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Book online «Embraced by a Heartless Mate by Ceferine Young (best classic literature TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Ceferine Young

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me. I just rolled my eyes and shrugged.


“You should stay with me. You’ll be safe here, just don’t leave my side,” he continued. I almost melted right that moment. My wolf purred. I was happy with the idea but I couldn’t just leave everyone back home and stay with him like I don’t have any other obligations of my own.


“I-I can’t” I said. “I’m just here for a vacation, me and my sisters. Next week, we’re going back to New York. I’m sure the rogues won’t follow us there.”


Caleb surely didn’t like the idea. He looked annoyed and uncomfortable. He was about to say another word but closed his mouth. Is he hiding something? He rubbed his forehead for a bit and finally said, “You must stay here until your vacation ends then. At least let me look out for you.” He looks genuinely worried that it almost crushed me seeing that in his expression. Without second thoughts, I agreed.

CHAPTER 3 - Living Together --- Wrong Choice?


We’ve been arguing for hours with my sisters, particularly Freya. “Maya, we don’t know him. Why did you suddenly agree in staying with that guy?”


“He’s my Mate. I trust him.” I replied, trying to sound convincing.


Freya huffed. “You’ve known him in less than 24 hours! Don’t just trust anyone like that even if he’s your mate!” she was pacing in the living room of our hotel suite. We went back to get our luggage and then check out, while Caleb waited outside of the hotel.


“This is for our safety. What if he was telling the truth?”


“If he’s telling the truth, we can handle ourselves without staying with him. I’m a great fighter, remember?”


“So are we just gonna stand here?” Aya interrupted our conversation, eyebrows arched and arms crossed on her chest. “I agree here with Mai this time, Frey, no offense meant.” Aya agrees with me? Well this doesn’t happen a lot! I have to remember this day! Ha!


“Not you, too, Ai!” Freya cried, frustrated. She put her hands on her head in so much frustration.


“You see, Mates have a different connection. You don’t need to know everything about them before you decide to like that person. In the cases of mating, us werewolves already like our mates from the first time we laid our eyes on them. We feel like we’ve known them for years. We trust them with all our hearts and rest assured that they would never do anything to hurt us. It’s already the law of nature.” Aya explained. I give her 2 thumbs up for that. She definitely is the logical one.


“You’re saying we should do what Caleb asked?” Freya asked. She was already standing beside me, crossing her arms on her chest.


“Yup! It’s better than being with just the 3 of us. If there are a lot of rogues, we’d surely lose to them no matter how skillful you are, Frey. We should trust him because he’s Maya’s mate.” Freya sighed and threw her hands in the air, motioning to accept defeat. I smiled and looked at Aya. “Thank you,” I mouthed to her. She smiled back and shrugged. I’m really thankful that Aya convinced Freya. I don’t want to risk anything. I’m worried of what might happen so it was better to be with Caleb and his pack. His pack—where were they when we went to that haunted house? I only saw Jake. Where were the others? I don’t even know how big their pack is. I sighed. I still don’t know a lot about Caleb. I’ll take this as a chance to get to know him.






We arrived on the haunted house again. It’s already 2 in the afternoon and we still hadn’t eaten. My stomach grumbled suddenly and I felt embarrassed. My sisters laughed at me. Caleb just stared at me, amused. Okay, I’m pretty sure I wanna die at this very moment. “I-I’m sorry about that... I hadn’t eaten anything since this morning.” I blushed. Caleb shot me an angry look. What did I do now?

“Let’s go inside. I already asked someone to fix lunch for us.” Caleb said in a cold and demanding voice.


We seated on the long dining table. The food was already prepared. Roasted turkey, vegetable salad and mashed potatoes. The food smells so good. We ate until our stomachs were bloated. Caleb already finished eating before us. He was now talking outside with Jake and another pack member, I don’t know his name. He wasn’t with the 5 men who abducted me either.


I stood up from my seat, trying to stretch my arms and legs. I left the dining hall. Freya and Aya were still there, talking about just anything. I didn’t know what because I wasn’t even paying attention.

I went outside to get some fresh air. I saw Caleb and the 2 guys still talking. It was surely a serious talk and I saw Caleb’s angry expression even if he was almost 20 meters away. He might have sensed that I was standing by the large double doors of the house’s entrance. He looked at my direction then looked to his men and nodded. The 2 men nodded back and went inside the forest, running fast.


I walked towards him. He was already facing me; his face shows no signs of emotion. As I came closer, I could smell him more. Oh I’m so addicted to his heavenly scent. I could smell him all day. After smelling him, I’ll hug him. I’ll touch every inch of his—oh my creepy self! Why am I thinking about these things! Dirty thoughts, get away!


“Are you done eating?” he finally asked when I was only 5 feet away from him.


“Yeah. The food was really great. Thanks.” I replied, trying to be as calm and as composed as I can be. I inhaled, my way of keeping myself calm, but it only got worse. I could smell him. It’s making me uneasy. My wolf already wants to jump onto him and claim him. Crap! No! Behave! I scolded my wolf. She just scowled at me, mad at the idea of me trying to fight the urge of touching him. I closed my eyes and inhaled small amounts of air.


I sensed Caleb’s intense gaze at me. I opened my eyes and looked at him. And there I saw wanting and lust in his eyes. I’m starting to lose myself again. My wolf is howling. She wants him and she wants him now! This is not good. I need to stand my ground. I still have a lot to ask to him. “C-Caleb” I finally managed to say something, stuttering. I saw him flinched. He’s really affected everytime I said his name. His eyes glistened—oh his mesmerizing emerald green eyes. It was like his eyes were saying something—‘I want you’.


“What?” he already recovered from the heated moment between us.


“I was just curious... when I woke up this morning, I couldn’t remember anything that happened yesterday, why is that? And when I saw you, I remembered everything except after the time you carried me out of the room where I was—“ I trailed off. I don’t know how to say this without making him angry. I saw how he got mad yesterday and I don’t want that to happen again. He stiffened after hearing my question. Now, I’m pretty sure he’s hiding something. I’m not sure what but I’m determined to find out.


“You were just maybe traumatized by what happened to you.” He answered, he was careful in picking his words. He looked so guarded. But I shouldn’t push my luck too much so I just believed what he said for now.

“Really? I guess you’re right” I said, trying to be very convincing. I saw him relaxed, like he was relieved of something. But my interest is piqued so I can’t help but ask another question. “What happened after you carried me? I just want to know.”


“You asked me to get you back to your suite because you’re already worried about your sisters. But before that, I called one of my pack doctors to cure your wounds. They weren’t totally healed though because you were already in hurry to go back to your hotel. I just have to carry you close to me so that at least I could make you feel better and lessen the pain.”


“I-I see. Thank you.” I smiled at him. I felt happy that he took care of me last night even if it was just for a short while. He then snapped his head up and paused. He might be having a mind conversation with someone in his pack. I just stood there, looking at him—admiring his glorious handsome face and perfectly sexy physique. I’m sure he noticed my gaze because he glanced at me with an uneasy expression. I didn’t care about what he was thinking catching me checking him out. I need to satisfy my wolf even just by looking. One step at a time. I said to my wolf. She just purred.


“I have to go. It seems there’s a bit of an emergency,” Caleb said, interrupting my moment.


“Uhmm, okay.” I said.


“Don’t worry, you’re safe here. This place is surrounded by my men. I’ll be back before you know it.” He said and ran towards the direction the 2 guys went earlier. I followed my gaze to where he was and saw him shifted to his wolf. He was a black wolf—a beautiful black wolf. He stopped and turned his head, looking at me. I saw his green eyes. He nodded and went his way. I watched him as he disappeared through the thick forest. I felt like I’ve seen the wolf before. I thought deeply for a while when I finally remembered where I saw that wolf. The painting! He was the wolf in the painting displayed in a street in London before I was abducted. He was the beautiful wolf.


Questions are now piling up inside my head. I need answers.





I woke up in the middle of the night. This is strange. I’m a sleeper. When I’m asleep, it’s already hard to wake me up, wherever I may be, comfortable or not. I looked around the bedroom. My sisters were sleeping soundly beside me. I started feeling uneasy. I feel rage inside me. My wolf feels it too, she’s somewhat annoyed. I slowly got out of the bed, sniffing, trying to catch Caleb’s scent. None. He hasn’t come back yet. I went out of the room, towards the stairs. Before I took a step down, I smelled something. It was a very light scent, meaning it was at least a mile away or so. I sniffed again and realized what it was—blood. I ran down the stairs as fast as I could, but tried not to disturb my sleeping sisters. I opened the double doors in the front of the house, still sniffing. The scent was coming from where Caleb disappeared earlier today. Without any more thinking, I followed the trail of the scent. I ran through the thick forest. The smell of blood is getting stronger, so as the rage that I feel. Why am I feeling rage? I’m confused. I stopped when I saw a light—or a camp fire, I’m not sure. I walked

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