Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป Truth by S. E. Gutierrez (philippa perry book .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซTruth by S. E. Gutierrez (philippa perry book .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author S. E. Gutierrez

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It was dark. It was raining. I could feel my wings soaking up the little droplets that fell on them. I felt trapped. Thunder raged and lightning rolled across the sky. Ugh, my wings were getting heavier by the second.

The one bad thing about my light feathery wings was that they were absorbent up the wazoo. If you thought sham-wows were heavy duty, try my wings. They could suck a pool dry in a matter of minutes.

I was on a rescue mission. One thing about angels is that our work is never done. There's always someone getting into trouble, needing our help. Whatever, I didn't mind it. I kind of liked it. It gave me a purpose.

Rescue missions were my specialties. I always found a way to help calm down the person that needed my help. Today, however, I just wanted to go to my temporary home. I loved seeing all the places of the world. The ocean, the mountains. The only place I wasn't necesarily fond of was the desert.

The dry air, and lack of water made me feel dirty and not really me. My wings got dry and sore and it was really hard to lift off and fly. Today wasn't as bad considereing it was barely sprinkeling.

Unfortunately, that's where this mission was. Aparently some stupid sixteen-year-old, got stranded while he and his family were hiking, they didnt realize that he hadn't come back down the mountain with them until they were at their car. His three younger sisters started freaking out and crying, and his older brother offered to back track and get him. The parents were running around trying to find him.

They didnt know that he had slipped and fallen down the other side of one of the hills they had traversed.His leg had gotten stuck under a rock and was broken. He was bleeding and had a concussion. It was my job to bring him back to his family in a slightly better condiotion than when I had found him.

Chapter One

I found him about thirty minutes later. He was trying to roll the rock off his leg, hurting himself even more. He had longish silky black hair and the most beautiful, pennetrating green eyes. I landed a few yards away and hid behind an extremely small bush. I patted some dirt on my face, arms, and legs, trying to make it look like I had been hiking all day. I started jogging toward him.

"Hey! Are you okay? Do you need help?" I shout as I near him.

He groaned. "Yah! I think my leg is broken and I feel lightheaded and I think my head is bleeding." he shouted back.

He was surprisingly aware for someone who was concussed. I ran faster and stopped next to him.

He looked me over. "Ya know, I was expecting some lady in her thirties, not some teenager. I'm Jayden by the way." he told me.

"Kyrie. How old are you?" I reply, even though I already know the answer.

"Sixteen, you?" he tells me.

"Same." Angels age the same way as humans, we just live forevre and don't look old.

"Cool. Ah! Dang this hurts." he says."

I try and roll the rock of him. The more of his leg I see, the more sick I feel. I hear him scream. I look down and realized that the boulder was almost off, it was on his foot, bending it back at a weird angle. With one last push, it's off. He sighs in relief. He was still battered, but at least he didn't have a boulder crushing his leg.

I pick him up and wrap one of my arms around his waist, helping him get up and walk. He puts his arm around my shoulders and gets up,not putting preasure on his broken leg.

I start healing him little by little, getting rid of his concussion first.

"Hey, Jayden, you weren't out here alone were you?" I ask, knowing the answer again.

"No my family is here, probably already at the car." he replies.

"Where are you parked, we should get you there ASAP. You need a hospital." I tell him.

"I bet I do. My family is parked on the other side of that hill over there." he said, pointing to the hill farthest from us. It was a long way even to the hill, let alone his car.

I contemplate flying us over there. I'd get in a little bit of trouble and probably freak him out, but he'd probably end up dying if I didn't, and his family would chalk it up to living through an extremely scary situation. Flying it is.

"Jayden, I'm gonna do something that's probably gonna freak you out, but I need you to stay calm. Don't get scred, Im not gonna hurt you." I say calmly as I start to unfurl my huge wings.

I grab his waist and start running. I jump, and with one flap of my huge wings, we're up in the air. He twists around and looks at me.

"Quit wiggling, I don't want to drop you." I repremand him.

"What are you?" he says slowly.

"An angel on a rescue mission." I mumble.

"Am I you're rescue mission?" he asks.

"Maybe." I reply.

"I'll take that as a yes. You know, I always knew angels existed, but lately, I'd been doubting it, but you proved to me that I was right." he tells me.

"Thanks." I say and smile.

"You're really pretty." Jayden comments.

"You're just saying that 'cause I just saved you're life." I reply as I blush.

"Do you go to school?" he asks.

"Umm yah, while Im here. I'm going to Redwoods High." I answer.

"Really me too. Maybe I'll see you there, Kyrie, right?"

"Yah." I respond.

He looks down. "We're parked right there." he points to a blue-gray van wiht about six people gathered around it, freaking out.

I land near the parking lot and set Jayden down. "C'mon, I'll help you walk." I offered.

I put my arm around his waist as he slings his arm around my shoulders.

"Jay! Jay! My goodness, sweetie." Jayden's mom gushed. "Thank you so musch for helping my Jaydie. Bless your heart. Is there anything we can do?" she continues.

"No, it's fine, I'm happy your son is safe. I'm Kyrie by the way." I say as I shake her hand.

"Kyrie, that's a beutiful name. Is your family here?" she replies.

"No, they let me go hiking alone." I answer, not entirely lying.

"Oh, well, we'd love it if you came with us to the hospital. After all, you did save his life." Jayden's mom offers.

"It's all thanks to you I'm here another day." Jayden chimes in.

"Alright, I want to make sure Jayden's okay."

We all pile in the car. I'm wedged between Jayden himself and his little sister.

"Hi! I'm Jay's little sister, Janie. What's your name?" she lets out in the regular little kid, hyper way.

"Janie, that's a pretty name, I'm Kyrie." I tell her, trying not to get annoyed.

"Wow, that's so cool. Your hair is really pretty can I play with it?" she asks, not even waiting for an answer.

I twist around in my seat, turning to face Jayden. He smiles at me, his green eyes twinkling.

"Hey, thanks for saving me."

"It's my job." I reply, acting like it was no big deal.

"You're gonna have to explain that one." Jayden smiles.

"As soon as I know I can." I reply, unable to hide the smile playing on my lips.

Jayden reaches over and takes my hand. I see his mom eye us in the rearveiw mirror, smiling to herself.

Janie's hand brushes my back, rubbing against my wings. I heard one of the dry feather crinkle, hurting a little bit.I wince.

"You okay?" Jayden asked, concern saturating his voice.

I nod, flaping my hands to impersonate wings.

He gives me a concerned look. I shake my head signifying that I'd explain it later.

"Kyrie! I finished your hair!" Janie exclaimed, bouncing in her seat.

She had plaited my hair into a surprisingly skillful french braid.

"Wow, it's pretty." I tell her.

"I knew you'd love it!" Janie squealed.

I mouth wow to Jayden and he just shrugs his shoulders.

The more time I spend around him, the more I start to like him. He was nice and caring, and he was really cute. I quikly chastised myself. Liking him was not why I was sent to this hot Arizona desert. It was not the reason I was here. I repeated this mantra the entire way to the hospital.

Jayden's mom parked near the entrance, openening the car door, she helped get Janie out of her carseat. I slid out after her, going around the car to help Jayden. His leg was still broken, but at least now he wasn't concussed or near death. He no longer had any internal bleeding and with a cast and a good amount of stitches, he should be good as new. Knowing this comforted me. I really wanted Jayden to be okay, and I really wanted to see him at school. But I had a feeling that I wouldn't for a while.

I wouldn't allow that thought to get me down. The only reason I was here was to help rescue people. I was trying to work my way up to guardian angel, but it was still a long way down the road. I was usually on Earth for a year at a time, I'd only been here four times before, once when I was eight, then eleven, thirteen, only half a year when I was fourteen, now i'm hoping i hget to stay for an entire twelve months. But that wasnt up to me. I usually came to Earth at the start of teh school where I'd be staying, so that way I could perform my mission, then have ample time to come up with an excuse for why I left, It really was a good system.

Chapter Two

When we were finally seen by a doctor,(read:after an hour of siting in the waiting area with a guy that was bleeding and had a broken leg) Jayden's bleeding had slowed, and his leg wasn't hurting him as much.

"Let me guess, skatboarding?" the doctor joked.

"No actually, hiking." Jayden responded, good naturedly. The doc just looked shocked.

When Doctor Chaset was done bandaging and casting Jayden, it was well past ten at night.

"Kyrie, we insist, stay the night, you've helped us, nopw it's our turn to help you. Besides, it'll be midnight by the time we really get out of here." Jayden's mom kept urging me.

"Alright but I have to call first."

I got on my phone and told the people I was staying with that I was staying the night at Jayden's house. They agreed that it was okay and we hung up.

"I can stay, thank you." I told Jayden's mom.

"By the way, I'm Anna Smith." Jayden's mom informed me.

I nodded. "Thank you so much

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