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Book online «Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga by Lady Adellandra Dratianos (e ink epub reader .TXT) 📖». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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for your parents?” Sabrina turned from her. “Fine.”
“Nay–Aye!” Tempest cried. “I ran from the Grey Area for that one purpose. I cannot search while being held in a cage.”
“Join me, Princess.” Sabrina met the girl’s eyes. “In the destruction of the Ancient Mystics.”
“The Ancient Mystics are no threat to you here!”
“No difference.” Sabrina shook her head. “They wronged me by sending me here – twice, no doubt!”
“That has naught to do with me!”
“My mother left me to be Exiled. Yours left you for dead.” Sabrina supplied simply.
Tempest thought of her words before nodding. “Aye. I will join you.”
Sabrina smiled.


Luna returned to the Unknown, following her sensors to the dungeons of the new Dark Tower. Sabrina was there, and to no surprise, so was Albrath. They were guarding the cell that contained the Princess Tempest.
Looks like I’ll have to get rid of Albrath, Luna thought to herself. Not an easy task with Sabrina in the way.
Luna stood outside the dungeon wall. She changed to her Grand Magus cloak and robes before barging in using Magic.
“Young Guardian!” Albrath saw Luna as the Grand Magus, but didn’t recognize her.
Grand Magus groaned, folding her arms. “I swear, you bad guys can never tell us apart.” Sabrina scoffed and Albrath was dumbfounded. “I am the Grand Magus. I wear deep blue, sometimes indigo robes with a dark-colored cloak hanging over my shoulders. The hood of which is on my head during rituals and ceremonies. I earned my title, unlike you, Sabrina.”
“I know who you are.” Sabrina remarked. “I want to know what you are doing here.”
“I’ve come to rescue Princess Tempest.”
The Princess stirred at hearing her name. Grand Magus looked to see the Princess shaking her head.
“See? She no longer wishes to leave.” Sabrina remarked. “She is happy being my slave.”
“I believe you have no choice in the matter.” Grand Magus supplied. “Neither of you do. Hand her over, Sabrina. Now.”
“You think to boss me around?” Sabrina cried incredulously.
“In a word. Yes.” The Grand Magus was no longer smiling. “Hand her over. Now.”
“What will you do to us?” Albrath taunted.
The Grand Magus was fed up. She waved a hand, making a thin leather rope appear to tie Albrath’s mouth shut. “That.” She supplied. “I’ll tell you one more time. Hand Princess Tempest over. Now.”
Sabrina stood in front of the Grand Magus, glaring into deep silver-blue eyes. When she tried to move, she found she couldn’t.
“What are you doing to me? I order you to take off the Freezing Charm now!”
“I’m not doing it. You are!” Grand Magus cried. “I can’t move either.”
That’s when she saw the thick grey ribbon of smoke circling both their waists like a rope, forcing them to disappear.
They reappeared, with the Princess in the Dream Realm’s Grey Area. When the rope disappeared, they found themselves in Lord Maximaniac’s main Throne Room. The Grand Magus saw him on his throne, and he wasn’t happy. Neither of them said a word, letting Lord Max speak first.
“Kneel.” Was all he said. All three knelt to the floor, avoiding his silver-eyed glare. He spoke again. “Princess, you may leave. Go directly to the Queen. She will be wishing to speak with you.”
Tempest stood and gulped, nodding. “Aye, Lord Maximaniac.”
Maximaniac stood from his throne, stepping down the carpeted stairs to greet them.
“Grand Magus, perhaps you would care to explain yourself.”
Grand Magus looked up at her Lord. “My Lord?”
“Why did it take you so long to retrieve my daughter?”
Sabrina gasped. “I knew I smelled you on her!”
Max roared. “Silence niece!” without moving his eyes away from the Grand Magus. “Answer me!”
“Lord Maximaniac, I beg for your forgiveness. The Crusaders have been in kind of bind since Young Guardian and Sire Wolfton brought back the Renegades and Revolutionaries.”
Max was quiet, then. “Explain.”
“Lord Max...” Sabrina whined.
“I said, silence! Surely, you know the command?”
Sabrina was silenced.
“I am waiting, Aluna Star.” Max announced. “As you know, I am an impatient man.”
“May I?” She gestured for him to allow her to stand.
“Oh, aye, of course.” Max supplied.
The Grand Magus stood, telling him all that happened in the last two weeks.
“You mean to tell me Orthos is up to his old tricks again?” Max asked. “Will there be another War?”
“I don’t know, my Lord.”
Max turned to his niece. “Sabrina?”
“I know nothing of my father, Lord Maximaniac.” Sabrina supplied.
“That’s because you’ve been too busy bothering us.”
“Grand Magus!” Lord Maximaniac retaliated. “There will be no bickering in my court, is that understood?”
“Aye, Lord Max.”
Sabrina only nodded.
“I have something to discuss with you, niece.” Max supplied. Sabrina’s eyes widened. “For once, you are not in trouble.”
Sabrina nodded again.
He turned to the Grand Magus. “Now then. You made me think at our last meeting.”
Grand Magus stood her ground. “About the Princess, I hope.”
“Aye.” Max supplied. “The time has come for them to know the truth.”
“Would you like me to leave?”
Max shook his head. “Nay. Young Guardian should be here shortly to join you.”
“Why us?” Grand Magus asked.
“Not only do I desire your company, Grand Magus, I also value you as an Ancient Mystic leader.” Max supplied. “Both Young Guardian and yourself have shown impeccable loyalty to the Lords and Ladies of this Realm.”
Grand Magus grinned, relaxing. He nodded to her, silently telling her to rise.
“Sorry for the delay, Lord Max.” They heard Young Guardian’s voice from behind them. When she reached the group, she saw Sabrina kneeling at Max’s feet. “Sabrina, cousin, I’m actually happy to see you.”
“What do you know of what he has to tell me?”
Young Guardian smiled at her cousin. “More than you think.”
“What is going on, Lord Max?” They heard Tempest’s voice as she and Jezebel entered the room.
“Do not be afraid to approach me, Princess.” Max replied softly. “The reason I called you all here is to bear witness to a revelation of truth. A truth on a matter that recently demanded an explanation.”
“What would that be?”
The question came from the Princess, who stared at Max intently.
“You have always wondered who your parents were.”
“Always told it were Queen Jezebel who adopted you.”
“Aye, but –.”
“I am not finished, Princess.”
“You should be.” Max was smiling.
Young Guardian and her twin grinned at each other. This was the Lord Max they’d met in the Crusades.
The Princess relaxed.
“I know who your parents are.”
Tempest’s eyes widened. “Please, Lord Max. Tell me.”
“Certainly.” Max supplied. “I am your true father.” He touched her to turn her gaze toward Sabrina. “And that, my dear, is your true mother.”
“Impossible!” Sabrina cried. “How can she be my daughter? I would have known I gave birth!”
“On the birthing bed, I chanted a special spell over you to make you sleep and forget.” Max explained. “Only one other individual was present to witness the ritual.”
Sabrina’s eyes went to Young Guardian.
“Nay, not Young Guardian.” Max shook his head. “It was a man-child named Mark Grey.”
“Aye, niece, Panther Grey himself, before you ordered his death.”
Tempest gasped. “How could you do such a thing?”
“I am the most vile of all Dream Realm Creatures.” Sabrina shrugged. Tempest stared. “You would do the same if put in my place.”
“I could never kill for fun!” Tempest shook her head, astonished. “I am not capable of it!”
“Your offspring has a heart, even if you don’t.” Young Guardian quipped. Grand Magus giggled.
Even Jezebel and Max found humor in the statement enough to smile.
“What will happen now, my Lord?” Tempest asked.
“You will choose, my dear.” Max started. “Either you go back to the Unknown to live with Sabrina and Orthos, or stay here in the Grey Area’s Shady Kingdom with the Queen as your mother and myself as your father. If you choose to stay, we will leave the truth of your parentage as it is. No one but those of us who already know will know. Is that understood?”
Tempest nodded, grinning. “Aye, Lord Father.”
Max smiled. “To have you stay would be a pleasure. Your are my daughter and I love you very much. The Queen may be Sabrina’s mother, but she sees you as her own. We will support your decision, whatever it may be.”
“Choose, Tempest.” Queen Jezebel looked into the girl’s black eyes with a gentile smile.
Tempest’s eyes went to Sabrina, who avoided them. Then they went to Max, who was smiling. She thought of her imprisonment in the dungeons of Dark Tower and shuddered. Her mind was set. Bad as it may seem sometimes, compared to Sabrina’s orders and treatment of her, the Shady Kingdom wasn’t really that bad.
To Jezebel’s surprise, Tempest wrapped her arms around her and hugged her.
The Grand Magus had to say something. “Now, that’s what I call true affection.”
All but Sabrina agreed. “She made her choice. Can I go now?” Sabrina huffed.
“Very well, Sabrina. Go.” Max remarked. “I don’t want to hear of your meddling in the affairs of others, is that clear?”
Before Sabrina could agree or disagree, Jezebel took her daughter’s shoulders. “I will see to her, my Lord husband.”
Once Jezebel disappeared, Max grinned. “Now, you may go. Thank you for staying as witnesses.”
“Our pleasure, Lord Max.” Young Guardian replied. “As long as you warn us ahead of time.”
Max laughed. “Certainly.”
“Does this mean you’re not mad at me anymore?” Grand Magus asked.
“Lu!” Young Guardian laughed. “Forgive her, my Lord.”
Max was happy. “Forgiven, now go visit the kits before sunrise.”
“Yes, Lord Max.” The twins chorused as they fled the room.
Tempest couldn’t help giggling aloud. Max cleared his throat, staring at her.
“I believe you have duties, Princess.” Max said sternly as he tried to keep from smiling.
Tempest knew what he was doing, so she obeyed and raced out. Max, on the other hand, was happy at last.
Story #2:
Djinn God Omri’s Curse

Young Guardian wasn’t happy when she met up with Omri in the Dream Realm. Though she couldn’t see him in her own world, she could only feel him, she knew him by sight.
“You’re on my turf now, Djinn.” Young Guardian was all warrior. Mean, unrelenting, and determined. “You shroud yourself in riddles, hoping I would get a clue as to what you’re talking about. When you mentioned Aaron, who I might add is my closest, dearest friend, I couldn’t help wondering what you were up to.”
“I merely wish you to see the truth beneath the surface.”
“No more riddles!” Young Guardian cried. “I’ve had enough to last me all the days of forever. The truth, Djinn. Here and now. Who are you and what do you want from me?”
“Ask the Shadow.” Omri could see the faint smoke that signified the Shadow made his appearance.
Ariana looked, nodding her greeting. Shadow’s face was plain, but so were his feelings. He was scared.
“Who is he?”
“Omri, god of all Djinn.” Shadow’s eyes met Omri’s. Omri smiled while Shadow kept his frown.
“What does he want with me?”
“He knows your weaknesses, and will do anything to use them against you.” Shadow replied. “Don’t give in to petty words, Young Guardian.”
“Thanks for your faith in me.” Young Guardian said. She turned back to Omri. “Your turn. Who sent you and why?”
“Shadow is right. I know all weaknesses in all mortals. Even Ancient Mystics.” Omri announced. “He has personal experience.”
“Can it, Omri!” Shadow cried.
“Fear. Resentment. Hate.” Omri supplied. “Aye. I know you fear me. You resent and hate me for what I had done to your friends, family, and
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