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Book online «We're All Stories In The End by Megan Rees (novel24 .TXT) 📖». Author Megan Rees

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hand politely. “Liam Chippendale. Member of the Dauntless Pack of Miami.”


“Celeste Ravener. Exile from the Glen Pack of London,” Celeste replied stiffly, shaking his hand. “Why have you come such a long way to see us?”


“My Pack caught wind of the whole situation with the Phoenix’s Treasure as we’re linked with one of the Packs in Dover, so they told us the entire story. We know a lot about your journey and also quite a fair bit about you in general,” Liam responded. “I’m here to offer you all a proposition.”


“Go on.” Leon urged.


“Celeste, as a young Packless werewolf, I’m wondering if you were interested in forming a new London Pack. Some of my friends accompanied me on the flight here and are willing to join you if you decide to make yourself Alpha. I also know of many werewolves from across the world who are seeking a Pack in a safe and friendly community such as here. I have been given permission to make another Pack here myself and if you wish, we can be allies.” Liam explained.


The wavy brown haired teenager blinked in surprise. “Of course I’ll form a Pack! I’ve always wanted a slice of life among other werewolves!”


The curly haired boy smiled. “Wonderful news. I also bring good news for the rest of you.”


“We’re listening.” Jason grumbled.


“The Fellowship of The Phoenix - or the FTP - is seeking out a small number of guardians and Normal spies for each major town or city in every country. They have been marvelled by your determination during your perilous quest and are looking to assign you as spies or guardians,” Liam went on. “What do you say to that, guys?”


“Well, I’m interested in a spy role. I’ll feel like James Bond then,” Jason chimed in cheerfully. “What about you, Izzy? Fancy spying around London?”


“If I can still see these wonderful people, then yes.” Isabelle replied uncertainly.


Liam nodded and turned his stormy eyes to the others. “What are you wishing to do?”


“There’s no place for me in Nighthollow or anywhere other than here, so I’ll happily become a guardian.” Leon said.


“I’d also like to be a guardian,” Adele added. “I don’t feel that a member of The Order will be permitted to stay in Nighthollow.”


Luna stared at her in surprise. “I thought you were going to come back with us.”


The blonde haired girl shook her head. “You have been wonderfully kind to me, but I can’t feel a sense of belonging in a place I’ve only heard of in stories. I’m sorry.”


“I hope you’ll stay in contact with us, Adele,” Atlas chipped in. “It would be a shame to loose you forever.”


“I will, don’t worry.” Adele assured him with a smile.


“So, will you five take up the place?” Liam inquired, narrowing his eyes.


“No way. I have to face my father to tell him about Rune. To be frank, I’m not sure if I want to come back here.” Atlas grumbled.


“My alliance always lies with Nighthollow.” Clarissa added.


Liam nodded. “What is your decision, final ones?”


“Hands down completely staying at Nighthollow,” Luna insisted without a moment’s thought. “I can’t leave the place I have grown up in for my entire life.”


“I’m returning to Nighthollow also,” Ash responded. “Atlas and I have a bet to see who can stay awake the longest tonight, so I’ll miss out on that if I stay here.”


“What a meaningful reason,” Luna teased, cuffing him around the head. “Glad to see that you’re returning really. Can I join in on the bet?”


Ash grinned. “Certainly. The winnings currently stand at three double chocolate muffins paid for by the losers.”


Cody looked up at Mia hopefully. “Where are we going, Mother?”


“You’re going to Nighthollow with Luna, little Cody. I, however, will be staying at the Lodge to be a guardian alongside Leon and Adele. There is no place for me at Nighthollow.” Mia replied firmly.


Ash sat up immediately, his dark green eyes dark. “You already left Luna to believe a bunch of garbage, but now you’re leaving both your children? If there wasn’t a definition already for bad parenting, you’d be the answer.”


“I cannot return to Nighthollow while everyone else has believed me dead,” Mia explained regretfully, hanging her head. “I’m surprised that you’re leaving your parents behind actually, Ash. Why are you not staying with them?”


“Because I need some people more than others. I am glad to have finally met my true parents and I hope that we’ll stay in touch, but my true home is Nighthollow and I can’t bear to loose the friends I’ve made throughout my life,” Ash responded. “Besides, my parents have given me the choice to do what I want. You’re giving neither of your children the option to come with you.”


“I’m staying put regardless of what she says,” Luna decided firmly, glaring at Mia with a fierce look in her pale blue eyes. “She has betrayed her trust to me and I can’t ever forgive her for lying to me for seven years.”


Mia looked at Cody nervously. “What about you, sweetheart? Where do you want to go?”


“Nighthollow!” the blonde boy squeaked.


“Very well,” Mia murmured softly. “I wish you both the best, and may the Phoenix be with you.”


“I don’t want your prayers,” Luna spat. “I’ll look after Cody myself without help from you. He’s the only true family I have now – you mean nothing to me after today. I hope we never have to cross paths again.”


“On that cheerful note, I bid you young ones farewell and a safe journey,” Liam cut in. “I hope we’ll meet again in much calmer times. Do not fear for those you leave behind – they will be safe here.”

Chapter 30 - Boulevard Of Dying Hopes

The group felt ridiculously quiet with everyone else.


Of the strong and tightly bound group, only four originals and a newcomer remained. Not wonderful odds, some would say, but they knew their friends were in safe hands.


Ash had surprised everyone by giving Cody a piggy back to Nighthollow, which the little boy had gladly accepted. He had giggled and observed everything along the way, but it didn’t brighten anyone’s spirit. Everyone was drowning in depression and sorrow to pay proper attention to the innocent optimist.


“What do you think awaits us when we return?” Atlas asked after a while.


“A bath, I hope,” Ash grumbled. “Or something edible would be nice too.”


Atlas glared at him fiercely. “I wasn’t talking to you. I was talking to the girls.”


“Well you started up a general discussion, Captain Obvious.” Ash retorted hotly.


Luna exchanged a ‘do we know these people?’ look with Clarissa, who looked pretty sick of the petty fights between the boys. They’d been at each other’s throats since they’d left The Lodge and hadn’t made the journey back to Nighthollow any more enjoyable. They’d just made it worse than it already was.


Luna suddenly collapsed onto the ground, her legs feeling like jelly. Being up since the early hours of this morning without breakfast and lunch had taken its toll on her: she was completely exhausted.


Ash spun round and took a few steps back to check on her. “Okay?” he asked quietly.


“I’m tired and in a bad way, so the word ‘okay’ doesn’t appear in my dictionary,” Luna mumbled. “I’m sick of you and Atlas sniping at each other and I’m sick of missing Rune.”


“It’s not far to go now – I promise,” Ash assured her, helping her up. “We’ll be home soon.”


“I don’t even know where home is anymore,” Luna admitted regretfully, feeling a pang of sorrow close to her heart. “It won’t be the same without Rune.”


“Home is at Nighthollow! Nighthollow is your home!” Cody chirped in, giggling as he sat precariously on Ash’s broad shoulders.


“Yes Cody, Nighthollow is her home, isn’t it?” Ash agreed, putting on a childish voice. “You tell her that. Your sister’s loosing her mind.”


The wavy haired girl snorted. “Thanks Ash.”


Her friend’s dark green eyes sparkled mischievously. “My pleasure. Come along: I think your brother’s better company than you are at the moment.”


Once they’d caught up with Atlas and Clarissa, they were surprised to see a small crowd of prison guards gathered at the Nighthollow side of the river. Clarissa raised an eyebrow suspiciously. “What’s going on? Are they escorting us back?”


“We’ll find out, I guess,” Atlas presumed. “Come on.”


When they neared the river, an officer with a police shield yelled at them to halt. Luna exchanged a confused look with Ash as Rosco stepped forward with a small group of Councillors. Councillor Airing – the head of Nighthollow who probably sent Kazran to kidnap Ash – was among them.


“What’s going on?” Atlas yelled to his father.


“Where’s Rune?” Rosco called. “Is she just catching up?”


“Rune is dead,” the black haired teenager sighed, but then he flared up as he glared at Ash. “He killed her!”


A gasp rose up from the crowd, which made Ash hang his head unhappily. Luna felt a little flame rise inside her as her best friend was accused and it eventually grew to a roaring fire, so she stepped forward with the flickering flames burning in her gaze. “Ash did not kill Rune!” she yelled angrily. “He was keeping her in the air so she could get the sword, but a Demon crashed into her and knocked her out of Ash’s range! He was exhausted – plus Rune threw the idea at him!”


Councillor Airing picked his way through the crowd and glared at Luna with narrow dark brown eyes. “Are you defying the truth, Miss Wilde?”


Luna spat at the blonde haired man. “It’s your fault Rune’s dead! If you didn’t send your stupid hawk to kidnap Ash, we wouldn’t have gone to the Land Of The Lost so quickly!”


The tall man had a poisonous look on his face. “Arrest both Mr Chase and Miss Wilde. I believe they have a lesson to be taught.”


Swiftly, a band of five officers nimbly crossed the river with rather threatening looking instruments equipped to their belts. One of them held up a pair of handcuffs and waved them in Luna’s face. “Turn round, little missy.”


Luna was about to obey him like an obedient well-trained dog as she usually would, but then one of the officers seized Cody by the arms and yanked him off Ash’s shoulders, throwing him aside and ignoring his pained screams. She felt the burning fire of hatred return to her, so she punched the officer in front of her straight in the face and rushed over to her brother, who wrapped his arms around her neck and cried into her shoulder. “Don’t leave! Stay!” he begged.


“I won’t let them hurt you, Cody. You’re my responsibility now as well as the only family I have left.” Luna murmured into his blonde hair.


Three officers surrounded the embraced siblings, armed with tazers and a variety of other weapons in their hands. Luna hugged her brother tighter as the officer she’d punched leapt for the young child, just able to grab him by the shoulders and yank him away from Luna. He screamed her name as she was pinned to the ground by a shield, the plastic digging uncomfortably into her neck. She could hear Ash yelling her name too, telling her to move.


Then the stinging kiss met her skin and all her muscles grinded to a

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