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Book online «Fire Wing by Drakent Arrow (i want to read a book txt) 📖». Author Drakent Arrow

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of the basket. Although the angel appeared before the queen with his usual calm and impassive face, she knew well, andimmediately perceived brightness of triumph in his eyes.- What happens, Ahriel?-I have found the true murderer of Count Aren she replied calmly.Marla stared at. He covered it with a cloth a little crystal ball that had been contemplating androse.

- What do you mean?Ahriel frowned slightly. He did not like to play with those objects Marla superstitious, but untilthe time had failed to separate it from those extravagant distractions.However, the issue that hadbrought here was more important, and focused on him.The bard was innocent. The person who murdered the Count Aren is far from being a Sariano, and, of course,is closer to you than you think.-Sit down and tell me everything calmly invited the queen.Ahriel obeyed mechanically.'Thanks' he murmured. Lady, do not know where to start ... What I said the bard ... The truth is that nosuspected him ... If I had been more careful ...-If you have discovered, you have done such a bad job. But, tell me, who ...?


-Kab, ma'am.Marla put her hand to her mouth to stifle a gasp.-But Ahriel, you must be wrong ... How can you believe what he says a spy Sariano, for very youngto be?-The same has confessed Kab, ma'am.-I think I need a glass of wine murmured the queen, pale.Ahriel said nothing. He went deep in thought until Marla was offered a drink.-We will be good for both.-Yes, thank Ahriel said.They drank in silence, until the Queen said:- Does anyone know more?The young bard. Fortunately, I arrived in time to prevent an innocent man unjustly punished.- Have you released?-Yes. Now, Kab takes its place in the cell.Marla nodded thoughtfully.'But why should I? What would I gain by it?-That has me very intrigued Ahriel admitted. Kab has always been faithful to Karish, there's no doubt, and notdo anything you do not ...

Ahriel not finish the sentence. He stopped suddenly and looked at Marla, and did not like what he saw in her eyes. Theyoung man watched intently, as if waiting for something, a calculating gleam in his eye, whilecurled his medallion chain around his fingers.'I'm sorry, she apologized Ahriel.- The wine! Exclaimed the angel.He rose to his feet, but his legs failed him and he fell to the ground with a crash. He tried to rise, but themuscles would not obey him.-Has been slow to make fact-Marla said. Although I know that the angels are physically strongerthat we humans.Ahriel managed to turn his head. He saw the queen beside her, watching her. He tried to speak, but his mouth wasparalyzed.- Why ... why ...? She managed.Marla did not respond. He kept looking at her thoughtfully. His hand closed on the locket.- You know what this means? You know too much, Ahriel. So far I have been very useful: the otherkingdoms fear me because I have a personal guardian angel like. But it strikes me that I can hire you to anotherway. I will say that I have sent to Saria. When the people see that you do not return, I will believe that the traitorssarianos you have prisoner. It's a perfect excuse to start a war, do not you think? Better than thatCount stupid. Something like, we will not stop until we returned to our angel. All karishanoswill be happy to come to the rescue. And the other realms confront fear me, if the other angels arehappens to come to avenge his warrior.-You know ... not going to do it, could say Ahriel.-I do, but they do not. Most people have never seen an angel closely. How will they knownone of your ways?- Po ... r ... q-what ...? Ahriel repeated, desolate.Marla leaned in front of her and looked into her eyes.-You could have stayed with me, my angel. But I never liked the idea of ​​an empire by force, no, youalways talking about that damn balance ... without realizing that this is the only way to do things! Mynaive father believed in peace between kingdoms ... when all other kings were willing to crush to addKarish lands to their own. Well, it's time to do things differently. Venceremos toSaria with the help of the other realms. And when you fall ... fall Saria others.Ahriel was listening all, helpless, thinking that all this had to be the product of anightmare. And while the angels did not dream, she had spent enough time among humans to know thata bad dream should not be very different from what I was living. He remembered the words ofKendal in the passage,

-I lied. It takes years moving threads to seize the kingdom of Saria! ». Thenhad believed that the boy was referring to Kab, so that statement had seemed absurd, but nowunderstood it clearly: the young bard had tried to warn him that Marla was cheating.Probably she and Kab had sought from the beginning for a scapegoat, and Kendal had elected to beSariano and friend of the earl. And had sown Ahriel path of false leads that llevasen to him.Marla joined.- Did you say that Kab is locked in the dungeons? Very funny. I'll send someone to get him. Andcapture them back to that stupid bard. Just like you ... know too.The angel opened his mouth to say something, but the potion finished grab your mind and threw the mostdarkness.When he opened his eyes, he found himself in a damp, dark cell.

It took a while to understand whatwas happening.Marla Queen, whom she had educated and protected from birth, had cheated and betrayed. Andnot only her, but all Karish, even to the other realms. For some unknown reason, Marla wanted to allCoast Saria crush the kingdom, and therefore had pulled strings to provoke a war and to convince the otherthe warlike monarchs King Ravard of Saria had unfairly attributed the murder of Count Karish Aren. AndNow, Marla Saria accuse of kidnapping Ahriel.«Why, why?" Asked the angel, desolate. "I've taught since I was a child that the waris chaotic and that every creature has a right to live in peace. What happened to the little Marla? ».He tried to rise, but the effects of poisoned wine had not yet completely dissipated. Itdropped, discouraged. He breathed deeply and resigned himself to waiting until you volviesen forces. When wererecovered out of there and then ...So what?He thought back to his own, but he wondered how he would explain to the other angels who hadfailed in its mission, and that the balance of the continent was about to break into a thousand pieces, like a fragilecrystal. He realized that it would be worthless to go home and look them in the face.What other options did I have? Marla Facing?? I could not. He had taken an oath ...Ahriel had known ever since he could remember, it was destined to be a warrior angel. Therelearned the art of fighting and had put his sword in the service of justice and balance. Never had employedlow dirty tricks or gimmicks. He had always fought face to face, nobly and with honor.The education of Princess Marla had been his first vital mission. Ahriel had always known that afterthat came other, since angels were much longer-lived than humans, and she would still be younglong after the children of Marla die. It was an important mission, but deceptively simple.

Marlasovereign should be a good and fair, as was his father, King Briand. If an angel was training sincebirth, Marla did not have to be tempted into the path of hatred and ambition. And balance prevailamong humans, for another generation.Ahriel had sworn to serve and educate Marla, and protect it with your life. But Marla had denied everythingAhriel had taught him. Despite the anxieties of the angel, the young queen was proving despise the idealsthat governed the life of his mentor ... and for seventeen years he had managed to convince her otherwise.How had he done? At the bottom of his heart, Ahriel knew I should have guessed, for multipleevidence that Marla had his own ideas about justice and balance. But he had left running,believing that it was good that she think for herself, rather than blindly obey. Nowunderstood that should have been harder on her, cutting the roots of these dangerous ideas."I've lost her," thought Ahriel, desolate. "I've lost. I've failed her and mine. "What should I do? Marla could not face, because it was his ward and had sworn to defend. Butseconding in its ambitious war plans went against his most sacred principles. The angels wereobservers and rarely fought, but when they did always fought for ideals of justice, equality andbalance.No, Ahriel not know which way to go. And she was not used to not knowing.Ahriel closed his eyes. I was confused and lost. Never before had he felt so. His soul was a whirlwind offeelings he had never experienced before: anger, fear, pain, helplessness, remorse ... but worsewas that awful feeling of failure.He thought that if the balance of the continent had sunk because of him, it would be better to let othermore competent angels she occupy restoring it.

Deep breath and tried to relax. He managed to appease the beating of his heart and his mind got leavewhite. Gradually, was going into a trance, and after a while his spirit floated above the ocean confusingcontradictory feelings within him.Ahriel drifted. When you wake up from the trance, would have dispelled the doubts and the pain would have subsided.When I returned in itself, would see everything from a different perspective.I could not tell how long he remained in this way, not moving, not thinking, not feeling.Probably it took several hours, but no longer perceived the angel over time. When he awoke, hourslater wished he had not ever.

Kab brutally returned to reality. Entered the cell accompanied by a dark figure, but not Ahrielhad the strength to lift his head and find out who the unknown. Kab tried to her feet, but the bodyof Ahriel was still under the influence of narcotics, and his legs did not respond. Then left her on the ground,upside down.The stranger approached and leaned over her. Ahriel was vaguely aware of their movements. His mindsuddenly cleared, alerted by rubbing hands of the stranger on his wings. Their feathers curledautomatically.Nobody touched his wings. And less than a human.He wanted to move, but could not. He tried to speak, but his tongue seemed a dry cloth in her mouth. And then he feltsomething moving between its wings, something cold and slimy. Ahriel let out a low moan of terror. He answereda sort of hiss: a snake coiled its rings around the birth of their wings. But it was notCurrent snake, there was something strange about her. Ahriel could clearly perceive that oozed hatred and evil, andthat feeling is going to transmit to each of its feathers, and the entire surface of your skin.Then the stranger spoke a few words in a language unknown to Ahriel. She immediately saw thepower that emanated from his hands and transmitted to the odious snake. It was a twisted and dark energy.

Ahrielcould have countered with their own power, conditions have been found, and now regretted nothave fought with more energy against the narcotic the first time he woke up in the cell. ThenI thought things could not get worse than they were.Now he realized his mistake. Too late.The serpent issued a final hiss angrily and turned stiff and cold as steel. Ahriel no longer felt her move,but felt his presence there, surrounding their wings at the point where they joined her back. That thing hurt him,much damage, burned like ice on your skin producing intense and excruciating pain.- That's it? Kab asked.'Yes,' said the stranger softly. He got up and left her, and Ahriel thought desperately, that thetwo men would leave and leave there with that horrible torture device chaining their wings.He tried to speak, and finally his lips let out a desperate plea:-Qui ... tádmelo.Kab launched a scornful laugh.-Qui ... tadme ... this ... please, could say Ahriel.Only the ruthless response obtained by

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