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Book online «Midnight Rose by Shannon McGovern (mobi reader .txt) 📖». Author Shannon McGovern

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talking about..........Well, it is forgotten, he will not mess it up.Josh must of heard what his brother had said and came into the room."Yeah, she does.Leave her alone."Josh said."Why would you tell her?"Derrick asks."You've done a pretty good job of staying away from her when you change.Or stay with her before you change so you dont.But dont think that its okay to change in front of her just because she knows.You could kill her and I have a feeling, you dont want to do that."Derrick said."Of course.I mean, I would never change in front of her.I know the dangers."Josh said.Derrick was looking at me."Even if you didnt hurt her.She would see exactly how we are, what we are like."Derrick said, looking at Josh."It wouldnt happen."Josh said fiercely."Lets go."Josh said to me.He grabbed my arm and was about to pull me out the door, when Derrick grabbed my shoulder to hold me back."Stay."was all Derrick said.The gentle tone he had used made Josh pause."Why?" Josh asked."She needs to stay."Derrick said.I was completley and utterly confused.Why did I have to stay?Was I going to stay?Would Josh take me away?Something in Derricks words made me want to stay, but also want to go.But im not sure whether or not to go or to stay.I broke out of both of their grips."Why should I stay?"I asked Derrick."You dont.We are leaving NOW."Josh said, pushing me through the house and out the door.Before I could say anything, I am already outside and heading towards my house.Josh pushes me the whole way there silently.Once he get me to my door step, he takes of running."Bye!"I shouted."Ugh."I say, sighing.I knock on the door, realizing I left my purse at Josh's."Who is it?"my mom asks."Just me.I left my purse at Josh's."I say.My mom opened the door and let me in."You were gone a while.Have fun?"my mom asks."Yeah."I say.I walk back to my room, grab my room key out of my jeans,(where I always keep it.) and unlocked the door.I went inside, and locked the door behind me.I really didnt want to think about everything that happened today.Instead I went over to my bookshelf.I grabbed the current book I was reading:The Historian.I sat on my bed and began to read where I left off.Maybe 15 or 20 minutes later, I sat up.Standing, I put my book back on the shelf.I looked at my clock.It was 5:45.I walked over to my window, and opened the blinds.Then shut them.I walked over to my closet.I was feeling restless.I was unsure of what to do next. Feeling out of place in my house, I wanted to see Josh and talk to him. We can do this. Well, he has been his whole life. But, I can. I will. I have to. Its not a big deal. Who am I kidding? My best friend is a werewolf! My friends.......... vampires?Werewolves?And.... what else? I wont worry about it. Not now, not ever. The only alternative is to live in fear.Now that I think about it, I wonder why I havent noticed it before.Oh, well.Now it is 5:57. I am not hungry at all.I walk back over to my bed and lie down.I turn over on my side and stare at my window.I decide to listen to some music.I grad my CD player.I put on my nickelback CD.The song "Savin' me" comes on, and quickly reminds me of Josh.I wonder when the next full moon will be so I will be able to go to the park with Josh.I listen to a few more songs, then sigh.Some things even nickelback cant heal.I turned of my CD player, and put it away."Dinners ready!"I hear my mom shout.I walked out of my room."Coming!"I shouted back.

Chapter 5

After dinner, I headed back to my room.By now, it was 7:12.I sat on my bed.I looked around my room.After a while I walked to my window.Looking out, I saw it was raining.Im not sure how long I sat there staring out at the cresent moon, burning so bright in the soft sentimental rain.I saw movement to the left of where I was sitting.I looked harder, through the rain.I thought I saw something move again.I quickly closed my blinds, making sure my window was locked.What was that?Im probably just imagining it.But, how could I imagine that?I went to my bed, and away from the window.Fear ran through me.Could it be one of them?A vampire?Or possibly even a, werewolf?No, it couldnt be.Could it?I tried to dismiss the thought, with no avail.Thousands of thoughts and ideas ran through my mind at that moment.I am going to drive myself crazy.It was probably just a cat.Yeah, thats what it was.Just a cat.Who am I kidding, if I cant even trick myself into believing it?Ugh, what to do, what to do.Hide.I need to hide.No, they will find me.Josh.I need him here, to get rid of whatever is out there.I was about to go find my purse when I remembered I had left it at Joshs.Great, just great.It had my cell in it.I walked out of my room, and went to the living room where my mom and dad were."Hey,Rose.Wanna watch a movie with us?"My dad said."What movie?"I asked, a little nervous."Twilight."My mom answered.Okay, is it only me or are vampires and werewolves showing up everywhere?"Sure."I said, taking a seat next to my mom on the couch.I was nervous all through the movie, glancing this way and that.When it was over it was 9:47."Night mom, Night dad."I said."Goodnight."My mom said."Night."My dad said.I walked back to my room.I slowly opened my door, afraid of what might be behind it.When I opened it, and saw nothing I not only sighed in relief, but decided I was being paranoid.I shut and locked my door, then went to my bed. I fell asleep in a matter of minutes, completely exhosted from the days events.I felt someone shaking my shoulder.I quickly jumped up."What is going on!?!?"I asked."Addison, I think some one is watching you.Stalking you.Maybe even tracking you.I saw some one come from your house's direction last night.I also saw them behind your house and by your window.I stayed behind a little after I dropped you off."Josh said quickly."How did you get in here?"I said, completeley ignoring what he had just said."Your mom let me in."Josh said."Did you here what I just said?"he asked."Yeah, what are we gonna do about it?"I asked."I am going to stay near your house tonight, and see if the person comes back.If they do, I will go from there."Josh said."Okay."I said."I thought I saw someone last night, but I also thought it could have been a cat."I said."I think it may be a vampire.I saw lots of quick movements."he said."Well, I guess we arent doing a very good job at pretending."I said, smiling.Josh smiled."Guess we arent.Lets start over."He said."What time is it?"I asked."Like 12."Josh said."Why did I sleep so long?"I said, getting out of bed."Your alarm wasnt on.Lets go to the park."Josh said.I went over to my window, it was raining."No, thanks."I said."Im gonna get dressed and we can watch a movie, indoors."I said."Okay, see you."Josh said. exiting the room.I went to my closet and put on some fresh clothes.Then I walked out to the living room.I saw Josh sitting on the couch.I flopped down beside him."What movie do you wanna watch?"I asked."How about Panic Room?"He said."Sure." I said, going over and puttig the movie in the player."Ill make popcorn."I said, making sure the dvd had started playing.I went into the kitchen and put a bag of popcorn in the microwave.I grabbed 2 bowls and the salt.After it was done, I divided it and threw salt on mine.I grabbed the bowls and the salt and went to the living room.I handed Josh his bowl and the salt."Th-an-ks."Josh said, inbetween mouthfuls of salty popcorn.I sat, and began to eat my popcorn.The movie ended almost as quickly as it had begun.By now it was 2:14."Where is your mom?"Josh asked."Probably in her room.She was off today."I answer.We take our popcorn bowls and put them in the kitchen."Im thirsty!What about you?"I say."Oh yeah, salty popcorn equals soda!"Josh says as I had him a Diet Dr.Pepper."What do you wanna do now?"I ask."We could go to the pool."Josh says, with a shrug."Sure.Let me grab my suit."I say."Ill be back, Im gonna run home and get mine."Josh says, opening the door."See you."I say."Be right back."he says, closing the door.I walk into my room,and go to my closet.I grab my beach bag and stuff my suit in it.Then I take it out, deciding it would be better to have it on under my clothes.It would save alot of time too.I change into in, then put my clothes back on over it.I walk to the batheroom and grab sunscreen and my beach towel.Almost done.So lets see I have my suit on, my bag, towel, sunscreen.I still need my cell, my wallet,and my sunglasses. Then I will tell my mom where I am going.I quickly grab all those things, remembering to get my keys too.I walked to my moms room and knocked on the door."Mom?"I say."Yeah?"my mom says, opening the door."I am going to the pool with Josh."I say."Okay, see you later.If Im not here when you get back I might be at the store."she says."Okay, bye."I say, waving my hand as I walk out my front door.Josh was waiting on my porch."You ready?"he asked."Yep,you?"I said."Yeah."he said, as I walked down to him.We started our 5 minute walk to the pool.It was a big community pool, but with little community memebers that actually used it.We were regular customers there.We arrived soon after we had begun walking.We paid, and walked in.We sat down by the pool chairs and began to take off our clothes down to our suits.Josh had the same idea as me, wearing the suit under his clothes.I walked to the edge of the pool.I jumped in.

Chapter 6

As I was underwater, I heard a splash from above as Josh jumped in.I came up, Josh coming up shortly after me."I love swimming."I said."Me too."Josh says, treading around in the water.We swam around in the water, laughing and splashing.When Josh was turned around, I saw him turn tense.I looked to where his eyes lead.Elliot, Jamie, and Megan.Elliot was a tall, strongly built guy with light brown hair falling in his face and peircing black eyes.Jamie identical to Elliot, was slightly shorter and much stronger.Megan a tall , slender blonde with violet eyes.They walked towards us.I had seen these people at school, only once ever trying to interact with Megan and Jamie in a school project.Although to no avail.I saw Josh try to relax, without succeding."Oh, hey Josh.Rose."Megan said."Hey."Elliot said.Jamie looked at us, probably trying to figure out why Elliot and Megan would be talking to us.Same as me."Hey."I said, after a moment of hesitation.I could tell they noticed my hesitation, by the way they smiled back at us.Josh was silent.They walked on, to the chairs.After undressing, the jumped gracefully into the pool.Right next to us.Josh was watching them, and by the way he looked I could tell something wasnt right.Megan swam over to me."Hey, Rose."she said, with a smile.I felt weak and scared.I held my ground, thinking of anything she could possibly be.By everything I have been told it points to one thing and one thing only.Vampire.I couldnt flee.It would show weakness.Instead, without hesitation I spoke."Hey, Megan.What brings you here today?"I ask causually, as if she wasnt someone who could kill me.Right now."Oh,Just wanted to hang out.Get some fresh air."She says, taking in a deep breath and letting it out slowly."Yeah, me too.Got bored of the usual stuff."I said, struggling to keep a smile on my face.I looked to Josh for help, but he had already moved beside me."So, we were wondering if you would like to hang out with us for a few hours.Maybe head back to my place, watch some movies."Megan said.Both she and Josh looked at me eagerly
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