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Book online «One Lifetime Only by C.Gburznski (the false prince series txt) 📖». Author C.Gburznski

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alive with my blond hair, lightly tanned skin and long legs that rarely complemented any dress. I thought that Sam wouldn’t notice if I wrapped a towel around me and got in the pool quickly after him. I sighed and walked down the stairs, I found Sam in the kitchen grabbing himself a drink.
‘Hey, there.’ I smiled and placed my school bag down near the bench.
‘Would you like a drink?’
‘No thanks, maybe later.’
‘Okay the pool is this way.’ Sam placed his drink on the bench and led me outside. We walked through some glass doors and out into a large back yard with no fence. The pool looked like a fifty-meter pool with a spa connected to it, it was so cool.
‘Are you some sort of movie star?’ I asked.
‘No, but my Dad owns a movie studio and he has made some good investments.’
‘Wow, cool.’ I smiled and walked over to the pool and felt the temperature of the water. Sam jumped into the water and swam underwater to the far side of the pool. I unwrapped the towel around me and walked over to the side of the pool, to where a small diving block sat on the edge of the pool. Sam came to the surface at the other side of the pool and looked at me with a large grin on his face.
‘I look terrible don’t I?’
‘No you look… how can I out this? You look so attractive in those swimmers.’ Sam’s smiled grew even brighter.
‘Thanks.’ I guess.
‘Are you going to get into the pool or what?’ Sam yelled at me. I nodded and climbed onto the small diving block; I jumped into the pool and came to surface just centimeters away from Sam’s body, when I looked up at Sam he had a kind of surprised look on his face. I giggled like a small schoolgirl when he didn’t say anything.
‘Are you okay?’ I continued to giggle.
‘Um… yeah.’ He said after a few seconds. This made me giggled even harder, which didn’t impress Sam.
Sam grabbed me by the waist and pulled me close, his warm body sent tingles up my spine, when I shivered just the tinniest bit Sam burst into laughter.
‘Now we are even.’ He said still laughing, I tried to free myself from Sam strong grasp but I failed miserably. Sam looked me in the eyes; it was like he could see into my soul, then next thing I know we are kissing. It felt so warm and intense; Sam pulled me up onto his waist and held me there, we stayed like that for a moment locked in each other’s lips. When Sam released me, I looked up at Sam and stared for a moment.
‘You’re a good kisser.’ I accidently said out loud.
‘Why thank you.’ he laughed and finally freed me, I was able to swim to the edge of the pool and catch my breath. Sam followed quickly behind me.
‘Don’t think that you can get away from me that easily.’ Sam laughed.
‘We will see.’ I sighed and swam away from me.
I swam as fast as I could, but Sam followed casually behind me, keeping up without effort. I felt something warm slip over my ankle and it pulled hard, which brought me back into Sam’s body. I struggled once more against his strong grasp and achieved nothing Sam was unbelievably strong. Sam pulled me up into his arms and then he began to walk up the pool steps and over to a deck chair, where he placed me down with no effort at all and kissed me again. Sam’s body pinned me between the chair and his really warm body, as he kissed me he worked his hand up and under the strap on the swimmers.
‘Sam!’ we stopped what we were doing and turned to where the voice came from.
‘Grace?’ Sam said with shock on his face and then he slowly got off me.
‘Who is this slut your with now!’ she growled at us.
‘Danny isn’t a slut, so back off. You cannot choose who I date.’ He growled back. Grace inclined her head and walked away with her noise in the air.
Sam sighed and turned his attention back to me.
‘Who was that?’ I asked.
‘Grace, my sister. She hates me dating or even hanging out with people like you.’ he shook his head
‘What do you mean people like me?’
‘Can we talk about this later, I think you should go home.’ Sam sighed and extended his hand toward me.
‘Okay, I guess I will walk home.’ I smiled and got off the chair and grabbed my towel and dried myself off.
‘Are you sure you don’t want a lift home?’ Sam asked as he walked me to the front door.
‘I will be fine, just don’t forget to pick me up so we can go to the party.’ I smiled and walked out the front door, without saying goodbye to him.
When I arrived home my mum was frantic, she was running up and down the hallway and yelling at my father to call the school.
‘Where have you been?’ she screamed at me.
‘I was at Sam’s place, we were just doing some homework.’ I lied, not wanting them to know that I wagged my first day at school. It’s a Friday night and my mum is freaking out, she used to be fine when I didn’t return home until twelve o’clock at my old place. ‘I’m going to a party tonight.’ I informed my parents and marched up to my bedroom. I went straight for a shower but all I could think about was Sam and how he said ‘people like you.’ What did he mean by people like me is there some thing more to Sam Meyer’s than meets the eye or is it because I’m not like him rich and every thing? I don’t know there is some thing strange about it that’s all I can say.
The hot water stretched out my muscles and made me feel less stressed out. Once I got out of the shower I wrapped my towel around my body then I walked into my closet I walked around looking for I cute outfit to wear and I found my favorite dress and my cork shoes. I put them on along with the swimmers from before seems as Sam’s sister didn’t notice I was wearing them and if Sam liked me wearing them I was going to wear them. I put some makeup on then I walked down stairs and my mum and dad were having dinner.
‘Who is the luck guy?’ my mother asked turning around in her seat and scrutinizing my outfit.
‘Mum!’ I shook my head.
‘Sorry I was just curious that’s all.’ She smiled and went back to her dinner.
‘Just don’t embarrass me when he gets here.’ I sighed and leaned on the wall. Not even five minutes had past when I heard the knock on the front door. I opened it and found Sam standing there with a large smile on his face.
‘Are you ready to go?’ Sam asked being polite.
‘Yep ready and excited.’ I smiled and walked out the front door and into the light of the porch light.
‘You look beautiful tonight.’ Sam grabbed my hand and kissed it.
‘Thank you.’ I smiled ever so nicely.
He headed to his car and he opened my door as always I smiled politely and he giggled. When we pulled out of my driveway, and we headed to the highway I turned to see what he looked like he had a blue shirt on with half the buttons undone with black jeans and white shoes all together a great combination. ‘What’s the matter don’t I match you out fit?’ Sam asked after he noticed I was staring at him, and the funny thing was he did match what I was wearing. I was wearing my favorite blue dress and white high heels
‘Actually you do and that’s not why I was staring at you I was trying to see what you looked like tonight.’ I blushed fire hydrant red.
‘Sorry, it is going to take awhile to get to Austin’s place for the party.’
‘Why doesn’t he live around here?’
‘No he lives about an hour away from here that is why the party starts at seven thirty.’
‘Okay cool.’
‘Yeah my cousin loves throwing parties. He will give any excuse to have one.’
‘He’s your cousin.’
‘Yeah and tonight the party excuse is there is a new arrival to Australia.’
‘Who me?’
‘Yes you.’
‘Um I’m not good being in the spot light.’
‘Don’t worry I will be with you every step of the way.’
‘Thank you.’
‘It is alright, I’m always here to serve.’
‘Thank you. By the way what did you mean by people like me before?’
‘Don’t worry about it now I will tell you tomorrow, because I want to show you something. So why don’t you just have a great time.’
‘Okay I will try my best.’ I sighed and looked out the window of the car.
It took half an hour to forty-five minutes to get to Sam’s cousins place, and it was absolutely beautiful here. Where ever we were.
‘We are here.’ Sam whispered over the music in the car.
‘That didn’t feel like an hour.’ I smiled over at him.
‘It wasn’t, because I knew where all the short cuts were.’ Sam laughed.
‘His house is as beautiful as you’re house and it is on the beach, Oh My God look at the view!’
‘Yeah Austin loves the beach.’
‘Please don’t tell me your going to go for Austin now.’ Sam groaned out of annoyance.
‘No you’re the only person for me!’ I giggled softly.
‘That sounded so corny.’
‘I know.’ I beemed.
We got out of the car and walked up the stone pathway to the house we didn’t even knock on the door and it opened, but there was no one even behind it. Sam just giggled at me. So I just hit him on the arm.
‘Hey what was that for?’
‘You laughing at me.’ I snickered. That set us of laughing again. A boy came around the corner I think it was Austin by the look of him he was really related to Sam he had the same body build and he had a bit of the same puppy face as Sam as well.
‘Hey there cousin.’ Austin said
‘Hey, this is Danny the girl I told you about.’
Austin looked me up and down. Then grabbed my hand and kissed it
‘So this is the beautiful girl that has caught my dear cousins eye.’
‘Hi I’m Danny.’
‘How rude of me I’m Austin.’ I think that Sam gave Austin weird look because he just smiled and said, ‘Don’t worry cousin she is all yours I’m not going to move in on your territory.’ He started to giggle
‘You better not move in on my territory this time.’ It sounded like a growl came out of his chest but I couldn’t be sure so I ignored it. I wonder what they meant by there territory.
‘Would you like a drink or anything?’ Sam asked.
‘Sure, why not.’ I looked up and into his ocean blue eyes.
‘Alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks?’
‘Non, if you don’t mind.’ I smiled and looked over at Austin, who looked between Sam and I.
‘Sure, I will go get you something.’ Sam said then disappeared around the corner, which left me alone with Austin. Who gave me a creepy smile.
Sam came back around the corner with a coke and a beer either hand and said ‘here you go I don’t think you need any more sugar in you.
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