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Book online «Fire Wing by Drakent Arrow (i want to read a book txt) 📖». Author Drakent Arrow

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I know enough of whathappens around here.- Any ideas?Kab shook his head.-All men and women of my guard are karishanos and loyal to the Queen Marla. You know and keep an eye on theservants know that none of them would be able to find out anything she wanted to keep secret. And, secondlyhand, the count had no relationship with anyone while he was here, on the advice of the queen. Except for a ...He stroked his chin thoughtfully.The young bard concluded. It Sariano, you know?-Saria has declared war Marla Queen sighed.They had gathered in one of the oldest rooms of the palace. The tapestries covered the walls notwere priceless. They had been woven on the occasion of the founding of the kingdom, several centuries ago.-Let us hope that the conflict is resolved quickly and return the balance to our land Ahriel said.- The balance! Marla repeated. You're always talking about the balance, Ahriel. But our world has neverKnown balance.-Still there are different realms. That means that none of them has managed to oppress others.Marla stopped to stare at his angel.- I really think that if someone was proclaimed emperor of all the kingdoms, would be to oppress theirsubjects?-I think, madam, that if the Emperor is chosen by mutual agreement, that does not have to happen. But hatredand suspicions are too rooted in human hearts. There would agree. Nobodyaccept an emperor who was not their land.'You seem to know very well, Ahriel.-I am a warrior, but that is not usual in my town. The angels are, essentially,observers. We do not intervene in human affairs except when they threaten to upset the balance.-I know, I know, you told me so many times ... But I did not call to talk about balance, Ahriel.We must end this war before it starts and avoid a long war that would bleed to ourpeople, and for that I designed a plan to assassinate the king ... Ravard of Saria.A sound, something like a gasp was heard in the hall. Marla had not caught, but the fineAhriel ear had heard clearly. With a boost from his powerful wings arrived at the other end of theroom in an instant, and drew one of the tapestries.She met brown eyes that looked with fear.

-Kendal Ahriel said.The bard turned and ran.Ahriel had expected. Perfectly knew the existence of this secret passage, and had securedKendal discovered that as well. He had several days watching him and had detected furtive behavior,but needed proof. He had prepared a false meeting with the queen in the hall of tapestries.He had made sure that Kendal found out, as if by chance. And there it was.Ahriel wings retracted everything he could for his tall figure could easily pass through the narrowpassage. The boy ran in front of her, but Ahriel knew there was no escape: Kab would be waiting toside.Suddenly, he lost it and stopped hearing his footsteps in the dark. Went ahead and ran into astocky.- Ahriel! It was the voice of Kab. May I know what are you doing here? Where have you gotten the kid?Ahriel not respond. He turned to the captain to retrace his steps.-There may be gone Kab growled.-He has not, 'said the angel, who looked better than human in the darkness. Look at this, there is acrossroads. A hallway to the right and to the left. How could we ignore them?Kab grunted and disappeared down the tunnel to the right. Ahriel turned onto the left.After a while he heard a breath, and knew he had reached his prey. He understood immediatelywhy.The tunnel was a dead end. It was probably a false passage, to mislead potential pursuers,and the right path was the one who had taken Kab. In any case, Kendal had fallen into the trap.Ahriel then saw the boy. He was curled up against the wall, and had not noticed him,because the angel was silent as a shadow. I reach towards Kendal and grabbed his shirt. The Bardcried, startled.-Do not move Ahriel said coldly.I saw in the dark, while Kendal is made to the idea that had been captured. She wore noweapon. - What will you do with me? -Were afraid to ask.Ahriel not answer.'Please,' said the bard. I need to know. What will happen?'That depends on how much you're willing to tell Ahriel said, pushing for him to walk in front ofher back to the main corridor. But I would say that your involvement in the murder of Count Aren going to costface. - What!? The boy blurted, stunned. But I do not ...!He paused and looked at the angel.-You can not be on their side, right? She asked suddenly. A deceived you too.Ahriel not respond.-I did not betray the Count Aren, was my friend! The boy protested. Saria not want war!-Silence Ahriel said coldly.He had not raised his voice, but it was necessary. Kendal, intimidated, obeyed.But when they were about to leave the tunnel blind, the young bard added softly:-Karish not been threatened by other kingdoms. Nobody would dare attack a country whose queen is protectedby angels.Ahriel not reply.At that time it was visible the tunnel entrance, and saw the imposing silhouette of Kab silhouetted against it.Kendal squirmed and tried to escape, but Ahriel held him with an iron hand.- Well, well! Said the captain. So you caught the little rat sniffs behind the doors!The boy turned back to Ahriel, and she could see that her eyes were open and was shakingof pure terror.'Please, ma'am, you have to believe me ... she whispered hurriedly. You lied. It takes yearsmoving threads to seize the kingdom of Saria!Kab grabbed the boy and pulled him brutally Angel.-Shut up and miserable ...

Do not bother the lady turned to the angel. The queen must be waiting.Do not worry about this bastard. I'll take care of it.Ahriel nodded, but stood for a moment in the hall, watching the captain of the guard dragged theboy, who was struggling with all his might, to the opposite end of the tunnel, which ended in the basement to the dungeons.I was about to turn away when he heard the desperate cry even Kendal:- Lady! Captain Earl murdered!There was a bang and a whimper. Ahriel turned to see what had happened, and saw the boy dragging Kabsprawled unconscious in a heap. Also noticed, thanks to his extraordinary sense of sight, thestrange look he gave the captain.And he felt a strange uneasiness.

Chapter II


Who was going to tell the queen sighed. A boy so young ...

And sang like angels, if I mayexpression ...- Have you confessed?

Not yet, but it will. Kab is with him.Ahriel nodded. That strange feeling of uneasiness did not quite abandon.- Do you trust Kab, ma'am?The queen immediately turned toward her.-Of course. Why did you ask that question?Ahriel shrugged.-We live in strange days. We must be wary of everything.Marla gave him a sharp look.You're right, Ahriel. And that kid is the perfect example of Saria double game. Proclaim to the fourwinds that want to establish a partnership with Karish, even though more than half of sarianos hate us.They send a pacifist Count deal with us ... and a spy to control the pacifist.

When Countreturns home, the spy informs those sarianos murderers, who kill in our land and leave the body inSaria karishano pinned with a dagger in the heart. King raises his fist and curses Karish and declares thewar, but to the rest of the kingdoms, we appear guilty, do you realize? The confession ofboy could put things in place.'In that case, I hope Kab not exceed the young bard.- Why?'Because, if the boy is tortured, he confesses confesses, the other kings will think that you have been forcedto.-I never thought the queen admitted. So, you better get down to see how things are going.Ahriel nodded and, without a word, left the room.Moments later descended the spiral staircase leading to the dungeons. A hideous scream thereceived, and the angel shuddered to recognize the voice of Kendal. He forced himself to stay calm.'Impartiality, justice, serenity ', she reminded herself.

He walked down the hall safely.The prisoners peered through the tiny barred window to see whoapproached, but when he turned to look at Ahriel, retreated, intimidated, to the bottom of their cells.Perhaps in the clean angel look, saw reflected the blackness of his own soul, as if it were a mirror.He stopped at the cell door Kendal. I was going to come, when the boy's voice, hoarse and breathy,but clearly audible, said:- I saw you! You went after the count that night. You're a murderer!Ahriel indignantly laid his hand on the doorknob, but the laughter of Kab and then he heard thestopped:-Yes, it is true, but no one will know, and you know why? Because no one will believe you, boy. And in prisonGorlian nobody cares more an earl or count less. So you should work, or else ...Ahriel opened the door shut. Kendal huddled against the wall. He was chained, and Ahriel saw hispale face had a few bruises. Kab turned to her.The angel read the truth in the eyes of the captain of the guard.

-You,' he said. You murdered the Count Aren.In one swift motion, Kab pulled the sword from the sheath, but when downloaded with the angel, steelshe was waiting for him. Kab's sword flew into the air and bounced off the floor tiles. EyesCaptain turned toward the door, but Ahriel and sword stood between him and freedom, and the angelremained firm as a marble statue. Kab looked at her defiantly.-You know. What do you do now?For answer, Ahriel unloaded his sword. Instinctively, Kab covered his face with his hand, but thefailed coup. However, a sharp clang echoed through the dungeon.

Kab opened his eyes and saw the swordof Ahriel had broken, in one stroke, the chains that imprisoned Kendal.'Go,' said the angel only.Kab's eyes turned toward the corner where lay his sword. But the edge of the weapon touched Ahriel ofnew skin.The young bard sat up, trembling. He tried to take a few steps. He turned to Ahriel, but she did not look.'Thanks' he said.Ahriel not respond. His eyes remained fixed on Kab, who, much to his regret, he flinched, intimidatedby the force of his gaze.Kendal hesitated. Finally, she slipped behind Ahriel and left the cell. The two heard him running down thepassageway to freedom.

-A queen is not going to like Kab growled.'I'm sure Ahriel replied impassively.He picked up the sword of the captain and left the cell, closing the door behind him. After ensuring thatKab could not escape, he went to the queen's chambers.As he climbed the stairs, thinking about the strange turn that things had taken. Never been theall convinced of the guilt of the bard. And although he had thought he could trust Kab, the truth was thatthere were many indications that they suspect him because of him. As, for example, the fact that it was theKab who put himself on the trail of Kendal. Or the unexplained absence of the captain the night of the murder.And of course, the boy's accusations in the passage, when he was captured.But now it was all under control. Handed over to the sarianos Kab and peace back to the kingdom.

And althoughThis time the bad apple had reached the heart of the palace, had fortunately Ahriellocate achieved rub off before the rest

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