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Book online «Change by Samantha Perez (classic book list .TXT) 📖». Author Samantha Perez

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directly at us, giving us a toothy grin that made my skin crawl.
Suddenly everything went black and I think I passed out.
Chapter 2

I awake to the sound of police sirens and cars honking in the terrible traffic that is to be expected at this time of day.
"Hey Rory, are you ok?" Tracey says to my right.
I sit up a little too fast, my head going a little dizzy. I shut my eyes tight and put a hand to my forehead.
"Yeah, I'm just a little dizzy." I say, opening my eyes slowly, so they can adjust to the bright light.
"Well, you'll be happy to know that I have brought us safe and sound to L.A." Tracey says, happiness ringing out from her voice.
"Yes, but now I'm afraid we're going to have to leave." Travis says from somewhere to my left.
"Why?" I ask, getting up to stand next to Tracey and Travis.
"As I was trying to say before we even came, we can't make any desicions. No decisions that any Watcher can track." Travis says.
Watcher are another type of superhuman. They can see the future, but the future is always changing. Some Watcher's see the future and draw it out, other see the future by the decisions people make. So right now if I were to say let's go to Antartica, if a Watcher were waiting for our decision, she would draw us in Antartica.
I shut my eyes, anger coursing through my veins. If I had only listened to Travis. Now if a Watcher had been looking for Travis or Tracey, they have found them. They know we're in L.A.
"Then we have to leave." Tracey says, aleady closing her eyes and readying to conjure another portal.
"That's the point, we can't go anywhere. If we decide to go somewhere, then any Watcher can find us easily." I say miserably.
"We need to find a Shadow." Travis says.
"But they only work on Sniffs. Shadows can't make us seem invisible to Watchers, only on Sniffs." I say in exasperation.
"Yes, but we also need protection from them also. Tracey and I had many things that we left behind in the division facility. Sniffs could be using some of that stuff and be tracking us right now." Travis says.
Sniffs are like hellhounds. If they uptain one of your objects, they will surely find you. They just smell one of your items and they follow your scent.
"But we also need protection from Watchers." I say, looking around us.
Tracey had made us appear on a high building. We were on a roof, looking out onto L.A.
"Yes, but I know a certain Shadow that is very strong and can protect us from Sniffs and Watchers." Travis says proudly.
"Do you mean Emily?" Tracey asks, suddenly excited about the thought of getting a Shadow to watch over us.
"Who's Emily?" I ask.
"A friend." Travis says simply.
Tracey closes her eyes and suddenly a portal appears beneath us. I only have time to open my mouth to scream, before I blank out once again.

I wake to someone putting a cool towel on my forehead. The cool touch of the towel subdues the pain. I'm so concntrated on the feeling of the towel that I don't even wonder who's putting it on me.
"You're awake?" A kind voice asks me.
My eyes snap open and I am looking into dark brown eyes of a girl. I slowly sit up, so as not to get dizzy again, and look at the girl closely. The girl is standing next to my bed.
She has short brown hair that flicks out at the tips. Her nose is like a button on her face, almost invisible, but still noticebly there. She's small for her age. Her face makes me believe she's around seventeen years old, but her small petite body makes me believe she is around ten years old.
"Hi," The girl says quietly, "I'm Emily Lockheart."
I stay silent for a moment. Until I remember that Tracey had opened up a portal beneath us and probably sent us here.
"Um, hello...I'm Aurora Jennings," I pause, "But you can call me Rory."
Emily nods, a kind smile on her face. Emily suddenly turns towards someone else. I hadn't noticed but there is someone else in the room.
Another girl, maybe seven or eight years old, walks slowly up to me. The little girl looks somewhat like Emily. She has Emily's button nose and dark brown hair, but the little girls eyes. They were a crystal blue, but flecks of purple surrounded her pupil. Her eyes that looked alien, that looked somewhat like mine.
"I'm Allison," The little girl says, looking into my eyes.
I stare into her eyes and see my reflection. A girl that I haven't seen in a long time is staring back. She has long, silky black hair that flows past her shoulders. Her high cheek bones and big eyes making her look seventeen instead of fifteen. But her eyes. Her eyes were the things that threw her off. The girl's eyes in Allison's relective eyes were gray. But not just gray, they were flecked with green around the pupil, making her look almost witch-like.
It's me. The real me. I had actually forgotten what I looked like. The only thing I remembered about myself were my gray eyes.
"But how-" I whisper, mostly to myself.
"Allison," Emily says, picking up the little girl, "it's time for bed."
"Um, Emily," I hesitate.
Emily turns back to me, a pleasant smile on her face, "Yes?"
"How long have I, out?" I ask, because when Trcaey had opened the portal, it had been day time, but as I look out the window, I see it's already dusk.
"Oh, you've been unconcious for two days now." Emily says, as if that's the most normal thing to hear.
"But...why? I mean, last time Tracey made the portal-"
"Remember Tracey doesn't have a lot of control over her powers, she's still learning. She must have accidently used to much of her power and gone unconcious, making everyone who was in the portal grow as tired and as weak as she had been."
That's why I have shape-shifted back into myself. If I have no energy I can't shift and if I can't shift, I change back into myself.
"Well, thank you." I say quietly.
Emily opens the door to the room I was in and turns back to me, a motherly smile now on her face.
"Of course." Emily leaves the room and closes the door behind her, leaving me alone in a place I've never been.
I'm still sitting up and the lights are still on, so I look around, trying to gather my surroundings. It's a plain room, all the walls white, while the floor is nice dark wood. There is only a night stand next to the bed I'm on, a window on the right wall, and a television set in front of me. Even though is looked plain, it somehow gave off a warm, protective feeling.
I lay back down in the bed and close my eyes, falling asleep in a matter of seconds.

"Rory wake up, I made some breakfast downstairs." Emily's kind voice says from somwhere to my left.
I open my eyes and look around, I'm still in the white room. I slowly swing my legs off the bed and stand. I hadn't realized before, but now I have.
I'm wearing some sort of sleeping gown. It was a silky white dress that went just above my knees. The dress was spagetti strap, so I grab the small black silk blanket and bring it around my arms.
The designs on the black blanket are small red roses, made of rubies. In the light the roses would shine and change different shade of red, like changing in the shades of sunlight. Breath taking.
I walk down the stairs, apparently where we were staying was a white two story house with many rooms for guests.
I walk into what looks like the dinning room, a large table sits in the middle, with eight chairs around it, three of which were occupied.
"Hi," Allison says in her soft voice.
I look down at the small girl and smile. She was so adorable and cute.
"Who are you?" Tracey asks, looking up at me.
It takes me a moment to realize that I am still in my real form, the real me. Tracey only knowns me as the redhead or the blonde.
"I can't believe you don't recognize me." I say in fake sadness.
"Rory, wow, is that what you really look like?" Tracey asks, looking up from her food again, while Travis continued to avoid looking at me.
"Um, yeah...why? Is it disappointing to know that I'm not really blonde." I tease.
Tracey rolls her eyes and smiles. She turns to look at travis, who looks way too interested in his pancakes.
"Will you look up already!" Tracey leans over and picks up Travis's head.
Travis, childishly, closes his eyes. I roll my eyes and turn to Emily, who is standing in the doorway with two plates of pancakes and bacon.
"Here you are," Emily says, handing over one plate of pancakes.
"Thank you." I say, my voice sounding different than I remembered.
Yesterday when I had changed in the red head, my voice sounded older, safisticated. When I changed into the blonde my voice had changed into a more bubbly, carefree tone. Now my voice sounded...different. I don't know how to describe it, whether it's good or bad, I'm not sure yet.
Travis finally, slowly looks up. I look at him and our eyes meet. For a second we stay looked on to each other, but I look away, finding a seat to sit on and eat.
I grab the chair that is in front of Tracey and sit down. Everyone ate in silence. Finally, Allison was the first to speak.
"Emie, what are we going to do?" Allison looks at Emily, who has stopped eating to answer her question.
"We're going to help Travis, Tracey, and Rory. They need my help and they might need yours, ok?" Emily says, looking at her younger sister.
Allison nods then goes back to eating her pancakes. Emily turns to us and seems serious.
"If I'm going to help you I need someone else's help. He's another first generation Shadow, we can take turns shadowing you guys." Emily says.
"You're a first generation Shadow?" I ask.
"Yeah, when I was merely five years old my mother had taken me to the division to get the injection. Later on Allison was born while we were still stuck in the division."
"They do cruel tests and experiments on you, I didn't want her to go through any of that. And when I found out she was a Phaser, that helped all the more. Allison and I left by going through the walls to the outside."
"No one followed us because I had been shadowing us the entire time. Are mother is still in

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