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Book online «Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga by Lady Adellandra Dratianos (e ink epub reader .TXT) 📖». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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There was just one problem with it. With all their chanting the Exorcism Spell, with all their combined powers, with all their wit and wills, it wasn’t working.
“What are we doing wrong?” Luna asked, turning to her twin.
Ariana shook her head.
“Everyone’s mind focused?” Shane asked.
“Of course we’re focused!” Ariana cried.
“Why isn’t it working?” Derrick wondered aloud. “Red Wolf said we would get rid of it this way.”
“We’ve called the Exorcism Spell until our throats hurt.” Luna supplied, rubbing her throat. “I don’t know about you guys, but I’m already magically drained.”
The men and Ariana agreed.
“It worked with Jake and Derrick, and even some Dreamers during the Wars.” Shane told them. “Why won’t it work now?”
“Shane, this is my daughter, not some medial Dreamer.” Ariana announced. “The Mind-dweller has more of an advantage over us in this.”
“Such as?” Derrick asked, afraid of the answer.
“Kelly’s an Ancient Mystic with powers.” Luna supplied for her twin, who nodded in agreement. “He could use those powers to attack us through her.”
“Don’t be too sure.” Shane said. “You have to remember. Djinn go for the mind, not the magic. Most Dreamers don’t have these kind of powers for a Djinn to work with, so the Dreamer goes insane.”
“Layman’s terms?” Luna asked.
“Djinn attack mortal Dreamer, Dreamer goes insane.” Shane said. “Djinn attack Ancient Mystic Dreamer, Ancient Mystic disappears in their mind. No mind, no chance to go insane. Also, no chance for it to use those powers.”
“Oh.” Luna said softly, eye on both her niece and twin. Her hands went straight for her temples when she tried using Empathy to sense those around her. Quickly, she closed it off, watching her sister.
Shane was alert, ready for anything. His mind raced at possibilities and strategies, trying to find a way to fight and destroy the Djinn without harming the girl.
Ariana was pacing now, thinking. Kelly’s body was limp in the chair, head down so her hair fell in her face. Derrick cleaned his glasses on his shirt and Shane played with his Locket-Pendant as he squinted in thought. With nothing to say and almost nothing to do, all was silent.
“A Binding is so draining on the energy, is it not, Young Guardian?” Came a low voice from Kelly’s mouth. It definitely wasn’t Kelly, it was too male.
Ariana and Derrick looked at each other. The Djinn Mind-dweller had arrived. It was show time.
“Leave my girl alone!” Ariana cried, eyeing it. She could see, feel, and almost smell the Djinn inside Kelly’s body. Where was her mind now? “We know Sabrina sent you, and we demand to know why!”
The Mind-dweller’s eyes caught those of Luna. All eyes were on Ariana’s twin.
“Why her?”
“Easy, Young Guardian.” The Mind-dweller supplied. “She is the Grand Magus, capable of learning and holding great power.”
“So?” Luna supplied, heart catching in her throat at the admission.
“Apparently, death is the only way for the Maiden to gain those great powers.” The Mind-dweller went on.
Luna gasped, shaking her head. “No.”
“Oh, aye.” The Mind-dweller said.
“We’ll destroy you before you touch one hair on her head.” Shane growled.
“Tempers flair so easily! The energy is intoxicating.” It laughed mockingly.
That’s when Shane knew. This was no ordinary Mind-dweller. He knew exactly what to do. “One more time.”
“What?” Luna asked. “Are you mad? He’ll absorb our magical energy!”
Shane’s eyes widened, as did his smile. He grabbed her hand. “Do it.”
There was that tone again. Shane loved being the Shadow.
Luna grabbed Ariana’s, who took Derrick’s, who in turn took Shane’s other hand. Together, they formed a circle around the pole, surrounding Kelly’s Mind-dweller ridden body.
“You’re taking a big risk, Shadow.” Ariana announced in her Young Guardian’s voice.
His eyes seemed to shine in mischief as they met hers. “Trust me. One more time.”
So, one more time, they started chanting. “Dominicus, Exordium, Bane!”
After a few repetitions of the chant, Shane broke off, bellowing in his own voice.

“Djinn High-Counsels, I call to you,
“This Horde is stealing someone pure and true.
“Release this Mind-dweller from our sight,
“Return it to Omri to be destroyed this night!”

In harmony with the other three, Shane chanted. “Dominicus, Exordium, Bane!”
All four of them stared as Kelly’s body began to convulse, screaming a final. “Damn you, Shadow!” as the essence of what was once a Mind-dweller was pulled out of Kelly’s mind and body. Winds came from nowhere to sweep it away, making it disappear out an open window.
Derrick was the first to break the circle. He rushed to Kelly and untied her. Ariana was with him, ready to hold her daughter in her arms.
Luna stared first at the scene unfolding in front of her, then to her husband. She wasn’t smiling. “Explain.”
“Later, I promise.” Shane took her hand and gestured her in the direction of their own house. “I have a feeling they need some time alone.”
Part Two
Tempest and the Djinn

Truth in Illusions

It was a week later in the Outer Realm. Shane was reminded of the Apprentice’s warning. He had to tell the other Crusaders what really happened in the Wars, to prepare them for what Sabrina or whoever else had in store for them.
He watched the family, his family, relaxing and having fun in the Reading’s backyard. The three other Morehouse children were there, too. Kelly and Bradley were at the picnic table, talking with five of their closest friends Shane recognized as Cara Richardson, Kirsten Farthay, Steven Edwards, Samantha West and Josh Stevenson. Aaron sat by himself under the giant tree, staring into space. Aimee and Juliet talked by the pool, bare legs in the water. Meredith and Melody were swimming in the pool, giggling and splashing each other and Angel. Amanda and Celine were playing with them, having fun. Mark, Andrew, Dwight and Caleb were in their own fort, trying hard to keep Logan out.
He started over to the older children at the picnic table. “Kelly, I need you to do me a favor.”
Kelly beamed. “What is it, Uncle Shane?”
“Can you and your friends watch the little ones with Juliet while I talk to the other Crusaders?” Shane asked. He shouldn’t have said Crusaders around the kids, but he couldn’t help it. It was on his mind, and these kids were trustworthy.
“What’ll you give us in return?” Twelve-year-old Kirsten asked.
“My trust in you. Isn’t that enough?” Shane asked.
“Can we tour the police station?” Bradley, who was sitting beside her, grinned.
“Sure, Bradley. Anytime.” Shane hurried. He wanted to talk to the Crusaders before he lost his nerve.
“All of us?” Steve asked.
“All of you. Now, will you do it?” Shane inquired.
Kelly rolled her eyes at her friends. “Never mind them, Uncle Shane. They’ve got the sleuthing bug. I’ll do it, and so will Bradley. Right?”
Bradley looked horrified. “All these monsters?”
“Not all of them are monsters.” Samantha spoke out.
“No, just the twins and Caleb!” Kirsten giggled.
“I’ll leave you to figure it out.” Shane supplied. “Have fun!”
Shane took a deep breath as he looked to the other Crusaders. His wife and Sweetling Luna was tanning herself by the pool, trying hard not to get herself wet. Ariana and Derrick were cooing over their new son Theodore in the shade, away from the summer sun’s hot rays.
I have to tell them, but how? Shane thought to himself.
Luna looked up at him, giving him a concerned look. Shane? What’s the matter?
Shane shook his head, going over to her. “I have to tell you something.”
“Tell me.”
“Not just you.” Shane remarked, sitting on the chair next to her. “The other Crusaders, too.”
By this time, Ariana and Derrick had joined them. “What is it, Shane?” Ariana’s soft voice asked.
Shane hid his head in his hands. How to begin? Where should he start? Should he tell them the Wars themselves? Or how he and the first Crusaders had to go back in time as Time Bandits?
He felt Luna’s hand on his back. “Hey, it’s okay. Whatever you have to tell us, we’ll listen.”
“It was so terrible.” Shane told her.
“Couldn’t be too terrible if you have to tell all of us.” Ariana remarked. She looked in the directions of Aimee and Aaron. Aimee touched her head before excusing herself from Juliet’s side. Her twin looked up, alarmed. Both Schmidt twins were eager listeners. Shane silently thanked Ariana for the small favor. “Now then, what’s on your mind?”
“I have to tell you guys what really happened in the Wars for Power.”
“What do you mean?” Luna asked. “What don’t we know about them?”
“You’re about to find out.” Shane announced. Thinking back on last week, and the Dwellers Ariana told him about, he supplied. “Ariana. I’ve known about the Dwellers long before the Crusades. Celeste Moondancer told me about them.”
“How do you know Celeste?” Ariana asked.
“I fought in the first War for Power, meeting her when I was injured.”
“The first War for Power?” Luna asked. “That’s impossible! You weren’t even born, yet! How could you have fought and gotten injured in a war long before either of our times?”
Shane stopped pacing to stare at his wife. “Think, Lu-Lu.”
The Shadow had returned, using her old codename to remind her. Ariana and Derrick anticipated his next words. The Schmidt twins exchanged glances, knowing he was being serious. They could feel it.
It took Luna a moment to think. “What are you talking about?”
“I’ll tell you only if you guess.” Shadow supplied. “How did we get back to the right time in the Crusades?”
“Time Bandits?” Luna guessed, noticing his emphasis on the word ‘time.’
“You got it.” Shadow said. “It was Shannon’s idea to bring them back.”
“Back? From where?” Aaron asked.
“The whole story, Shadow. From the beginning.” Luna announced.
“Fine, Lu-Lu. I’ll start from the beginning.” Shadow glared at his sister-in-law. “O’Dell had a vision in his Sphere. He would die by his brother’s hand.”
“Those were just rumors someone spread around the Dream Realm.” Derrick said. The brothers-in-law looked at one another. “Ronan Brownpatches told us.”
Shadow nodded tightly.
“He’s not dead.” Ariana shook her head. She hadn’t heard her husband’s words. “The vision didn’t come true.”
“No, Young Guardian.” Shadow supplied softly. “It did come true. That’s where the Time Bandits came in.”
Ariana and Shadow glared at each other. Ariana could see the faint reddish glow of his aura in his eyes. She could feel his emotions, and they weren’t good. You’re with friends now. She sent to Shadow’s mind. You don’t need to put on a brave face around us.
“I don’t understand.” Aaron announced, breaking the two from their staring contest.
“You will, once I explain.” Shane supplied, turning back to his old self. “Now then, you guys remember Jamie Stewart and Alan Deneson?”
“Chips and Jammins at the System, right?” Aimee spoke up. “One’s a computer genius, the other’s the electronics whiz?”
“They stumbled upon a program for holograms.” Shane explained, sitting next to Luna. “Real-deal, energy-pulsating, fully interactive holograms.”
“Get on with it.” Derrick warned.
“Shut up and I will.”
“Enough!” The twins chorused, folding their arms and frowning at their husbands.
“Just tell your story.” Ariana said. “The holograms?”
“Knowing the boss had to know, they got Shannon in on it.” Shane explained. “The two holograms, named Alex and Gloria, turned out to be two ghosts, searching for their time-traveling killers. In a way, they were just masses of energy. After they caught their killers and were sent to the Dream Realm, Jammins and Chips put an axe to the program.”
“What does that have to do with O’Dell’s death?” Ariana asked in her Young Guardian tone.
“Once hearing from Dixilynne
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