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Book online «Secert Past by Rosie Lee Fielding (that summer book txt) 📖». Author Rosie Lee Fielding

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girl i looked behind me no one was there and something hit me full force knocking the gun out of my hands and then Joe grabbed it and held it at me.Shit i really need to listen to head instead of my heart.
"Well well you have'nt read parent book either have you rule number 2 punishment always succeds"he said in my American fake accent.
"So whats punishment is that then"i said in his voice and then he laughed god and then i felt i gab in my neck it felt like at Hailfax mounment i fell to the ground with a thud and then i heard a voice before i blacked out.
"That punishmnet"Joe said and then images went fuzzy an then heard nowt and i was out cold.
I woke up and i opened my eyes i had a massive head ach i tried to get up but somethinge trapped me down i looked down i was on opration table with lots of metal of staps i tried with all my srength but nothing happened and then i thought metal melt and my hand wern't in ice for a change i was cold the metal was frezzing and then i thought i'm heat and what happen to cold when heat comes.
Fire on i shouted
I put my hand to the metal and kept it on for a while nothing happend and then i heard footsteps and tried look but i just saw back of head it was tall and light brown hair and i knew who it was it was Joe a.ka Dad.
"The stronges metal and heat proof metal so you got no chance Luz"Said Joe in the background.
"Whatever brick"i said under my breath and then eletric went through my body i did'nt hurt but i felt it."What was that for"i shouted to him.
"Swearing parents must punish turn off your light gene"he said flicking through a clipboard he was in a lab coat.Great i was goning to experimnet on could this day get any worse."LUZ LIGHT"he shouted like a parents he his not my dad.
"Oright who got your knickers in a twist"i said to him he did'nt reply to the questions well no one does.
Fire off i shouted
The heat left they were cold now i shiverd and then i heard a pen scarwling on paper and com[uter humming of all the things to happen in the world it had to happen to me.
"So Joey-boy what i a so kinder dead frog you can cut up now or summet"i said i felt stupid and then the pen stopped writing and then keyboard stared to go off and clicking.
"I liked it better when alseep less check and nosie"he said
"I liked better if you were not my dad"i said he flinced and came to me with sringed i though he was going to knock me out but there was no liqurd and then it pirced in my skin i did'nt hurt like the bullet and then he pulled it backwards and i saw my blood in the sirgyn no i was a frog in experminet i was mad with him even more now it was my blood speacil it had my powers in it."Hey give me my blood back it is'nt your's"i protested
"i brought in to this world i can do what a like to you"he said as he placed in a containr and labbeld it Luz and out it on the table and turned back to computer.
"But you did'nt you gave me away rember"i said to him
"you remind me alot so yeah"he said with a laugh i did a fake laugh back and then he stopped and start and then i really toilet.
"Urm......Joey-boy i need the bathroom"i said
"Hold it"he said god what his problem"and don't call me Joey-boy"he said
"then would should i call you then i've got some suggest brick idoit and frikin let me go to the toilet"i shouted at him and then he got neddled and he was going to put my to sleep i touched my skin i fought against he pressed in hared and then needle bent and then i pulled up form the table and the metal came off like fabric and then i saw Joe stuned he went for his walkie takie.
Fire on i shouted
"Drop it"i said he droped and i stood with full force with thud on the floor it crummbled to a pices and then i saw another examination table. i grabbed by the t-shirt over on the the examnation table "it is your turn"i said and pussed him in the table struugled but i was stronger i grabbed strapped and pulled them tight "resurnce"i said and then he was in scearming in protest oh the i saw my hand was on his arm and fliched back and then he stopped and step back he wiggling about."Super strenght metal and heat proff you have'nt got chance in hell Joey-boy"i said with giant smirk on my face.
"Let me out"he shouted and then i saw a button with electric and how much i pulled it to powerfull he saw what i was doing i pressed the button his body shock then stop and then i saw anthor needble labbeld Sleep-drug.
Fire off i shouted i grabbed and ram it in his neck he flicked his eyes lids and then he tried to say somethinge but he was oresady out cold and then i looked at he was still asleep and alive if ikilll him now he was gone but killing is wrong even thought they had done wrong and look him one last time his short light brown hair and brown eyes he was my father no deny it and then i turn round i see work on the computer i go to it i see Luz and i click on it and it shows some kind of diary from the day i was bron till now.
1995 Gene's work 1 Luz Johnson
I have injected the genes in to experiment 2 she has shown good sign but the fatal side effect the mother dies but can substain for long time but will suffer a lot of pain the child is healty but the powers will only start in teenages life so i have gave her away and i keep tack on her and when she is full devolped with the genes i shall redo the experiment on her and see what happens.
Joe Johnson
2011 Gene work 2 Luz Johnson
I have done blood test it all ok and she is full healty and the powers have full come the Poteri strenght is powerfull and the speed is fast and the protection coating has worked but not fully as strenght.The Light Gene is under fully control she can turn it off and on and attack people i will keep track of healty and powers.
Joe Johnson
Then i closed the tab and then i saw Xander name and i thought i have to see what he did and then i delecte it all.
1995 Gene work 1 Xander Olly
I have studdied him he is healty the mother died instainly he has good sign but he went into a shock but he fully healthy now and his genes will not devope to tennage life so he will go with his father and i will re-do experiment on him and keep track on his healthy and powers.
Joe Johnson
2011 Gene's work 2 Xander Olly
I have re-done experimnets he is healthy and fully has his powers he can use the poteri he is more fullt knollage of the speed then the other two in poteri gene.He has fully devloped on the Light gene he can different to expermint two he can read minds and commincate telpathy go inside the other person have confersation he not showing eney sign's of bad healthy i will monter him more.
Joe Johnson
I turned off and declted it and then i saw the frist experiment he did Harrison he was frist Harry on the docmount.
1990 Gene's 1 Harrison Johnson
I have done the frist experiment the mother died instaintly and the child is fullt health i have tried a gene to create wind and Selfhealing himself it will not fully kick in till teenage life so will have to wait till he had fully grown.
Joe Johnson
If Harrsion had the same last name as Joe he had to be my brother no but his mother died instaintly and that means he had 3 kids with genes and he called them experinent and there was more i read on.
2011 Gene's 2 Harrison Johnson
I have done test the self healing has start but it hurt him when he does the wind has kicked in to he can create wind fully he is heathly and showing no signs of unheathly and i will see if he goes in the years to come but my frist experiment to help humans with powers ahs fully succed.
Joe Johnson
Then i pressed declete i was thinking that Harrison he was my brother i car'nt belive it and that meand Joe must be old-then someone clammed the hand on my shoulder i thought it has to be one of Joe guards to see what is going on and fully force pushed the person back and turned round and i saw it was'nt any of the guard it was the person i was thinking about
It has Harrison Johnson my long lost brother.

"Harrison i' sorry"i aid as i help him up and he stood up fine and he looked down at Joe and then to me he is probly thinking what is going on?.
"Well i see you out and he not"harrison said and then i had to ask him the question and then he saw i was worried "What wrong Luz"He said.
"Are you Joe son"i said and then he was froze for a couple of mintue's and then he nodded and then we heard a groan in the connor it was Joe getting up and he was not going to happy.
"Run!" Harrison said he was infront we bargged out the door and throught some office and there was no people and then we headed for the front door and then we was out the door the cold hit my face we was in Hailfax it was ranning and there was a car Harrison was oready in and i reached the door and jumped in Harrison hit on the gas and we sped off and then i heard a squal in the background i turned round it was Tommy and Xander and Tommy and Xander smiling and then Tommy held a bottle of water i was thrist and took and had a swig and gave him back and then we kept driving through the rain splating on the car as we running for my dad and he is not my dad he is gone and not going to stop to find us and probley kill me!.

We arriverd at house it was Harrison house he said Joe did'nt know he bought it and we had some sandwiches and new cloths and wash when i finshed i went in the bedroom Tommy was asleep and Xander was having a wash Harrison had two bathrooms he must had a lot of money.I walked in the living room Harrison was on the computer i did'nt want to disturb him so i turned round and then i heard a chair swirl.
"Luz can i talk to you please"he said and turned round and walked to the couch and sat down mitue past no one spoke and then he took a deep breath.
"How did you find out about Joe being my dad?"he said
"i found it on his records and also i found
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