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Book online «Toxic by K.B. Torres (little red riding hood ebook free .TXT) 📖». Author K.B. Torres

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"Eve," He said.
"No, you have me mistaken for my mother." I replied, trying to not sound awe-struck.
He was just so dang gorgeous!
"Ah, that is why I thought you looked to beautiful to be Eve." The boy flirted, grinning.
"Who are you?" I snapped, feeling guilty for liking his flirting.
"I am Adam. I was your Mother's mate before you came...You are Anastasia, right? I heard you had to leave my school because you were...As they put it, sick." Adam pinned me against the wall. He smelled strongly of cologne. I breathed in the smell and relaxed before tensing again. "Thou is well? I think you and I may get to know each other well based on that answer."
He traced his hand up my leg, ending at my hip.
I trembled at his touch. His hands were warm, yet somehow cold. It reminded me of a stone. He leaned in, his head at my neck. His breath was warm against my neck.
"What is thou's answer? I know you can't resist me." He whispered, his tone sexy and seductive.
"Adam, don't molest my daughter." Eve said, suddenly behind Adam, her arms folded and her tone poisonous.
Adam flinched.
"Can I at least borrow her for about...two hours?" Adam asked against my neck.
I flinched this time.
"I think that is your answer." Eve said.
Adam backed off, dropping his hand and backing up.
His expression was hurt, and disappointed.
Azrael walked up, and saw Adam.
He pulled me from Adam and stole a kiss on my lips for show.
Adam clenched his jaw.
I swear, he's a lot like Jace from THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS.
"Hey Azrael. Haven't seen you in a while. Anyway, how are you?" Adam said, obviously straining his voice to somewhat polite.
"Why are you here messing with my mate?" Azrael snapped.
Eve stayed quiet.
"My apprentice, Hunter didn't return when he was supposed to. He was just supposed to drop off the work and explain anything she didn't understand and be on his way. Did something happen?" Adam asked, his gaze at me, or more accurately, my chest.
I felt uncomfortable and decided I wanted a reason to get away from Adam.
I sighed.
"I'll go get him." I said, pushing out of Azrael's arms.
Adam's eyes pulsed a gold.
"I'll accompany you." Adam said.
I shrugged and walked towards towards the infirmary hall with nonchalance.
I could literally feel Adam's gaze on my butt, so I fell in step with him.
"What happened to make you need to stay here?" Adam asked, sounding sincere.
"I...Uh...I don't want to talk about it." I said, sounding lame.
"Is it embarrassing?" Adam asked softly.
"Yes...No...I don't know." I said, confusing myself on purpose.
Of course it was embarrassing!
On the first day that I'm at a school, I go into labor for the second time!
First with the twins, and now with the quintuplets.
"It's okay, I won't tell anyone." Adam said softly, "It wouldn't be right for me to make my new student uncomfortable."
I saw the door to Hunter's infirmary room.
"This one." I said, trying hard not to feel embarrassed.
I knocked on Hunter's door.
"NO!" He yelled through the door.
"Hunter, get your ass outta this door now or I'll kick your sorry ass out myself." I yelled frustrated with Hunter.
There was a silence, and then the door opened, revealing a scraggly and tired.
"Adam, how ya doin'?" Hunter said, sounding drunk.
"Why haven't you returned?" Adam hissed.
"Why haven't I returned, babe?" Hunter asked me.
"There was an accident with an old bookshelf. Hunter was injured." I explained.
Adam raised an eyebrow.
"Is that true?" Adam snapped at Hunter.
"Is what true? All I know is I really want to sleep with her right now." Hunter said, pointing at me.
I turned away trying to hide my embarrassment.
"Shit, he drank a whole bottle of wine," I said, horrified.
Adam laughed.
"This is too funny.Last time he got drunk, he asked what, twenty girls if they'd sleep with him." Adam said, trying not to laugh.
That gave me an idea.
"Hunter, just to let you know, don't come by my room. Adam and I were planning on using it for something a little more...productive. And by that, I mean Adam and I are going to be having sex." I said nonchalantly.
That sobered Hunter up.
"WHAT?!" Adam and Hunter gasped, Hunter with horror, Adam's voice excited.
I laughed.
"THAT sobered you two up." I said, almost doubling over laughing.
"I was not drunk, only the ugly can get wasted. And we all know I can't get wasted." Adam said, vanity tinged in his voice.
"Let me guess, time for me to go back to that hellhole of a school, where there are too many desperate girls who throw their naked selves at the boys?" Hunter said before seeing my reaction. "Well, with you its the other way around, huh."
"Toots over here also needs to leave." Adam replied, pointing at me.
"You know, I more consider myself a goddess, or the princess of darkness. Just ask anyone that KNOWS me if I'm more of an angel or a goddess." I said, vanity tinging in my voice on purpose.
"The guys will say that because they want to fuck your ass." Hunter muttered.
I slapped him across the face.
It sounded like a crack of a whip.
"Just because you were just drunk, doesn't mean you can talk like that." I hissed.
"Ow. It's the truth." Hunter said, rubbing his cheek.
"Come on, were leaving whether you like it or not. Actually, take a shower, Hunter, you smell like blood and wine." Adam ordered.
Hunter shrugged and closed the door.
"So, are you going to tell me why you skipped school on a matter of 'sickness'," Adam air quoted the word, "Or will I just have to pry it from your pretty little mind?"
"I'll tell you, if you promise no one in the school, besides the ones that already know." I said.
"And who would that be?" Adam asked.
"Hunter." I said.
"Thats it?" Adam asked.
"And my family too, but they aren't in the school, so..." I said.
"Are you going to tell me or what?" Adam snapped, before clamping his hand over his mouth.
I laughed.
"You look as if I'm to kill you for snapping at me. Yeah, I'll tell you." I said before pulling Adam closer to me and whispering. "I was in labor. I was pregnant. I didn't want anyone to know, but Hunter noticed before I had to leave."
Adam looked a little speechless.
"You're kidding, right? You and Azrael...You're kidding, right?" Adam asked.
I shook my head.
"DAMMIT!" Adam cursed, punching a wall angrily.
"Why are you so upset?" I asked.
"It's not fair. Even fucking Azrael got a girl AND a goddamn family! I lost both Lilith and Eve to your father! Just once I would like to get what I want!" Adam said angrily.
"I'm sorry, but I can't do anything about that." I said.
Adam kissed me full on on the lips.
A spark went through my body as Adam pressed harder against me into the wall.
He pushed me so hard against the wall, my back began to ache.
Adam moaned in pleasure, his hands going up my dress.
I trembled.
"S...Stop it!" I shouted, pushing him away from me.
Adam looked depressed and embarrassed.
"I...I'm sorry." Adam said.
"What the fuck, Adam!?" Azrael shouted, appearing almost out of nowhere.
"W-why did I do that?" Adam asked aloud.
"Are you okay?" Azrael asked, his hands slipping up and down my body frantically.
"I'm fine." I said.
"Anastasia, I'm sorry. I lost myself there. It is rather hard to control yourself when you look like this." Adam said, back to normal.
I hear the water turn off in Hunter's room.
A moment later, Hunter came out, completely dressed.
"Let's go...What happened?" Hunter asked.
"What took you so long, Hunter?" Adam snapped.
"Fine, god Adam, chill out." Hunter said.
"Gotta go back?" Azrael asked.
"Yeah." I answered.
"A szívem még mindig a tiéd, amíg távol vagyunk. My heart will still belong to you while you're away." Azrael whispered.
"Bye." I said, and I found myself back at Avalon High.
I was trampled by worried Pre-Angels.
I got a lot of worried questions
"Are you okay?" Ava asked.
"Anastasia!" Miguel asked.
"What happened?" Rafael asked.
"What about Hunter?" Coraline asked.
"Is he okay?" Lys asked.
"Hi!" Another girl said.
"Hi." I said.
"Whose this?" A male voice asked.
A boy with forest green hair and yellow eyes asked, coming up.
My group of friends looked scared and nervous.
"Raziel." Ava whispered to me.
"Who might you be?" He asked.
"Anastasia. Gray." I said.
"How interresting." Raziel said.
"It's rather convenient that you arrived for the meeting. You are a teacher, right? I'm Raziel." Raziel said.
"Not a teacher, just a student." I said.
Raziel raised an eyebrow.
"Rather interresting, since TEACHERS AREN'T ALLOWED TO LOOK AT THEIR STUDENTS LIKE THAT." Raziel shouted the last part.
I whipped around to see Adam.
"What? Me? That's absurd, Raziel. She's Eve's child, I have to watch her. She could cause trouble." Adam said.
"You sure? I sware I saw you looking at her ass." Raziel snapped.
"You. Did. Not." Adam hissed.
"Are you trying to get fired?" Raziel snapped.
Adam and Raziel had gotten into each other's faces.
Looks like there might be a fight.
As if it was waiting for the worst moment, my Iphone started ringing with Nickelback's "Animals".
I locked eyes with Hunter and flushed.
Emmanuel's ringtone.
"Sorry." I said.
"WHAT?" I snapped.
"Staz? Is that you? Emmanuel came back an hour ago, and now both him and Luke are missing. I don't know what to do! Both of their phones are here, and they NEVER leave without their phones! What if something happened? I-I don't know what to do, Staz, I don't." Juliet said, sobbing.
"It's okay, Jules, calm down. I'm kinda in the middle of something, and I can't help, but just calm down and go do something. And. Bring. Your. Phone." I said.
"Mmm-kay Staz. Bye." Juliet said, before hanging up.
"Sorry." I said to everyone as I hung up.
Another call.
From Eve.
"Well, it looks like the shit just hit the fan," I said as I answered.
"Zaza? Please tell me I typed the right number. I can't find any of the kids anywhere, Sugar's gone, and I'm so worried. No one can find Azrael either, and he was last seen locking himself in his room. He NEVER leaves without texting me. And he doesn't have his phone. What do I do?" Eve asked, sobbing.
"Mom, what do you mean they're missing? They can't just all be missing! How? I-I don't understand." I said, panicking.
"I know, Zaza." Eve said, sobbing.
"Just calm down. I'm sure they're all together. Don't worry. Gotta go." I said, before hanging up.
I sat down and put my head in my hands.
"What's wrong?" Adam asked.
"Everyone is missing." I said.
"What do you mean?" Hunter asked.
"Luke, Emmanuel, Azrael, My kids, and Sugar. I have a feeling someone else is missing too." I said grimly.
As if on cue, I got a call from an unknown number.
"Hello?" I said as I picked up.
"Anastasia? Is Felix with you? It's Damien." Damien asked.
"I-I...No. Is he missing?" I asked.
"Yes. He's been gone for a week." Damien said.
"Shit," I said.
"Guess I'll try calling someone else." Damien said.
I hung up.
"How is this happening?" I asked myself.
"Is something wrong?" Raziel asked.
"Emmanuel and Luke were right from the start. They said it was happening, but Jules and I denied it. Now they're missing." I muttered to myself.
"What?" Raziel asked.
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