Read books online » Fantasy » Moonlight Road by A.L.P.D (read novels website TXT) 📖

Book online «Moonlight Road by A.L.P.D (read novels website TXT) 📖». Author A.L.P.D

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I was cold, lost and I did not have a cell phone with me. My older brother left me in the movies, and said he’ be back. Ugh come on I am fifteen I do not have a car what was he thinking. Wait was he?!
I eventually found my way home at night , bye the way its not fun its quite irritating actually;trying to find it .
WHEN YOU’RE COLD have I made that quite clear yet ?
I then thought maybe he has home, so I walked up to the steps of the house and unlocked the door and came in there I saw my brother lying on the floor.
Bye, the way if you want to know our parents died in a car crash, so it is just my brother and I.
I walked to my brother that was on the floor lying on his face and said “Why did you leave me at the movies alone and came home ,I mean if you wanted to came home you could have just said ‘hey lets go,’ but no you left me there alone,!”
Cole moaned then looked up at me and sighed.
“I’m sorry, I-I think, no wait I wasn’t thinking, when I got home I blacked out,”
“So you drove home not thinking did you get in a car crash?”
“Good, I’m thirsty “
“I’m really sorry I forgot you, I keep having these black outs and thinking of -of stuff…”
“Its fine just don’t do it again got it? “ I snapped glaring at him.
I went to the kitchen and took a glass out of the pantry and turned on the sink and poured water in it and downed three of them .Cole got up and then cried in pain. I ran to him and turned on the light, Cole then fell I caught him .
His eyes were closed.
“Cole! Are- what wrong?” I asked, concerned .Cole then sat up and turned towered me, his eyes were bright yellow instead of gray/blue.
“No! Wha-what s happening to me?” Cole asked as he looked in the mirror right behind me .I thought back a boy older boy like eighteen had those yellow eyes also ,he had told me what he was a why did he tell me ?
Cole stood so did I .I wasn’t as tall as my brother but then he was eighteen and I was fifteen.” Cole? Where were you? Two days ago this started happening and who did you see?” I asked, nicely.
“Tristan please don’t make me answer that,” Cole bagged
“Why can’t you tell your little brother?” I asked then waited leaning against the wall.
“Okay I was at a night-club and a girl oh she was beautiful and…...”
“Oh, oh right sorry, anyway she walked up to me and smiled oh and she was pretty.”
“Oh and that’s all I remember, I wish I could find her again…”
“Sheesh ,that took you long enough , well I think that was a Kildrain I may be wrong but ..,I think she may have bitten you and drank you blood ,so scary ..”
“Or a Vampire,”
“Maybe.” I said
“Oh well are you fine here I’m going to go some where else,”
“Yeah I’m good,”
“Okay, bye ‘
‘bye ,” I said then Cole went out the door and shut it then I heard him lock it , I then ran up stairs and got ready for bed and then went to my room and got in bed and fell asleep .
That night my brother never came three years back I am eighteen now.
I was driving and waiting for that darn light to change to green I was almost to the beach where a party was ,and my friends were already there stacking wood for tonight’s bomb fire. The light finally changed to green, I came to the beach sign 24 more miles till I get there so I drove on that road and soon it turned to sand I put my truck to forward drive and I sped through the sand until I came to some tents and piles of wood there were teens my age and younger came .I parked my truck, I put my keys into my pocket ,so that I wouldn’t lose them. Then took of my shoes replacing them with sandals then I got out of my truck then I came around the truck.
“Tristan you finally got here what took you so dang long?” Damian asked me when he saw me.
“Oh, a stinking light it took me like 15 minuets to get though it,’
“Ouch! that sucks dude,”
“I know right,”
“Well its worth it, it is going to be awesome tonight, to start off the fist day of summer yippy!”
“Heh, heh okay come on,” I said then went and had dinner.
It was about one o-clock in the mourning. I was on the rock ,running .I then tripped and started falling to the ocean ,I tried to grab a hold of some thing but it was too dark I couldn’t get a hold of anything so I ended up falling, I went underwater, I swam back up and took a breath .”Tristan are you okay?” Damian asked I looked up and then found a place to get up and then I yelled” I’m fine just cold!”
“Okay can you get up?”
“Yeah I can but its freezing cold and I forgot a towel,”
“okay have one just get up and out of there,”
“Kay,” I said then swam to the edge and got out of the water and climbed up and Damian was there with a towel I took it and said “thank you, I going home now I’ll be at the park tomorrow,”
“Kay see ya then,” Damian said then I walked to my truck soaked bye the way, and then got in and put the towel underneath me and drove home.
When I got home, I took a shower and then went to bed.
Next Day
I woke up and was dressed and had breakfast it was already 5:30pm when I woke up. Then I went to my next party at a park. I drove there and it then started getting dark. I got out of my truck and locked it then walked to the grass part , I saw my friends.
“Tristan, what’s up?” Mathew asked smiling.
“Nothing really you?’
“Oh, me nothing were going to have a really good time tonight,”
“Great!” I said.
It was 12 pm when everyone left but me ,I wanted to look at the stars ,and just sit to think by my self.
I heard to people talking.
“Give me you darn wallet!” A man with a deep voice said
“O-okay,” another said with a lighter voice.
“Hurry up!” the deep voiced man said. I then got up just in time to see the deep voiced one then slit the others throat and blood spurted out of the guys neck it was quite gruesome. The light voiced one dropped to the gravel.
I didn’t come to see what wrong because I didn’t care .
I went to a bridge .I looked at my watch it was almost time to go over to my girlfriends house, so I started to walk off the bridge. I tripped, I almost fell but a guy caught me then he bent over and ,bit my neck, he started drinking my blood. I I jerked then tried pushing the guy off me but we ended up to far. We fell of the bridge the guy was still drinking my blood, we hit the cement I heard my neck crack I was then paralyzed. My brain shut off and so did my heart, then they start up again. My throat was dry .I got up and ran to my girlfriends house and knocked on her door, she opened it .I was not thinking and I bit her and drank her blood then we toppled over …
It was 40 seconds later when someone pushed me out of the way ,I opened my eyes and looked what I did, there was blood all over her and I .
The guy picked Kathy up and brought her inside and changed her and put her on her bed and then left her there and then came out and shut the door and sat bye me , I was still shocked of what I did , so I just stared into the distance.
“What’s your name kid? “He asked looking at me.
“Tristan Gray, sir “
“How old are you?”
“Eighteen …”
“I’m Alexander,”
“We need to go, give me your keys now,” Alexander said and I obeyed and gave him my keys , we went to my truck.
“Where do you live?” Alexander said as he started my truck and buckled.
” Tacoma, uh 77cd kelp St.,” I said
“Any parents,”
‘Turn here,”
“Answer my question!”
“No, they were killed in a car crash,”
“That’s sad, any siblings?”
“One, I was fifteen when he disappeared so just me now, why did I drink Kathy’s blood?”
“I killed you and with that I changed you into a Kildrian,”
“You drink blood for food,”
“I’m sorry for what happened to your girl friend,”
“Its my -”
“No its my fault , I didn’t have time to control you before you did that,”
“Take this street, blue house on the right, you can’t miss it it’s the only one between two white houses,”
“Thanks,” Alexander said then pulled in and parked the truck. He turned off the truck ,we got out, I took out my key then unlocked the front door of the house I walked in with Alexander trailing behind me. “Get some stuff together then were leaving,” Alexander told me. I nodded, I ran up stairs skipping two steps at a time. I went to my room, and packed my lab-top ,my two new 130 sketch pads and some pencils, my camera ,and I-pod .Then I put them all in a small carry on bag then I got my medium sized bag.
I started putting some clothing in it , my shampoo and stuff like that in there. I put another coat then zipped it up. I walked down stairs with both in hand my smaller bag slid on my side and my other holding .
“Okay good, not to much but… you -have you gone camping,”
“I use to be in boy scouts, so I’ve gone camping several times I know how to pack,”
“Good lets go now,”
“Uh, can I um get something small …?”
“What is it?”
“A picture … it’s in the living room and its special,”
“What it’s got on it?”
“It’s a picture of my brother and my mom and dad the day before they died it’s the only one that really important,”
“All right, get it “
“Thanks’ “I said, I got the picture it wasn’t that big it fit in with my stuff to do bag. Alexander nodded and then we went to the truck and we got in Alexander was driving again.
I ended up falling asleep.
(The Building)
Alexander stopped the truck and said “get out this is where were staying for awhile.” I opened my eyes then unbuckled my seat belt and got my stuff out of the truck, Alexander’s stuff was in there also. We went inside

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