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Book online «Toxic by K.B. Torres (little red riding hood ebook free .TXT) 📖». Author K.B. Torres

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He's Back From The Dead?!


He pulled me out of the hotel-like house.
"You're mom is thinking on sending you back to school, well... an angel school. She's worried you'll drop out. Plus, Angels don't have a purpose if they don't choose a job. I chose Death and stuff like that. Gabe chose love. Eve, well, she was the first angel lover of Adam, since Lilith was a demon. You were the second angel, and you need a purpose." Azrael paused, taking another breath. "You'll be able to choose many fields because of all the experience from Lucifer..." Azrael trailed off as he lead me to a cloudy edge.
"Why are we here?" I asked.
"To jump. Eve's the only one that can teleport. The rest of us plummet out of the sky." Azrael said before adding, "It doesn't hurt. You fly. You have wings right?"
I unfurled my golden-white wings.
"Amazing. Only angels can have white, and only devils can have gold. Cool." Azrael muttered.
He turned and unfurled his taupe-gray wings and jumped off heaven. I followed him. Time seemed to slow down, as I folded my wings in close to my back and shot down faster. The wind rushed against my face. I unfolded my wings when I was next to Azrael. He grinned. We landed on the ground. In the middle of a high school. A sign in the distance read, AVALON HIGH: HOME OF THE ANGELS

. The sign was rusted,covered mostly with green moss, but the blue lettering was still readable. Many kids rushed by, not even glancing at us. Why were we at a school?
"I thought we were going to get food!" I exclaimed.
"I didn't mean to end up here! I swear! Let's go before-" Azrael was cut off.
"OH MY GOD! THAT'S AZRAEL!" A girl exclaimed loudly.
Everyone stared at us, pivoting to see what the big commotion was about. Crud.
"Azrael? THE Azrael?" A bunch of kids were asking. A lot of girls ran up to him, attempting to flirt with him, ask him out, or just say hi.
"Um...Are you the real Azrael?" Each girl asked him, one after another.
I was pushed away from him. Directly into someone. I tripped over a rock and fell backwards onto them. There was a grunt from under me and I got off of him. It was a boy. He had spiked yellow blonde hair and almond hazel eyes that looked at me in surprise. He was in a black tee-shirt and khaki pants. He was taller than me, about the same size as Azrael. He was skinny, and not very muscular, but then again, I could be wrong.

"I'm so sorry. I was pushed into you." I apologized.
He ran a hand through his hair and sighed.
"You don't remember me? I thought you would, considering since we were childhood friends, Vix." He said, sighing exasperated.
I was speechless. My only friend was Hunter from my childhood. But, he had been dead.
This can't be him! How? I saw him with my own eyes burst into flames, becoming nothing but ash!
"I know what you are thinking. In case you don't remember, I'm Hunter. Hunter Stark." Hunter said.
"Stupid girls, paying attention to that hotshot...Who's that talking to Hunter? She's hot." A male voice said from behind Hunter.
"Vix, are you okay? Are you in shock? I know you saw me burst into flames, but I didn't die. I was called back to Earth." Hunter said, stepping closer to me.
"But, How? Papa said you were dead. I witnessed you turn to a pile of ash. I...I cried." I asked, sounding horrified.
"I know." Hunter had me look at his face. He lowered his voice. "Can I tell you something?"
His voice was deep and seductive when he talked like that. His eyes glinted a golden. I stifled a sigh. He had grown up to be so handsome! Why do guys have to be so handsome?
"Who's that talking to Hunter? Oh no, she is NOT stealing the hottest boy in school from us." A girl said, but Hunter ignored her. As did I.
"What?" I asked.
"This whole time, I saved myself, just in case you came back. I had a crush on you. I still do, Vix." Hunter whispered into my ear.
That shocked me almost as much as finding out he was alive. He was always just my friend. I never thought he could like me, but I had had a crush on him. My parent's would ask who I wanted to marry when I grew up, and if Hunter wasn't there, I'd say, "I'm gonna marry Hunter!" I felt like I might pass out.
"Hey! He's ours!" A girl said, before pulling me away from Hunter. She was blonde, her face full of freckles. She raised her hand to slap me, but, Hunter grabbed the girl's wrist.
"Don't, Seraphina." Hunter warned.
"But, Hunter-" Seraphina said.
"No, don't. I don't like girls who hurt an innocent girl." Hunter said, his tone sexy. He looked handsome, and it was then I knew why all the girls liked him. He wasn't mean, he was gorgeous, his voice sounded perfect when he talked like that, AND HE WAS SINGLE!
Seraphina ran off, embarrassed.
"I would have beat the crap outta that girl if she slapped me, and that would be self defense." I said, crossing my arms.
"I remember you used to call it Beat-the-crap-outta-someone-then-run-like-a-bat-outta-hell. That was funny. Remember?" Hunter asked, laughing.
"Yes." I said, laughing with him.
"No, I can't. I need to find my friend and leave. Let me go." Azrael was saying, before he came up, looking wild. His hair was wild,as if he had been placed in a chicken pen, his eyes worried and hyper. I giggled.
"Freaking animals." Azrael muttered.
"You should see yourself Azrael. You looked like lion with your hair." I giggled, nearly doubling over.
"Not fair. Come on, I thought you were hungry." Azrael said, trying to drag me away.
"You know Azrael? Damn, you've changed." Hunter said, trying not to laugh at Azrael, who was fighting with his lion-mane black hair.
"Just a second, Azrael. Go ahead, I'll meet up with you. I dropped a bracelet somewhere, I have to find it." I lied.
Azrael nodded, before he unfolded his wings and flew off.
"Did you really drop a bracelet?" Hunter asked.
"No, but I don't need to deal with a jealous sort-of-boyfriend. Here," I said, grabbing a sharpie and writing my number on his arm. "We should catch up sometime. That's my cell. I gotta go. Bye."
I took off, unfolding my wings and flying up to Azrael.
"Who was that boy, Vix?" Azrael asked, annoyed and protective.
"My childhood friend I thought was dead," I answered.


Anastasia. She looked so much older and mature. Also hotter. She was just cute before I left, but it seems that I missed her peaking years, the years a girl goes from cute to hot. I had missed her all my life. Imagine how she felt when I had burst into flames! Poor thing, poor baby. She was so hot in her silver Grecian dress.
"Damn, she was so hot." I muttered in the middle of class.
"Hunter, do you have something you'd like to say to the class?" My teacher asked.
"No, sorry. Thinking out loud." I said, my head down.
"As I was saying, We are studying the children of Hell. The most known child was the first child of Eve and Satan, or Lucifer, was Anastasia Vixen-Nyx. She was seen by the eyes of few men in hell, but she kept away from people. She was noted to shun clothing for whatever reason. It was said that angry rattlesnakes wouldn't bite her, but would be calmed by her presence. It is also said that she is the Incarnate of several Greek goddesses. I have a list of the goddesses she was said to be the Incarnate of. I also have a couple of pictures, and I want to see how many of you were paying attention. Miguel, can you pass out an envelope to each pair? Class, you will pair up in groups of three. Girls with girls and boys with boys. Go ahead." The teacher said, Handing Miguel a stack of envelopes.
Learning? About Anastasia? How Ironic.
"Miguel! Rafael! Pair up with me?" I called.
"Okay!" They said in unison.
Rafael and Miguel were identical twins. They were Mexican; both had black hair and green eyes.
After Miguel had passed out all of the envelopes, Rafael, him and I sat at our table.
"Best class ever. We get learn about a hot girl who shunned clothing." Rafael said.
I grabbed the envelope and opened it. Inside, there was a couple of laminated photos and a packet of paper.
"Let's start with the pictures. On the packet, we have to Identify which one is most accurate." I said, reading the packet.
I pulled out the pictures, there were three, all thin and laminated.

"Damn," Rafael muttered.
"It's the first one." I said, while Rafael and Miguel gawked at the naked pictures.
"You sure?" Miguel asked.
"I'm positive. Remember, Snakes were attracted to her? Not birds." I said.
I quickly jotted down picture. We then looked at the long list of who she was believed to be the incarnate of: Nyx, Nemesis, Styx, Lyssa, Oizys, Eris, Asterope, Chrysothemis, Hesperia, Achlys, Apate, Tisiphone, Alecto, Megaera, Philotes, Aegle, Arethusa, Erytheia, Lipara, Hemera, Anaplekte, Ker, Stygere, Nosos, Artemis, Persephone, Aphrodite, Artemis, Athena.
"Wow." Miguel said, peering at the list.
"I know." Rafael said, doing exactly the same.
While they went back to gawking at the naked pictures, I filled out the packet.
"We're done." I said, handing the teacher the packet.
"I just need the packet. The rest you can throw away." The teacher said.
"Okay." I said as she looked through the packet.
"Wow! You're completely correct!" The teacher exclaimed. "Class, If Hunter's group can get 100%, so can you. Get to it!"
There were a lot of stifled groans.
"Dude, how do you know so much about this babe?" Miguel asked.
"Yeah." Rafael said.
"I study a lot, unlike you two." I shrugged.
"I don't believe that." Rafael said.
"Give us the real reason." Miguel agreed.
"Fine, I'll tell you tomorrow." I said.
When the bell rang, I made a call.

Delivery For Ms.Gray...


My phone rang in the diner.
"Szia?" I answered, just feeling like speaking Hungarian.
"I'm sorry I must have the wrong number." A male voice said.
It was Hunter.
"Don't hang up, Hunter. It's me. What do you want?" I quickly said, trying to stop Hunter from hanging up.
"Oh. You sound different when you speak Hungarian." Hunter said. "I was wondering, what were you doing at Avalon High? Are you planning on

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