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over to the people that where locked up. “ Ryan are you in their!” I screamed my eyes searching the people that where in there. Someone grabbed me from behind.
“ Don’t go to close Laura!” Celeborn said pulling me back.
“ Is Ryan in their?” I asked. He nodded his head.
“ Celeborn,” I cried.
“ He is a vampire Laura!”
“ So are you going to keep all of them locked in their forever!” I screamed. People turned towards us.
“ Laura…”
I gasped and ripped his hand off me, and glared at him.
“ You all were going to let them die in their! Your monsters!” I screamed.
“ Laura, can you listen for a minute,” Celeborn asked taking a step closer to me.
“ Laura Petrovix,” A deep voice said. I looked over Ryan’s shoulder, and saw three men standing their shooting daggers at me. I took a step back, and Ryan took a step to the side. It was the three leaders. “ Laura, those people must stay in their, because if they come out all they will do is try to fight, because they are new borns and all they want is blood. Once they get over this frenzy then they will be able to come out, and function properly. Laura if they are out right know they will want blood, and they will attack us, and we will all have to fight, and it could cause many deaths.”
“ H- how do you know t- this?” I asked.
“ We are the three leaders. My name is Larone, and the two other men are Merank, and Octas,” Larone said. I stood there, and then I looked at them shocked.
“ Every single person has changed, right?” I asked. Octas nodded his head.
“ yes, that’s correct,” Larone said.
“ But. But I haven’t,” I whispered. They all looked at me, and I looked down. I felt a warm hand touch my chin, and they tilted my head up. Octas was looking at my face, and tilted my head up, and to the side. He let go of my chin, and then he grabbed my arms and looked at them. He inspected me, and then he took a step back.
“ She has no signs of even being sick,” He said looking at me intently. Our eyes locked, and I looked away.
“ She has to change though,” Larone said looking at me.
“ Well she is going to change, everyone did,” He replied. Know all three were looking at me, and when my eyes met Merank’s I quickly looked away, because the way he looked at me seemed like it was full of hatred. The three continued to look at me, and I looked over at Celeborn, and he did a halfhearted smile, and grabbed my arm.
“ come on Laura,” He whispered. I followed him, and we walked past groups of people, and I saw a similar person with their head in their hands, and her knees up to her chest. When we got closer I recognized who it was and ran over to her leaving Celeborn.
“ Lin,” I asked kneeling down next to her. She tilted her head up a little, and tears ran down her face, and her eyes where all puffy. Her eyes met mine, and then she flung her arms around me, and buried her face into my shoulder. She was so strong! I thought she was going to break my back. I let out a cough, and she loosened up a little, and let her arms fall, and she continued to cry into my shoulder. I ran my hand through her hair and rubbed her back. “ Lin,” I whispered looking down at her. Her cries became heaver. “ Sh, Lin what happened?” I looked around and I didn’t see Skylet. I wrapped my arms around her. “ Don’t worry Skylet is okay, it’s okay that she is a vampire,” I whispered, but I wonder if it really is. She started to shake her head.
“ S- Sh- She,” Her cries got louder, and her body was shaking. “ S- She d- d- died!” her whole body was shaking, and I felt tears fill my eyes, and I closed my eyes, and put my cheek on top of Lin’s head, and hugged her tightly.
“ it’s going to be okay,” I whispered. “ I promise.”
“ That… That was my baby!” She cried. I started to rock her back and forward.
“ I know, and she will always be your baby,” I whispered. I felt tears running down my cheek, and I buried my face into Lin’s face.
“ She isn’t my baby anymore, she is dead!”
“ That doesn’t mean you’re not her mother, and that she wasn’t your daughter. That was your baby and will always be your baby no matter what,” I said myself know crying. Lin pulled herself away from me, and sat their looking at the ground. I looked at her, and then up at Celeborn. His exspression on his face was full of sorrow. “ is their going to be a barriel?” I asked him.
“ We could go do it know,” he said looking at Lin. I nodded my head, and I stood up, and stood next to Lin. “ Lin,” I whispered touching her shoulder. “ Lin we are going to burry Skylet…” I said giving her shoulder a little squeeze. She looked up and nodded her head, and stood up, and I held onto her arm. “ Are you ready?” I asked.
“ Im…. Im never going to be ready to burry my child,” she whispered looking down at the ground. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, and we started to walk. We walked through the forest for about ten minutes when we came to a meadow in the forest. Their where bodies in coffins, and all the coffins where shut, and their where holes for them everywhere. Some of them where already buried, and somewhere not. Celeborn walked over to one of the holes, and looked down at the coffin, and I followed him with Lin on me. We stopped and Lin stood their looking at the hole. I got closer and peered down into the hole and saw a coffin at the bottom. A tiny coffin for a baby.
“ this is… hers,” I said and it sounded more like a question. Celeborn nodded his head, and I felt a lump in my throat, and I tried to clear my throat, but it wouldn’t go away. I turned to Lin, and stood next to her. Lin looked at the hole, and I saw her breaking down. She looked so fragile.
“ hey baby,” She whispered. I looked at her, and tears fell down her cheeks, and her lips where trembling. “ I- I remember when you were first born,” she laughed. Tears continued to run down her face. “ You where my little angel…. My little baby. I love you so much…. I miss you….” Her cries grew louder, and I wrapped my arms around myself, and looked at the hole, and my tears started to come faster. “ Y- You’re okay know…. Your- You’re going to be okay know…. You’re in a good- good place….
i….” She stopped and it was harder to understand her because her words where muffled by her cries. “ Im going to see you again baby, I promise im going to see you again in the future,” She whispered. Lin’s knees where shaking, and I ran over to her and wrapped my arms around her.
“ She is in a better place. Your baby is happy and healthy, and she is always going to be in our hearts,” I whispered into her ear. “ She loved you very much, and she will never forget you, and no one will ever…. Ever forget her,” I cried. Lin nodded her head, and wrapped her arms around me. “ let’s go Lin,” I whispered. She nodded her head, and we broke from our hug, and I wiped away her tears, and we turned around and started to leave. Celeborn walked on the other side of Lin. Then Lin stopped and turned around.
“ I love you Skylet,” she cried. I felt my heartbreak, and I looked away from Lin, and closed my eyes.
“ I love you too Skylet,” I whispered hugging myself.
Chapter six-
I sat their peering into the cage. The people sat there and they were passing back and forward. I heard a small whimper to my left, and I looked around but saw no one. I peered back into the cage, and I heard some shuffling noses to my left once again. I looked over again, and then slowly stood up. I walked past the cage, and someone gripped onto my arm.
“ D- Don’t go over there,” A man said. I looked down at him and his eyes were bright red, and he was looking at the veins on my hands.
“ Why?” I asked pulling my hand away.
“ One of them escaped,” he whispered. My head shot up and the shuffling started to get louder. I stood their frozen. The man started to yell at me to run but my feet couldn’t move. Red eyes bore into mine, and white teeth showed through an evil smirk. I took a step back, and my foot slipped out from underneath me, and I fell back.
“ Don’t you touch her Serebeth!” The man in the cage screamed. I looked up and saw the teen guy that grabbed me before, and tried to kill me. he stood over me, and my breath caught in my breath. “ SEREBETH!” He screamed.
“ Lone shut up!” Serebeth growled. His voice made me feel sick to my stomach. He took another step close to me, and I sat their looking up at him. He took another step towards me, and knelt down. I looked away, and shut my eyes. I felt some unbelievably cold touch my chin, and he tilted my head up. Our eyes met. “ Hello,” he breathed out. I opened my mouth but nothing came out.
“ Don’t you kill her Serebeth,” Lone growled hitting the cage.
“ Why do you care!” Serebeth screamed. His hand slapped me across the face, but I felt like a truck hit me. I flew back falling to the ground with a thump. He was so strong.
“ because she hasn’t don’t anything!” Lone said.
“ yes she has!”
“ What has she done?!”
“ She…” He stopped. “ Shut up…” I heard footsteps closing in on me, and I opened my eyes, and Serebeth was in front of me once again. He lifted me up by the collar of my shirt. I struggled trying to get out of his grasp. “ Come on little wolfey, can’t you fight me?” he laughed.
“ I- I haven’t changed,” I said still struggling.
“ You….” He threw me to the ground once again. “ Everyone has changed!”
“ not me,” I whispered clutching my stomach.
“ And you’re not going to,” He said grabbing me by the throat. “ I wonder how good human blood is really going to taste…. Especially yours… it smells so good,” he said bringing his mouth towards my neck. His breath trickled on my neck, and it send shivers down my spine. I felt his lips touching my neck.
“ Murder,” I whispered. He pulled back and looked at me.
“ What?” he hissed.
“ Murder,” I said again looking him dead in the eyes. something cracked inside him, and he lunged his mouth towards my neck. I closed my eyes, and then I was flung through the
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