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he extends his hand and gives me a silver colored key that looks very old but isn’t even a bit rusty.


“So this is the key to our new home.”

“Yes take good care of it.”

“I will, now I shall depart.”


He waved at me from his throne as I left and looked like he said something but I couldn’t hear it.

After we left we went to shadow town and as promised I let Gaphid help choosing clothes for me but it was a mistake.


“What about this cute pink t-shirt it would fit you just fine.”

“Gaph what did I say about pink t-shirts I don’t want the I don’t like pink.”


I take a black t-shirt and show her.


“This is what I like, and this is what we will be taking.”

“I also like black but I think you should get something more colorful.”

“Nope I like this one so I will take it.”

“Ok then.”


Her face didn’t seem that pleased but what could I do I didn’t like that pink t-shirts she chose for me. For some reason we ended up buying more clothes for her than for me that only bought some jeans and t-shirts.

After the shopping we started walking North to our final destination that day our new home the Infinite Castle, the Infinite Castle looks just like an old shack from the outside, and though everyone can get in only the ones with the key would see it’s real form, an endless white room waiting to be filled, also whoever had the key could also fill it with whatever he wanted as the Castle would give form to its owner imagination, to make it simple if I imagined a tv appearing in front of me it would appear.

Having lost myself in though I almost bumped right into a tree but someone saved me from it, pulling me to the side as I ended up falling on top of her.


“Hey I save you and you are already trying to rape me.”



I say that as awkwardly get of her, she looked like a child and was wearing a Goth-loli dress, but I could obviously see she wasn’t a child she was a vampire, her cold red eyes and her fangs were unmistakable.

She looked up to me and spoke with a sweet voice.

“I am Astaroth, your father appointed me as your maid, so I will be going with you.”

“Maid I see he got even that, can I also ask you, you are a vampire right.”

“Yes I am but don’t ask me for my age.”

“Well ok I guess I can agree with that, and then shall we go we are almost there.”

“Yes I will be flying there and will be waiting for you inside.”


As she says that giant bat wings appear on her back, and she flies up, she is lucky she has her own wings we still can fly but I know we will be able to use our shadows someday to be able to fly.

There was nothing more we could do so we just continued to walk till we reached the house, finally we are home.

3. Gaphid

Suddenly I could see my father looking surprised in front of me and a boy at my side I didn't really know who he was but I could feel he was someone special to me. 


Before anything else happened he got up and spoke to me and my father. 


"Father you must be confused so let me explain, that human, that mage, what he did was nothing more than take the two persons living inside Gashid and give them their own body, and you Gaphid my beloved sister, you were one with me but that's no more, we now have our own body but don’t worry we will be together anyway."


These words made me feel hot and embarrassed, and still confused but my father quickly answered him as if he understood all.


"Well if both of you are happy then that's good,  and Zashid you are now my son so you will take care of the throne once the time comes, and Gaphid I will get a good prince to marry you"


A prince to marry me, wait no why did you decide I had to marry someone you chose, I should be the one deciding right?

But Zashid got angry and spoke up.


"I will not accept that if I become the King then she has to become my Queen and we will live together forever."


W-what are you saying Zashid y-your Q-queen, live together f-forever.

I started blushing I guess these words affected me, so I had decided to leave the room before I turned into a tomato from all this red on my face.

I walked down the castle wall but it was strangely empty, as no one was here and I had nothing to do I went to my favorite place to sleep, but the place wasn’t empty as always, an angel, an female angel was there on the pound naked, was she taking a bath, I decided to get close but as I am really shy I couldn’t force myself to move my mouth and ask her what she was doing, but that wasn’t needed as she turned around showing me all her naked body and told me her reasons.


"Could you be the owner of this castle, I am sorry to be bathing upon this pound without your permission but I seem to have fallen and landed here I also seemed to have hurt my wing so I used this pound it seems it has healing priorities I will leave once I am cured.”


“D-don't worry about that it's not my castle I it's my dad's.”


“I see well then you must be a princess nice to meet you I am Uriel, the princess of angels.”

“P-princess of angels w-why is the princess of angels here?”

“Well I am still a immature princess so when I tried flying on the unprotected area I ended up losing control and I fell here.”

“That’s how you hurt your wing, here let me help.”


Using the power I had as the daughter of the king of shadows I created some dark bandages and entering the pound I applied them to her. 


“Thanks that will help I always thought that shadows were bad seems that I was wrong there are good ones.”

“Bad, why would we be bad?”

“Well you are creatures of darkness and my father days you are all scum that would do all kind of bad actions, he says you even kill for pleasure.”

“What we are not like that.”

“I know that you aren't but can't be sure about all others.”

“I assure you none of us are like what your father thinks of us, we would not hurt anyone like that without a reason, and we wouldn’t do bad things, we aren’t bad, we just live in the darkness.”

“Ok ok I will believe you, thanks for the help I should leave now my father will be worried.”

“Ok good bye.”


She waves at me and she flaps her wings awkwardly lifting herself on the air and leaving.

I was tired I just met a angel even more the angel princess, so I just sat near a tree and slept until I was waked up by Zashid and a cup of water to my face.

“W-what happened?”

“You ran away from our discussion with our father and then you came here and fell asleep.”

“D-did I fall asleep on a place like this again, I should be careful, what did he say got out midway after you ….”


I stopped there it was too embarrassing to say t-that he wanted me to be his Queen


“After I what?”

“N-noting forget about it, w-what did he say?”

“Well he said we have to get the 5 relics and get our brother from the human world, it seems he was too weak to live in here so they sent him to a human family but now if we give him our blood his real powers will awaken and he will be able to be the King instead of me.”

“Another brother I didn’t know about it.”

“Yes it seems to prevent us from trying to search for him they hid the truth.”

“I see well then we have to find him it seems like a fun adventure.”

“Yes it does, also we now will have our own house he gave us the Infinite Castle.”

“Wait that Infinite Castle, that’s really amazing.”

“Yes it is now we should go get our things packed up to leave.”

“Yes let’s go then but you don’t have much right all things we have are mostly my clothes, there shouldn’t be much clothes fitting boys as father never let us wear anything less than a dress when we were one.”

“Well we can go to the Shadow Town and buy some.”

“Yes let me chose some good clothes for you.”

“Ok I will let you help, now let’s go we have a lot to do.”



We got up and I went to get my things while Zash went to see our father once more and then we met at the front door and walked down to the Shadow Town to buy some clothes.

Picking up a cute pink t-shirt I asked him.


“What about this cute pink t-shirt it would fit you just fine.”

“Gaph what did I say about pink t-shirts I don’t want the I don’t like pink.”


I really like it but he picks up a black one and says


“This is what I like, and this is what we will be taking.”

“I also like black but I think you should get something more colorful.”

“Nope I like this one so I will take it.”

“Ok then.”


He really likes black he could put a bit of color with it too but well that’s how he is.

After finishing our shopping we walked North in direction to our new home the Infinite Castle, while we walked Zash almost went against a tree but someone pulled him, it was a Goth-loli girl, he fell on top of her, she did it on purpose she saw he was distracted and used this chance to attack him, is she going to rape him, I have to stop her, though before I could do anything they started to talk.


“Hey I save you and you are already trying to rape me.”



I was right she wanted to rape him, but Zash got up and she presented herself.


“I am Astaroth, your father appointed me as your maid, so I will be going with you.”

“Maid I see he got even that, can I also ask you, you are a vampire right.”

“Yes I am but don’t ask me for my age.”

“Well ok I guess I can agree with that, and then shall we go we are almost there.”

“Yes I will be flying there and will be waiting for you inside.”


So she is only our new maid I was scared for a bit I guess that there is nothing to worry about.

She opened her wings and went ahead as she said so we just walked a bit more until we reached it the Infinite Castle our new home.

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