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Book online «Secert Past by Rosie Lee Fielding (that summer book txt) 📖». Author Rosie Lee Fielding

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a face it is just me.
"Xander Olly and fine thank you must have been electric shock and i did'nt get your name too"he said in a british voice and then i reconisiged the name from the boy when we just moved up hear he looked just the shape and he must be right about the hand it is the only thinge that made sence will to me but i think it is more.
"Luz Cambell"i said he looked weird like everyone does when they hear my name like she joking or somthinge but he must get too it is nice name atually it the frist i have heard it kinder cool all of sudden he smiles it is beauitful i smile back i could'nt help it"Thank you for your help Xander"i said.
"You just move in"he said i nooded "i live just up there through the trees if you want to hang out some time"he said i would love to be your stranger to me i said in my head i just nodded and started to walk and not looking at him what is with him being so friendly no one does well what do i know you have been hear 2 days Luz great now i'm taking to myself i serious need something to do.
"LUz ..."he stops i turn round to face him"be carful of what you have it is powerfull and you don't even now it "he said and before i could reactive he starated to walk in the other directions what did he mean by that god british poeple are so odd the kind and help and everthing then they tell your powerfull and i suggerd. I just dismissed it and walked mum was in the kitchen waiting she was stress god mom it is milk not somethinge inportant if your so botherd why don't yourself i pass the milk to her.
"what took you so long"mum asked and she opened the milk for the british tea.
"Nowt a long line"i lied like i am telling her what happened she would think i am mad and lock me away i know it extreme but mum goes mad with owt so so she just nodded and walked upstaris and got some water and walked upstaris to my room and i sat on my bed and i thought about what Xander said be careful and being powerfull and don't know is he is mad be carfull and being powerful i don't even know him and he don't know me and what wrong with him and his hand he burned it when he touched me and he called it a electric shock but it to powerfull was it really and electric shock? if so what was it?.What it was a not that at?.
I raise my hand to look at it well it looks normal i twist it round it looked like a normal hand your but i was not normal.But my hand it went red like fire and when i touched Xander it went like he touched a boiling pan and it accuatly hurt him maybe it will happen again and i could see it better and judgy it more.
"work you stupid thinge"I said to myself i look like a right idoiot i am talking to hand if any walked in i looked like a right crazy person so i walked over to the door and locked it.
Then i thought off how it happened everthige that made me angry i thought off it all moving from my home and friends falling and embrrassed and how i got grounded for what Tommy did and new school and no friends and i thought of everthige that made me made i close my eyes and then i heat hit my face i open my eyes my hand is on fire my heart raced fast i shake my hand put it won't go i run over to my glass and chuck it on put it did'nt go out.
"Turn off"i said shaking my hand it is not working and i panic what do i do.
"Breath"a voice said behind me i turn round and i thought i knew the voice my hand still on fire i stare at him.
It was Xander.
Xander Olly
"Xander how did you get in?"i asked in angry i looked at my hand Xander was staring at it i would look weird like this and then the pain came in my head i held hand to head and then i relslied it was still on fire but it was oready there and it did'nt burn how weird it does not hurt me and water does not put it out what is wrong with me i said in head.
"Nothing wrong with you it will go if you calm down"Xander said how did he know that what i said "Do it"i did what he said breathed and it went thank god for that i turned to him he was still stood there like he had nothinge wrong he is my room and not even botherd.
"Hey i'd help"he said rasing's his hands then pain in my head got worse i sat down and went for a glass and reach out then i rembered i tried to put it out and my head in my hands then pain still hurt.
"sorry that would be me the pain"he said what how did he know about my pain in my head "i can read minds well normal it dose'nt hurt people but it does you"He said was he was messing around my frikin hand was on fire and he saying he can read minds if can can read this what the hell you doing in my room and how did you get in with door locked and my hand was in fire and you act normal.
"i came in the window and i did'nt freak out beacause i have powers too"he said and sat next to me he was acting so calm and seroius i knew the fire must be right i saw and him reading mind was true to and then i rembred somthing that happed ages ago.
"so what was with you when you froze in trees on friday"i asked him he just laughed.
"Sorry about that well i read your parents mind and well they told me everythinge about you i knew was and your alive but i did'nt know your name and where you where i thought of contact you but i never did"he said
"how did my parents know i did'nt even know"i said i car'nt belive i'm taking this so easy well i had the evidence and noraml people don't do this.
"Your parnets know more than you think do they go all weriod when you ask about when you get angry and heat flows to hand or when you ask about your name which is a good don't knock it"He said and smiled and then i knew what he ment i just smiled back"You look beautifull when you smile"he said and smiled i blussed and then heat fload to my hands and when on fire again i breathed and it went i wish i could controll it.
"I could teach if you like you know to controll it"he said i wounderd i don't even though if i could do it but i would'nt like it go off if in front of anyone in school i nodded i would not like to have an accident in front of mum and dad"well not here don't want to set fire to you room i'll meet you at your front door"i nodded he went to the window and jumped out and grabbed coat and walked downstaris i told mum i'm going out before she react i was out the door i shut and Xander was stood at the the patch grass the road i walked and meet him he smiled i smiled back.
"follow me"he said we walked to the trees and we was couple off trees hiding us and he turned round and then he looked at me what was wrong?.
"we car'nt do it hear i have to carry you"he said
"I can walk"i said
"No it is far away well i have anothor power i can run fast well jump on my back"he said i looked at him was he serious he had to 2 powers wow and then i walked over to him.
"you know i heavy the annal shop"i said i smiled at him he laughed.
"just do it"he said i got on and he took off the wind whooshed past my ears the trees wooshed past like i'm rollercoaster and then i feel like i'm in the car again and i close my eyes so i'm not sick i still hear the wind rush past it get slower and i keep eyes shut still and then i hear no wind i open my eyes i look around i see big grass area it looks like a my old school playing area i look at Xander he smiles at me he dose'nt look tired.
"Endurance let get start"He said answere my question i have to get used to that.
"Ok what do we do?"i said
"well what normal happen's trigger's it"
"when i'm angry or embrassed and i can stop when i calm down i know it is crazy but what you going to do i just found out i'm freak"
"your not a freak you probley freak out you just found out somthing mad well if you attacked or somethige we need somethige else than angry and breathing"He put his hand in his pockets.
"how did you control it"i said
"i look or remeber a person in my head and demaned to get in there head if there mind is weak they don't fell it and if they have got a strong mind like you it hurts and i'm sorry"he said" well and runing it just comes natural i win all my race at school"he said
"shall i try a damaned in my mind like demand access you people mind you know this sounds so weorid"i said with a short laugh.
"Yeah for you it maybe be but me it is easy Well it took me 3 hours or so go head try it just say something like fire On and turn it off say fire off"he said
"ok"i said and i took a breath and Fire on nothinge happen i was getting fushrated i must look a right weorid and then i closed my eyes and fire on i shout.
"You did it"Xander shouted i opened my eyes and slowey looked at my hand it was working i got scarred and then i remberd how to turn it off.
Fire off i shouted.
It Went off with a flicker off light like someone switched it of and that somone was me i smiled.
Fire on i shouted.
It came on i wanted to try somethinge if it was in a million in one but i tried you ever succedd or not i out my hand in the sky and looked at Xander he knew what i was doing i smickered at him.
Fire shout i shouted noting happened urm think .....think i said.
"Fire attck maybe"he said
Fire Attack i shouted.
I closed my eyes somethinge shot out my hand i opened my eyes i say Xander tottaly shocked.
Fire off i shouted.
"well did i do good"i said as walk to him i was right in front off him he was still staring at the sky and then he looked at me he looked weorid.
"What is wrong"i said
"Luz you know your name means light"he said i nodded "and you create fire but you should have more like me that what your dad told"he said what did my dad have to with this and then Xander
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