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Book online «My Personal Hell by D. Richardson (tharntype novel english .txt) 📖». Author D. Richardson

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in again. But you won’t get your strength back if we don’t do what the doctor says. I’m sure you can come back out tomorrow,” he looked over my head as he said the last bit, and I followed his line of sight. He was looking at Drake, who looked like he was trembling, but he nodded in response.

I kept his gaze for several minutes, waiting for the other shoe to fall. Like maybe I would have to be guarded or something. They did believe that I would go insane and start hurting everyone. But Drake met my eyes and nodded again.

‘His word as an alpha,’ my wolf whispered though she was as reluctant as I was.

‘One of these days you’re going to have to explain what that means,’ I answered mentally while I let Sadler help me to my feet. And by help me I meant that he took my weight as I pretended to walk. I had no idea when I had gotten so weak.

Twenty minutes later I was laying back on the couch with an IV in one arm and a glass of water in the other. It was actually my second glass, the first had been gone almost as soon as it was put in my hand. The doctor who had told me to call him Jason, was sitting on the coffee table in front of me rechecking my vitals.

I almost panicked again when they attempted to slide the living room door closed. So instead they had a blanket tacked to the top of the door way. It was for a semblance of privacy though every word could be heard anywhere in the house. I could here the girls playing in the backyard. But they weren’t allowed to see me until I was back on my feet. At least I would get to see them soon, a blessing I had counted many times just in the last few minutes.

It wasn’t long before he told me that I had improved and would make a full recovery. The entire room seemed to start breathing at once. Then he told me that he specialized in patients of my breeding and asked if I would allow him to ask a few questions. If I felt strong enough of course.

I said that I felt fine with it, and he asked for privacy. It took a few minutes but everyone cleared out. Even though he asked for privacy I could hear all of them in the hallway. I didn’t think that they meant any disrespect, they just wanted to be close in case something went wrong.

“First, I would like to ask some medical questions. I spoke with Drake and he agreed that if you didn’t mind I would be your full time physician,”

“Sounds good to me,” was my answer and I had to clear my throat and take another drink. My voice felt rough, probably because I hadn’t used my throat for anything except breathing in days. To be honest the last couple of weeks were a bit of a blur.

“Okay, were you vaccinated?” I nodded. My mom had made sure that I was all caught up before she died.

“And your father was human?” again I nodded. “Did you have any significant injuries in the last several years?” That one gave me pause.

“What exactly do you think is significant?” He thought for a moment.

“Any broken bones, um, anything happen concerning a good deal of blood loss?” he looked up from his clip board, looking uncomfortable.

“Um, my right arm was broken when I was twelve. Again when I was fourteen, along with a couple of ribs. My left shoulder was dislocated a couple of times. And over the last couple of years I had serious blood loss from lashes on my back, roughly once a month. Um, also a couple of times, I had had knife wounds on my sides, shoulders, and hips,” he stared at me for a few moments after I finished listing my numerous past injuries.

“Were you ever hospitalized for any of them?” I shook my head and he wrote something down on his clip board his pen moving violently. Then he cleared his throat and his face reddened a little. “Okay, um, you may find this to be a very personal question, but I assure you it’s important for your medical records. I assure you I will never speak to anyone about anything you ever tell me. It’s all part of the patient, physician confidentiality,” he waited to make sure that I understood what he was saying them started stammering. “I need to know if you have ever been assaulted in a, um, a, uh, sexual manner,” he wouldn’t look at me as he finished, but I felt both of my eyebrows raise.

“Are you asking if I have ever been raped?” Apparently he wasn’t used to so much bluntness, because his face turned a bright red.


“Any major illnesses?” I shook my head. “Okay, that’s enough of those questions, now we can get to the interesting ones.”

Chapter 13





“No, that’s never happened,” was her answer and I sighed in relief. At least that was one taste of hell she hadn‘t had to endure. Even contemplating the possibility had me feeling possessive. But it wasn‘t like I had any claim to her.

‘Nonsense, take her, she’s ours,’ my wolf snapped at me. It was kind of a shock, we normally don’t talk unless we’re in his form.

‘No, you don’t want her to run do you?’

‘She wouldn’t run from us,’ was his answer though he sounded unsure.

‘We have to keep our distance until we know she’s ready. Until she figures out who she is, and can except us for who we are. She deserves that and more. Besides, we haven‘t gotten to know each other completely yet,’ his only answer was to grumble an agreement.

I had been staring at the carpet but glanced up to see Asher standing on the other side of the hall across from me. He was also looking at the floor, but his brows were raised with interest. The last thing I needed was for him to see her as a challenge to me.

But if he was genuinely interested in her, I would back off. He could give her a better life than I ever could. It wasn’t easy to be an alpha who took orders from others. My wolf whimpered at my thoughts. But it was her choice, she had to decide for herself what and who she wanted.









It was after three in the morning, the day after I had been released. The doctor said he would take the IV out at noon, if I was stable enough to gain my nourishment on my own anyway. But I had managed to eat something solid that day, even if it was small and made my stomach cramp.

I was supposed to be sleeping, but I felt like I had been sleeping for the past month, and was not the least bit tired. If it wasn’t for the damn needle in my wrist I would have gone to the kitchen. I was hungry, and currently trying to figure out how to get there undetected.

Everyone had been adamant that I was not to get up to do anything other than go to the bathroom. They insisted that everything be brought to me. Honestly I think a lot of that was guilt. But the rest of the house had been in to see me. Bringing me flowers and teddy bears. It was ridiculous even if it was kind of heart warming.

I was even allowed to see Lori for a while, but Kadi wasn’t allowed in until I was able to move around the house on my own. Which I hoped would be tomorrow. I was thinking about throwing their demands out the window and going to make me something to eat, IV or no IV. But the curtain moved aside and I had the sudden suspicion that someone had heard my thoughts. Though that was impossible I was told, except for when someone wished to communicate in wolf form.

But it was Drake that walked in, holding a covered tray. He had been all but openly avoiding me ever since they left to let me and Jason talk. But he came in, set the tray on the table in front of me, and grabbed a chair so that he could sit closer and reach the tray. Finally, we were sitting there in an awkward silence. Until he cleared his throat.

“I, uh, couldn’t sleep. Figured you might be hungry, I know I get the munchies in the middle of the night sometimes,” he uncovered the tray and all sorts of goodies sat there.

There was ice cream, chocolate bars, marshmallows, cookies, and hard candy. I felt like a child who was being spoiled for no particular reason. Then he lifted a second covering to show less sugary food. Including cereal, left over lasagna, sandwiches, popcorn, chips, just about anything I could want for a late night snack.

“Wow, um, couldn’t decide what you wanted?” I asked eyeing it all. He shrugged.

“I didn’t know what you liked, or what you would want,” he mumbled as he grabbed one of the pints of ice cream. I shrugged and grabbed a sandwich and some chips.

“You didn’t have to do this. I mean, I’m thankful, and I was hungry, but you didn’t have to bring the whole kitchen in here,” I said after swallowing my first bite. I paused to take a drink of water. My throat was still relearning how to swallow food. He was quiet for a few moments before he put his food down and leaned his elbows on his knees.

“I know I owe you the largest apology of my life. Actually I owe you more than that. I screwed up, horribly, you should never have been caged. I guess I made myself think that since it was a nice bedroom that it would be okay. But I was wrong, very, very wrong, and I am so sorry.” I tried to answer him but he kept going. “I’ve been needing to talk to you for a while. I should have explained everything the day you came out, but I was ashamed so I procrastinated. It’s not just me that owes you a debt. You are an alpha female, if you follow orders it will be by your choice.

“You will always be welcome in this pack, for as long as my line holds the alpha position. But someday you will want to go your own way, and I don’t want this to be like everywhere else you’ve been. But there are customs that need to be followed in this situation,” he paused for a moment to take a breath and I asked my question.

“Customs?” I was beginning to get nervous.

“As I said, you are an alpha, and since your primary wolf parent is deceased, you must be treated as an adult in this matter. And a great grievance had been committed against you. A grievance that is punishable by pack law.

“If your mother had been here then she would perform the necessary tasks herself on your behalf. But now you must do them for yourself.” I was already nervous but then he dropped the

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