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Book online «Bloodlust by Stephanie Scarff (popular novels .txt) 📖». Author Stephanie Scarff

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an act. The fainting thing isn`t why your in here..." my father drifted off. I felt dizzy. i put my fingers to my forehead. Everything was shaking, and I was losing my grip on the arm rests of the bed. All I could hear was, 'Tanya? Tanya?' but i couldn`t listen any longer. I drifted in and out of sleep as the doctors and nurses worked around me. I suddenly couldn`t feel, couldn`t hear, couldn`t see. My vision was blurred by something covering my eyes : a blindfold? My eyes flew open and I nearly jumped of the bed but there was people around me. I could hear my mum sobbing and saying, "My baby, my baby," but my hearing was starting to go. Was that what my mum was going to tell me? That I was seriously ill? Or that something could happen so fast that I wouldn`t be able to see, or hear, or feel. I could feel the world drifting, as if the earth was pulling me out of it. I just drifted, and fell asleep. It was a month later : I woke up.

Chapter 5
New Years Eve, 31st December, 2008.
Dear diary, its Tanya, well, who else would it be right? Its New Years Eve, and it`s 7:41 and I`m so bored. When the whole month passed while I was "asleep," I didn`t know anything about what happened. They won`t tell me. I ran down the flight of stairs and said to them, "What happened?" i wish : as if I could actually do that. I scoffed to myself. Foolish as I was, I was always kind to them and everything. I smiled, took a breath, stood up and looked in the mirror. My normally pink face was unusually white, but I didn`t bother on it too much. It was when I was lifting my arm up to put my tangled hair in a bobble, I stopped. Under the elbow was pale white but there was something unusual : 4 tiny marks. I put on my red and white cardigan to hide it. I ran down the stairs and told my mum that I was going to visit Em`s. She nodded and quickly asked, "Can you get us some juice from the shop? We`re all out. There`s money on the counter." I nodded and walked to the kitchen. I picked up the money and walked out into the cold. It was nippy but I took no notice : I was going to see my best friend, ill or not, Em`s. I walked to the hospital she was in. The walk was an hour away from my house, but none of that mattered. When I walked in, I looked for the reception area. I bolted towards it and accidentally gave the receptionist lady a fright. "Em`s...Emily Werkam." I asked, panting. She pounted to a door down the hall and said, "Room 254" I nodded and ran for it. A nurse came out and I stopped incase I bumped into her. My cardigan hit her on the arm so I quickly said, "Sorry," and then I checked to see if there was another nurse or doctor coming out but there was none, so I just straightened up and walked in quietly. I nearly fell to my knees when i saw her. Emily, normally a cheery, loud, happy, person, was a dull, quiet, sad person. I burst into tears. She tried to get up but i stopped her. "No, don`t get up." I gently pushed her shoulder and she gave up trying. I sniffed and I could feel my lip trembling. I clenched my fists and wiped away my tears but they kept on coming. I gave her a gentle hug and she squeezed me weakly back. I smiled a weak smile : so did she. I sat with her until half 11, when she finally fell asleep. "Thats my girl," I said as I smiled at her just sleeping with no pain : or it looked that way. I tiptoed outside and gasped when I saw a cute doctor in front of me. "She`s asleep," I whispered to him. He nodded and said, "She`s been asking for you." I raised my eyebrows and grinned. "Can you tell her I`ll be here tomorrow?" I asked him, gazing into his eyes : that was the way my special charm worked. he nodded, dazed. I walked away and I knew he was staring out after me. i shook my head. You know what they say : works like a charm.
I was half way home when I knew someone was following me. I turned the corner and walked down the road but I realised I wasn`t at the road : I was in an alley. And that was when I saw him. It was a stranger, obviously, but, I was cornered in the alley. I could hear the countdown going down from 100, just metres away from where I was standing. I had the juice in my hand : Ems` favourite. I held my breath but he just stood where he was without breathing. He put his head up......and that was the last thing I remembered.

Chapter 6
I woke up to the sound of feet shuffling across the floor, impatiently. I groaned and rolled around to my back. "Aah!" I cried when I felt the pain searing across my hand. I looked up and saw the stranger that I remembered from that night. I looked at my hand and I suddenly remembered the 2 little marks that were there underneath my elbow. There, on my wrist, were the same 2 marks, except bigger and redder. They were scars, no little than over a day old though. I puzzled over it until I heard footsteps coming towards me. I looked up in fright, but the strangers eyes were friendly : like he wasn`t going to hurt me, more than he already had. I just stared, breathing through my nose when I smelled something delicious. I got up faster than I ever had before. I gasped when I saw what I was looking at. There was a human lying on the floor behind the stranger, lifeless, and on the tray was 3 bags : of human blood. I sniffed again : the smell was delicious smell was definetely coming from the tray. I picked up one f the bags of blood and took a sip. It tasted as delicious as it smelled ; even better. Once I had gulped i reached for the second bag but the stranger put his hand up. I snarled at him : his hand was inches away from my mouth, close enough to bite. He jumped back, over the human, and I sniffed again ; the human still had blood left in him. I`ll take care of that I thought to myself as I leaned into a crouch. "STOP!" the stranger roared at me. I leaped up and landed on my feet. I could feel the fire burning underneath my skin, the burning in my veins. I`d do anything to put it out. I bit my gum. I stared at him and he said, "Your new, you don`t know better! Wait, before you drink more, you need to listen to me. you can get this," he held the bag up at me, "when you learn!" I wished he would stop talking about learning and talking about it, without giving me it. I growled, smiled and said, "Whats to learn?" He shook his head. "Lots, my friend. Lots." He said while staring me in the eye, mocking me probably. I clenched my fists and demanded, "Take me home now!" He shook his head. I wanted to bite that smug smile off of his face. "No can do, my friend," he whispered. "Why?" I pressed. "Because! I said so!" I stared at him and gave up : I wasn`t gonna win. "Fine!" I growled. "What do I need to learn?" I asked politely. "Hmm, eager to learn...terrified to lose." He said as he stroked my cheek. I pulled back and said, "To lose to what?" "Ah, now is not the time for is the time for answers." This guy has got to be freaking kidding me! "Uh huh, " I replied with an angry smile. After hours of learning, I finally got the blood I had worked for. "Now can I go?" I asked, as politely as I could manage : not much, though, considering the situation I was in. "No, no, my friend," he whispered, as he circled me. I wanted to scream, but it got stuck in my throat. "You can`t go like this : you are not even near your house!" he shouted. "Where am I then?" I asked, getting tired of this guy. "Oh, I can`t tell you that!" he screeched : a reason, none, what-so-ever. I lifted my hands up as if I had given up but in a flash I ripped his head off. I fell to the floor after i had realised what I had done : what I had become. I reached for my diary and re-read what I had written on New Years Eve.
Who knew it would be the last night of my life?

Chapter 7
I could feel my lip trembling, my eyes widening when I looked at him. I ran out of the building after checking my hands and everything. I opened the door and thats when the sun hit me. I stood there for a minute, thinking : wasn`t it supposed to hurt me. I looked for something, and I noticed the bracelet I never had before. I studied it for a minute, and then I ran out. There was no cars but I had realised I had just sped out of the house. I looked back and the house was about 20 feet away from me. Thats what he was talking about! Speed! I ran until I found the hospital that Em`s was in. I ran in, looking like something from a horror movie : well, to be honest, I was. "Emily Werkam?" I asked so fast I surprised myself. The nurse looked at me and said, "She was let out, silly." What? How could that be? "Whats, eh, todays, date?" I asked, slower this time. She shook her head with a smile. "It`s the 24th of February, 2010, silly," she replied. "No calendar?" I stood there, staring into space before answering, "No, sorry." She looked at me before saying, "Your parents have been looking for you, they have some bad news." I stared at her. "What?" And then I suddenly knew what it was. "I need to go," I shouted. I bolted out of the hospital and ran to my home. How did I know what was going to happen? An image, well, a video kind of thing played in my head. It was my parents, and me, sitting around the big antique coffee table and my parents were crying but I wasn`t. I was sitting there, obviously trying to cry. I knew what the news was, but I just couldn`t cry. I just, couldn`t.

Chapter 8
I saw someone running up to me. It was Em`s, and she was running with someone else. "Tanya! Where have you been? I`ve been waiting for like a year and a half! Oh, this is Matt, he`s new to our school, so I said I`d show him around. This is Tanya, Matt." Wow, was he gorgeous! "Hey, Matt, I see you`ve met, Em`s?" He nodded and replied, "She`s very, showing me around." As we shook hands, I felt something that made me sit down. "Matt? Can I talk to you for a minute?" I said, shocked at what just happened. "Yeah, that, a, good, idea!" he said. We walked away from Em`s, and she was hurt and I just put my finger up and mouthed 'please?' over to
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