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Book online «Change by Samantha Perez (classic book list .TXT) 📖». Author Samantha Perez

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the division. We weren't able to get to her when we were leaving."
"Shadows can only use their gift while they're awake. I can't help you all the time because I need to sleep too. But if I get another Shadow to help us, then we can take shifts. Ok?" Emily asks, looking at all of our faces.
I nod, wondering who this second Shadow was going to be.
"You know what I've noticed." Tracey says happily, "We're all teenagers and I bet the Shadow Emily is talking about is our age."
I blink. She's right. Emily looked about seventeen. Tracey and Travis looked about fiften, sixteen. And I was fifteen, soon to be sixteen. The only one in the group that wasn't a teenager was Allison.
"Yeah, you're right. His names Blake Rivers, he just turned sixteen a few weeks ago." Emily says, still looking serious.
"When do we leave?" I ask.
"The sooner the better." Tracey says, obviously wanting to meet this Blake guy.
"Whatever," Travis grumbles, staring daggers at his pancakes.
"Ok, well, we'll pack up our things and head out early tomorrow morning." Emily says, standing up and gathering everyones breakfast plates.
"But we didn't bring any clothes." I say in confusion.
"Oh don't worry, you'll probably fit into my old clothes, it seems that you fit into one of my gowns ok. While Tracey and Travis already have some clothes here from our previous encounters." Emily says with a smile, her face turning from serious to kind.
"Thank you." I say, getting up from the table.
"Yeah, just come by my room and we'll figure out how things will work." Emily says, disappearing into what I presume is the kitchen.
"Well I'm going to take a long nap, we have a long journey ahead of us." Tracey says, getting up from her seat, and going up the stairs to her room.
With no words said, Travis gets up from his seat and leaves, leaving Allison and I alone at the table.
"Allison, you want to come with me to Emily's room?" I ask, outstretching my hand to the little girl.
Allison hops out of her seat and walks over to me, grabbing my outstretched hand. Then a thought came to me that stopped me before I even started walking.
"Where is her room?" I ask ,looking down at the now giggling Allison.
Chapter 3

Emily had awoken us early in the morning. So early that the sun was barely rising into the sky.
I grab Emily's black backpack, that is filled with someone of her clothes, and open it. I don't even look at what clothes I've picked out. I just put them on, grab the backpack, and hurry downstairs.
No one is down yet, which gives me some time to actually see what I'm wearing. I go into the bathroom that is in the middle of the hall. I turn the lights on and stare at the girl in front of me. Emily had told me last year she had been going through some...phases. And I guess this was one of them.
The girl standing in front of the mirror had some type of skater girl pants. They were black pants that are nicely fitted at your waist, then become baggy on your legs. She had a fitted white tank top, that was cut off and showed off some of her flat belly.
I stare at my self in the mirror for a bit, not recognizing this girl. I put Emily's bag on the floor and look around, on top of everything else were some black and white high-top converse, a maroon tie with black stripes, two fingerless black gloves, and two thick black skatboard braclets. The ones that have tiny spikes all around them.
I smile down at it and put everything on. When I finish I look back at the mirror. I looked like one of those skater girls. I smile at my reflection. It was a new look for the 'new' me.
I close my eyes and open them again. I'm staring at a girl with long brown hair that was the color of honey and green eyes that looked as green as fresh watered grass.
I step out of the bathroom and hear talking in the dinning room. I can hear Tracey talking to Emily while Travis is talking to Allison.
I turn into the dinning room and wait for their reactions. Because, this, was not me. But in a way, I liked it.
"Let's go," This time my voice didn't change. I sound exactly like myself. The only thing that changed, was my appearnace.
Emily is the first to look up and then she is followed by Tracey, then Allison, and lastly, Travis. Tracey begins to laugh and shake her head, as if she couldn't believe it was me, while Allison and Travis stay staring.
"You know, you're rocking that look way better than I did last year." Emily says with fake jealousy.
"Well I do what I can," I play along.
Tracey walks up to me and examines my new look close up.
"I like it and I love you're new look, but I liked how you used to look. With your black hair and awesome gray eyes." Tracey says, "Wouldn't you agree Travis?"
Tracey and I turn to look at Travis, who is still staring in shock. Soon he snaps out of it and looks away while turning different shades of red.
"Well, we best be off." Emily says, picking up Allison and carrying her towards the hallway.
Travis gets up slowly and walks behind us. We all walk out the front door and I finally know where we are. Even from here I can see Big Ben.
"We're in London?" I ask for confirmation.
Emily turns around and smiles while nodding. Emily grabs a bag, which contains Allison and her clothes, that had been set next to the front door.
Tracey and Travis have their bags on already as we hedad out of the house and towards this Shadow names Blake Emily had told us about.
"Ok, Tracey can you please make a portal to Big Ben? Right in front of it." Emily asks, turning toward Tracey.
Tracey nodded with confidence, then closed her eyes. I stare and soon a portal of dark swirling mass opens up in front of her.
"All aboard," I say, being the first one to step into the portal.

When my eyes open, I'm not lying on the floor. It's as if I only blinked and suddenly we are standing in front of Big Ben.
"We're getting used to going into the portals." Travis says, looking happy about not being unconcious.
I turn to look at Emily and Allison who might not be as used to is as us. And I was correct. Allison was asleep in Emily's arms, while Emily looked like she just wanted to close her eyes and sleep all day long.
"Let's hurry before I pass out," Emily says weakly, walking up to the front of Big Ben.
We stand by the front door, not going in to, but standing by. Many people pass by. Little boys and girls with their parents. Teenagers walking around, couples holding hands.
"Where is this Blake guy?" I ask, looking around and finding no one by themselves.
"You must be Aurora," A voice whispers from behind me, sending me into a fit of shivers.
I whirl around and am about to karate kick his sorry ass, but I stop. How can I kick a beautiful face like his? Yes, I'm not ashamed to say that I think he looks like an angel.
For being called a shadow, he was quite the opposite. From the word shadow, you would think darkness, shapes in the dark, scary looking.
But this boy looked nothing like that. He has long, flowing blonde hair. His mesmerizing blue eyes looking at me with an amused smirk playing on his lips.
This guy with dimples on both his cheeks, was now smirking at me, amused at my reaction. In a matter of seconds I recover and glare at him.
He may be as handsome as any angel, but while he's smirking, you know he's not exactly a saint.
"You must be Blake then," I say, looking at the guy that now stands in front of me.
"So I was right, you are Aurora." Blake says, smiling, showing off his cute dimples.
"Yeah, not really what you expected right?" I laugh.
"Well, to be honest, not really. The way Emily described didn't strike me as a skater kind of girl." Blake shrugs.
"Can I tell you a secret?" I whisper, leaning towards him. He leans his right ear towards my lips. I whisper so low that only he can hear, "I'm really not."
Blake straightens up smiling at me and rolling his eyes. I wink at him and put my index finger to my lips while saying, "Shh..."
"Ok!" Travis suddenly bursts, "Why don't we go back to the house before Emily faints?"
"But we can't go back to the house, the Watchers already know we're there. That's why we left with tons of clothes." I say, stating the obvious.
We had gone to Emily's with no help from her Shadowing ability yet, so a Watcher would already know where we went. But now that we have Emily, they probably think we're still at the house.
"Ok then let's go somewhere." Travis snaps.
I look at Travis and raise an eyebrow. What was his problem.
"How about we go somewhere that's not in London, the division might have sent more people to come track us down. We need to leave as soon as possible before they get to the house and see that we're not there." Tracey says, already closing her eyes to conjure another portal.
"How about we go to," Blake smirks, "Miami?"
Before anyone can say anything Tracey has made a portal, looking a little tired.
"Maybe we should lay off the portal traveling after this?" I ask.
No one answer as they enter the portal and I know by Tracey's tiredness, that we're going to be asleep for a while...

Chapter 4

Have you ever woken up to a bad headache that hurt so much that you wish you were still asleep, so you wouldn't be able to feel the pain. Well, that's how I felt when we

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