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Book online «Fire Wing by Drakent Arrow (i want to read a book txt) 📖». Author Drakent Arrow

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women asked himbless her babies.Studied more closely to the group, and realized that they seemed anything but honest. They wore clothestattered, wore their hair long and shaggy and although crude weapons displayed, all wood, itseyes had a sinister smile shine so perverse.'Perhaps I have not explained well-said more coolly. I have asked you to welcome me tonight.He advanced to the firelight bathed her figure, but he did limp, and his entry was not tootriumphant. However, appreciated by the change in their expressions that they had already noticed her wings.'Perhaps you did not you understand,' said one of the men, staring at her with a twinkle calculatorin his eyes. I have wondered why we are going to give in return.'I have nothing to give you. So I ask ...-Let her approach interrupted the leader, with a smile.-But, Yuba ...We're not going to leave the poor lady left for dead on this storm, right? Replied the callYuba, with a sinister smile.The woman laughed contemptuously, and Ahriel was about to reply that she was no "poorlady "and was not at all" abandoned to their fate ', but she bit her tongue and moved to stand next tofire. She pretended not to notice the looks that those individuals going about their wings, now soiled with mud.-It seems that you manage well here, 'said the woman.Ahriel brief look at him, but said nothing.- You always this cocky?'I'm not conceited,' she said softly. I'm an angel. I am.The woman laughed again. But then straightened Ahriel as moved by a spring.Someone had touched their wings.He turned quickly and saw that two of the three men were after her. She felt that she stoodand also approached her. Ahriel breath. She had let her guard down because she was tired and hurt, and nowhad surrounded and wielding their weapons: sticks, stakes and arrows.'Do not move,' said one of them muttered. Who are you?-Like I said she said. I'm an angel.All the more reason for the kill growled another.- Are you crazy? Yuba replied. The King of the Swamp will pay very well for such a creature.-That if it escapes before flying with its wings.-But you can not move them said another. Have not you noticed?The guy grabbed roughly one Ahriel wings, and she uttered a cry of warning. But mannot let go. The angel squirmed and lightning speed, beat his opponent, who was thrown intoback and fell dramatically over the muddy ground.The other retreated a little, and Ahriel breath. This was ridiculous.

Never before had put ina group of human distress. Of course, never before found so exhausted, physically and psychologically, andhad lost the ability to fly. Not to mention the broken ankle.Still, it was ridiculous.-You do not know who you face said, calmly. For less than this you could spend the rest of your daysin Gorlian.Those words, far from intimidating, the enraged, much more than I would have expected Ahriel. Itpounced on her. One of them threw a stone to the head of the angel. She ducked, but the stonehit painfully on the shoulder, and the woman took that moment to throw a rope around his neck. Pulledit, and the angel put his hands to his throat, feeling suffocated. He tried to pull away, but she did notcollected more rope.'Very funny, angelita Yuba said. But that very funny. I know that a visit to the King of the Swamp is not going toresultarte nice, but, sorry, not going to kill you to get rid of it.Ahriel was not listening. One of her captors had grabbed by the left wing. Nobody hadever dared to ...But then he remembered the man who had set the trap and shuddered.And decided it had humiliated enough.He gathered strength and, with a sudden movement that they did not expect, kicked into the hands of thewoman, who dropped the rope with a groan of pain. Ahriel then turned Yuba, which had fallenTherefore, and menacingly brandishing a club. Ignoring the pain, Ahriel struck the arm of hisopponent and the stick went flying through the air.The four looked at her with respect.'I've decided I do not want your hospitality,' she said coldly.And slowly, limping, went out again in the rain.He did not turn to see what made the three men and the woman. He had earned his hatred for life, but he knewAlso they would not dare to openly attack again. But try to stick a knife in the backwhen asleep.Even heard among the din of the rain, the voice of women:

- Never get out of here! Do you hear me? Never! And when this place not through with you as you showarrogant!Ahriel not listen.He kept walking, ignoring the pain in his ankle and his shoulder and looking simply to refer thestorm or morning came, and meanwhile searched the shadows around, looking for a placesheltered place to rest and recuperate. If he sank into a healing sleep when awakened theirwounds have healed, but that meant sleeping so deeply that could awaken in the stomach of agiant worm without having heard it coming.So Ahriel continued on, hoping to reach some place that offered him a minimum of trust.Walked long hours in the rain, sharp cliffs climbed, crawled uphill and slid down the mountain.When tired, cold, hunger, thirst and pain became unbearable, Ahriel collapsed full lengthon a mud puddle, and stayed there.His last thoughts before losing consciousness, were to Marla.

Chapter IV

Ahriel woke up in a warm, dry place. For a moment he thought he had been the victim of one of those baddreams that plagued humans at night. But the pain produced the stocks that gripped its wingsrecalled that this was real, very real.Fortunately, Ahriel was well trained and, even though he was completely clear, had not yeteyes open and had made no movement. I could sense the presence of another person in the room, andbelieved that it would still sound asleep.He set to work the rest of their senses to learn more about the situation in which he found himself.She was lying on a hard cot and a blanket covering his body rough and thin, that seemed made of some kindskin. He listened and mentally analyzed the sounds coming to her. The steps, fast, safe andenergetic, certainly belonged to a man, but not very big. But those steps were irregular, andAhriel concluded that there was little room to move and certainly was avoiding obstacles. A sounddeaf and muttered a curse under his breath came to confirm his theory was a man, a young man, and had justtrip over something.Continued to analyze the sounds. He caught the crackling of a fire, the sound of rain pounding on the roof, onecouple leaks a little further ... He heard the young man threw something in a clay pot, and the smell ofstew came to her clearly. He could not identify what was made, but caught a faint smell of siltthat maybe it was the type of water used.Ahriel weighed his alternatives. In case you had to fight, his opponent certainly did not seem verydifficult to overcome. Although Ahriel not know if he was armed, and he had not heard the sound it produced a swordhitting against the thigh of a man in motion. But the young man could carry a dagger. By the waymove, Ahriel had deduced it was very quick and fast. And you had to count on the fact that, at thatroom so small, he would move more easily than she, who had to have the dead weight of its wingsto the back.He wondered if this room would be part of a larger home, and if there would be more people in it.He waited a while, but did not hear anyone enter. The boy pulled the pot from the fire and poured the stew into a bowl.While eating, Ahriel advantage to open some eyes and peer through narrowed eyelids.He discovered that he was in a shack manufactured from flotsam and jetsam, and that the room was tinyvarious objects filled with wood and clay. But above all, he looked at the young man who ate sitting on the floor withlegs crossed.Had the same appearance as the people who had attacked in the cave ragged shaggyscruffy. However, as Ahriel had guessed, it was big. It looked more like a bag of bones.That yours thinness made him look taller than he was.Ahriel also noticed in his face, partially hidden by a beard revolt. He appreciated that his faceelongated gave him some foxy expression.The angel continued watching until finished eating and placed the bowl in a corner. I saw him rise,stretch like a cat and move casually towards her. She closed her eyes as she felt him coming, but theyoung man just took something that was near the cot. Ahriel heard him turn around and walk away again into the fire.He opened his eyes again ...And his eye fell ... with other eyes, dark and inquisitive, who watched with curiosity.'Good morning,' said the man.



Ahriel joined lightning speed, shoved him and placed in a defensive position. The younghad caught, and that meant it was more stealthy, fast and observant than most humanswith which the angel had occasion to treat.- Who are you? He demanded Ahriel.The young man grinned mockingly.-The person who saved you when you were thrown out there, completely soaked, wounded and deadcold. Is not that enough?-In certain circumstances, the angel replied coolly. Who are you?The man's face hardened.-Well. My name is Bran. You're in my house, and I'm asking the questions. Who are you?I'm not at home by choice she pointed out.Bran shrugged.'Very well. You can leave if you want. I'm not going to stop. But I think Tora and yours have leftgame tonight, and the Mad Mac is still at large. In addition, the Butcher has expanded its territory to thenorth, and that what about here more than I would like. Not to mention the fact that the King of the Swamp andcertainly know you're here, and I'm convinced that will have much interest in meeting you. Ah! And by the way,still raining heavily.Ahriel relaxed just a little.- You expect me to believe I'm safe in here?-No place is completely safe here. But yes, it is safer to walk outdoors.Ahriel said nothing. He was still staring at the man, trying to decide if it was legit.-I suppose you're wondering why I saved your life, 'he added. Now you should have givenrealized that here no one gives anything for nothing. And I'm no different. So if you thought for a momentI helped you out of pity, out of kindness or whatever ... forget it, okay? I do not want you to have an ideawrong of me.'Do not I have. What do you want then?, Why did you help me?Bran shrugged again.-Out of curiosity. Yes, I know that curiosity is not healthy, especially in a place like this. And the truth, I have notsurvived as long as they stuck where it does not belong. In fact, when I saw you lying there I was about to givearound, but then I saw your wings, and well, my attention, so ...

- Where am I? Angel-cut.-In the Northern Sector. Northwest of the Cordillera and not far from the Swamp.- What range? What swamp?-The Cordillera said the man, losing patience. La Cienega. Only one ridge andbog, and can not see any

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