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Book online «One Lifetime Only by C.Gburznski (the false prince series txt) 📖». Author C.Gburznski

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Only one lifetime.
Chapter one. A new life.
‘Hey Danny wait up.’ But I didn’t hear the familiar voice, which belonged to my new friend and first friend that I had ever made at this ridiculously fancy school. I had moved here two months ago, with my family to our new house in Australia and I have already made friends with one of the most popular guys at school… Sam Myers and he is unbelievably cute. He has short blond hair that comes just past his ears, to form a surfer’s haircut. He has blue eyes and a dark brown tan.
‘Hey Danny are you listening to me?’ Sam reached out and grabbed my hand. Both Sam and I are in year eleven at St Wilfred high in the Illawarra. It is an expensive school and only the rich go here, but you get the occasional lucky person that will receive a scholarship. However I wasn’t one of those lucky people, she was one of the rich kids that moved over here from America.
‘Oh sorry Sam. I was day dreaming… sorry.’ I smiled up at Sam, who politely smiled back. I’m small compared to Sam who towered me like a monster. I guess I’m beautiful in many ways, I have long blond hair that almost goes to the middle of my back, and I have brown eyes and a light tan. That I wish to work on later this afternoon.
‘That’s okay, what were you day dreaming about today? Is it your old home and how much you miss it or your new home and how cool it is, or maybe something completely different like the hottest guy in school… Me?’ Sam chuckled and pulled me along toward my homeroom.
‘In your dreams Sam, the only time that I think of you is when I want to be sick.’ I giggled and smiled nicely at Sam.
‘Aren’t you hilarious.’ Sam said sarcastically, I just smiled and continued to walk along side Sam, hoping that I would remember the way to her homeroom tomorrow.
‘So what has been on your mind?’
‘Oh nothing really.’ Not that I was going to tell him what has been on my mind. How do you tell a guy that you like them? Oh well I guess there is plenty of time.
‘Come on there has to be a better excuse than that?’ Sam laughed and looked down at me.
‘Nope I don’t think there is, and even it there was I cant think of any.’ It is only the first day of school and I have a new best friend who is totally bananas.
It feels like primary school all over again. I moved to new schools a lot because I used to get in trouble and my parents thought it would be good if I got a fresh start. And I would always have weird guy friends that always thought that they were the hottest things in the world, but they were wrong Sam was the hottest guy I’ve ever known and he doesn’t try and show off because he has good looks.
‘Danny I want you to meet someone.’ Sam pulled me over to a boy with long black hair that covered most of his face.
‘Danny this is Tom and last year he was the new guy, I guess that makes you the new guy… or should I say girl this year.’ Sam snickered at me.
‘Hi, like he said I’m Tom. Its nice to meet you and thank you… finally I can move on with my life.’ Tom said in a ruff deep voice.
‘Its nice to meet you to.’ I managed to spit out. I wasn’t really keen on Scene Kidz, but who knows I might be judging a book by its cover.
‘Why did you move to Australia?’ Tom asked trying to be nice.
‘Because my Dad got a new job and that meant that we had to move, and at first I wasn’t happy about it but it was not my choice to say wether we stayed in America or moved, but at the moment I’m happy I did move to here.’
‘Are happy because I’m here and I’m the hottest guy in the world.’ Sam joked.
‘You wish.’ But you know what that was true. I did love being here with the hottest guy in the world, and I would not trade it for any thing in the world.
My favourite subject is first period and that is sport. I wonder what we do for sport? Oh I hope it is surfing but I’m probably not that lucky.
‘Hey Sam what do you have first period?’
‘I believe I have sport with you.’
Yes I have sport with Sam now I really hope that we do surfing because that would be the only way I could get a perve. I wonder what he looks like in a swimsuit. Oh my God I hope he doesn’t have a wet suit tan! But I guess I would get a good laugh out of it.
After homeroom, I was in another daze. I was known to be out of it sometimes at my old school, but it was like only once a day and it was always in the morning. ‘Now what are you thinking about? You strange person you.’ Sam’s eyebrows merged together to form a frown.
‘What do you think?’
‘Um is it me?’
‘Maybe, even if it was you I wouldn’t tell you. You sad person.’ I snickered.
‘Why don’t you just become a comedian?’
‘Because then I wouldn’t be able to make a jokes about you being an idiot.’
‘Ha, ha, ha.’ Sam sarcastically laughed at me.
‘Any way what way is the gym?’
‘This way.’
We headed around a large brick wall and there it was a massive gym. By the looks of it they even have a swimming pool, I think I’m in heaven. When I first moved to Australia a heard that none of the schools have pools over here, but I guess I was wrong. I even remember the first week that we moved here I was looking at some pamphlets and none of them had a picture of a pool. At the moment I’m glad that I was able to convince my Dad to let me come to this school.
Once inside the gym I headed for the change rooms not remembering that I didn’t have any swimmers with me, but before I got anywhere near the change rooms my gym teacher stopped me and pulled me over to one side.
My teacher was tall with black hair man, with blue eyes and pale skin and he had a small cute smile that could win over almost any girl’s heart.
‘Hello, Miss Johnson. I’m Mr. Mallon and I will be your P.E. teacher for the next year and a bit.’ Mr. Mallon looked down at me and extended his hand toward me. I took it reluctantly and shook it.
‘I have read your records from your previous school and I was wondering if you would like to sign up for the swim team.’ Mr. Mallon asked.
‘Yeah sure I would love to. I have been training since I was just a baby.’ I smiled and took a small step back.
‘Good, we need more girls on the team. At least you will know one person on the team.’ Mr. Mallon looked behind me.
‘Who would that be?’ I asked without thinking.
‘Oh really, I didn’t know that he swam for the team.’ I said and looked over my shoulder, where I found Sam standing behind me. Oh my god he looked even hotter in swimmers. Sam had a six-pack and the most beautiful tan, it was even and dark. I started to laugh when I thought of the name of the swimmers that he was wearing… budgie smugglers.
‘What are you laughing at?’ Sam gave me a strange look.
‘I’m laughing at you.’ I continued to giggle at him.
‘Because your wearing budgie smugglers.’ I giggled.
‘That isn’t funny, every guy on the team wears budgie smugglers.’ Sam shook his head and then joined in with me in laughing. We were laughing together and as I looked in the corner of my eye, I noticed that people were giving us strange looks, as if we were loonies. This made us laugh even harder. Eventually Mr. Mallon came over and broke us up.
‘What is going on here, Mr. Myers?’ he said seriously.
‘Um… nothing Sir. Danny told me a joke that is all, it was a good one.’ Sam smiled down at me and gave me a small wink.
‘Well it’s class time, not joke time. Next time Miss Johnson tell it after class and not in my time or I will waste you time at lunch time.’ Mr. Mallon gave me a small sneer.
‘Sorry Sir I will remember that for next time.’ I said trying not to laugh.
‘Good.’ He marched away. Sam and I tuned toward each other and giggled quietly this time. After another minute, Sam turned and walked away still giggling like a schoolgirl. Sam paused at the edge of the pool and talked to some of his other friends, one at a time the all shot a long glance- maybe it was more of a stare- at me. After another few minutes Sam dove into the water and started to do laps, with his friends.
It was good getting a fresh start, the beginning of a new life in Australia almost the most beautiful place on earth, what more could you ask for. There is great beaches, beautiful forests and the wildlife is unbelievable and did I mention the surf.
The whole first period I got to sit on a bench and watch Sam and the rest of the class do laps and I also got to cheer for Sam for my only friend Sam. However one girl came over to me, from another class and had a very short conversation with me.
‘Hey there, I’m Bella. When did you move here?’ She smiled and sat next to me.
‘Hi I’m Danny and I moved here two months ago, from America.’ I politely smiled at her.
‘Oh my god, I went there last year, for a holiday. Its beautiful over there.’ She smiled even more brightly at me.
‘I see that you hanging out with Sam, isn’t he absolutely gorgeous?’
‘I know and he is such a great guy, for a friend anyway.’ I looked over at Sam who was paused at one end of the pool.
‘Is that all you two are, just friends?’
‘Yeah, why do you want to know?’ I looked into her light brown eyes and felt something dark and sinister creep out.
‘Just wondering that’s all. Anyway I’ve got to go.’ Bella stood and walked toward her friends. What a strange girl, all questions and no real answers. I began to wonder why she was asking me about Sam and I. Maybe it looks like we are going out. Who really knows what is going through that strange girls mind. After a few minutes of watching Bella return to her class, I turned around and looked for Sam. He was no longer in the pool, as I looked for him I felt a strange dripping sensation on my head. What the hell is doing that to me? I reluctantly turned around and found Sam standing over me shaking his head all over me. That got us laughing again; and once more people stared at us and gave us strange looks, and you know what I didn’t care. I was in a happy mood today, for the

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