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Book online «Vamp Huntress Hunted by Mariana Mendoza (best thriller books to read txt) 📖». Author Mariana Mendoza

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knights in shining armor had finally come to my rescue, way too late.
“ About damn time!” I whispered, taking most of my breath away.
In a flash, sire was kneeling my my side. He carefully put me in a sitting positions, using one of his hands as a pillow. I looked up at him to see that he was wearing a very concerned face.
“ Oh, like you’re the one whose suffering from an X gashed into you by a wooden knife.” I said to him and my attempt at an exasperated tone.
“ You’re going to be all right.” he told me sweetly.
“ Before you throw all of my efforts to waste, how about you go ahead and get Ami to a doctor. She’s gonna need it.” I mutter. “ Plus, I don’t want to smell her blood anymore.”
“ On it.” I heard Kass say. Turning my head to one side, I saw that Kass was now carrying Ami into his arms. I nodded in approval.
“ Bring her to our doctor.” I add.
Sire gives me a confused look.
“ She knows.” was all I could muster to say. Sire shushed me and caressed my cheek with the back of his hand. Quickly he yelled behind him for someone to give him a bag of blood. Surely enough, one of my top ten went to him and handed him a bag of my favorite blood type. I instinctively took it in one swift movement and sucked it all up in mere seconds.
Yeah, I was thirty as heck.
Sire chuckled and I just scowled at him.
“ Well, are you going to look at me the whole time or are you going to take me home?” I asked him.
The boss kissed me on the forehead before he answered. “ Both”
I gave him a faint smile before I closed my eyes.
“ Oh, no you’re not.” he tells me, shaking me a little. I opened my eyes to see him with that stupid worried face.
“ What now?” I asked.
I finally saw how ride I was since I wasn’t getting pissed off.
“ You’re not sleeping until you drink your blood.” he commanded.
I slightly pouted but it disappeared and was replaced with a face that held no expression, hiding the pain I was getting when sire picked me up with his hot strong arms.
I was handed another bag and another. I felt my energy and sanity being regained with each bag that I sucked dry. I also felt my woulds healing enough to get me out of the danger zone, but by barely.
It was the that I yawned and began to feel sleepy.
Sire had slowly walked me to a black car that was waiting for us and he gently got in with me and sat down, never setting me down. It was then when I yawned.
“ Wake me when when we get home.” I whispered to him.
“ Yes” he replied, caressing my cheek again.
“ And don’t leave my side.” I yawned out.
I looked up at him and saw that he was smiling. He bent down and kissed my lips gently with his soft lips.
“ Of course.”
With one last look at his smiling face, I immediately dosed off.


“ Kira”
some whispers in my ear. The cool breath calming me for some reason. Yes, some vampies breathe just because it makes a cool tingle wherever it touches. But thats not the point. the point was that I was alive.
I opened my eyes to see my sire right above me, smiling. I just stared at him for a long, long time.
“ You need to feed.” he whispers to me.
I gave him a confused stare. “ What?”
“ You were knifed by wood and the only way that you’ll heal is if you feed on me. Now, feed.” he explains.
I look down at myself and see that I’m still wearing the same clothes I had on and that the gash was still pretty nasty looking. I looked up at him, at his neck. I licked my lips.
“ You’re hungry, I can tell, and I’m hungry for you, Kira, so please indulge me until tomorrow night.” he says.
What? My inner clock told me it was already ten in the morning. I must’ve slept for less five hours. I looked up at him and put my hands on his chest.
“ Feed me, sire.” I whispered to him.
Sire smiled and kissed me while I slowly moved my mouth to his neck. I felt my fangs grow and in seconds, I was on him. I turned us around and I lied on top of him as I began to suck that beautiful liquid out of him. Again, his blood was sweet and delicious. I felt him grab me on the hips and grind me to him. I slowly moved my hips around his groin, each time pressing myself harder to him. He made that delicious sound that would satisfy me to no end.
Then, we were taking our clothes off. He ripped the remainder of what I had on and pulled his pants and boxers off and ripped his shirt off. We were on each other once we were completely naked. I went back to kissing him, already done feeding, feeling my wounds finally closing up.
I felt breathless ( felt because vampires don’t have to breathe) and dizzy every time his lips touched mine and I made embarrassing noises every time his fingers touched me. He grabs and plays with my nipples and he fingers me and kisses me passionately in my lips and neck and everywhere. I explored him just he was exploring me, making me feel electric and alive.
Sire makes me feel weak and powerless yet I love how he can just take control when I don’t have any. I begin to feel the heat that we’re creating me, which can be both a good and a bad thing. This morning, it was a good thing.
“ Be mine, Kira.” he whispers to me as he kisses.
“ Yes.”
My sire smiled at me and I smile in return. The word came out of me unconsciously but I couldn’t take it back. I actually didn’t want to take it back because for once, I thought I could actually have a chance at…. the L word. When he said that, it made me want to do it. I wanted him. I wanted him to take me.
“ Say my name.” he whines.
The urge for him slowly takes over.
“ I want you.” I moan.
“ Say my name, Kira.”
I don’t say anything because I’m afraid to know what would happen if I did.
“ Please” I finally look up at him to see that his face is covered in pain. Was the urge for me to say his name that bad? Something in me broke when he showed me of how much I was hurting him.
“ Nero” I whisper to him.
Suddenly a wave hit me somewhere inside. I felt the bond between us grow. And it felt good. Nero smiled and then he slowly went inside me. I smiled, happy that he was finally giving me what I wanted. Satisfaction.
“ Again” he says.
“ Nero” I say again, smiling of how he felt inside me and how great it felt to have our bond grow stronger.
“ Again” he whines as his head touches my shoulder.
“ Nero, Nero, Nero”
He speeds up a little and goes deeper every time. I ahed and groaned to the point of screaming. But what made it so much better was that as I kept saying his name, we were growing closer and stronger. It was the most amazing thing that I had ever experienced in my life.
I felt great.

* * *

“ So, you and the boss are an item, huh?” Sauda whispered into my ear.
“ Hope your big mouth hasn’t spilled yet.”
“ Right, like your little insults even puncture my hearts.” she answers me.
I don’t say anything.
“ Fine, just remember to keep me updated since I am one of your best friends.” she says before she goes back into the house.
Its good to see Sauda happy again, which meant that Kass had fixed his mistakes. I look back out to my little troupe of keepers.
Oh yeah, this is going to be fun.
“ All right my little devils, lets start our training for the day.” I yell out loud.
Everyone immediately takes a buddy and begin to fight hand to hand. Well, everyone but Kass, since he was my second in command.
“ Hey, are you all right?” he asks me for the umpteen time.
I turn to him and stare for a very long time, making him uncomfortable. He had been asking me the same question for days and it was starting to get on my nerves. At first I just made sarcastic comments but he, along with everyone else there knew I was hiding something. Ever since the incident, they had been trying to open me up and tell everything, and I did, but only to a certain point. I didn’t tell them of how I had killed the Ghost or how I got the energy to kill her and how the rest of the ashes had turned to dust.
I was a little scared, thought I would never admit it, of what they would think of me. Probably that I was crazy and going out of my mind or that I was just traumatized, which is the most idiotic thing I had ever heard. I was also afraid of what they would think r do if they knew how much power I actually. The fact that I fed from non-living things and grab something from inside me and even use it to take Ghost’s life energy away freaked me out. At first I didn’t know what to feel of it but eventually I got the hang of myself and just face the fact that I had killed someone in a way that I didn’t know I could. What actually kind of comforted me was that Ghost would never kill again and that I was sort of badass because of the special secret ability I had. But the fact that the creepy guy had escaped just made me wonder what would happen in the future. I told only Nero about it and he swore never to tell anyone unless I said so.
And about Ami, she turned out to be fine. She woke in my house, inside our vampire doctor’s patient room. They also asked her questions

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