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Book online «One Lifetime Only by C.Gburznski (the false prince series txt) 📖». Author C.Gburznski

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first time in a long time.
After class I waited for Sam, not knowing where my next class would be. The school is quiet large and knowing me I would get lost. Sam laughed as he exited the change rooms; he had a large smile on his face.
‘Why are you so happy?’ I asked him.
‘Because I have made a lot of the boys in our year jealous for the first time.’ He laughed and looked behind him to see another guy exit the change rooms.
‘What are they jealous of?’ I asked not sure if it was the right thing to do.
‘You.’ Sam looked down at me and smiled a most beautiful smile. I think my heart just skipped a beat.
‘Because they think that you are pretty hot for a new girl and because they want to be with you and they know that they can’t, because I called dibs.’ Sam continued to smile, what did he just say. That he had called dibs... what was his problem no one calls dibs on a girl.
‘If you don’t mind me saying but you don’t have DIBS on me, if you did that would make us boyfriend and girlfriend and I’m pretty sure that you haven’t asked me a question like that.’
‘I tried to explain that we didn’t have anything going on between us.’ Sam grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the exit. I sighed and allowed him to pull me out of the door and into a small grassed area.
‘Oh well, they will get over it.’ I sighed once more.
‘What room are you in?’ I looked up into Sam’s blue eyes.
‘I believe I’m in room thirty-one and that is on the other side of the school. What about you?’ Sam smiled and held my gaze.
‘I’m in room sixteen, and I have no clue where that is.’ I looked away from him and at the large crowd of students heading our way.
‘I will take to your next class, if that is alright.’ Sam continued to smile, while he dragged me to the other side of the school. By the looks of it I didn’t have a choice if he took to me to class or not.
‘Well here is your room.’ Sam pointed to a red door with a large golden sixteen on it.
‘Thanks.’ I smiled up at Sam and removed my hand from his.
‘Does this mean I can kiss you goodbye?’ Sam asked.
‘I think that would be pushing your luck.’ I looked away from his deep blue eyes.
‘Oh really, I would be pushing my luck would I?’ Sam moved closer to me, which made my heart race and I felt my face burn bright red. It made Sam chuckle.
‘Are you going to be here when class is finished?’
‘Of course, would I let you get lost on your first day?' Sam brushed some of my hair off my face.
‘I guess not.’ I smiled.
‘See nothing to fear.’
Sam began to walk away after that, but after a meter or two he turned around and came toward me.
‘By the way you are pretty hot.’ Sam came really close to my face and kissed me on the cheek.
‘Um…’ I was totally taken by surprised and I didn’t know what to say. Sam laughed when I didn’t say something and I when my face turned an even brighter red. After a few minutes standing quietly looking down at the ground, I made my feet move toward the classroom. I had science, my second favorite class.
I sat down in the only seat available, which was next to a small girl with glasses. She had dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. She was nice to me, and talked to me until the teacher started the lesson.
Science past in a blur, maybe it was due to the fact I couldn’t concentrate on the work and I let my mind drift to when Sam had kissed me. The hottest guy in the world kissed me. I sighed one last time just as the bell for lunch went.
When I walked out of the room, I found Sam leaning on the wall outside my classroom door. Sam looked more like a God than a normal human.
‘Hey there. How was science?’ Sam spoke first.
‘I don’t think that I got any work done because of you.’ I admitted with a sigh.
‘What did you like my smooth charms?’
‘Something like that.’ I smiled and looked down at the small garden.
‘Sweet. I’m a ladies man.’ Sam laughed and began to walk toward the other side of the school.
‘What ever floats your boat.’ I giggled and walked along side of him.
‘You know it does.’ He smiled and continued to walk.
‘Okay, okay lets just get some food. I’m starving.’
‘Alright this way to the canteen.’ Australia has weird names for things, like back at home we have cafeteria’s not canteens.
During lunch Sam seemed to be deep in his thoughts, as we sat with his friends. I couldn’t remember all of their names, but they all seemed nice enough.
‘What are you thinking?’ I asked no longer able to stand the silence between us.
‘I’m just thinking about not staying at school for the rest of the day. You could come with me and we could hang at my place, my parents wouldn’t be home till five. That could give us some time to spend together before we go to the party.’
‘Wait… what party?’ I asked not sure what he was talking about.
‘The party at Austin’s place.’
‘I can’t go, I wasn’t invited.’ I shook my head and looked down at the grass that we sat on.
‘Well I just invited you.’ Sam laughed and handed me a piece of paper. With the time that the party starts and where it would be held.
‘Okay I will go home with you, but before we go to the party you have to let me go home and get changed.’ I looked over at Sam.
‘Of course, do you think that I would let you go to the party in your school uniform?’ Sam smiled and lifted me off the ground.
‘What type of party is it?’ I asked as we headed for the school car park.
‘A beach party.’ Sam said enthusiastically.
‘Sounds like it would be fun.’ I smiled and looked around the car park, no one was around, no teachers and no other students.
‘It sure will be. You have never be to a party till you have been to one of Austin’s.’ Sam laughed and paused under a tree. I nodded and looked around me once more; making sure that no one could see us sneaking out of the school. Sam smiled and inclined his head to a blue car. Sam slowly walked over to the passenger door and opened it. I smiled nicely and jumped into the car.
‘I hope you like fast cars.’ Sam said as he jumped behind the driving wheel.
‘I sure do I grew up with Holden cars.’ I smiled and looked over at Sam as he pulled out of the school parking lot. Sam drove toward the highway and then turned left and began to head south toward his place. I had been to Sam’s place once before, when his family had been out shopping but I had met his parents when we first moved into the house next door to his. I looked out the window and watched the world as we drove past; I was memorized when we drove past the beach. It was so beautiful and calm; I was so wrapped up in the view I didn’t hear Sam when he started asking questions.
‘Do you like to swim?’ Sam asked for the second time.
‘Yeah, I have been swimming since I was a little girl. I love the water as well, if I were to ever die and be able to come back as an animal I would come back as a sea creature.’ I smiled out the window.
‘Mm, but I guess you won’t be dyeing for a while, so it will remain a dream for a very long time.’ Sam said as he turned onto our street.
‘Yeah, but it is a good dream.’ I sighed and looked over at Sam.
‘Do you mind being called DJ?’ Sam asked changing the subject. We were just meters away from Sam house, when I answered.
‘I used to get called that at my old school and I hated it. So yes I do mind.’ I said a little bit annoyed.
‘Oh okay then Danny.’ Sam stretched out my name more than he needed to. We were both silent for a moment as Sam parked the car in his drive way. I thought of a question that I could ask Sam once I had jumped out of the car, and I wasn’t sure what Sam was going to say.
‘If you don’t mind me asking. Did you really mean what you said before class?’
‘What that your really hot.’
‘Yeah.’ I said looking down at my feet.
‘Yes, I meant it. Would I lie to you?’ Sam came around to my side of the car and smiled down at me.
‘No…yes. I really don’t know.’
‘There is nothing to be afraid of.’ He placed his hand under my chin and lifted my head so that it now sat high.
‘Why would I be afraid and what should I be afraid of?’ I tilted my head to the side and looked at Sam from a different angel. Sam’s hand dropped from my face and down to his side.
‘I don’t want you to be afraid, but you should be scared of me.’ Sam sighed and walked to the front door and unlocked it.
‘Why would I be scared of you?’ I ran after him.
‘No particular reason.’ He opened the door and held it open for me.
Sam’s house is massive and beautiful; I think that Sam might be the richest person on earth. The house had two stories with palm trees on ether side of the house. It was painted a ivory cream colour, with green trimming around the windows and doors. It was gorgeous. I wished that my house looked like this, but I guess I can’t have everything I want.
‘Did I ever tell you that your house is beautiful?’ I smiled and looked around the front foyer.
‘No I don’t think you have, and thank you.’ Sam smiled and threw his bag down. ‘What would you like to do?’ Sam asked.
‘I don’t mind, as long as it is fun.’
‘Okay would you like to go for a swim?’
‘That would be good, but I don’t have any swimmers.’
‘You could borrow my sisters swimmers, it looks like you would fit into them, or you could swim nude.’ Sam started to giggle.
‘I think I will borrow you sisters swimmers.’ I smiled; I never knew that Sam had a sister. Every time that I had been here I had never seen any other girl in the house other than Sam’s mother.
‘Aw. Your no fun.’ Sam joked and pulled me up the stairs toward his sister’s bedroom, once inside he pointed to the closet and then walked out of the room. Giving me privacy. Slowly and not so reluctantly I opened the door, revealing a large wardrobe full of very expensive clothes. I looked around for a moment looking for the place where she left her swimmers, when I finally found a pair swimmers they weren’t like any swimmers I have ever seen. It looked like the swimmers that movie stars wore, it was a full piece but with the sides missing.
I walked over to the mirror when I had put the swimmers; I thought that I was the ugliest person
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