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Book online «Toxic by K.B. Torres (little red riding hood ebook free .TXT) 📖». Author K.B. Torres

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"Oh, well..." I looked up to see Azrael looking at me, a Who-is-it-and-what-do-they-want look on his face. "Just a second. I'm putting you on hold, okay?"
"Kay." Hunter said.
"What does he want?" Azrael snapped.
"He's wondering why we came to Avalon high and If I was enrolling. Can I tell him?" I answered with a question.
Azrael nodded. I took Hunter off hold.
"Hunter." I said.
"Yeah? So..."
"Yes. I am." I answered.
There was a silence.
"When?" He asked.
"When?" I repeated.
"Tomorrow." Azrael said.
"Tomorrow." I repeated.
"Oh, well. I thought it was Ironic. In my class, We learned about a girl named Anastasia Vixen-Nyx. Thought that was interesting." He said.
WHAT?! They were teaching Pre-Angels about me? Please tell me they didn't involve that one hot summer...I shivered at the thought.
"Wow." Was all I said.
"Yeah. We learned the basics. They delve more into her tomorrow." Hunter said.
"Hey, Hunter! Who ya talkin' to? Let me see! Just wanna say hi." A male voice said in the background.
"Miguel, no! Don't grab for the phone!" Hunter said before there was a thud.
"Hey, who's this?" Miguel said.
"Um...Who are you? Can you put Hunter on the phone? Please." I asked.
"Oh, talkin' to a babe, Hunt? Let me just say a few more things." Miguel said to Hunter in the background.
"So, ya free? Ya out with Hunter? He no a good novio. Ai chica, no novio Hunter. Si? No?" Miguel said. "salvar a su cuerpo para mi chica. Te arrepentirás si no lo hace, la princesa."
Miguel laughed before hanging up. I had no idea what he said. Spanish is NOT my subject. I can say a total of two things in a few languages, not including Fidele, which I know by heart. In other words, I speak American and Demon. As if my body knew what Miguel said, I blushed.
"What? You're blushing." Azrael said.
"Do you speak Spanish?" I asked.
Azrael nodded.
"Can you tell me what salvar a su cuerpo para mi chica Te arrepentirás si no lo hace, la princesa means?" I asked.
"Hunter said that to you? It means Save your body for me, girl. You will regret it if you do not, princess." Azrael said through his teeth.
"Hunter didn't, his friend stole his phone and probably embarrassed Hunter." I said.
"Oh. Come on let's go." Azrael said, pulling me away from my half-eaten fish and chips.
"Kay, Kay fine. Where are we going?" I asked.
"Avalon High. You're mom texted me to take you today, so you'd have time to get situated." Azrael said.
"Oh." I said.

The next thing I knew, I was back at Avalon High. The angels were eating lunch.
"I'll go get your schedule and tell them you arrived. Bye, princess." Azrael said, before pulling me in and kissing me.
"I'll go find Hunter." I said.
Azrael nodded and walked off. I ventured to the outside cafeteria. I ended up at Hunter's table. There were three boys and five girls there. A Spanish kid noticed me first. He had green eyes and black curly hair to go with his brown skin. He was average height, not tall like Hunter.
"Are you lost?" He asked.
Hunter looked up.
"What are you doing here?" He asked, paling.
"¿me puede decir quien dijo salvar a su cuerpo para mi chica Te arrepentirás si no lo hace, la princesa? I would like to kill them." I said.
"He did." Hunter pointed at the boy who had first noticed me.
"Ai, I-I was joking, I promise. Ai, Hunt?" Miguel said.
"Vix!" Azrael ran up, with a set of keys and some papers.
The whole table stiffened.
"Here. Don't worry, Eve and I will watch Avi and Taeo." Azrael said, and he dissolved.
"Who ARE ya?" Miguel said.
"May I?" I asked Hunter, who smirked and nodded.
"My name is Anastasia Vixen-Nyx Gray. I've heard you were learning about me. I'll be enrolling with you. Congratulations, your lives will have to deal with hell." I grinned.
"Y-You're Anast-stasia G-gray?" A girl with mocha skin and copper red hair asked.
"Yep. Huh, Hunt?" I said.
He nodded and scooted over.
I sat down next to him and nuzzled him.
"Do you two know each other?" Miguel asked.
"We were childhood friends. Question. They didn't mention that one summer, or the one with the snakes did they?" I asked.
"I'm surprised, I thought that clothing repelled from you." Miguel said.
Like a crack of a whip, I jumped up and slapped him.He spit out blood.
"Ouch. Note to self: Don't make an enemy who can slap harder than you punch." He muttered.
"God, I can't believe they mentioned that." I muttered, putting my head in my hands.
"It get's worse. Figured you'd want to have a talk with the teacher or the principal about this." Hunter said, handing me a laminated picture.

I gasped. Miguel laughed.
"Do you really want to challenge me stupid boy?" I hissed in Fidele.
"S-sorry. I don't want to know what you said." Miguel paled, holding his hands up in defeat.
"Hey, do you need help getting situated? I can help." Hunter offered.
"Sure." I said, before getting up. "I'm leaving. viszlát."
I turned into a fox and ran off.


WHY DO ALL THE HOT ONES HAVE TO BE EVIL?! I thought grimly as I walked with Hunter.
"She isn't. She's been Isolated her whole life, she just isn't good with people. She has a unique way of socializing. You'll learn to love it." Hunter replied as we walked down the dorm hall.
I had spoken out loud. I hate when I do that.
"Why do I help you help HER?" I snapped.
Why did I have to help a girl that had just embarrassed me? And in front of my brother and friends.
"Because, I got you excused from a test you would have flunked. Plus, Vix sure knows how to have a good time. Just make nice with her and we can all skip school." Hunter said.
"I'd rather make love with her," I muttered.
That got me slapped. It wasn't as hard as Anastasia's, but it still hurt.
"Don't talk like that, you'll regret it. You'll see what I mean if you do speak like that." Hunter scolded.
We came to a stop in front of a door numbered simply 13

"Lucky 13," I sighed.
"Don't." Hunter scolded.
"you know, I can hear you! Just a second!

" Anastasia called from the other side of the door. There was a soft click, and Anastasia opened up. She was wearing a white chain blouse with a Vixen High-waisted skirt. She had on Red ankle boots. She had her hair in a fancy bun. Even without makeup she was absolutely beautiful.
"Why did you bring him?" She snapped. "Ay-ay-ay, he bad as Luke."
Luke? I looked over to Hunter, who had a question mark look on his face. Seems like this Luke was new.
"Go on, leave. I don't need to deal with you." She said, grabbing a pair of sunglasses from her room and putting them on.
"I'm sorry for earlier, I was just joking around. I won't be trouble, I promise." I apologized.
"Miért kapok is, mint Luke?" She muttered in Hungarian. I think. "Alright fine, you can stay."
She closed the door.
"I thought you needed help with-" Hunter was cut off.
"I don't have anything. Guess what? I've got this though," She said, pulling out a unlimited gold credit card.
"It's pays to be me." She grinned.
"Whoa. How do you have so much money?" I asked.
"I'm me." She answered simply.
"Okay." I said.
"Do either of you need anything? This card has no money limit." She asked, waving the gold card between her middle and index finger.
"No. How are we getting to where we're going?" I asked.
"Yeah, I was wondering that." Hunter said.
"I really hate to have to do this, but I have to make a call." She sighed, taking out an Iphone.
Wow, maybe I should stick with this girl.


She picked up on the first ring.
"Staz! Is that you? Please come back! Please I-I don't have anyone, and E-Emmanuel has l-locked himself in his r-r-room since you left. P-p-please come back, Staz, please." Juliet sobbed.
"Jules, I can't. I'm sorry. I-I was just wondering if you could come pick me up. I need to buy a few things and I don't have my car-" I started to say, before there was a thud.
"Staz, are you talking to Jules? Please, come back. Emmanuel hasn't left his room since you left, which was like 4 weeks ago, and Jules won't stop crying. I miss you. We all miss you." Luke pleaded, sounding as if he were to cry.
I sighed.
"Luke, give the phone to Jules. And I am not going to come back. Ever. Emmanuel has pissed me off so much, I don't even want to come back for my stuff." I said.
"Why did you call then?" Luke asked.
"My knight rider. I have some shopping to do and-" I was cut off.
"Can we come with you? We miss you Vix, we do. Please." Luke begged.
"I really don't need to deal with you and Jules. I have two other people I'm going with-" I was cut off YET AGAIN.
"I promise I'll behave. You were Jules' only friend. She misses you." Luke said.
"But, Emmanuel will find out and follow you, and I really am pissed at him. Please, just drop off the car." I said.
"Emmanuel just throws stuff at us when we try to talk to him, so I doubt he'll come out. He doesn't even leave to eat." Luke said.
"Fine, just drop off the Knight rider. The Keys are red." I said.
"Kay, bye." Luke said.
"Tell Jules I say bye." I said, before hanging up.
"Who's Jules?" Miguel asked.
"And who is Emmanuel and Luke?" Hunter asked.
"Some old friends. I got pissed at them and left. Now all three have lost it or something." I shrugged.
"Oh." They both said.
"Miguel, you don't have to stay, you can leave. But, If you don't leave, you'll have to deal with my friends." I said.
I really don't need two Lukes to deal with.
"I'll stay." He said, shrugging.
"Fine." I said, then realized, I forgot to tell Luke and Jules where to meet us at.
"Quick Question." I said.
"What?" Hunter asked.
"What's the address and city for this place?" I asked.
"They'll find us. Trust me." Hunter said.
My phone rang.
It was Luke.
"Szia?" I answered.
"You're at Avalon High, right? Were in the parking lot." He said.
"Oké ott lesz a második. Okay be there in a sec." I said.
"Bye." Luke said before hanging up.
"Why do you speak Hungarian?" Miguel asked.
"Miért beszélsz spanyolul? Why do you speak spanish? Huh?" I snapped.
"Good point." Hunter said.
"You understand her?" Miguel asked.
"We learned it together. Jobb Anastasia. Nem tanulunk ezt együtt? Right Anastasia. Didn't we learn it together?" Hunter asked.
"Come on." I said, changing the subject.

"Found two more huh? That was quick." Luke smirked.
"Oh shut up. They're helping me get situated. Eve just dropped me at this place. Literally. Well, Azrael did, and I jumped, but..." I trailed off.
"I am not like him!" Miguel snapped, pointing at Luke, who still had a smirk on his face.
"Yes, you are." I said.
"Staz!" Juliet hug-tackled me.
"Ouch Jules. Don't kill me." I said.
A baby kicked.
"Ouch, Jules get off." I said before whispering in Fidele, "You're hurting us. It happened again. Those two don't know."
Hunter paled.
"What happened again?" He asked.
"Dammit! I forgot you understood me. I'd tell you, but then Miguel would pester me for the rest of the...for the rest

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