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Book online «Midnight Rose by Shannon McGovern (mobi reader .txt) 📖». Author Shannon McGovern

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knows." she said. giggling afterwards. I looked confused, but on the inside I knew some thing was up. Were they secretly dating? Did they no totally and utterly hate each other?"W-what is she t-talking about?" I stuttered, looking from Josh to Lily. Josh was watching Lily, looking like he was going to try to kill her.Whats happening?Did some thing already happen?"Whats going on?" I asked, still looking back and forth between them.Josh looked at me and frowned.Then he went back to glaring at Lily.I am so confused.Josh started shaking his head, causing little strands of black hair to fall in his face.He stood up and walked over to me."We are Leaving, Now."He reached down and grabbed my arm, pulling me up."But-" I started to say."Now." Josh said, pushing me out of Lily's room.Lily started laughing."Your scared, you silly little d-" Lily started to say, but Josh cut her off by slamming the door behind us. He pushed me down the stairs silently.I was too shocked and confused to speak, not even a single word.At the bottom of the stairs, he pushed me out the door.Slamming the door, he looked at me. I realized that I didn't even protest leaving, I trust Josh too much.He started shaking his head again, causing the same thing to happen which happened before.I tilt my head, a little."What was tha-?" I begin to ask, before he cuts me off.AGAIN.Okay I am really getting sick of that."First we are getting out of here." he says to me.I realize that even if I tried to protest, I wouldnt win.I let him lead me back to the park, to our bench.I am not entirely sure what to ask or say first.But before I can even decide, Josh says some thing first."I want you to stay away from Lily.She's dangerous." he says, in a serious voice.How is Lily dangerous?What just happened?These are some questions I'm not sure will be answered, but that will be asked anyway.I sit down.Some things begin to click into place.Lily hating Josh.Lilys eyes, and family.The Moon."What is this?Lily is my friend how could she hurt me?"I ask."Screw it." he says, pulling me up.AGAIN.Wow.Either Josh is taking a chill pill, or I will shove one down his throat."Now where are we going?"I asked, still way too confused."My house.Addison we need to talk." he said.Woooow, he used my REAL name.This must be serious.I let him lead me back to his house still tugging my arm.What is all this about?Why are we going to his house?Why arent I asking him all my questions?Maybe because I know they might not be answered, you get used to that when hanging out with Josh for a while.Once we got there, we quickly went up the porch steps.The he reached under his doormat and grabbed the key.After unlocking the door he pushed me inside.He lead me to his kitchen table.Wait, is he shaking his head again?Why?Whats he thinking?Josh sighed."Sit down." he said, sitting down himself.I did as I was told."I want you to listen to what I say.And ,please dont interupt me." he said."I wont." I say, promising a promise Im not sure I should keep, but will anyway.He sighed again, longer this time."Lily is your friend.And I cant be sure if she will hurt you or not.I think maybe if she wanted to, she would have already.But I want you to stay away from her.Lily......she isnt .... normal." he says, stopping to let that sink in."What isnt normal about Lily?"I ask."Have..have you ever noticed things she does differently?Like how she never....changes?Or how she and her family dissapear every so often?" he asked.Now that I think about it I do notice those things.How she never changes.How she dissapears."W-Whats going on?"I ask, still unsure of what the answer will be."Remember how I would stay with you on full moons?And how some times I miss them?Guess, just Guess whats going on."What is this?Something from Twilight?Is this some joke?" I say to Josh."This is no joke Addison.Twilight?You wish.They are every where.People like Lily and her family.There vampires, Addison.And they are nothing like the the retarded ones from Twilight." he says, sounding a little angry and annoyed."Im sure." I say, being sarcastic.He did sound really serious, but still vampires?"I cant believe, that you dont believe me.Well, as far as I know there is no reason not to believe me." Josh said, guessing what I was thinking easily.I sighed."No, I dont have a reason not to believe you." I said, still not saying if I believe him or not."Think hard, Addison.About the people around us.About Lily and her family.And about me and my family." he says.Okay, so what? I guess I do notice some people doing things differently, but Ive gotten so used to them I dont even notice anymore.And Lily and her family are wierd.Why am I supposed to think about him?What so wierd about him?Besides the fact that he is almost ready to kill some one every time, they make him mad.At that moment in my life a few things snapped together in my brain."No,No.Noooooooooooo." I say.Josh starts nodding."Have you figured it out, yet?" he asks."Your a smart girl Addison.You should know, exactly whats going on." he says."I-I think I do." I say, studduring at the beginning.Josh lifts his head a little higher."So, you realize what Lily is.What I am.What can happen." they werent questions, they were statements."You cant be." I say, in a soft whisper."But I am." he says."But I was with you on the-" I start to say but he cuts me off."I know.Your my best friend, Addison.And you calm my emotions.Thats what makes me change.On the full moon, it brings out the anger inside of me.If I calm my mood, I wont change." he says, answering my question.

Chapter 3

I looked away.I did know what this ment, but why does this have to happen to me?I was almost normal before, but now........"Your a werewolf." I say.He nods his head slowly, letting it sink in."W-what was Lily talking about when she said"I think Josh knows," and all?" I asked."She was talking about drinking your blood.She knew I hadnt told you yet and I was worried she would actually do something." he said."Oh." was all I could manage to say."Im guessing you have a lot of questions.Well, some things shouldnt be answered.I will tell you a few things you should know later." Josh said.We sat there in silence, for what seemed to be an eternity."Friendship," I said, not knowing why I spoke these words.",is like pain.Explaining it is impossible." I finished, suprised by the words that had just left my mouth.Josh stared at me, probably wondering if I would continue."Why did you say that?" he asked."Im not entirely sure myself." I responded, staring off into space.Which is a thing I dont usually do.Josh left me be, and waited for me to say something more, in silence.I turned my head away from Josh, and looked out his kitchen window.What are we going to do next?Do what we usually do and pretend nothing is going on?We cant do that.Not entirely.I stood up and turned away from my best friend.Josh got up, and walked over beside me.Josh put his hand on my shoulder.I still didnt look at him.Unexpectedly I turned and buried my face in his chest, and started sobbing.Josh didnt push me away, he just let me cry while saying"Ill never let anything happen to you." And for an unexplained reason I believed him.I must be crazy.No, I must be dreaming.This is all wrong.Maybe its not wrong.Maybe its right, and just is different than what im used to.I dont know.My head hurts.I pushed away from him and wiped my tears away.I wish this wasnt real.That I wasnt real."She didnt go after us when we left.Why?"I asked."Im not sure." he said.Oh, great.The one person I can count on for answers, doesnt have one.Ugh,life sucks.Especially when you just find out your world has been infested with vampires and such, without even knowing it.I went to his door and stopped."Its your turn to follow me." I said.I heard Josh's footsteps behind me.I opened the door and we both walked out.Josh shut the door behind us.I kept walking, unsure if he was following me or not.I walked all the way to the park, never looking back.I went to me and Josh's bench.I sat down."Im not going to try to make sense of all this,"I began, mostly to myself."You dont need to."Josh said.I was silent.Josh sat down next to me.I looked out across the park.I saw a little boy and girl playing together.I smiled.They reminded me of me and Josh.Seeing me smiling Josh turned and saw what made me smile so brightly.He smiled too, understanding."Is it possible to just go on with life normally after this?"I asked Josh, turning to look at him."I would hope so."he said to me."Lets try." he added after a few seconds.I smiled.I liked that idea."Im going to stay away from Lily."I said.Josh nodded."Good." he said."Im ready to forget all of this and move on with my life."I said."Im not going to try to figure this out."I added."Be careful." was all Josh said."Rose," Josh began, unsure of what to say next.I held my hand up to stop him."Forgotten.Lets go get some ice cream."I said, smiling.He smiled back at me."Sure." he said.We walked to the other side of the park where the ice cream cart was.Making little jokes and small talk about random things, like we usually did.I got a Strawberry and Chocolate mix with a scoop of chocolate on the bottom and a scoop of strawberry on top.Josh got 2 scoops of chocolate.We laughed a little and walked back to the bench we always sat at.Still giggling I licked my ice cream.Josh was already half done with his."Im glad we did this."he said."Did what?"I asked."Pretended there was nothing wrong."he said."I have no idea what your talking about."I said smiling, and giggling.When we were done with our ice cream, we sat and talked for a while about usual things we talk about:School starting in a few months, blah,blah,blah.We were done talking about our little enigma.For now.I wish I knew what time it was.The sky was darkening from yellowand blue to orange and gray."We better head back."I said at last."Yeah, its getting late."he said.We stood up, and started walking back to his house.We arrived there in only but 12 minutes.We came in silently and sat down on his living room couch.He flicked the tv on and started channel surfing.One of Josh's brothers came down from the second floor.His name is Derrick.He is 2 years older than Josh and me and loves to mess with us.....even when sometimes its NOT funny anymore."Hey bro, and er bro's GF." Derrick said."She is definitly NOT my girlfriend, gaywad."Josh replied, sharply."Oh?Then why do you always hang with her?"Derrick asked."'cause she's my friend."Josh said."Yeah, right."Derrick said, walking away so he wouldnt get a reply."God, hes so annoying."Josh said."I wish he would just lay off.One of these days some one 'aint gonna like the way he is talking to him, and Derricks gonna come home crying with a broken face."I said."I wish."Josh said.I wonder what time it is."Hey, im gonna go see what time it is."I said to Josh."K, just watch out for Derrick."He said."I will."I said, getting up.I went into the kitchen.I looked at the clock, 5:00.Wow, this has been a long day.Im just glad its coming to an end.I turn around to go back to the living room, when I see Derrick standing right in front of me.

Chapter 4

Damn.This cant be good.Better get the mocking over with."What do you want?"I ask him."You know, dont you?" He asks, with no trace of mocking in his voice.For a moment I didnt know what he was talking about.Then I realized he was
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