim the skies just like the sea. And it is my gift... to control power of the dragons!!!

SFX: crackle!!! Hiss!!!

Aaron: a... storm!? The Dragonair caused all this!?

Lance: do you see the power I wield? Even the SKY obeys my every whim! The Elite Four and our allied trainers are all the humans the world NEEDS!

Aaron: what’s that!?

Yellow: Pika, no!

Lance: this
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