Read books online » Fantasy » Moonlight Road by A.L.P.D (read novels website TXT) 📖

Book online «Moonlight Road by A.L.P.D (read novels website TXT) 📖». Author A.L.P.D

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a huge building with two huge doors one was red the other was black we were going in the black one.
“Why are there two doors?” I asked
“One is for us, Kildrianes and the other for Demovoures, blacks for us ,reds for them,”
“Oh,” I said then we went in and the first thing I saw was a guy about Alexander’s age, he looked at us and smiled “Alex who’s this boy?” the guy said looking intently at me, he looked me up and down;” he’s new is he not?”
“Yeah John he is, it was an accident I‘ll tell you what happened later,” Alex answered I looked down and looked at my shoes.
“What’s his name?”
‘how old is the lad?”
“Eighteen,” Alex said I felt Johns gaze on me ,I kept my head down.
“Yes, sir, “I looked up.
“Hmmm, okay well its late why don’t we go to sleep?”
“Okay,” Alex said.
John gave me some keys and gave me a pair too they said 12th door on the right.
I got to my room the window was blocked, a girl came in “do you want to feed,” I turned around I saw the girl ,she had gray eyes and blond hair she was average sized.
“Uh, um no I’m sorry…”
“Okay bye,” the girl said then left .I shut my door and locked it so none of the humans would get in here at night, I went to my bed and flopped on it and fell asleep.
Next day:
I woke up it was dark out side and of course my days are flipped -flopped .I got dressed then went down to the first floor .I saw John.” Tristan good morning,” John said he smiled at me
“I guess it is mourning …for us that is,” I said
“Alex will be gone for two days,”
“Okay,” I said then John walked away and then a girl came up and asked “do you wont to feed,” I nodded and then she came close to me and then I leaned over and bit her neck and then I drank her blood for 10 seconds then I stopped.” thank you,” the girl nodded and then walked away.
Two weeks past:
Alex was not back yet; I started getting worried and depressed.
I walked in a room and a girl was there I flopped on a couch and she came over and sat on my lap and whispered tack it to the edge then kissed me on the lips I didn’t kiss back . I leant forward and bit her and blood came flowing, I started drinking it.
And then I heard that there was two guys talking one was asking who I was the other told and then the other asked how long I’ve been here the other answered .
Th e girl then got flimsy and layside one my lap one took her off me and then I scampered to the end of the couch sitting there in pain I closed my eyes.
“Get John!” One of them said.
“Hi, I‘m Adam,” a person said my eyes fluttered open I saw a person with dark eyes and almost black hair. “Get up,” I didn’t listen to what he said “get up, stop being a baby,” He sighed and then picked me up, I was light as in weight wise ,he then brought me to a bathroom and closed the door,putting me near a toilet .”bend over and stick your finger down you throat ,” I shook my head ,he gazed at me with his cold eyes as I looked up at me I frowned and did I he said I started throwing up red blood ,when I was done I stared at it ,” Close your eyes and flush it ,” Adam said I did, and then I got up then sat on the toilet seat . He then left and brought back a boy .He said, “You need to feed,”
“I can’t,” I said
“That’s a guy,”
“I don’t want to …”
“You have to or later you’ll kill someone it that what you want,” Adam asked I thought about it and then shook my head,” Okay then, here,” Adam looked at the kid, I felt sorry for him. The kid bent down then Adam bent down and plucked at his wrist then offered it to me I took it .I drank the boy’s blood, it was not as sweet as girls were but it was fine. “Okay that’s enough,” Adam said I stopped and looked up to Adam,” Thank you kid you can go now,”
The kid nodded and stood up and left. “Get up,”
I did as told and then I followed Adam and then we went to the kitchen, “would you like to have some water?”
“I drink water? You tell me.”
“In that case yes you do, where’s Alex?”
“He left me here two weeks ago,”
“How old are you?”
“Oh,” he said then Alex came in he looked and Adam then me.
“I heard you had some difficulties while I was gone,” Alex said to me.
“You could say I did,” I said and looked at the floor.
“Alex haven’t you thought your accident any thing?” Adam then asks.
” yes, Tristan tells Adam what you have learned?” Alex proceeded
“We drink blood.”
“No kidding,” Adam says “what else?”
“We -nothing,”I said looking down.
“Were not like Demes ,we can go in the sun light but after awhile it starts burning us,”
“We have powers mine are Ice and lightning,”
“That’s cool,’
“Oh yeah ,we also don’t age and all and we heal very fast,”
“That’s use full,”
“Yes it is,”
“Alex what’s your powers?”
“You’ll get yours soon,” Alex said the thing about healing or never able to go out side because if I did I would die but it did not bother me ….
That night I heard Alex, John and Adam talking but I fell asleep anyhow.

(First Attempt)
I woke up, looked at the window I could see darkness … night again I do not think I can get use to this. Alex came in after he knocked and said “get dressed were going out,” I nodded and got ready and then grabbed my crystal and blue sapphire cross and put that around my neck it could act as a sharp tool cause it was I’ve accidentally cut myself with it before .
I went down stairs after putting on my shoes, and then I saw Alex and Adam were waiting for me.
When I came up Alex said, “here keep this with you,” he gave me a plastic card I looked at it and it was a fake ID. Card I sighed and looked at Alex. He started walking out the door. I followed , Adam was coming too.
We got to a Bar; I hated beer why were we here?
“Alex why are we here?”
“Were going to feed,”
“Oh,’ I said then we walked in and sat down and Adam looked at me and said, “Do you have a tool?”
“I uh have this…” I said then took my cross out.
“I didn’t give you that.” Alex protested Adam smiled a little.
“No, but it was my dads, I thought I’d work,”
“How did you dad possess something like that?” Adam asked I looked down and said, “There’s a lot I don’t understand about my family.”
“Ah, lets my see it,” Adam said I nodded and gave it to him he took it and studied it. “So why isn’t you older brother get this?”
“It’s got something to do with the color of my eyes and my features………….the necklace it belonged to my grandpa uh great grandpas … I got his features, eyes color and everything, and even his name,”
“Why is this?”
“uh, um … my grandpa was and still is a Kildriane I was only part, but the reason why I was given that is because my grandpa some how knew my future, and ended up giving it to me, but before Alex came and changed me I was just a normal human that looked like he’d be some thing different, and that why I’ve got that,” I said Adam nodded and then gave me back my necklaces, I put it back on.
“That’s interesting, so how do you know that you looked like him?” Alex asked
“He came to my house the day after my brother disappeared, he told me and gave this to me,” I said.
“Did he look like you?”
“Look for you self…” I said pointing to my grandpa standing right behind Alex and Adam. Grandpa smiled and came over and sat right next to me. He still looked eighteen; he had Sapphire colored eyes, somewhat tan skin, and dark brown hair like me, heh lets say we looked like identical twins.
“Hi, Tristan,” He said
“Hey,’ I said, Alex and Adam were staring at us with jaws dropped, “Uh Guys this is my Grandpa,” Alex closed his mouth and smiled.
“Nice to meet you Tristan,”
“Ah, I haven’t been called that sense I was changed, my name now is David so call me that Kay, Alex?”
“You’re the one who changed my great grandson Ain’t you,”
“Yeah I-”
“No its fine, so what are you here for?”
“So was I”
“Oh,” Alex said
They made me feed first, they pointed to a cute girl. I nodded.I stood up and walked over to the girl ,lisening to the music ‘slow song ‘nice.
I looked at the girl and smiled said “Hi I’m
Tristan, would you like to dance?” she smiled.
“I’d love to, I’m Sarah,”Sarah stood and followed me to the dance floor.
“Um, I like your cross where did you get it,”
“I’ll tell you-” I said then leaned forward then quickly plucked her skin with it and quickly put my mouth on that spot and sipped, I counted to twenty.
“And that where I got it,”
“Oh Sorry I must have dazzed off,”
“It’s alright,” I said the music stopped.
“I had a good time,”
“Same here,” I said then went to the table were we were sitting .David had a huge smile on his face that was avisolly an approvle.
“That was done well for a first timer,” Adam commented me. I sat down and said “thanks,”
“Lest your not hopless,” Alex said I nodded I was starting to get really tired.
We got back to the building, David was already gone. I was up to my room, flopped on my bed, curled up, and slept.
(New arrivals)
I woke up that morning or night and got out of bed and put on normal clothes then slipped out of my room and went trudging down those stairs again.
I then saw once I jumped down the last three steps I saw three other guys besides Alex and Adam.I walked toward them and then noticed they were demes they all had Yellow eyes. I thought about my brother and sighed.
“Morning sleepy head,” Alex said I chuckled and said “if it were the real morning,’ I sighed, that got the attention of one of them I looked at him he was younger then the other two like my age. I Grimaced and Adam said “go pack your things were leaving in an hour,”
I nodded and asked “are they coming?”
“Yeah John and Jonney thought it’d be good for us to mix our races, and plus one is them is newer like yourself,”
“Oh, Okay I’ll go then,” I said then ran up stairs and packed my belonging and then took my camera and looked at the first picture on it …. Cole. I then shut the camera off and ran back down stairs with my stuff and then went out side there was an R.V .I came toward it and gave my
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