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Book online «Rivals to Lovers by Patricia Galindez (uplifting novels .txt) 📖». Author Patricia Galindez

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need me for something, Sir?” I wasn't allowed to call him father, only Alpha or Sir. He wants me to treat him like any other pack member would treat their Alpha. And he would treat me like any other pack member. Like I wasn't his son. Since mother died and my father didn't treat me like his son, I have no parents. I was basically an orphan. Though, since Conner is older than me by five years, he took care of me since I was five and he was ten. Father basically made Conner take responsibility of me when I turned five, and figured Conner was old enough to be responsible for me when he didn't want to anymore. So, all these years, Conner was my father figure, and when he met Angela when he was eighteen, she became my mother figure when she heard what I've been going through.

My father looked at me straight at my face. “I need you to do patrolling around midnight tomorrow; all the others are taking a break.”

My eyes went wide. “Wait, I can't do it, I'm –“I stopped mid-sentence when I realized I was about to say I was going to meet with Nova at that time.

“Why can't you do it, then,” he gritted his teeth.

“Well....because um, don't you'll be dangerous if I patrol alone at midnight?” I said nervously.

He hit his desk hard with his fist, making it tremble. “Damn it, Indy. How many times do I have to tell you that you got to man up and do as you are told?! Now you will do as I say, and that's an order!” he growled.

I sighed. “Will do, Sir.”

“Good. Now you're dismissed.” I walked out of his office without a word.

What was I going to do? I want to meet with Nova, but I can't disobey my Alpha. On the other hand, maybe I can sneak out of my post and be back before anyone would ever notice me. I mean, no one ever does. Alright, that's what I'll do.

“Indy, what did father need?” asked Conner.

“Just for me to patrol tomorrow at midnight when the others have the night off.”

“What?! But you can't be out there by yourself at that time at night it could be dangerous!”

“Well, he said I have to man up and follow orders.”

“You're only fifteen though, too young to take a task like that on your own,” he argued.

“But, he's right. I have to man up, it's the only reason he looks down upon me. I want to prove to him that I can be strong like you, and earn some respect around here.”

I'm only saying this for him to let me go out at night and sneak out. But, it's true that I want to prove to father that I can be a man.

Just not right now.

He sighed and shook his head. “I don't know about this, but okay. I trust that you'll be careful and take care of yourself.”

I nodded. “Don't worry, I will,” I assured him. “Now, I'm kind of tired. I'll just head off to bed.”

“Goodnight, then.”

“Goodnight.” I headed off to my room.

I stripped everything but my shorts as soon as got in the room. Diving into the bed, and as soon as I got under the covers, I was out like a light.


As midnight came, I became very nervous. I don't know what Nova might say to our mating, since either she might accept it, or reject it. It's going to be torture if she rejects it. But, I got to think positive about this. I know things will go well for the both of us.

“Indy, why are you still here? Get going to patrol,” ordered father.

I nodded. “Yes, Sir. Right away.”

I went out into the dark forest, and then began to take off my clothes. I shifted into my wolf, and took my clothes in my mouth. I didn't want to meet Nova nude like I did last time, and she have to give me her cloak. Though, I didn't really mind, it had her scent on it.

Sneaking out of the boarder, I started sniffing out for Nova. When I picked up her scent, I picked up my pace. I soon found her in front of the entrance of the tree, holding this ball of light in her hand to help her see. When I got close for her to see me, we went into the tree. But, before I could go in, I shifted back and got dressed.

As I sat down, Nova places the ball of light into this lantern hanging on top of the ceiling of the tree. The lantern illuminated the whole inside of the tree, and I noticed there were books of spells and potions stacked in some places, a small cauldron, and a bed. I'm guessing she spends the nights here sometimes.

“So, I thought about what you told me about us being mates,” she started.

“And....” I said hesitantly.

“And....I say I accept.” I let out a breath I had no idea I was holding, but it hitched up when my brain processed that she accepted our mating.

“Y-you do?”

She nodded, “Yes.”

I smiled so big I thought it was going to split.

“That's a relief. I thought you were going to reject it, since just us being together would create complications. And plus, it might just cost us our lives,” I said.

“I thought about that. But then I thought who cares?”

“So, now how can we keep this a secret from everyone?” I asked.

“We can meet up here every day when everyone’s asleep. No one will ever notice.”

“That's perfect,” I smiled. “Although, does anyone know about this place?”

“No, it's only me. This place is my privet area, for when I need to be alone.”

“That's nice. Sometimes I wish I had a safe place. My pack isn't too fund of me, so it would be nice to get away.”

“But, don't you have the Alpha blood in you? I kind of sensed something about you that shows authority.”

I nodded, “I do. But, let's just say I'm like everyone else in my pack.”

“So, um, I better get going. I was supposed to patrol tonight, but I had to sneak way to see you.”

“Alright. Remember, we can meet up every day. I'd like to know more about you,” she said.

“Don't worry; I wouldn't pass up the chance to see you again.”

“Well, good-bye,” she whispered. But, before I left, there was something I wanted to do since I met her. I leaned in close to her, and gave her a kiss on her soft lips. And I was blown away once again. Her lips were like heaven on earth. They were so warm and soft that I didn't want to ever pull away. And what made this better, I felt her kiss me back.

When we pulled away, we were breathing heavily.

“Good-bye, and sweet dreams,” I said. I got out of the tree, undressed, then shifted.

When I got to the pack house with my clothes on, I softly walked inside. Though, as soon as I entered the living room, father and Conner were standing right there. Father was looking scary mad, while Conner looked mad, yet worried.

While I just stood there, father came at me, and punched me right under my eye. As I was holding my throbbing cheek, and tearing up a little, father looked like he was ready to kill me.

“Where the hell were you?! You were supposed to be out scanning the area, and you were nowhere to be found! Did you run away like the little girl that you are?! God and I have to call you my son.”

“I'm sorry, Sir,” I apologized as I was still holding my cheek.

“Sorry isn't going to help you. Now go to your fucking room!”

I ran as fast as I could up the stairs and to my room. I lay on my bed trying to ignore the pain on my face.

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs coming this way. My door opened, and Conner stood under the doorway.

“Indy, I'm disappointed at what you did, but I was more worried about you. I thought you said you wanted to prove to father that you could do a task like this as a man. What happened to that? And where did you run off to?” he asked.

“It doesn't matter anymore, Conner. I don't want to talk about it okay.”

“Fine. Well, goodnight, Indy.” He left shutting the door on his way out.

Well, I didn't know it would come to this after my little stunt I just pulled. But, it was worth sneaking out to see Nova. I already know that I'm already falling for her fast. I just hope she feels that way about me. That would just make my day.
Purity Snow


As he left into the dark forest, I still sat there on the dirt floor, shocked as to what happened a few minutes ago. When he kissed me, everything felt as if I was floating in the air, and little explosions was felt in that kiss. I just felt complete, like nothing else mattered as long as he's here. And the taste of his lips so sweet, so addicting, so desirable. Now it's when I realized, I just had my first kiss. It felt so special in every way.

I stood up slowly, still in a daze. I grabbed the ball of light from the lantern, and walked out of the tree. I took my time walking home, and I still wanted to feel that comforting presence he had when he was with me.

Something cold landed on my cheek. It felt icy and then wet. Another landed on my hand; I looked up and saw snow white flakes coming down from the sky. It was snowing. I loved the snow since I was little. Father and I would always have a game of snowball fights. How I miss him dearly.


No one was awake when I came back home, so I quietly tip toed to my room. I successfully made it without a sound. As I came to my room,

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