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Book online «Truth by S. E. Gutierrez (philippa perry book .TXT) 📖». Author S. E. Gutierrez

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"C'mon, this is a short cut. Taylor won't be able to catch us if he can't see." Jayden whispers as he strugles to go as fast as he can wiht crutches.

After a few minutes of fast walking, we reach a dead end. I hear Jayden mutter a cuss word.

"Jayden!"I gasp. "Don't you ever and i mean EVER swear around me again." I whisper yell.

"Sorry, but this is so not good. Taylor is known for beating the crap out of anyone who crosses him. Guys, girls, younger kids, it doesnt matter with him. I have to get you out of here." Jay apologizes.

"If you know a back way to your house, i could lay low and fly us there." I offer up.

"No, all the ways I know form here require crossing a main road. That's not gonna work." He responds.

"Jayden, do you really, honestly think I care." I can walk you when I need to. I jst wnat you safe." I reply a little sternly.

"Fine." he says tersely.

I wrap my arms around his waist and clutch him against me. I unfurl my wings and stretch them. I give a mini flap to get us up a little higher in the air, and listen to Jayden's directions.

I stop a few yards befoe all the main roads and walk.

I was scared. Scared for Jayden, scared for me , and just scared in general. That was not good.

Chapter Seven

It took us a long time to get home, but it would've taken us longer had I not flown us. Not only that, but we had long since lost Taylor and his gang.

I reached Jayden's porch and let him go, folding my wings againts my back.

"You really didn't have to do that." he scolds me.

"You know I did. Taylor would've just about killed us both. And I wouldn't leave you there like I know you're about to tell me I should've done." I say, trying to lighten up Jayden.

He gives me a small grin, but that's it.

"Tell your family I said hi." I ask him as I leave his porch.

"Oh no you don't. I'm going to drive you home." Jayden says, almost like an order.

"No, I can walk and you need to rest." I respond, walking farther away.

Jayden surprises me by hobbling over to my sdie and grabing my wrist.

"I'm driving you home. You've saved my butt three times in two days. You're not getting off the hook." He retorts, not giving me a choice.

Jayden drags me behind him as he uses his cruthes to limp to the door and opens it. He walks in wiht me in tow, and shouts to his mom that he's driving me home and he'll be back in a few.

"I can still walk." I grumble.

Jayden just rolls his eyes and opens the passenger door for me.

I realize something. "Uh, Jayden, I don't know how to get to my house from here."

"Really?" he asks, annoyed.

"I know how to get there from school though." I respond.

"Oaky, that's good." he replies, calming down.

"And jay?" I say in a quiet voice.


"Thanks. A lot." I say.

He just reaches over and grabs my hand. I let him hold it for a while, liking the feeling of my hand in his.

Jayden rubs his thunb ver the back of my hand, massaging my fingers.

When we get to the school, I figure out where I am and ramble off directions. We arrive at my house with little confusion.

I'm about to open my door when he grabs his crutches and says, "Nope, I may be crippled, but I still have my manners."

A long minute later, he's at my door, opening it for me. I get out and surprise him with a hug. He wraps his arms around my waist and gives me a good squeeze. I felt my heart speed up, pumping faster than ever. Gosh, I swear Jayden is going to be the fall of me.

Jayden gives me another quick squeeze and presses a quick peck to my forehead beofre pushing me to my porch and climbing in his car and speeding off.

I unlock my door and step into my living room, smelling the lavender air-freshener my guardian, Rose, uses. She isn't an angel or any other type of heavenly being, she's a human, but the Heavenly Rescue Operatives, ARO, enlists humans every year to help with out missions.

"Have a nice date?" Rose asks me from behind, making me jump a little.

"It wasn't a date, and even if it was, the last little bit almost made me scream." I say as I shudder, thinking about Taylor's cold voice.

"Well... fill me in!" Rose begs.

I'll tell you later, I'm exhausted." I reply.

I hear my wings rustle and feel a feather fall out of my shirt sleeve.

"Oh you didn't go flying did you?" Rose said, suspicion thick in her voice.

"Hey, Jayden already knew I was an angel,I had to fly him out of the mountains or else he would've died. Besides, we were trying to get away from this jerk trying to beat us up. So we hid in an alley, then decided that we needed to get out ASAP. He said no until I made him change his mind." I explain.

Rose just sighs. "Go take a shower, your wings need water." she says, turning on her heel and walking away.

I slink to the bathroom and turn on the water, waiting for it to heat up.

As soon as its hot, I step in and unfold my wings a little, cramming them against the glass door of the shower. As I feel my wings suck in the moisture, I sigh. I'd had a really good day with only minor set backs. Tomorow, i could rejuvinate beofre I started school on Monday.

There was one thing different about this mission, I was starting school about two weeks late, meaning I'd probably end up leaving about a month earlier than I'd like. Oh well, as long as i got my mission done.

I took my time in the shower, letting the water pound my back and wings, massaging them.

When I stepped out, I dryed off and put on my pajamas (read: a turqouise tank top and a black pair of tight sophie shorts) and wraped my hair in a towel.

I walk into my room and nearly have a heart attack when I hear something tap on my window. I grab the baseball bat I stowed under my bed and try and sneak over to the window. I hear the tap again and it sounds like someones knowcking on the glass. I peer out and see a Jayden sized silhouette.

The figure turns on a flashlight and points it at its face. It is Jayden. I open my window.

"What the underworld?! You almost gave me a heaart attack!" Can't you just ring the doorbell." I chastize.

"Nope." he replies and as he tries to climb through my window

"Here, let me help you." I say as I grab his shoulders and hoist him in. he reaches through the window to grab his crutches. I shake my head. The stupid kid.

"Do your parents know you're here." I ask, still shaking my head.

"Yup." he replies simply.

"Rose is gonna kill me if she finds out." I mutter.

"Hey Ky! Get your lazy but over here!" i hear her yell down the hall.

I groan. "Coming!" I shout back.

"Just, don't move. 'Kay?" I say softly as I exit my room.

When i get to where rose is, she looks confused and slightly peeved. "Why is there a car parked in front of our house?" she asked, her tone harsh.

I look out the window and see the car she's talking abut, only it isn't Jayden's family van or his beat up jeep. Then, I see Taylor get out.

"Rose, close the blinds and lock the doors. That's the guy that want's to, like, kill me and Jayden." I say, trying to figure out how he knew where I lived.

Rose just glares at me. When I turn around and face her, she sees the fear in my eyes and starts checking the doors and windows. I rush back to my room and inform Jayden of Taylor's car outside my house.

The door bell rings.

Chapter Eight

Me and Jyaden hid in my walk-in closet, hoping that Rose doesn't answer the door. I hear a pounding on my winodw. Shoot,I forgot to shut out my light. I groan. Why did i have to be such a frickin idiot.

I lock eyes wiht Jaydena nd he realizes the same thing I do. Why does Taylor have to be such a frickin stalker.

"What are we supposed to do frickin now?" I whisper growl.

"Ya know, for an angel, you sure use 'frickin' a lot." Jayden smirks.

"SO NOT THE TIME!" I spit out.

We hear a crash and Rose scream.

I jump up, but Jayden grabs me and pulls me back down.

"Let my go." I demand.

"No, if he finds oyu, he'll rip you to shreds, and do some so not cool crap to you and that other girl." he murmurs in my ear. I can feel his lips on moving as he talks.

"Rose, my Guardian's name is rose." I respond. "Fine, i won't go, but you're staying right here wiht me. Rose has no idea you're here, and she's mad at me enough as it is."

Jayden just smiles.

"Come out, come out where ever you are!" I hear Taylor shout.

I freeze up.

Jayden wraps a comforting arm around my shoulder and pulls me into his lap. I shake my head. I can't hear rose anymore. What has he done to her. I swear if he touches her, No-Harm Dojo isn;t going to be the only thing his butt gets.

"Stay down, lady! I'm here for that other girl!' Taylor shouts at Rose.

I start shaking. Heaven only knows what an idiot I am. If I just performed teh rescue mission and not goen to the hospital, or stayed the night at Jay's or gone to the park wiht him, none of this would be happening right now.

I hear feet thundering down the hall.

He has his gang wiht him. Heaven help us all.

"Call the police, Jay. Please. This kid, it's not him, it's an agent for the Dark forcing him to do this stuff. Just call the police." I ask Jayden.

He takes out his phone and diall 911.

"Wait, Rose is gonna find out I called, you'll get in even more trouble." he says.

"Do you really think I care right now. I have a feeling teh police ar gonna help this kid get back on the straight and narrow. He needs this, and we need all the help we can get. Just call the frickin police." I say exasperated.

He just hands me his cell phone, a smirk on his face.


"What's the problem Miss?" i kind sounding man asks me.

"Umm, someone broke into my house. Me and
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