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Book online «Bloodlust by Stephanie Scarff (popular novels .txt) 📖». Author Stephanie Scarff

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car door open. "Get in," he growled furiously, "And don`t worry about precious little Matt - you won`t see him anytime soon. I looked back and saw Matt, being held back by two big men. "Tanya!" he shouted to me, but they covered his eyes and mouth with a blindfold. "Matt! I love you!" He couldn`t reply because he was pushed into a van. "Get in!" Fredrick shouted, baring his teeth - I didn`t know he was a vampire. "I`m not a vampire, Tanya," he drew out my name, as if I wouldn`t understand him and he continued with, "I`m a were-wolf." I stared at him in shock. I had never met a were-wolf before. "Get...IN!" he roared. I made my legs move to the car and she shoved me in, causing me to whack my head off of the top. I crawled in and he slammed the door. I chewed on the inside of my lip as he drove away. He stopped 70 miles from me and...Matt`s home. I let out a breath. He stopped the car so fast I bolted upright. My breathing was ragged as he said, "This is your new home." My mouth fell open. I nearly fainted. Then, he said, "Fiancee."
Chapter 14
"WHAT?" I screeched at the monster. He smiled and said, "Look at your finger." I searched my fingers and there it was, shining beautifully in the sunshine, my engagement ring. "So, you just going to kidnap me, force me down the isle and everything will be happy?" He nodded a simple nod and I just looked at him. Fredrick, was, used to be, a good boy, my best friend, but what had happened? I never knew he loved me. He was gonna force my hand? He obviously didn`t know vampires well. "Okay," I said with a sigh. He looked away and said to me, " our suite before the wedding, so you better try your dress on because it`s on Saturday." I stopped, unmoving, frozen. Saturday? Today was...Friday! I wanted to scream, but I stayed calm as I pestered him with questions, trying to freak him out of it. "Go upstairs and go and try your wedding dress on for tomorrow, hunny," he whispered as he stroke my face and leaned in to kiss me. He had pinned me against the wall so I did the only thing I could do : kiss him back. I gasped as he kissed me, and I whispered, "I`ll see you tomorrow, fiance." I felt uneasy, using his earlier words. I still ran up the stairs and grabbed my phone and phoned Em`s. I told her to meet me and kill this were-wolf. I tried on the dress and I had to say : he had good taste. I zipped it up and it fit perfectly. I hated this guy so much and I hoped Em`s would kill him, without getting herself killed in the process. She came at 12:02 a.m., waiting with knives and everything. She hid to the right as he walked out to his car. She stabbed him in the heart, then the arm, and then the shoulder. He crumpled to the floor, obviously dead and Em`s collapsed. "Emily," I shouted, runnin down the stairs. She started shaking with laughter and said, "I can`t believe it, I can`t believe I killed someone. Whoo!" She pumped her fist in the air with glee. I got her up and we ran to the Lamborgini. I sped home as Em`s slept, after a long day. I smiled and then I remembered Matt. I had no idea where he was. I slumped in my seat and sighed. Matt, all cheery, was probably thinking about me, not knowing where I was and who I was with. He knew I was captured, but didn`t know where I was. I knew he was captured, but I didn`t know where he was...but where did that leave us?
Chapter 15
When me and Em`s reached my house, I decided to tell her the truth. "The reason me and Matt were talking was....because we`re vampires. On New Years Eve, I got turned, when we were counting back from 100. is Matt. Oh and the reason why I told you to kill Fredrick was because he was a were-wolf." She stared at me with wide eyes and a long jaw. "So...that`s why you didn`t visit me! Because you were away somewhere!" she remembered. She had it right. "I was never at Matt`s house and everything, okay?" I asked her. She nodded and replied, "Yeah, but, I kinda like his brother, cause he`s hot and kind to me." I sighed. This was really bad. "He likes me - he even tried to threaten me with a knife when Matt hit him with a block of wood. I...don`t really like him to be honest, but now we need him to get Matt! He should have a connection with him." I put my hands up and realised I still had my engagement ring on. I chuckled and with a grin I said, "I`m getting married today." Em`s laughed with me and then we walked in my house. I slid the ring in my pocket, so my mum or brother wouldn`t find it. I cleared my throat and shouted, "Anyone home?" There was no answer so I just walked up to my room. I opened my room door, and I knew my mum must have tidied it when I was...away. I went to my chest of drawers to get a cardigan on when I saw a note lying there. It said Tanya on it so I obviously opened. Em`s peeked over my shoulder and said, "Oh my." I nodded and replied, "Uh huh." Underneath my name, it said, "You will not find Matt, even with...Ryan, is it? You wouldn`t want me to get someone to hurt him, would you now? Matt is with two of the strongest of my wolves and will be kept there until he is drained, and drained, and dust. Matt is already weaker, thinking about you. If there was someway you could stop him....I`m not gonna tell you. There is a clue at my house, but oh, I`ve said too much Tanya. P.S., if you are reading this, you have until 1:30 to save Matt and his Lots of love my dear, Fredrick. I stared at the note in horror and glanced at the clock - it was already 12:40 a.m.! I staggered back - the clue at fredricks house was impossible to reach, so that was out the window. I just remembered what had happened. "Why didn`t I do this in the first place?" I asked myself. Em`s just stared, but didn`t speak, just standin there.
It was a Saturday afternoon, me and Matt were sitting there, when he suddenly pulled me up off of the grass and said, "Lets do the vampire love thing." I stared at him, confused. "What?" I asked with a laugh. "Come on - we could totally do it!" he had replied. "Okay," I answered with a grin. We cut both of our fingers, and let each other drink each others blood, so we could connect and find each other, but in one condition - if the other dies, you die too. It was in the vampire law contract - If you loved someone, and you did the exchange, you were sentenced to die too. After we did it, I felt more powerfull with him, and we lay on the grass again. As I pulled myself out of the memory, I got a shock in my hands - and I could feel the power rushing through as I found out were Matt was. It was in a very dark place he was being tortured...
Chapter 16
"Where are we going?" Em`s had asked. "To find Ryan, he should probably be at his house," I replied as I sped along the road. Em`s just nodded her head and fell asleep. Once we got there, I chapped the door. Ryan appeared and said, "What happened?" I told him everything with Fredrick and Matt and the note and everything and he just sat there in shock. "That...that guy,...has my," he whispered. I nodded and replied, "Ryan, about yesterday..." "It was my fault! Don`t blame yourself!" he shouted. I nodded and just stayed silent. His mother and father came home and I explained everything to them. "You did a good thing, ditching the note. He would have lied." Me , Em`s and Ryan went to talk in private, even though his parents could hear us. "Em`s, you will need to stay away - you can`t come," I explained. She stared and replied, "Why not? Oh, the human can`t come because she might get killed?" I didn`t want to play this card on her but I knew she would leave the subject alone because she wouldn`t want this. "You could only come if you were a vampire and your not, so-" "Turn me into a vampire then!" she shouted. Me and Ryan stared at her with our mouths open. "What?" Ryan asked with a laugh. "What? I always kinda wanted to be a vampire," she answered with an embarrased smile. Good Lord she was serious. "What?!" I shrieked. She covered her ears but sat her hands back down again. She turned to Ryan. "Ryan? Please?" she pleaded with wide eyes. "But-You-I..." he trailed off. It looked like he was going to say that he couldn`t but he proved me wrong by saying, "I, will." It was Ryans turn to get the shocked faces. "What! You can`t do that. I mean-she`s-best-what?!" I was so confused! "I need to lie down," she replied but she stayed up anyway. "Don`t we all," I said to Ryan with a growl. He looked away from my uncomfortable stare. "Come on, lets get ready!" Em`s said, surprising us all with a grin. I couldn`t watch. Em`s went into the kitchen and got a knife. I ran outside. That`s when I heard Em`s scream. But...there was...a heartbeat.
Chapter 17
A heartbeat? That couldn`t be right. "Eh, Tanya?" Ryan called from his bedroom. "Yeah?" i asked, alerted. "Can you come here for a minute?" I walked in slowly, feeling a little confused but excited to see Em`s in vampire form. I stopped straight away when I saw her. She was in...a form, but not the one I had expected. I stared at her until I could find words. "What...?" I asked, my mouth barely moving. Ryan ave his shoulders a stiff lift up, but said anyway, "I don`t know." Em`s, was a vampire, but, something else too. She looked different but I couldn`t put my finger on it. i shrugged my shoulders and said, "Conratulations! Your a vampire!" And some other weird thing, I said to myself. She smiled at me, and said, "Wow - everything looks different," she said. "And feels different, too," she said as she felt the cracks in the wooden walls. Me and Ryan shared a glance but Ryan looked away and whispered, "Yeah...congratulation." I nodded and I thought about Matt. Ryan and Em`s did too and Em`s replied, "We better get going. Come on!" she said as she hopped off the bed. "Are you thirsty?" I asked her, wondering why she hadn`t mentioned about cravings. "Nope,...but I could do with some food, meat... I can smell it," she answered with a smile. "Meat? Don`t you want blood?" I asked with a grin. She shook her head. "I`m cravin some meat," she said, no louder than a whisper. "She wants meat, she doesn`t want blood, and she wrinkled her nose at blood...oh no!" Ryan shouted. I stared at him. "You don`t think that you?" Ryan nodded and I finished off my sentence," You think that Fredrick,...poisoned her with wolf blood? So if she died - or in our case- turned, she would become, half were-wolf-" "-half
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