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Book online «finally free by Lili lopez (white hot kiss .TXT) 📖». Author Lili lopez

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Chapter 3


I awake to pain in my face, my eyes shot open and I let out a growl as I caught the hand that was about to hit me again. Then I realized who it was, my alpha. Knight still sleeping besides me let out a loud snore but otherwise seemed unaffected. “you little….” My alpha said, I noticed that I was in my fake form, I must’ve shifted when I fell asleep. My alpha looked at his hand, shocked how easily I caught it. “are you defying me?” he asked in his alpha voice.


Now that woke up knight. “what the hell are you doing!” knight said in his alpha voice, to intimated my alpha. I let go of my alphas hand and looked at knight, “I'm fine, he hit me once but I wont let it happen again. Never. Again.” I thought to knight. He looked at me shocked as I let go of my fake form and turned into my true form. My alpha was speechless but not for long, he throw a punch at me but I caught it mid-air and flung him backwards.


He shifted into his wolf in the air and howled in pain as he hit a near by tree. That howl told the pack that he was in distress. “the pack should be here any minute. You should leave I can handle this on my own.” I told knight through our bond as I shifted into my true wolf. “no! I'm not leaving you!” he shot back. I glanced at him as he shifted, I sighed and shrugged “whatever, but be prepared.” Just as I finished saying that we were surrounded by my pack,.


I growled at my pack as they moved closer. They were snapping their jaws and scratching the floor. I attacked the closest one to wolf to me that happened to be the alphas little sister whose name I forgot. I flung her at three other wolves, sending all of them backwards. You pups are a hundred years to early to win against me, I thought.


I could hear knight fighting behind me, from the sound of it, he was winning. We were in the middle of fighting when knights pack joined I glanced at knight, who was to busy fighting to notice. I threw back to more wolves before I notice my now x-alpha running away leaving his pack behind.


I was furious! How dare he leave his pack! I growled as I jumped over several wolves fighting. I pounced on my x-cowardly alpha. He yelped out in pain as I bit into one of his shoulders. He managed to throw me off; I landed on my feet and flung myself at him again. He was strong but not as strong as me. He was able to dodge me and bite into my hind leg. I growled, pissed that he was able to land a hit. I won’t let that happen again I thought as I ripped my leg free.

We fought for what seemed like hours, the wolves had stopped fighting around us. They were unable to join because it was an alpha fight so they just watched us, including knight. I was getting sick of this fighting and decided to stop messing around and end it. I grabbed the neck of the alpha and snapped it with the loud snap, after snapping his neck I howled not for victory but for lost. He may have been a jerk to me but he was still some ones son, brother, cousin, friend and a fellow wolf. My howl was alone at first but soon everyone joined into the howl.

alpha mates

Chapter five


After the howl I shifted into my human form, to everyone shock. This was the first time that I let someone beside knight see my true form well beside the now dead wolf. Knight shifted soon after I did as long as his pack. My now pack shifted too. I was glad I could actually feel the pack bond between us, I couldn’t remember the last time I felt a pack bond that wasn't faked.


I looked at the knight, “do you think that we can join our packs together? I asked, he nodded with a smirk. I inhaled and said “I'm your new alpha female!” I let my alpha voice ring throw they're ears. “my mate knight is your new alpha male! We are no longer separate packs. We are now the moonlight star pack those who object shall face me!” I said still in alpha voice, my alpha voice was so strong all the wolves’ front legs gave in and they're head down in a show of loyalty to both me and knight. With a smile I shifted to my wolf and howled, not as an omega anymore but as an alpha and my pack soon joined as well as my mate.


The next day, I awoke in the arms of knight. I kissed him in the cheek to wake him up. he opened his eyes slowly and the look in his eyes sent a shiver down my back, before I knew it he was on me with his lips on my neck. “can i?” he thought, “yes.” I answered. He bit into my neck send in pain and pleasure through my body and as quickly as it came it ended. “mine!” he thought. I flipped him over and bit into his neck “forever yours” we were now officially mates, not just any mates were alpha mates.

school -_-

Chapter 6

A month has gone by since I combined the moonlight light pack and star light back and I became alpha female and my mate alpha male. At first my pack didn’t believe I was star but I changed they're minds as I shifted into my fake form in front of them. Most accept me and knight as alpha but like in every good pack, they're some that don't approve of us.


Today was the first day of school, I may be an alpha but I was still a miner in my packs mind, Ha imagine they're surprise if I told them I'm older than most of them, I thought. “Star! Time to go or are you going to be late on our first day?” lily yelled from down stairs. She and I became good friends well after I apologized for attacking her, of course.


“Coming, I'm taking my bike so you guys can go ahead.” I yelled back as I grabbed my keys to my brand new bike, then headed for the door. She and the other were already in the car waiting for me to get on my bike and lead the way to school, not because I'm alpha its because I was the only one that knew the way with out getting lost. When I pulled up to the school everyone that was outside seemed to be staring at us.


I was puzzled, “did I do something wrong?” I asked Lily as she got out the car. She giggled, “its not everyday they see a white hair beauty pull up on a    Harley Davidson.” “I knew I should’ve gone in my other form.” She looked at me as I had slapped her. “if I may say alpha, you look better like that.” My other beta, Luke injected. I rolled my eyes, “I told you not to call me alpha while at school, Luke.”  He nodded looking down, I didn’t like that. I patted his head, “Luke, I'm not like the old alpha,” rest his soul, I thought. “you don't have to fear me.” He looked up but didn’t meet my eyes, no one could met the eyes of the alpha besides another alpha. Speaking of which, where was knight.


Lily seemed to notice my sudden tension, “he’ll be here after first period.” She said. I nodded to her, “okay, now lets get this over with.” I walked into the schools main office with the pack’s teenagers on my heel except Lily and Luke which were flanking me. The secretary seemed to have been to startled by us, I couldn’t blame her. There was 6 of us there, 4 of which were guys, me and lily are the only young females. The shortest guy was at least 5ft 3in, and Lily was at least 5’4


“h-how m-may I help you?” she asked as she paled. I smiled, “yes, we are new here and would like to have are schedules please.” I said in the politest tone I could make without intimating her, it seemed to work since she regained some of her color. “yes, would you tell me your names?” she asked. They other looked at me as if the were asking me if it was okay, I nodded.


(finally pack intros well some of them :P)

“my name is David starlight,” the shortest one of us said, he was part of knight pack. He had short black hair with brown eyes, he looked like a model well so did the rest of the pack. “I’m Steve starlight,” he was also part of knights pack and also David’s twin brother. “I’m jack moonlight,” jack introduced himself, he was part of my pack. He had dark blue eyes, rarity in were’s, he has light brown hair. “Luke moonlight,” Luke said with a bright smile, now Luke had to be the best looking of the old pack. He was strawberry blonde with bright green eyes. “Lily starlight” Lily gave her name with a

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