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Book online «We're All Stories In The End by Megan Rees (novel24 .TXT) 📖». Author Megan Rees

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her eyes focused on the sky ahead. Dawn was beginning to break on the horizon, releasing a tiny oil painting of colours to lighten the cold night. Luna was genuinely surprised to how Danny could actually see where he was going when it was this dark.


The wavy haired Pureblood spied a shadowy looking place just away from a major road, which she pointed out to Danny. “Is that the Land Of The Lost?”


“Indeed it is,” the Skyrider confirmed. “I think you guys will get in just fine if I leave you at the gate to the castle. There’s no one on guard, so you can easily sneak in with the element of surprise.”


“Alpha is expecting us to come after Ash and the sword. He won’t be as surprised as you believe.” Luna pointed out, watching as Felix swooped down towards the darkened forest.


“He probably won’t be expecting you now though, would he?” Danny commented, calmly leading his lizard companion to a place he could safely land.


Luna shrugged. “I guess.”


Felix eventually landed on the hard ground in the barren land about one hundred meters from the main gate, which stood eerily still. The Purebloods and their companions jumped off neatly and Atlas gathered everyone round. “Right, let’s get down to business. We need a logical plan to be able to get in and get the sword without too much hassle. Alpha will be expecting a fight, so we need to stay vigilant.”


“I can help you.” a voice squeaked.


Turning around in shock, Luna saw a young fair haired boy sitting comfortably on a short rocky pillar that looked like a cube. He looked ridiculously young to be out in this frightening place, but he looked quite healthy and well-cared for.


Atlas was suspicious immediately and got the Demon Tracker out, waving it at the child. No laser came out, so this was just a normal human child.


“What’s your name, kid?” Clarissa asked icily.


“Cody,” the blonde boy replied simply. “What are you doing here? Skyriders don’t tend to allow lifts to their own kind.”


Danny let out a short laugh. “These guys are Normals, Purebloods, Halfbloods or the Moon’s Children. My sister and I are the only Skyriders here.”


“I know what you seek. I can help,” Cody went on, sliding off the cube pillar thing. “I have seen him.”


Luna raised an eyebrow. “You’ve seen Ash? How?”


“I live here. He is a prisoner. I spoke to him, but I don’t think he likes me all that much.” the little child replied.


“Sounds like Ash.” Atlas remarked, looking quite surprised.


“Could you take us to him?” Rune asked hopefully.


“Too many of you will cause trouble. I can only take one. The rest of you will have to wait.” Cody explained regretfully.


“We’re breaking in anyway, so it’s good you showed up,” Luna commented. “Ash is my best friend, so I’ll accompany you.”


“Sounds like a plan,” Atlas agreed. “Once you get Ash, meet us in the main hall. I’ve got a suspicion that the sword is being kept there.”






Luna cautiously followed Cody down a long corridor, using her fire powers to provide a light to guide the way. The child had watched in awe as she’d produced the burning flame, but Luna was a little curious about him. What interest do the Demons have in a child?


He halted at a metal door and casually opened it, making his way down a small staircase before stopping abruptly at the bottom. “There are two guards.” he hissed.


Luna snorted. “Easy. Watch this.”


Raising her hands, Luna released a fireball which hit the two Demon guards, making them scream out in anguish and fade away. She heard someone suppress a gasp, which raised her hopes of finding Ash.


Cody led the older Pureblood down the stone corridor, turning his head nervously every time they passed a cell. He was scared: it wasn’t hard for Luna to guess that. He was only about eight or so anyway.


They stopped at one of the cells, where a silhouette leaned against one of the stone walls clutching their wrist. Cody tapped on the bars warily with his fist. “Are you in there?”


“What do you want?” a male voice grumbled.


“I’ve found someone who can help you get out. There’s a huge group of them. They’re taking over the castle,” Cody explained, nodding to Luna. “Use your power to burn the door down. I haven’t got a key to free him.”


Thrusting one hand in front of her, the teenager let loose a flame which acted as a torch so she could burn the bars out of the wall and thus not risk burning Ash like she’d done back at The Lodge.


Once she’d finished her handiwork, the door fell with a loud clunk, making the figure jump and spin round. His green eyes were bright with surprise as he gazed at the fallen door and then at Luna. “What are you doing here?”


“I was authorised to break down the door.” Luna replied in a sinister spooky voice.


“I think your voice is starting to break,” Ash teased. “You’ll sound like a Demon when you grow up. Your parents would be thrilled to know that their daughter takes after a group of monsters.”


“Thanks,” Luna remarked sarcastically. “Come on out; we’ve got work to do.”


“Not so fast, Luna. I’ve broken my wrist banging on those rotten bars,” Ash sighed, stepping out of the cell. “I can’t use my power unless it’s fixed, so I hope you’ve brought Rune along, otherwise I’m completely lame and useless.”


“They’re all in the main hall,” Luna explained, “We have to hurry so Rune can heal your wrist.”

Chapter 27 - Lost And Found

Once the three companions reached the main hall, they were surprised to see that their friends were already in full-fledged fighting. No one was dead yet, but fear and dread crept into Luna’s stomach. Someone’s going to die. I can just see it happening.


Cody’s dark blue eyes suddenly widened in horror. “My Mother is being attacked!”


Luna managed to single out a tall black cloaked figure attempting to fend a rather skittish-looking Adele off, so she reached into her belt to pull out a dagger, throwing it to Ash. “Can you fight left-handed?”


“I’m a bit rusty on perfecting the mysterious and sought after skill of fighting with both hands, but I’ll give it a shot.” Ash replied.


“Good,” Luna responded, taking another dagger out of her pocket. “Let’s go and sort out this woman, then. I’d like to know why she’s living among Demons with a young son.”


The two friends darted over to the woman and pushed Adele away from her while Ash wrapped his left arm around her neck, keeping the point of the dagger gently pressed between her shoulder blades. The young woman struggled and gasped for air desperately as Luna stepped forward with her dagger pointed threateningly at the stranger. “I hope you’re prepared to answer my questions, whoever you are. Ash, loosen your grip slightly so she can speak.”


The stranger gazed at Luna with her sharp green eyes which reminded her irresistibly of her late mother. “You’re willing to kill me because I live here with my son?” she retorted. “It’s not illegal now, is it?”


“It’s dangerous,” Luna snapped fiercely. “What on earth are you, anyway? Are you a Halfblood?”


The woman shook her head. “Pureblood through and through. I used to live in Nighthollow.”


Ash raised an eyebrow. “We’re from Nighthollow and I’ve never seen you or Cody before. What’s your name?”


“Mia,” she answered simply, lifting her hood down to reveal her chestnut brown hair. “Mia Wilde.”


Luna’s dagger fell to the ground, her hand over her mouth in shock as she stared at the woman who was actually her mother who had supposedly been dead for seven years. Her stomach tightened and her heart raced a marathon in a second.


She couldn’t breathe.


Ash looked flabbergasted too, stepping away from her and removing the dagger from her back, his pale face a pure mask of confusion and shock. “But you died seven years ago. You’re supposed to be dead.”


“Clever observation, Mr Chase,” Mia remarked. “And for the record, I’m very much alive. I always have been.”


“That’s impossible,” Luna gasped. “You can’t defy death.”


“I didn’t defy death, my dear. You may have believed me dead, but I survived that battle. Alpha granted me safety as I was pregnant.” Mia responded airily.


Cody’s my brother, Luna realised in genuine shock. Oh my goodness… what am I supposed to say? This woman has played dead for seven years and didn’t even let her own daughter know that she was still alive. Why?


“Why are you looking at me like that, child?” the young woman asked. “How do you know me, anyway? You look so young.”


She doesn’t remember me. Luna could feel more tension tightening in her stomach like a belt, so Ash did the talking. “Well, I’m Ash Chase. You somehow remembered that. I’m a little amazed of how you recognised me and not her.”


“I’m sorry?” Mia was confused immediately, raising an eyebrow. “What are you trying to imply?”


Before her friend could continue, Luna remembered she was wearing the family locket as well as the locket from the Treasure, so she pulled it lightly over her head and opened the silver oval shape, revealing the seven year old photo. She thrust it at Mia fiercely, loosing the majority of her respect for her mother. “Look at that. See if that sets anything off.” she spat furiously.


Mia completely froze, her luminous green gaze locked onto the photo. Her mouth fell in horror and then she lifted her gaze to Luna once she was able to break eye contact, who was standing with her arms folded. She took in a sharp intake of air before speaking. “My little child. I can’t believe I didn’t recognise you. Look how grown-up and beautiful you are, little Luna.”


“Don’t judge the book by it’s cover. She’s quite a dark horse when it comes to fighting.” Ash warned her sternly, dropping a cheeky wink to Luna.


Mia narrowed her eyes at him as she gave the precious locket back to her daughter. “Aren’t you a bit old-looking for her?”


“I’m 14. So is she. And for your information, we’re not an item – we’ve had that suggested too many times this week already.” the brown haired Pureblood responded icily.


Cody then began to dawdle over, but what he didn’t realise was that Alpha was behind him, licking his lips hungrily. Luna instantly released a fireball which hit the giant black dog Demon and threw him back against the wall, stunned for a moment. The little boy eventually realised what was happening and fled towards his mother, who took him in her arms and hugged him tightly. “I have wonderful news. You have an older sister.”


Cody drew away from her for a second? “Aww, a sister? I was enjoying my independence: I don’t want to be bossed around by someone who’s older than me!”


“Gee, thanks Cody.” Luna sighed.


The blonde haired child stared up at her in confusion. “You’re my sister?”


“Too right she is,” Mia laughed happily. “We can be a family again. We can escape from here and go to Nighthollow – you’ll absolutely love it there, Cody. You can learn how to be a Pureblood and discover what powers lurk in you.”


Ash suddenly let out a gasp. “Luna, look out!”

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