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Book online «Transformation by Missy (best summer reads .TXT) 📖». Author Missy

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both supposed to be home today because my aunt is having a birthday party.
“Their aint something right Markey,” I mumbled.
“What you talking about?”
“Ma and pa should be home with Adonia. Aunt Spiyla’s party is today.”
“The party I thought was going to be at our house…”
Markey and I stared at one another. I started to walk towards the house and stood in front of the door. I raised my hand towards the door knob and it just pushed opened.
“Markey... the house is...”
“I know,” He said immediately.
We both watched the door. I kicked it open with my foot and starred inside.
“Hello?” I muttered.
I slowly made my way into the house. All of the lights where off. Markey stood in back of me. I heard a noise from the living room and slowly peered the corner. All of the lights came on and every shouted happy birthday. I flew back and screeched. My heart beated a million times a minute and Markey stood behind me laughing.
“What the?” I said.
My mom came and gave me a hug.
“Happy birthday darling,” She said.
“My birthday isn’t for another two weeks. You said we going to have a party here for aunt Spiyla’s, because we didn’t celebrate it last week,” I muttered.
“Well I lied. We are having a party for you!”
“ Because hunny you’re going to turn sixteen in a couple of weeks, and turning sixteen is a big thing in the family,” She said. I looked about the faces and then heard Markey giggling from behind me. I spanned around and stared at him.
“You! You were in on this?” I screeched.
“Of course,” He smiled.
“And plus I got a great picture of you jumping back. Your terrified face!” His eyes started to tear from laughter.
“You fudger…”
I turned back around and saw everyone looking at me. I smiled.
“Thanks guys,” I said blushing.
Everyone started smiling and we all had hugs and all that small talk and jokes. The night was filled with laughter and smiles. I sat on the tire swing outside of our house gathered around my cousins. Justin is thirteen, Dylan is nineteen, and River is my age. All I have is guy cousins.
“So lil cuz how does it feel to be sixteen?” Dylan asked.
“Ugh… amazingly great…” I said sarcastically
“You still dating Ryan?” River asked.
“What does your parents think about that?” Dylan asked.
“Aint happy, but they dealing with it,” I laughed.
“What a BA,” River laughed.
“What’s a BA?” Justin asked.
“BAD ASS!” Dylan and I said at the same time.
We both looked at each other and started to laugh. Dylan pushed the tire swing a little and I relaxed a little bit. Dylan grabbed onto the tire swing and sat on the top of it and then I went flying backwards. We both landed on our backs underneath the tire swing.
“You moron!” I laughed.
“I mean to do that!”
“Oh yeah I bet.”
As I lay on my back I looked at the trees above me and saw a tree with perfect limbs which I could climb. I jumped to my feet and made my way up the tree.
“How old are you?” Justin asked.
“Sixteen in two weeks,” I called out.
“You aint act like a sixteen year old. You act like a thirteen year old boy!” He laughed.
“Duh! I aint never going to grow up! Imam stay like how I am for the rest of my life!” I Laughed.
I was about ten feet up in the air known and I hovered over the world. I felt like no one could ever look down on me and I was always on the top. Never quieting but always winning.
“Damn girl not even I can climb a tree like that” Dylan shouted up at me.
“You aint ever going to find another person that will ever climb trees like I!”
“We aint never going to find a girl like you.”
“You aint going to never find ANYONE like me. Not a boy nor a girl!”
They all looked up at me and where laughing. I looked down on the and I felt the smile across my face. I jumped from branch to branch and it almost as felt like I was flying through the air. I felt invincible. I went up higher and higher. As I looked down I saw the boys running around. Justin was running towards the river and then he fell to the ground.
“ Justin!” I screamed. “You I’ght?”
He didn’t respond. I started down the tree and then jumped down.
“ What’s wrong?” Dylan asked.
“ Justin! Justin!” I was out of breath.
I ran towards the river and fell next to Justin. He laid on the ground he looked so pale, and had this purple tint to his skin. I touched his hand and it felt like ice. His eyes met mine and they were blood shot and his eyes where dilated and where black as a dark hole. His body shook and he moaned out in pain.
“ Justin? What… happened to you…” I touched his hand and I held it tight.
Tears ran down my face.
“ River! Dylan! Hurry I need help!” I cried.
River and Dylan came running around the corner and when they saw me hovering over Justin they sprinted towards me and fell next to me.
“ What happened to him!” Dylan screamed.
River stood over us his eyes watering and he was emotionless.
“ I don’t know! I saw him collapse when I was in the tree, and I came over here and I found him like this…” I gasped.
Dylan bent over him and placed his hand on Justin’s arm.
“ We need to get him back to your house,” He said.
“ how?” I asked.
“ The three of us will carry him,” He replied.
At first I thought he was joking but I saw the seriousness in his face. I nodded my head.
“ Okay I’ll take his head and you take his feet. River you take his waste we will walk in a line. We need to hurry though,” Dylan demanded.
We all lifted him and started to make our way. His cold shivering body made me feel sick, but I couldn’t stop. We continued our way. I saw my pa in the distance.
“ We need to put him down I’ll go get my pa! it will be faster,” I said.
As we lowered him down I sprinted off within the second and ran into my dad.
“ What’s wrong with you?” He asked.
He then saw the tears in my eyes.
“ pa! hurry! Justin!” I cried.
Before I could finish I grabbed his arm and started to run off in the direction and pulled him along with me. When he saw Dylan and river hovering over Justin he started to run faster and I stopped and watched him. I breathed heavily and that’s all I could hear was my heart beat hardly on my chest as though it was about to burst through my chest. I bent over and put my hands on my knees and looked at them. My dad screamed out for the others and then my uncle and aunt ran passed me towards the boys. Screams and cries filled the air. Everything seemed like it was fake. It all started to diminish to black and the cries and screams slowly started to disappear.

Chapter two-
It’s been almost a month know. Everyone has been in their homes staying away from others, trying not to get the virus. My cousin Justin… He died when he was being taken to the hospital and soon after that River, his, mom, and dad all died. Dylan is the only one left from them and he is staying with us. At first my brother secluded himself to his room, because he thought Dylan would give us the virus, but he didn’t. After, that he felt quite silly about himself for doing that. He and I have been sharing a room. It was a little weird at first, but then I grew accustomed. All he does is lay in his bed all day staring at the ceiling. The first couple weeks he cried, but he can’t cry anymore, because i believe he has cried all of his tears away. He isn’t the same person I use to know. He doesn’t even speak to me anymore. I looked to my right and saw him staring at the wall.
“ Dylan,” I muttered. He was quiet and didn’t say a word. It almost seem as though he didn’t even hear me. “ Dylan!” I repeated. His head turned and he stared at me. His eyes where full of death, and his face had no emotion. “ do you want to go out to the woods?” I asked. He just continued to stare at me. I sat on my bed leaning on the wall. It was quit. I got off my bed and stood in front of him. “ Get up,” I demanded. He just stared at me. “ God dam nit I said get up!” He slowly rose and sat at the edge of his bed looking at me. “ Up!” He stood and faced me. He just stood there. I felt anger flow threw me and I tightened my hands into fists and I grinded my teeth.
“ What…” He said quietly.
“ Dam nit Dylan what happened to you?” I asked.
“ Their all dead. Why should I even enjoy living?” He asked.
“ Dylan their dead! Their all fucking dead and their not coming back! You must realize this, and laying on your bed all day staring at the ceiling won’t do any good! If your mother, father, or brothers where alive they would be so disappointed of you!”
“ don’t you dare fucking say that!” He screamed.
“ You know it true!!! You wasting your life away! Yes they all died, but I’m still alive! Markey is still alive! Ma and pa are still alive! How do you think I feel? I’ve been watching you waste away in that damn bed for the past month! I lost my cousin! My friend!” I stopped. Tears started to fill my eyes. “ I miss them all to! Dam nit I miss them too… but I’m not going to sulk for the rest of my life. I still have things to live for. I have you , my brother, parents, and friends. They need me. Just like we all need you! Please if you’re going to continue to sulk in your self-pity then… then leave. Get out of my room get out of my house because you completely disgust me!”
He stared at me. I looked at the floor and had tears run down my face. I felt his hands on my shoulders and then he hugged me.
“ I’m sorry Laura… I’m sorry…”
He hugged my tighter and I wrapped my hands around him and hugged him back.
“ It’s okay… it’s okay…”
He let go of me and then he looked out the window.
“ Wanna go to the woods?” I asked.
“ You parents gonna let us?”
“ Sucks to the parents!” I laughed.
“ What about the virus…”
“ Honestly I sneak out every single day to go to the forest. If I stayed in this house forever I’ll go even more bonkers.” He did a little laugh. I started to walk towards the window and opened it up. I sat on the ledge and looked behind me. “ Are you coming?” I asked. He looked at me
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