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Book online «Embraced by a Heartless Mate by Ceferine Young (best classic literature TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Ceferine Young

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painting. It was a spiral black and white painting with a wolf’s head on the center—an attractive wolf with beautiful emerald green eyes.


I paused for a bit. What happened after that? I couldn’t remember anything else. I clambered out of the bed as fast as I could and looked for my sisters. They were already eating breakfast while watching television. “What happened?” I asked as I walk towards them who were on the dining table. I saw their confused faces. “Did we go for a drink last night ‘cause I sure as hell don’t remember anything.” I added and sat down on an empty seat beside Aya.


“What do you mean, Maya? We should be the one to ask you questions.” Freya’s face showed a very worried expression. “Where were you yesterday? You’ve been gone for almost 9 hours.”


I stared at her, completely shocked. It was impossible for me not to remember anything.

“Yeah. We looked for you for hours.” Aya said before putting a spoonful of granola into her mouth. After swallowing it, she continued, “we then decided to go back here, see if you’ve returned, and as we expected, you were already sleeping. We tried to wake you up to ask you what happened to you but you just said you were really tired
 so we let you sleep.”


“Did you tell them—Mom and Dad?” I asked. Fear was so clear on my voice now. Where the hell did I go? Why couldn’t I remember anything?


“No. We were about to but then you were back already.” Freya answered. “Don’t you really remember anything?”


“Nada” I shrugged. Still confused and dizzy, I stood up from where I was sitting and head back to the room. “You don’t wanna eat?” Aya turned to my direction, her spoon still on her mouth. Yeah, she’s a little pig. She eats almost anything. I don’t know where she puts all the food though for she has a really slender and small body. She’s already 17 but still with a mind of 12-year old girl. Well, that’s expected since she’s the youngest. My parents love to baby and spoil her a lot.


“I’ve got no appetite,” I said in a tired voice, still walking towards the room. “I’ll just take a shower. Let’s go somewhere fun today. Surely I missed a lot of partying yesterday since I was out doing something I don’t even remember” I joked. I just don’t want them to worry anymore. We are in a vacation for crying out loud! We should be enjoying our stay!


Aside from the red marks though, there was something odd about me. I couldn’t point a finger but I just feel so different. I felt so relaxed. Was I on drugs last night? Oh, great! I hope not or I’ll be damned.





We were walking down the streets of London. It was already past 10 in the morning. I sensed something. I’m not sure but I felt like someone’s been following us for awhile now. I’m sure my sisters didn’t notice anything because they were just looking at the shops, chatting and laughing their butt out. Well it was understandable since back at our home, I was considered one of the wolves with sensitive senses. That was why I was placed by my father as one of the pack’s hunters. I was a tracker though, the one who sniffs and listens to my surroundings, since my fighting skills aren’t that good. I mean I’m not as skillful as Freya. She’s got the moves of a professional fighter. But she still maintains a body of a goddess. Well that’s what I call her. You wouldn’t even believe that she could fight like a real man until she shows you. She’s the prettiest among us girls. Aya on the other hand is the smartest. She loves solving problems and making ones. Annoying, that’s her. The exception is Micah. He has everything—sensitive senses, amazing fighting and cognitive skills. It’s expected since he’s the son of the Alpha, the next in line.


“Mai,” Aya calls me that a lot, “what’s wrong?” she asked and licked her strawberry flavored ice cream while Freya just looked at me, waiting for me to speak, her eyebrows shot up. I hadn’t noticed I was already a few feet away from them. I must have stopped walking when I sensed something.


“Nothing. I was just—“ I immediately walked briskly towards them, worried that something might happen. But I don’t want them to be alarmed with this. “Let’s just go. I want to see this place” I said and pointed on a picture on a brochure of places to visit while you’re in London. I smiled, not letting them see my uneasiness. Even my wolf was feeling queasy now. She was shouting and moving inside of me. It’s like she wanted to get out. What’s wrong with you? I couldn’t just transform here anytime as I please. Calm down! I tried talking to her but it worsened. She sensed something too. Now, I’m in a panic. But I tried to hide it while we were walking.

I smelled something. It was a very relaxing aroma—a combination of mint, lavender and
 coffee? What’s this? It’s making me feel weird
 a good kind of weird, I guess. It’s getting stronger. The scent. It’s coming from behind me. I looked around and saw nothing, no one strange. I walked as fast as I can, catching up with my sisters. But my wolf wants me to go to the opposite direction. Why am I feeling like this? I feel so overwhelmed. Dizzy. Weak. Strong. Happy. Horny? Wait
 horny? You’ve got to be kidding me!


My knees were wobbly. The scent is so overpowering! It’s like a drug. I looked again. And there, I found him, the guy who owns the scent. I stared into his eyes. And then it dawned to me. Seconds later, I realized who he was. My Mate. Memories from yesterday returned—the torture, the silver chains, the violent Alpha. My Alpha. My Mate.


“You” I managed to say but it was barely a whisper.


“Come with me.” he said in a calm yet seductive voice. I almost fainted hearing him speak to me. His voice is the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard. I was lost in the moment. He reached his hand, waiting for me to take it and follow him. I was about to hold it, raising my hand to touch it, when I heard Freya said, “Maya, who is he?”


“M-my M—“ Before I even finish, he spoke.


“I’ll explain later. We have no time. Follow me now.” What’s wrong? He seemed to be in a hurry. Feeling like it was okay to do so, we did as he said. We followed him.  I should trust him. He’s my mate after all. There was a car parked a block away from where we were. He let us in. In the driver’s seat, the boy I recognized from yesterday, Jake was holding the wheel. My mate sat next to him, on the passenger’s seat. I always call him my mate. What’s his name, anyway? I don’t even know my Mate’s name and I’m getting giddy and needy just seeing him.


“What’s exactly going on?” Freya asked, worried.


“Someone’s been following you” my Mate said. “Uhh
 yeah, and that someone is you” Aya interrupted, crossing her arms on her chest, slouching beside me on the back seat.


My mate looked at her in annoyance.


“Aya!” I scolded her.


“What? I was just saying—“


“Enough!” I scowled at her. She rolled her eyes but said nothing. I felt someone’s gaze on the side of my face. I saw him, looking at me intently. The electricity is there again. It’s like we’re on our own world. We didn’t see anyone or anything else but us.


“Uhh-erm” Freya cleared her throat. She sensed the fire burning between me and my Mate. I turned away from his gaze, and he then set his eyes on the road. I felt embarrassed of what just happened. I felt my face turned crimson. Hesitant, I glanced to see Freya. She’s staring at me, as if waiting for an explanation. I just shrugged and mouthed the words ‘I don’t know’ to her. Her eyebrow arched and I could easily tell she didn’t believe me. I sighed. “Later” I finally said.




We arrived at a place surrounded by trees—big trees. It was just like I was back at our home. There was a big house in front of us. It was like a haunted house. There’s just something creepy about it. We exited the car and looked around for a while. I caught a glimpse of my Mate. He’s just too glorious. I just want to hug him, kiss him, and be with him all the time. Oh, my Mate. Then I furrowed my eyebrows. I still didn’t know his name. I was starting to get annoyed about the fact that my Mate and I don’t know each other’s names. I wanna know his name! “Uhmm
” I started. Everyone looked to where I was, waiting for me to continue, “What’s your name?” I asked, facing my Mate but a little embarrassed.


I heard my sisters huffed. But it was Freya who reacted more “Really, Maya? After a long drive, that’s all you’ve wanted to ask? We followed them here—or we let them bring us here in the middle of nowhere, I don’t even know what they want, and you’re just curious about his name?” she sounded frustrated. Well, I understand her. She has a point. I became more embarrassed now. Uggggh
 it got even worse when I saw my Mate smirked.


“Caleb,” he then said, still smirking, “Maya. That’s a great name.” he said my name! He said my name! My wolf is celebrating. She loves hearing his voice. She keeps on purring. His hot British accent and husky voice make me melt. There’s something in the way he says my name. It sends shivers all over my body. I’m sure my face is totally red now. Caleb. My Caleb.


“Caleb,” I managed to say. I saw him flinched from saying his name. Does he like hearing his name as much as I do? “W-why are we here?”


“I’ll explain inside.” He said and gestured to let us in the big house.


We sat on a big old-fashioned couch, facing a large fire place. I let my eyes wander, admiring every detail of the old house. The view is breath-taking but a little creepy. It’s just too old fashioned for me, I guess. But I still appreciate it because of the carvings and old paintings.


“So? Why are we here?” Aya asked in her very annoying voice. I almost want to roll my eyes but someone has to ask the question. We saw an uncomfortable expression from both guys, Caleb and Jake. Caleb gave Jake a look, maybe they were communicating in their minds. Jake then nodded and left us, disappearing from the room.


“You’re in danger.” Caleb said, expressionless.


My eyebrows furrowed, not understanding what he was trying to say. I remembered what happened last night and without thinking, I burst, “Danger you mean, just like being abducted and tortured—“, I stopped when I realized his expression changed from indifference to hurt. I also don’t want to let my sisters know. They’d be so worried and for some reason, I don’t want them to hate Caleb. He did save me after all. Wait. I don’t really remember what happened after that. Yes, he carried me outside of that room, wherever it was, but besides that, there’s nothing more. How did I get back to the hotel? But I brushed all that confusion for now. It isn’t what’s important to this situation. “Please explain why you think we’re in danger.”


He’s back to his expressionless face. “Rogues are after you, just as I suspected. Someone must have found out that you’re my mate and they’re going to use you against me.”


I heard gasps of shock coming from my sisters. They didn’t know that he was my mate. As if scripted, both my sisters scowled at

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