Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป Change by Samantha Perez (classic book list .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซChange by Samantha Perez (classic book list .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Samantha Perez

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Chapter 1

Everything started a few years ago when the government started testing on humans, wanting to make 'superhumans.' They had done many experiments and later on, the experiments turned into success. Except for three. Only a few patients survived the injection of the power, but they had never gained any of the abilities. Their children did.
The three super abilies that are rare and that were passed on to the patient' s children, were things called, Phasers, Porters, and Changers. Phasers can simply go through walls. Porters can create portals and transport anywhere through them. And lastly, Changers. They can shapeshift into anything and anyone they want. Changers can sound like the person or thing they shift into. They can even change into a person they have never met. Just give them a name and they'll change before your very eyes.
The other types of superhumans are Pushers, Watchers, Movers, Bleeders, Sniffs, Wipers, Shadows, Stiches, and Shifters.
Now Shifters and Changers are completely different. They may sound likr they have the same abilities, but they don't. Shifters can temperarily make an object appear to be something else. But the object has to be somewhat the same. Like changing a one dollar bill into a hundred dollar bill. But the appearance of the dollar won't last long. The more years the Shifter has been practicing their gift, the more the illusion is substained. But it can't last forever, not like Changers can.
Not like I can.
I am the only Changer that has ever lived. At least, that's what I think. My mother had been tested but she never gained the powers. But when she had me, she knew somehow, that I had gotten the powers.
Maybe it was my unnatural eyes that let my mother to believe that I was different. My gray eyes that had flecks of green around the pupil. And she was right. My mother had died two years ago because she had gotten sick and we didn't have enough money to go to the hospital. But things didn't stop going bad from there.
No, a year ago the division somehow found out that I had inherited the injection they had given my mom when she was around my age. And now for a year I've been running, hiding, from the division and their men.
Right now I have shifted into a young woman that I had seen a few years ago when my mother and I visited New Mexico for Spring Break. Right now I have short red hair, freckles splashed over my nose, and crystal blue eyes. Nothing like me.
I walk down alley upon alley. Looking before walking through. New York is so big it feels like it threatens to consume me.
"Hey girl, wanna hang with a couple of guys like us." A voice slurs behind me.
I stiffen in place. The young woman I have shifted into is around twenty years old, but in reality I'm only fifteen years old, soon to be sixteen.
I start to speed walk, wanting to get out of the alley as quickly as possible.
"Hey," A hand tugs at my arm, causing me to fall on the floor, "I was talking to you."
I look up and see three grown men, all looking disgusting and hideous. All three had over grown beards and they looked as if they haven't had a bath in a long time.
"Let me go!" I say, trying to tug my arm away from his filthy grip.
"Come on cutie, don't you want to come hang with us?" The guy, who was gripping my arm, says.
His friend to his right smiles at me and I see that he's missing a few teeth and the ones he does have are either yellow or black.
I shudder and try pulling my arm away again.
"Let go! Get away!" I cry out, tears threatening to spill.
"Hey!" A voice yells from behind the three ugly guys, "I believe the lady said to leave her alone!"
The one that was grabbing my arm let me go, turning to the voice.
"Oh yeah? And who do you think you are?" The man snarls, looking at whoever was there.
There was silence and then suddenly the three guys are pushed backward. As if hit by a very powerful wind. They are propelled into a dumpster. As they land noisily inside, the top lid closes on them.
I turn to my savior in fear that it might be some division men ready to take me in. But all I see are two teenagers that are around my actual age.
"Hey lady are you ok?" The guy asks. He extends his hand out to me.
I look at it hesitantly, but then take it and get up from my position on the floor.
"Yeah I'm ok, thanks." I say, looking at him and then at the girl, who was now standing next to him.
They looked exactly alike. They both had long blonde hair and green grass eyes, that looked like a dark forest in the dim light.
"Come on Travis, let's go." The girl says, tugging on the guy's sleeve.
"I'm Aurora," I say suddenly, "I mean...well you can call me Rory."
The guy smiles, showing his one dimple on his right cheek.
"Hi, um, I'm Travis and this is my sister Tracey." Travis says, pointing to the girl that is still holding onto his sleeve.
I recall the powerfull force that had blown the three guys into the dumpster and look up at Travis.
"Are you a Mover?" I ask.
Mover can use telekinetics to move animated and inanimated objects. Skilled Movers can create force feilds around them, or they can amplify attacks. Like punches, kicks, and other moves.
"Uh...yeah," Travis says, scratching the back of his neck.
The only people that know about everything that goes on with the division and what these gifts we are born with are, are the division themselve and superhumans like us.
"Don't worry, I'm not from the division." I say quickly, noticing their nervous looks.
"But you're like twenty-some years old, how do we know you're not tricking us." Tracey says, trying to tug Travis away.
I think a moment. Maybe if I were to show what I really look like then maybe they'll believe that I'm really not from the division. But I can't change into myself. The division might find me easily if they see me. They already know what I really look like.
The division has people scattered all over the world, it would be no surprise if some were in New York. So if they see me they'll alarm the rest of the division. And that won't be good.
I close my eyes and think about a random girl with long blonde hair and green eyes. The same kind of green that was flecked around my pupil when I was me with my weird gray eyes.
"I'm a Changer, the division's looking for me too." I say, back to my normal height, but not normal look.
"Oh well um...uh," Travis says, at a loss of words.
"I'm a Porter," Tracey says, looking at me.
I smile at her, feeling a new coonection with her. We're both running from the division because we're both rare, uncommon. Even among superhumans, we were different.
"How did you become a Changer?" Travis asks after a moment of gathering his thoughts.
"My mother, when she was my age, had gotten the injection to become a Chnager. But the injection gave her no powers. But then she had me and she knew, I had gotten what she was supposed to. She was scared at first, knowing the division was after Porters, Changers, and Phasers. But she helped me blend in, help control my powers so I wouldn't accidently use them. But then she died two years ago because she was very sick and we didn't have enough money for the hospital. And then last year, somehow, the division had found out about me. I've been running ever since." I say, shuddering at all the memories of hiding behind houses, running through different streets, becoming new people.
"Oh," Travis says, obviously again not knowing what to say.
"Well our dad had been injected to become a Porter, but gained no powers. He had met out mom in the division and soon they got married and had us. Our mom was a Mover, so that's how Travis inherited his gift and I became a Porter because of the injections they had given our dad when he was seventeen. Both our parents are still in the division. Travis and I got out because I had accidently made a Portal to the outside three years ago. We got out and we've been running ever since. I still don't have my power quite right, but Travis is helping me and he's mastered his. Even though he's a second generation." Tracey says.
"Second generation?" I ask, confused by how she said second generation, as if that explained why it was a big deal for him to master his powers.
"Second generations, their powers aren't all that right. They're not as powerful as the first generations. So if you can master your gift when you're a second generation, that's a big deal. Or at least, that's what Tracey thinks." Travis says with a shrug.
"So that makes us," I turn to Tracey, "first generations?"
Tracey nod and says, "Yeah, but since our gift is rare, I haven't had any help at controlling my powers. So it's as if I were a second generation."
I nod, thinking everything over. Behind me I hear moaning. Seems the three guys are waking up. And I don't think they'll be all too friendly since Travis dumped them in a dumpster.
"Let's go," Travis says, turning to run.
"Wait, can't Tracey just make a potral for us?" I ask, looking at Tracey and Travis.
"I don't have a lot of practice with my gift." Tracey says worriedly.
"Well now is the time to practice." I say hopefully, looking at Tracey with pleading eyes.
I was afraid that if we got caught by the three men bad, things will happen and I was afraid that if we ran out of the alleys into the streets of New York, we would surely run into someone from the division.
"Ok, I'll try, but where do we go?" Tracey asks while closing her eyes.
"Um, how about we go to-"
I cut Travis off, "Go to L.A. I know a place where we can hide. I was heading to the airport to fly over there until these three guys stopped me on my way."
Tracey nods, her eyes still closed. Behind me I can hear rustling inside the dumpster.
"Wait," Travis says, "what if-"
"I did it!" Tracey squeals in excitement.
Opened in front of her is a swirling purple mass of a portal. It doesn't look all that friendly, but I have to trust Tracey.
"Ok, let's go." I say, walking in a fast pace, towards the portal.
"But wait," Travis tries again, his voice sounding tired of being ignored.
"We have to go before those gouls that call themselves men come out of the dumpster. You can tell us in L.A." I say, standing in front of the portal, Tracey at my left.
Travis seems to finally give up. He runs up to the portal, hesitates for a second, then steps in to whatever lies ahead. Tracey and I walk into the portal at the same time.
Before it could close I turn around and see the three guys getting out of the dumpster, looking around disoriented. Then the portal closes when I see one of the guys looking

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