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Book online «Rivals to Lovers by Patricia Galindez (uplifting novels .txt) 📖». Author Patricia Galindez

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here? You know you're not supposed to stay out in the forest for too long!” Oh no.

As soon as Annabelle's calls sounded close by, I didn't think about anything else except not letting Indy get discovered. So, I ran and grabbed his arm, guiding him to my hiding place in a secure part of the forest. He didn't argue or resist against my hold, only continued to follow me.

At last we made it to a large tree with an entrance to go inside it, almost like a cave. I lead him inside and we sat inside of the tree.

I sighed. “Well that was close.” I looked at him and noticed that he was now completely nude without that bush that covered him. I blushed a little and untied my cloak to help him cover up. I gave him my cloak, and then he wrapped it around himself.

He finally spoke, “Why did you not let them discover me? I'm like your enemy.”

“Oh, well....” I really have no idea why, all I know was that I had to keep him safe, “I don't know. It's just that I felt like I had to keep you from getting killed. I'm sure your family will be quite upset if you were.” He said nothing, only stared at me.

“Do you know some things about werewolves?” he asked. Though he only asked, it still taken me aback. Why would he ask me about it?

“Yes, I know a few. Why ask?”

“Do you also know about them having mates?”

“Yes,” I said hesitantly.

“What I was following out here, it was a scent. A very strong scent. It made me want to follow it, and it lead me to you. When I saw you, I was blown away, mostly because you're a witch, and that I thought that you were the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Being in your presence, it makes me worship you. Hearing your voice, it's like a sound of music. And your scent, it's like a sweet smell of strawberries and vanilla. My brother told me about these signs, saying you experience them when you've found your mate. And I think you're mine.”

What? How can I possibly be his mate when I'm not even a werewolf? I just can't be. He must have the wrong girl.

I shook my head. “No, that can't be possible, it can't be me, and I’m not even a wolf like you.”

“It is possible. The wolf spirits chooses a soul mate for every wolf even if they're not of our kind, but it's only rare to have a mate that's not a wolf,” he explained.

I still couldn't believe what he's telling me, that I'm his mate. But, somewhere deep inside me that it's true. That we're meant to be together even if we just met not too long ago. I think maybe I have to sleep on it and process this.

“Look, Indy. I don't know much about this, but maybe I should try to think about this first and I guess try to be okay with it.”

“So that means I'll get to see you again?” he asked hopefully.

I nodded. “We'll meet back here tomorrow at midnight, and I'll let you know what I think. I better get back to the village. Oh, and be careful coming here.”

He nodded, gave me back my cloak, and then shifted back into his silvery eyed black and white wolf. We went out into the open, and parted ways. I walk all the way to where I left my basket, and then headed back to the village.

As soon as I opened the door, then walked in, mother and Annabelle were seated at the table. When I shut the door, both darted their heads towards me. Mother rushed to me and hugged me tightly.

“Nova, where were you? By the time you were supposed to come back and you didn't, Annabelle went looking for you but couldn't. I thought something terrible happened to you,” mother cried.

“I'm fine, mother. I just lost track of time; it won't happen again,” I promised.

She sniffed, “Okay. You know I can't afford to lose you too, like with your father. Both of you were so much alike.”

“I know, mother. I'll be careful next time.”

She sighed. “Alright.” She left to her room.

Annabelle came to me, “I'm sensing something, Nova. Are you sure it was only lost track of time? It doesn't sit well with me.” I should have known better than to know Annabelle can sense a lie on someone.

“Of course. With my training of spells, I got carried away and made me not notice the time. But, I'll notice next time, Annabelle. I really wouldn't want to worry you or mother.”

She nodded. “Okay, I'll believe it for now.”

I walked away to my room, and sat my basket on my table. I took off my black cloak, the same cloak my grandmother wore when she was my age, and gave it to father before she passed away in remembrance of her. When I was eight, he gave it to me, saying I looked like grandmother with the cloak on. So, I wore it everywhere I went. It's the only thing I have left of him.

As I held it in my hands, I noticed a scent lingering on it. I put it close to my face, and the scent on the cloak was absolutely intoxicating. It smelled like nature, rain, and something else that I couldn't identify. The smell must have rubbed off from Indy when I let him use the cloak to cover himself. God, I just feel like curling up in this cloak with its scent and never letting it go.

I went to lie on my bed with the cloak close to my chest, and my thoughts instantly went to Indy. I must admit he is very good looking, and kind. His green eyes did show innocence, yet strength and leadership. He didn't look much like a leader physically, but it's the mind that counts. Just thinking about him made me feel some respect towards him. Could I really be his mate like he said? I didn't think it was possible, but he said it happens rarely. Obviously, I being his mate could lead into complications, considering both our races are enemies. What were we to do? Would it be worth it? I don't know. But, what I do know is that if I destined to be his mate, I'll gladly accept it. Your mate is being your life partner, and I finally found mine.

So, if I let this go, then I gave up the one who is meant for me and no one else. I'm not letting this feud come between me and my future with my soul mate. I'll do whatever it takes to keep us a secret for our relationship to survive. I just hope nothing rash comes our way.
The Light to My Dark


What just happened felt like a dream, that I didn't think something like this would happen so soon. The moment that I was walking in my wolf form in the forest, I was hit with such a delightful scent. Smelling it just made my inner wolf go crazy and growled 'Mine. My mate. Mine.' I wasn't in control after that, I just let my body take me to that scent, and it didn't matter where I was going.

Looking at the one that owned the scent, I was blown away. Such a beauty that can't be described in words. Though, I will just say that she is a goddess; a dark angel. Her flow like long black hair that I can rap around my fingers. Her face so smooth and soft looking that she can be a perfect china doll. Her white skin as snow, so radiant. Her small figure that can fit perfectly against mine. And lastly, her bright electric blue eyes with such long lashes it would put me in a trance and make me her slave.

I might be considered lucky to be mated to such a beauty so magnificent that I would show her off to the world. My father would constantly tell me that the spirits would never pick a gentle soul so beautiful for me to be mated to. He basically shuns me. He's always so proud of my older brother Conner. Conner is everything an Alpha father would love, smart, strong, built, and a leader. As for me, I'm a mistake to him. I'm smart like my brother, but I'm not as strong or built as him. And most importantly, to every Alpha blood child, they have to become a leader. I could become a leader if I set my mind to it, but no one would take me seriously unless I'm like and look like my brother. While he took the looks of our father, I took the looks of our mother.

Although, I'm thankful that my brother isn't like the rest of the brothers that messes or teases with their kid brother. Conner is really caring towards me cause I'm already looked down upon our father. Conner's mate, Angela, is caring towards me, too. She's very beautiful with her slightly wavy brunette hair, plump pink lips, and her model figure. They're the only ones that I consider my family. No one else in the pack care or respect me. Whatever my father feels towards me, so does everyone else.

I would gladly show off my mate to my father to show him that he is wrong. But, it would end as a disaster when he figures out my mate is a witch. I could care less who my mate is, even if she is my enemy; I will protect her with my life.

Walking over the boarder to our territory, I went straight to the tree where I placed my clothes. I shifted and got dressed. On my way to the pack house, some of the pack members gave me dirty looks or just plain out ignored me.

Entering the pack house, Conner was on the couch with Angela in the living room. When Conner noticed me, he got up and came towards me.

“Hey Indy, father was looking for you, but I told him you went for a walk in the forest. So, I bet he's waiting for you right now,” he informed me.

“Then I guess I better not keep him waiting.” He nodded. I was wondering what he would want me for. It's not like he enjoys having a nice chat with me, but he does like to boss me around like I'm his damn maid. Maybe that's what he needs me for.

I knocked on his office door, and walked in when he said to come in. He was seated in his desk with paper work scattered around.

“, did you

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