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Book online «Rivals to Lovers by Patricia Galindez (uplifting novels .txt) 📖». Author Patricia Galindez

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something didn't quite feel right, like as I was being watched. When I turned on my lantern, the light showed someone one my bed. I almost let out a scream of fright when I saw it was only my sister.

I put my hand to my heart to calm it down. “Annabelle, you really gave my a fright. What are you doing here awake at this hour?”

“I could be saying the same to you, Nova. I told you before that something didn't quite sit well with me, but I decided to let it go hoping it was nothing. Although, my inner feelings kept bugging me saying that something was up with you. So, I wanted to persuade you to tell me what's been going on that yesterday was only an excuse. When I came into your room, you where nowhere to be found. I figured you went off somewhere and I wanted to wait until you got back. Apparently, I had to wait a few hours for your return, and here you are. Now I just want to ask this. Where. Were. You?”

Oh, how can I ever keep a secret with her hanging around my tail? I can't just tell her I'm meeting with the enemy. The same one who's kind killed our father, she'll be furious. Even though his kind killed our father, I have no reason to have a hatred towards Indy because he didn't have anything to do with our father's death. But, I don't think I can reason to Annabelle about that. Our two races are deep in hate towards each other.

“Annabelle, yesterday wasn't an excuse. What else would I be doing other than telling you I was out practicing my spells. Like I said before, I didn't want to worry you or mother. And for not being here, I was taking a stroll because I couldn't sleep, and I thought walking around the village would help,” I said trying to sound convincing.

Annabelle thought for a moment before saying, “Uh-huh. Okay well, if that was true you know you could have come to me for a sleeping potion to help you go to sleep. If I didn't know any better I'd say you were sneaking out at midnight to meet up with someone.”

My heart started beating like humming bird, scared out of my mind that she would already figure out what I'm up to. I can't let her find out.

“Well I know you have a sleeping potion, but I didn't want to disturb your sleep. And of course I wouldn't meet up with someone. Who would I meet up at night and want to keep it a secret if we know everyone in the village?”

“I don't know. But, maybe your embarrassed about telling us about your interest in this mystery guy. And hey, didn't I tell you your soul mate will come? Come on, Nova. I thought that as soon as you met him and thought romantic about him you would tell me. We tell each other everything.”

I sighed. “Okay I am meeting up with someone, but I'm not telling you who.”

“Oh my god, I knew it!” she whispered yelled. “I so knew it.”

“But, you can't mother, or anyone else, Annabelle, please,” I begged.

“Alright I won't tell, your secret is safe with me. Now come sit here and tell me all about him if you won't tell me who he is.”

“Fine.” I sat on my bed next to Annabelle. “Okay, well first I don't know him all that well, but he seems so gentle, kind, and charming. His eyes show such innocence that it makes me feel more drawn to him. When he touched me, I feel warmth, the touch is so light and gentle, like he's afraid that I'll break with one touch. And the kiss that was shared, oh how amazing it was, so delicate like.” As I explained all this to Annabelle, I was caught in a daydream of him. I defiantly felt like he put a feeling of love in there. It was such a sweet kiss that I never wanted it to end. And I wish I had the chance to rap my fingers around his long silk like raven hair, touch his soft delicate face, and deepen that kiss with my tongue against his.

“Nova. Nova. Nova!” I felt someone shaking me, causing me to break the dream.

I shook my head. “Huh? Sorry what was I saying?”

“You were spacing out on me when you were telling me what a amazing kiss you both shared together.”

I blushed. “Oh yeah.”

“By the way, what's his aura like?”

Well his aura is good, not to mention it's an aura of a werewolf. But of course I'm not saying that.

“Well, it's a nice color of blue, meaning he's compassionate, loving, and kind. I could already have guessed that without looking at his aura.”

“I guess you really have yourself a keeper there.”

“I guess so.”

“Well, it's very late already, so it's better to go to sleep now,” she said as she stood up.

“Okay. Goodnight, Annabelle.”

“Night, Nova.”

When she left, I was alone with my thoughts again. I really do have myself a keeper as she says.


The snow covered almost everything. The trees were all white, grass buried in white, houses covered in white. Thinking about white reminds me how pure it can be. This village is blessed with pureness of the snow. But, not even it's pureness will cure the hate that everyone has in there hearts from the rivals. Why would they fight? I don't know. They should no longer carry this hatred for each other any longer.

I wrapped my black cloak around me with my hood up. My boots helped my feet remain warm from the deep cold snow on the ground as I walked to my father's grave. The cemetery was located beside the church on the other side of the village. I approached the gate to the cemetery, and went to locate my father's grave. When I found it, I knelled in front of it. I mumbled a spell to grow a new red rose out of the ground and snow. He will know it's me.

“Father,” I whispered, “I would never know how you feel about me right now. But, right now you're the only one who I can tell this to. I've have fallen in love with the enemy. I have realized it last night since we kissed. I know you must feel a huge disappointment towards me because you died protecting us from them, but it resulted in me being with one. Mother and Annabelle don't know about it, well Annabelle kind of knows, but she doesn't know with whom. I'm sorry I'm the worst daughter you ever had by betraying our race.” A tear ran down my pale face.

“Honey, don't cry.”

That voice sounded so familiar. It's sounds like the voice that always calmed me, the voice who always cheered me up, the voice that sounded like my father.

I tilted my head upward to see him standing right there.


“Now sweetheart, don't be so upset. Young ladies like you shouldn't cry.”

I was too stunned to speak.

He sighed. “Honey, I know you must think I'm disappointed in you, but I'm not. It's not your fault for what you feel, and it's not your fault for what destiny has in store for you. This alone could stop this feud once and for all.”

“W-what if it doesn't?”

“Don't worry about it, you just have to stand up for what you love and believe in.”

He then vanished into thin air.

I just sat there staring at nothing. The cold felt nothing to me anymore. He told me he isn't disappointed in me, he was okay with it, but there's still mother, Annabelle, and everyone else. But, I'm not going to let them get in the way.

Chapter 4: A Secret Revealed


Conner and I were outside, far from the pack house. We decided to have some brother time like we used to do when I was twelve. The snow was deep, but that didn't bother me; neither did the cold weather. When being a werewolf, we tend to have a high temperature, so we don't really get cold that easily. The white snow reminds me of Nova. Her pale white skin looking so much like snow, or for me, an angel. Though, you could see she has a faint pink color on her cheeks and her plump lips from her warmth.
My brother nudged me, snapping me out of my daydream of Nova. “Hey Indy, you better get back to Earth before you start to freak your brother out.”
I blinked a couple times before I turned to Conner. “Sorry, what?”
He chuckled, “You were daydreaming while I was telling you something. What's on your mind.?”
“It's nothing really.”
He scoffed. “Yeah, sure. It wouldn't be nothing if you were smiling like an idiot. Come on tell me,” he begged.
“I'm serious, Conner,” I said sternly.
“Alright, whatever I'll leave it alone.”
I sighed. “Thank you.” I really wanted to tell Conner about Nova and her being my mate, but I couldn't not if I wanted us to be together without any problems.
Suddenly, something cold hit me. I turned to Conner Just standing there looking innocent. “Did you just throw something at me?” I questioned him.
“Hm? No I haven't, why?”
“Because someone threw something at me, and you're the only one here.”
“I don't know what you're talking about, I didn't do anything.”
I shrugged my shoulders. “If you insist. Come on, let's keep walking.”
“As you wish.”
As we walked a few more minutes, something hit me again. “Okay Conner give it up I know you threw something at me.”
“What you mean this?” He pulled out a snowball from behind his back and threw it. The snowball missed me by an inch.
“Maybe you should practice your aim since you missed me,” I laughed.
“Oh, really,” he said mischievously. I didn't like the sound of that. Just as I finished that thought, Conner was launching so many snowballs at me before I can even blink.
“How do you like my aim now, Indy?”
I ducked behind a tree just before he could hit me again. Well, if it's a war he wants, it's a war he'll get. I bent down and made a snowball. As Conner stopped to reload, I threw the snowball at him. And with good aim, it hit him square in the face.
“Ha! And that's what I call aim!” I yelled.
“You're gonna get it now!” he yelled back. He ran towards me,

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