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Book online «Toxic by K.B. Torres (little red riding hood ebook free .TXT) 📖». Author K.B. Torres

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Thats What I Get...


I slept with Azrael.
Best. Distraction. Ever.
I wasn't left bruised like with Emmanuel and Luke.
"Did I hurt you?" Azrael asked as we got dressed.
"No." I answered.
As soon as we were about to go out, there was pounding on the door.
"Azrael! Are you coming or not?" it was a male voice.
"Just a second Gabriel." Azrael called.
"Here." Azrael said, tossing me a bag.
I opened it.
It had all of my stuff that I use to get ready.
"How did you get this?" I asked, before I quickly ran in his bathroom and got ready.
"I can make anything appear," Azrael said.
"I'll kill you if you ever try to snag one of my bra's, just so I'll come to get it back." I said.
"You can't kill me, I'M THE ANGEL OF DEATH, REMEMBER? Also, I'm not Luke." Azrael said.
I tensed at the name.
"Sorry," Azrael said, coming up to me and kissing me.
"God, Gabriel, don't have a panic attack." Azrael laughed and opened the door.
In front of us was a tall boy with copper-red hair and mossy green eyes. He was somewhere between tan and pale.
Gabriel raised his eyes at me, and glared at Azrael.
"Really? You snagged a new angel to fuck? Never thought a girl would like you, Rae." Gabriel said.
"I guess I should leave," I said, trying to push past Gabriel. He blocked me.
"What's your name, babe?" Gabriel asked.
"I can see you eying my chest, boy. Why do you want to know my name?" I snapped.
"Just tell him, or else he'll through a tantrum." Azrael said.
"I'm Anastasia. Anastasia Gray. Now let me the hell go!" I snapped.
"Gray huh? You know that's the name Lucifer took up, right?" Gabriel said.
"I know. He's my father." I said, trying to push past him.
"Prove it." Gabriel said.
"I'll prove it. You goin' by Eve's place? She'll tell you. I'm her daughter." I snapped.
"Oh, she'll want to hear how I saw you and Azrael come out of his room if that's true." Gabriel smirked.
His eyes glazed over and he dropped to the ground.
"Gabriel, you will listen to my every whim. You will forget to tell Eve of what happened, or you will meet your death." Azrael growled.
I looked over to him. His eyes were red and his hands looked like claws. Black rimmed my vision.
I gasped.
He changed back and said, "That only happens when I put a death threat out. Don't worry."
I passed out.
I awoke on Eve's couch, Azrael looking at me. Worry was in his expression. It was dark, making Azrael look sexy and mysterious. In the distance I could hear music blazing.
"Anastasia, are you okay?" He asked.
"I'm hungry." I said, sitting up.
"How long has it been since you ate?" Azrael asked.
"Since before I knew I was pregant with twins." I said.
"Crap, let's get some food in you." Azrael said.
I got up and Azrael led me into the next room. A party was going on.
"EVE! GET OVER HERE! GABRIEL!" Azrael shouted over the music.
Eve and Gabriel appeared in front of me.
"Babydoll, what are you doing here? Are you okay? You look sick." Eve asked, hugging me.
"Hungry...Squishing me...Ouch." I said, forcing the air out.
"Oh, sorry." Eve said.
I got woozy.
"Food, got it." Gabriel said, suddenly holding a plate with food.
"I don't want that," I said, trying to sound insistant.
"Oh, right, I forgot, you were raised on your father's food. I'll be right back. Don't pass out." Eve said, suddenly back with my favorite, human jerky.
"Is that..." I trailed off.
"It is." Eve said, thrusting it in my hands. I tore into the bag and ate a few peices. It tasted a lot like beef jerky, and alligator.
"What is this?" Azrael asked, eating a piece.
"Jerky, like beef jerky, made from human meat." I said, eating even more.
Azrael gagged.
Gabriel laughed.
"Is it really?" Azrael asked.
"Yes. It doesn't taste bad. I've had some more morbid foods. I'm sure you haven't eaten cat eyes, fried butterfly wings, or human leg. Though I myself haven't had cow testicles." I said, throwing out things that were surely going to gross them out.
"Cow?" Azrael said.
"Testicles?" Gabriel said.
Both Azrael and Gabriel paled.
I laughed.
I doubled over, cramps shooting up my legs, ending at my stomach.
"Zaza! Are you okay?" Eve asked.
"Crap, I think an angel just got pregnant." Gabriel muttered.
"What?" Eve asked, worried.
"I'm not sure, but..." I didn't hear the rest of what Gabriel said.
I don't remember anything afterwards.


A human week later:
I was home.
Aviance and Actaeon were older. As in 10 years old older. Actaeon's black hair almost covered his eyes. Aviance's cherry red hair fell in tendrils at her butt.
Oh, yeah, also, I was pregnant with Azrael's child. Or children.
"Emmanuel." I asked, snapping out of my thoughts.
"Yeah?" Emmanuel asked.
"I'm pregnant." I said grimly. "With Azrael's child. Or children. I'm so sorry." I said.
"What?! How could you do that to us? What about those children? What about ours? You just had to fuck that angel?! WHY ARE YOU TURNING INTO A SLUT?! YOU'RE DISGUSTING AND A LOW BITCH!" Emmanuel yelled.
Something snapped.
"That's it. I can't stay here. I have to leave. Now. Were done Emmanuel." I said, running out. I grabbed Aviance and Actaeon and left for Heaven. I fell on Azrael.
"Ouch!" Aviance, Actaeon, Azrael, and I yelled in unison.
"Anastasia? What's wrong?" Azrael asked, getting up.
"I dumped him. He called me a slut, bitch, and was saying how of course I had to fuck an angel and all that." I whispered.
"Looks like you're living here." Azrael said.
"What about daddy? Is he staying too?" Aviance asked.
"Baby Doll...How do I say this...Daddy and I are broken up. It's just us three now." I said.
"Can Azrael be our daddy?" Aviance asked, sounding as if she was going to cry.
"Honey, it doesn't work like that." Azrael said, picking up Aviance. "But I can be if you'll stop crying."
"Yay!" Aviance said grimly, wiping her eyes.
"Baby? Is that you? And Actaeon and Aviance?" Eve asked coming up.
"Azrael, can you watch Taeo and Avi?" I asked, before walking off with Eve.
"Mom, I need to tell you something." I said.
"What?" Eve asked.
"I slept with Azrael. I'm pregnant with his child or children. Emmanuel and I broke up when he found out. I'm staying with Azrael." I blurted.
"Ohh-kay," Eve sighed. "Guess I should enroll Avi and Taeo in angel school."
"Thanks mom. Can you watch Avi and Taeo, I need to talk with Azrael." I asked.
"Hey, you going to talk to him about your children? I know the details. You and Azrael must have been busy. You're having quintuplets. Two boys, three girls." Gabriel said, walking with us.
"What?!" I exclaimed.
Five babies? Shit, I can barely handle two.
"Yeah. Don't worry, Evvie and Marcie will help when they get back from Earth." Gabriel said before walking off.
"Well, shit." I muttered.
"Apparently Azrael's excellent in the bedroom," Eve muttered.
"I'm going to kill you." I threatened.
"You have to beat me back to Azrael to kill me," Eve taunted before running off. I kicked off my boots and ran after her. She beat me.
"Azrael." I breathed.
"What?" He asked.
"May I talk to you, alone?" I asked.
"Yeah. Eve, can you take them to the park?" Azrael asked.
"Hey Eve!" A girl with Blonde hair and my eyes ran up.

"Hey Sugar!" Eve said.
"Hey girl! Hi Azrael." Sugar-Motta said.
"Sugar, this is my daughter Anastasia. Zaza, this is Sugar." Eve said.
"Hi." Sugar said before she dropped her voice. "Is it me, or is Azrael checking out your butt?"
"What?!" I said, flushing.
"He is." She said in a normal voice, pointing to Azrael.
"Sorry." He said, looking away. I saw him blush.
"Okay, Sugar, weren't you just leaving?" Eve asked, ushering Aviance and Actaeon towards the door.
"Ohh...Yeah right. Bye yo'all!" She said, disappearing as quickly as she appeared.
"Bye Mommy!" Aviance and Actaeon said, before they too left with Eve.
That left me alone with Azrael.
Azrael. Actaeon. Aviance. That's my family.
I laughed.
"What?" Azrael asked.
"I just realized, Aviance and Actaeon. You and I. Didn't mean for it, but my family all starts with A. Except for my parents." I said.
"Oh. So, since we're alone..." Azrael said, getting closer to me. His voice had became deep and seductive.
"I need to talk to you." I said, pushing him away.
"What? Is it about our...situation?" Azrael asked.
"Yeah." I said grimly.
"So..." Azrael asked.
"Were screwed." I said.
"How?" Azrael asked.
"Quintuplets." I said. "Three girls, two boys."
"We're not screwed. Angels often have many children. It's abnormal for an angel couple to have less than 7 children." Azrael said, kissing me.
"I want you to help me name them," I said, pushing away from him.
"Persephone." Azrael stated the one word with such certainty.
"I almost named Aviance that, anything else?" I agreed.
"Aadne and Davion."
"Ahdd-nee? Dahv-ee-uhn?" I asked, pronouncing them how he had.
"Ahdd-nee. Spelled A-a-d-n-e. Dahv-ee-uhn. Spelled D-a-v-i-o-n." Azrael answered.
"Anything else?" I asked.
"Rain. Spelled R-a-e-n-n-e." Azrael asked.
"I have a few. Vanity, Vesper, Sugar, Abcde, Caspian, Xzavier." I listed off the names I liked.
"Vanity Abcde, Vesper Sugar, Xzavier Caspian?" Azrael asked, sounding grim.
"What?" I asked.
"I'm sorry I got you pregnant. I should have been careful. I wasn't." He apologized grimly, his eyes shining.
"Azrael. It was bound to happen. Angels are like rabbits, as you said. They have a lot of babies, no?" I asked.
"Are you implying that I'm a small furry animal?" Azrael laughed.
"Hey, don't diss bunnies, they're cute." I said, pouting.
Azrael laughed harder.
"I now know where Aviance got her innocent cute girliness. She got it from you." Azrael said, sighing.
"Hey!" I pouted again.
"Fine then, I'll shut up." Azrael said, coming up and kissing my cheek.
"I'm angry at you." I said, still looking away.
"Why?" Azrael asked.
My stomach growled.
"Damn it," I said as Azrael laughed into the back of my head.
"What, is everything going directly to the children?" Azrael laughed.
"I'm self concious already, I don't need you constantly laughing at me." I pouted.
"Hey, I'll get you something to eat, but I need to tell you something." Azrael said, turning me around to face him.
"What?" I asked, staring into his eyes.

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