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Mrs. Smith."

SHe smiled a warm mile, and crossed the room to stand by Jaden's bed, holding his hand.

"I'm so sory, Jaydie sweetie. Can i get you anything?" she asked him, concern thick in her voice.

"Nah, I'm good, just make sure the little ones go home and get some rest. You guys too, Dad and Jhon. You both have work and college. You need some rest." Jayden requested.

"All right, you all hear Jayden, Let's go drop everyon off at home, I'm driving." Mrs. Smith told everyone. "What about you Kyrie, do you want to go home as well?"

"I'd like to stay and make sure Jayden's oaky, if that's alright?" I asked.

"Tottally fine, you can keep me company." Mrs. Smith smiled.

Chapter Three

After everyone was out of the room, Jayden rolled over and looked at me. "Now you, missy, have quite a bit of explaining to do. And you have plenty of time. we live about an hour away, so you've got ample time." he oders.

"Okay, okay, what do you want to know?"

"What happened in the car?" he asked.

"I ususally go to cooler more humid climates than the desert, when your sister accidentally touched my back, she touched my wings, which are pretty frickin dry. That hurt a little considereing they're chapped. MY feathery wings are just waiting for some water." I explain.

"Can I see your wings again?" he asked, a littel dazed.

"Hold on a second." I say as i check teh room for suvailence cameras. Luckily this hospital is cheap enough not to have any. I slowly unfold my wings, wincing when they tug at my dry back. One thing i love about the clothes angels get is that they are impervious to wings, letting them pass right through, without ripping.

Jayden reaches out a hand to tougch them. "Wow, they're amazing. You really are an angel." he murmurs.

He looks up at me and smiles a mischevious smile. Faster than i thought he could move, he wraps his arms around my waist and tugs me down till I'm almost lying down next to him.

"Ummm I do-" i get out before he cuts me off.

"Hey, let a guy who almost died today have a little fun with an angel." he grins. I fold my wings up against my back and relax a little.

"So how long do you get to stay?"

"I usually stay about a year, but the last time, only half a year. I hope that was a one time only thing though, I like being on Earth. It makes me feel like I might actually be able to become a Guardian Angel." I respond.

"You seriously think you're an angel." he asks, bewildered.

"Well, I am, how could you say that? I saved your butt earlier today and i just showed you my wings. How in the world can you say that?" I asked, hurt.

"Hey, I just thought i was hallucinating and that you were sokme crazy, but insanly good looking girl." he said, trying to defend himself.

"I can't believe this. The first human i actually show my wings to, turns out to think I'm crazy. I might aswell just go home now." I say, sad and furious, all at the same time.

Jayden's face softend. "No, stay, please? Besides, my mom could use a little company, and i take back what I said earlier, you did just prove you're an angel, it's just hard to wrap my mind around, I'm sorry." he apologized.

I couldn't help but lighten up. I sat down on teh edge of his bed. He took my hand and held it in both of his, rubbing his thumb in curcle on the back of my hand.

We sat like that for a while. I was wishing i was human so that I could stay here, but then i realized that I was an angel, and that's what I was going to be happy wiht. I'd work hard and become a Guardian Angel, and be asigned to someone who needed me. It felt good knowing that I always came to Earth wiht a good purpose, it was fullfilling.

Jayden got another mischevious look in his eyes. He tuged my hand, making me scoot a little closer. He kept on tugging and I kept on scooting. I was no longer on the edge, but right next to him. He sat up and tugged on my braid, making me smack his hand. He let out a beautiful laugh, long and hearty. I started laughing at him laughing at me.

"Do you have any nicknames?" Jaydena asked me.

"Ky, Ky Ky, newbie, anything along those lines. Do you have any nicknames?" I ask.

"I like Ky, and yah, I do have nicknames. Jay, jaydie, Jade, something like that." he says as he grins

"I personally like Jay the best, but Jaydie is cute." I reply, giving an innocent grin.

"Oh you would. But one thing you should know is that I am really good at revenge." he says.

Before i know it, he has me pinned next to him, forced to take the relentless tickling. I laugh so hard it almost brings tears to my eyes.

"You know, being an angel and all, I thought you'd be harder tp take down." he smirks.

I take my opening to scramble away until he grabs my wiast.

"Oh no you don't." he whispers in my ear, so close i can feel his lips against my neck. I freeze up.

After a few seconds, I pull his arms from around my waist and sit back on the edge. It was a good thing to 'cause right after i'd settled in the edge, Jay's mom burst in teh room, sweeping over to her son.

"Sorry i was gone so long sweetie. Janie refused to go to bed until she was able to say goodnight to you and Kyrie. As soon as they say tou can go home we'll leave. It's gonna be okay Jade. You're oldest brother hopes you get better."

He took a second to take all this in. "Todd actually talked to ypu guys? He hopes i get better?" Jayden looked on the verge of tears. Suddenely all that was gone. "Where has he been? One minute it's colllege, teh next its living on teh streets. Doesn't he know how much he's hurting his family? We used to be so close and then he just closed up. WHat is going through his head right nw?" His voiced cracked, back to the verge of tears.

I had no idea what the situation was, but i knew it was hurting Jayden, and that was somethign I never even want to think about. I saw how close knit his family is, having a member leave and not know exactly what he was doing seemed to pain them.

Jayden got himself under control and looked to me.

"Sorry you had to see that. I just miss him so frickin much. I just wish he'd realize that i still love him."

"Hey, it's fine, we all have our moments." I say, trying to sound reassuring.

Chapter Four

A couple hours later, they finally release Jayden. Only after his begging pleading, and, at times, crying mother. She realy knew how to play an event to her advantage.

It was about one-thirty when we finally got the chance to head home. Jayden sat with me in the back seat, claiming that there was more roomhere than in the front for his injured leg. I don't think he was bluffing either. There were roadmaps, old QT cups, and trash littereing the floor up there. Not to mention things needed for little kids in the car such as sippy cups and an emergency diaper bag.

When I assumed we were about a quater of the way to Jayden's house, I fell asleep. Since Jayden was abviously an insane flirt, he insisted that he sit right next to me in case he needed a litle more room for his crutches and leg. Jeez he was good at milking it.

I felt my head roll over and rest on his shoulder. I tried to move it, but flying him to his family and laughing so hard had really taken it out of me and I just couldn't move. I felt him shift a little, wraping an arm around my shoulder, and laying his head next to mine.

All to soon, we were at Jay's house. I just wanted to stay in that position forever. I chastised my self again for thinking such things, and got out. When I walked into his house, I saw a tall, lanky figure sleeping on his sofa. Jayden walked in behind me. He was talking with his mom as he struggled to use his crutches. He stopped abruptly as soon as he saw the man on the sofa.

"Todd?" Jayden croaked.

This 'Todd' person mumbled somehting none of us caught.

"We forgot to tell you, as soon as he heard about your accident, he came as fast as he could." his mother said, gently.

Todd woke up. "Jayden? Man, are you okay? I know I've been gone a lot and that I've hurt you and Mom and Dad, but I'm gonna try and be better. I love you Jay-Jay, you're my little bro and i want you to know I love you."

Jayden tried to run forward, but he ended up nearly tripping had i not been in his way.

"I can't believe you're home." Jayden whispered.

"Who's this pretty little thing you have here Jay-Jay?" Todd asked playfully, pointing at me.

"That's Kyrie. She saved me today." Jayden responded.

"Well hello there, Kyrie. I'm Todd." he said, suddenely formal.

He reached out a hand for me to shake. I grasped it and shook it like I was supposed to. Something about him was off, like he'done some not so good stuff and it was finally bugging his concience.

Mr. Smith came out from the kitchen, holding what I assumed was Jayden's littlest sister. "Well, Miss Kyrie, you have your choice of rooms you can sleep in. You've got on the an air matress in the twins' room, an air matress out here wiht Todd, or an air matress in the room wiht Jayden. Or, in the nursery with Little Miss Cryer over here." he offered.

I thought for a minute. The twin's rom would be crowded so that was a maybe. Todd creeped me out so that was an automatic no, and Jayden had a room to himself, and my guess was that if they had a guest room, it was taken up by someone else. Jayden's room it was.

"Jayden's room is fine, thank you." I answered.

His mom just had a happy yet slightly suspicous look on her face and shot her son a smile that said don't mess this up. Whatever 'this' is.

After about twenty minutes, we finally figured out how to inflate the air matress. We waited a few minutes until it was fully inflated. Then Jayden's dad hualed it down the hall to Jayden's room.

Chapter Five

When we had finally gotten my air matress dressed with sheets, a pillow and a blanket, it was lights out. Mrs. smith let me borrow a tank top and a pair of small, comfy workout shorts for pajamas.

I slid into bed, ready to feel the peace that came with sleep.
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