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Book online «finally free by Lili lopez (white hot kiss .TXT) 📖». Author Lili lopez

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little ugly mugs off. The teacher did the same thing we did yestarday and let some of the students ask questions. First was the fake blonde brittney, "How about me and you go and hang out later?" she said trying to appear cute. Knight and I were about to say something but before we both could say something rose and daisy were up in her face with luke and Lily flanking them. "We strongly suggest you take your comment back and bite your ugly tongue so we dont have to hear your annoying voice, and if you dont take our nice suggestion we can just rip your tongue out and make you freaking eat it!" They snarled together. They were mad, no, they were exteremely pissed off. Not only did she disrespect one of their alphas, she disrespected both of their alphas in one freaking sentence. I did all i could to keep from laughing from the blonde's scared face, but sadly people are thick headed and don't know when to take a simple suggestion or more like warning be the stupid fake blonde smack Rose in the face since she was the closest. 


I let out the lowest a deadliest growl that the all the wolves in the room that heard it and started to bow their heads and sticking their necks out to show submission even Knight showed his neck in unwilling submission, but i didn't really care about that at the moment because I was to enraged by the stupid human who had not only disrespected me and my mate, she disrespected a pack member by phyically harming her. The humans and the stupid fake blonde where all stareing at the four in front of brittney puzzled by their reactions to brittney because they couden't hear my growl or feel my murderous intentions. Brittney smirk in victory and was about to say something but before she coud i slapped my hands on my desk and stood up.


"You have at the most 1 minute to leave this class room and not show your face for a while or I turn that make-up covered face into a one covered with blood." I growled, meeing her dull brown eyes. She was scared a she must've instinctively bowed her head a little and show her neck. Even though we coud clearly smell, see and hear her fear she didn't back down. "Make me, you ugly S..." she couldn't finish her insult because i had her by the neck and commanded with my mind for her to submit. She may have been human but like us humans also have a pack mentality no matter how much they don't want to admit it thay are very much like us beside us having beautiful huge wolves we turn into, they wish they were that cool. While i was lost in thought, i didn't notice all the wolves in the class were on their knees witht heir necks out to the point that they had to have a ache in their necks, even the humans were on the ground puzzled and scared. I hated seeing people like that so I quickly let go of brittney but not before telling her she had one more chance to not show her ugly mug in front of me or my pack again.


Once i dropped her like a rag doll i turned and face the scared looking humands and proud looking wolves looking back at me. "Humans forget what you have seen, heard of felt. Go to sleep and once awoken forget about everything that has happened between the new students, brittney and myself." I commanded and i knew it worked because the students had all returned to their seats and the teacher back to his desk and put their heads down and some started light snoreing. 


My wolves were shocked at the power that i was edmitting and Rose and Daisy looked scared. I signed, "I'm sorry, I almost lost control there but i will never and i mean never ever just sit by and watch my wolves get hurt by anyone, even if its by a unknowling human their is no excuse for violence or such disrepect." I explain in a hurry. They nodded and Knight put his hand on my back to calm me and my enraged wolf down. Lily was the first to speak with a smile full of mischef, "Well, my good alpha friend, you are, you are the strongest wolf i've ever seen alpha or not, You are strong. Very few alphas can control a human that wasn't in the pack." I just rolled my eyes, she has seen very little of I am capable of.


The bell rung, we all nodded and woke up the teacher and told him that everyone fell asleep and he gave up and fell asleep too. He believed it because i used my ability to comand him into believeing my crazy story and with that we left, the rest of the classes before lunch went by in a flash. 


We all met up at the table we were at the day before, "hey guys, we need to hold a pack meeting once we get home, Knight and I have something to tell the pack, that affects everyone here, even the unknowing humans." I told them through the pack link, getting confused expressions but they still nodded. Knight once again had his hand on my back that calmed my nerves. He knew what i had to say, and he also knew the pack wasn't going to like it at all. 


Flashback (two days ago)

Knight and I were in our office doing some paper work that needed to be sorted out, we were working in peace listing to 'Let me be myself by 3 doors down' until the phone rang. I had a feeling something was up becasue no one called the alpha phone unless it was an outsider from another pack because normally when something happened the pack would just call us through the link. I picked up the phone and waited for the person who callled to state their business. "Hello, may i talk to the alpha of the star light pack," the strong male voice demanded, you could feel the power coming from his voice, Hes an alpha i thought to myself. "I'm sorry sir, but the star light and moonlight packs are no more. The late alpha of the star light pack was killed by me the new Alpha female of the moonlight star pack." i said letting some of alpha power go into my voice as i stated my position, "What business do you have with me?" I could hear him growling at my tone. "I am the beta of a near by pack called The midnight pack, i would like......"

queen slut and STD crew

(still flashback)

"I am the beta of the  near by pack, midnight pack, i would like to ask you to take over the pack until the true alpha of the pack is of age. Since both our alpha and luna have been killed by the rouges." I was shocked that i was talking to a beta instead of an alpha, he had the power of middle ranked alpha, which meant that the previous alpha was a strong one. while i was lost in thought knight had taken the phone and told the beta we'd take temporary leadship of the pack while the true alpha is still underage.


"Star, are you okay?" Knight asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Yeah, i am. i was just thinking how strong that beta was, he could've just taken the alpha role himself and killed the previous alphas pup." Knight looked at me shocked that i was thinking of such things. "Star, we may be wolves but we are also human, we aren't animals we know whats right and what is wrong."he said touching his forehead to ine, "not all of our kind was like the previous alphas." I looked down and thought, but thats what i did to get my alpha position i am a killer, i killed my own alpha...... Knight must've guessed what i thought because the next thing i knew he had his lips on mine and thought through the bond. "you did what had to for the sake of your future and the packs, he was a cowardly alpha who was not born fit for his position like you were. you are meant to lead this pack." i smiled into the kiss, I loved him so much, he may not be my world but he was at the center of it.

(flashback over)


They nodded understanding that the pack meeting was important. "ugh, this sucks. I can't believe humans called this lunch." i said breaking the tense silence that had come over the group, "like seriosly what the flipperdoodle is this?" i asked, while flinging what ever it was at the steve. "what the flipperdoodle, alpha!" steve said as he wiped whatever it was off his face. The entire table was too busy laughing at the red face steve that we didn't notice whore face brittney and her crew of Stds come up to the table. 


"Knight, steve, david and luke, why don't you come with us. You guys don't belong with these sluts and whores" brittney purred, trying to be seductive but inside it sounded like a dying cat that made our stomach turn more then the lunch did. We immediatly stopped laughing, i was the first out of my seat as I slowly made my way to the queen sllut. Making eye contact with that cause her to smell of fear. when i made it to i slapped her as hard as a human body could take without breaking anything. 


Everyone in the lunch room grew silent as the sound of my slap ecoed through the the room. Brittney and her STD crew seemed to be surprised at my sudden act of violence as my pack mates and soul mate purred in approval. The first one to move to hit me was an over plastic fake blondie that made barbie jealous, before her hand could contact to my face, Lily had caught it and had the poor girl by the neck with her feet off the ground. "You dare try to harm our Alp-" "Silence" I commanded in the pack link causing lily to let the slut go and get on her knees. The plastic girl must've misunderstood why lily was bowing because as soon as she caught her breath, she kicked lily in the stomach, cause lily to let out a small whimper. Thats was when i saw red. i lunged at the plastic pathectic girl. I could hear luke fighting to get free from steve and david. I guess i wasn't the only one seeing red. No one made a move to grab me because i was the alpha, and no one besides knight could hold me back.  i started punching and smacking around the human girl until she was a bloody mess, knight pulled me off, "thats enough you might kill the patheic human." I growled still enraged, "enough!" he roared in alpha tone. His tone didn't affect me but i knew he'd only use his tone when he's serious.


I got off the pathectic plastic

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