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Book online «Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga by Lady Adellandra Dratianos (e ink epub reader .TXT) 📖». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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/> “Leave me in peace, Juliet!” Ariana cried from under the sheets. She was curled in bed, blankets over her head. “I need time to think.”
“Two weeks is more than enough time to think.” Juliet supplied. “Besides, we worry about you.”
Ariana came out from the covers. “I wish everyone would just leave me be!”
“What will I nurse the baby with?”
The baby. Oh, gods, the baby. Ariana thought to herself. She sat up. “Fine. Bring him to me and leave us. I’ll call you when I’m ready.”
With a tight nod and a moment’s hesitation, Juliet left.
Time for Omri to make his move. Within feet of her bed, Ariana sensed his presence.
“Who’s there?” She both said aloud and in her mind.
You seek salvation for your sins. Was all Omri would say. The next you dream you will have it. Not from Lord Guardian or his kin, but from someone you would never expect or believe.
“Who are you?” Ariana asked into the air.
You need not know me to know what I am.
“Show yourself, coward.” Ariana demanded, searching the room using her sensors.
She couldn’t see him. Good. He only need her feel him to get his point across.
You call me coward when you yourself run away from responsibility.
“What do you know about me?”
More than you realize. My race has been well entertained with your exploits.
“Answer me this, Djinn.”
You know what I am now. Good girl.
“Stop stalling. Is there a reason for this visit? Or are you dying to drive me insane?” Ariana asked into thin air. She searched the room, keeping her voice down and her sensors open. “It won’t work, you know. I’m the Young Guardian. One of the most powerful Ancient Mystics in Enchantra’s line.”
I know who you are. That is why I am here. Omri supplied. Young Lord Aaron will be your demise. For your heart still aches for him, through your disguise.
For a moment, Ariana held her breath. She stood her ground.
“Clever rhyme. Want to tell me who you are so I can rid myself of you?”
“Love, who are you talking to?”
Even Omri was surprised to hear Derrick come in with the baby in his arms. She took the baby and begun to nurse.
“I wish I knew.” Ariana looked to the air.
He will not believe you, Young Guardian. Omri supplied smugly.
Let him decide that for himself.
“Something’s here. I can feel it.” She turned to her husband. “Can’t you?”
He shrugged. “What am I supposed to feel?”
I told you he would not believe. Omri supplied smugly.
Ariana groaned. “Nothing.”
“Then yes, I do feel it.”
Ariana looked at him and rolled her eyes. Whoever you are, I’ll meet you in the Dream Realm. If you want to mess with the Young Guardian, it’ll have to be on my terms.
Very well. If you insist.
Omri grinned as he disappeared.
He reappeared again in the house across the street, where the Young Guardian’s twin was looking after her children with her husband.
Ah, so this was what they are so worried about. A mere boy! Omri thought to himself as he watched the dark-haired man everyone called the Shadow. This ought to be good.
Shadow was the one to sense his presence.
“Lu. Something’s here.”
“Nonsense. I would feel it if there were. Now help me with Logan, will you?”
Shane lifted his son off the carpet and handed him to Luna.
“I mean it, Lu. Use your Empathy.”
“And face insanity?” Luna laughed. “I think not.”
Time to become the Shadow and see what was up. “If you won’t, woman, I will.”
Luna stared at her husband, watching. He grasped his necklace and looked around.
Omri frowned when their eyes met.
Shadow wouldn’t speak aloud. Rather, in his mind.
Get lost, Djinn. Your services aren’t needed or wanted here.
“Shane, what is it?” Luna inquired.
Shane turned on her, eyes black as coals. “Djinn. Close your thoughts.”
So you know of my race.
Your race have nearly lost the Ancient Mystics one of their own. Shane thought with vehemence. His now black eyes serious, and mind focused on eliminating the Djinn.
My apologies for Horde Hallows. He was useless.
So are you. He thought in his mind.
“Light as day and black as night, show yourself within our sight.” Shadow called, his necklace turning gold.
Luna gasped, holding onto her husband. She saw Omri’s distinct figure now.
Omri spoke. “Nice trick, Shadow.”
Shadow’s eyes narrowed. He pulled his wife closer to him for comfort. Whether it was hers or his, he didn’t know. All he knew was this Djinn knew him. “How do you know me?”
“The Wars for Power,” Omri announced. “Where you saved your precious Lord Guardian from death.”
“He did so with honor, which is more than I can say for you and your kind, Djinn.” Luna cried.
“You know me, Shadow.” Omri demanded with a grin. “Tell the Grand Magus exactly who I am.”
“He is the Djinn god Omri.” Shadow growled to Luna. “He’s the Djinn who attacked me during the First Crusade.”
“You remembered.” Omri supplied. “It happened so long ago. I am impressed.”
“It’s hard to forget who ordered O’Dell’s death.”
“He ordered Lord Guardian’s death? How?” Luna asked. “He’s only a Djinn!”
“True. I am only a Djinn. I need a master to tell me his just desires.” Omri agreed. “Now tell the good girl who was my master.”
“I can guess this one myself.” Luna announced. “Master Orthos of the Dominion.”
“My, you have been paying attention!” Omri laughed. “Enough reminiscing, I’m afraid.”
“Whatever you’re planning, do it already.” Shadow commanded.
“Very well.” Omri supplied. “Unlike Orthos, I play fair. I am to meet Young Guardian in the Dream Realm tonight. If you wish to know what I have in mind, I suggest you find us.”
With that, Omri was gone.
Luna and Shane looked at each other.
“You’ll have to go on alone.” Luna supplied.
“Like hell I am!” Shane spat. “Who do you think put me through such pain while we fought Dominionites?”
“Omri and Orthos?” Luna asked.
“Orthos sent Omri to fuddle the minds of our Companion fighters.” Shane supplied. “If you love me at all, Aluna Star, I suggest you come with me.”
“I can’t. I haven’t found Princess Tempest yet.” Luna announced. “Lord Max takes me from my own patrols when I’m not looking and demands I bring her back to the Grey Area.”
“This is important, Lu!”
“So’s this!” Luna spat. “I’m the one who sent Tempest to the Unknown. Therefore, I’m the one that has to bring her back. Any complaints?”
Shane sighed, kissing her. “We’re stronger together, you know.”
“I know. Just this once, though, I believe we have to split.” Luna studied him. “Or are you scared of Omri?”
Shane nodded.
“You’re the Shadow. You can handle anything.” Luna supplied. “I’ve gotta run. I’ll see you later.”
When at last she was gone, Shane tended his children. Busying himself with the kids, he almost forgot about the Djinn god Omri. He felt Omri’s presence, but chose to ignore it.
Omri hadn’t forgotten. In fact, Omri never left the Morehouses. He hovered in a corner and listened in to their conversation.
So, the great Shadow fears me, does he? Omri thought in his mind. He stared at Shadow, who was taking care of his children. Listen you closely, Shane Morehouse. You may have helped save O’Dell from death in the Wars, but you have never contended with Omri, god of the Djinn! Dixilynne and the Dwellers are not here to protect you now!
On that thought, he was gone.
At last, Shadow was able to relax. For the moment, that is. He didn’t know what to do without Luna by his side tonight. He’d have to face Omri alone.
Maiden and the Princess

Deep in the Unknown, hidden in her secret quarters, she stared into her Dark Mirror. Its image showed her worried distress. She didn’t hear when a female voice shrilled.
“So, this is the Maiden in all her magnificent splendor?” Sabrina turned to see her step-sister, the Dark Lady Albrath. “What are you contemplating this time, sister? Power, glory, or perhaps love?”
Sabrina snapped at the last word. “What do you know of either, Dominionite? Your powers are useless and you have yet to see true glory or love.”
“It only seems that way on the surface, I assure you.” Albrath shrugged.
Sabrina turned back to her Dark Mirror.
Albrath sauntered into the room, positioning herself behind her Maiden sister. To the Dominionite, Sabrina was staring into the Mirror’s image with a look of longing on her face.
“Rumor has it a certain Dominionite too pure for this Realm wishes to capture your romantic attentions.”
“Rumors lie.” Sabrina snapped. “Have you come to annoy me or is there a point to this visit?”
“Always a point, Sabrina.” Albrath supplied. “Have the Warriors told you who is kept in the dungeons?”
“Aye. They say there is a girl they call the Ghost Child.”
“I took her there myself.” Albrath was proud of herself. “Would you care to meet her?”
“Why? She is useless if caught so easily by a has-been like you.”
“You scoff now.” Albrath said, the smile on her face turning devilish. “Wait until you set eyes on her.”
Sabrina’s attention was peaked. “Show me.” She demanded.
At the dungeons deep below Dark Tower, Sabrina stared at the one called the Ghost Child. Her eyes met those of the defiant child’s.
“Release me at once!” The Ghost Child demanded.
“I think not.” Sabrina laughed. Albrath laughed with her. One stare and her sister was silenced. “Tell me, who was fool enough to Exile you?”
“No one. The Grand Magus sent me here.”
“I ran from the Grey Area.” The child remarked. “Now release me!”
Sabrina shook her head. “Albrath.”
Eyes not leaving the Ghost Child’s, Sabrina said. “Leave us.”
Albrath disappeared and Sabrina folded her arms.
“Bossy little chit, are you not?” Sabrina sneered. “What is your name, Child?”
The child stood proudly, staring into her captor’s eyes. “I am Princess Tempest of the Dream Realm’s Grey Area.”
“Princess?” Sabrina asked. “I was not aware Lord Max had a daughter your age.”
“As I told Young Guardian, I was adopted by Queen Jezebel!” The Princess cried.
“You are the traitor!” Tempest cried.
“Do you even know who I am?” Sabrina asked. “Do you know nothing of the Wars for Power and the Crusades?”
“You are the Maiden, Sabrina. Half-Ancient Mystic, Half-Wizard.” Tempest supplied. “You led Dominionites against the Ancient Mystics in the Wars for Power, killing a Crusader in his own world during the Crusades.”
“What else did she tell you of me?”
“You are her daughter.”
“Aye.” Sabrina supplied. “Now you know why I call her traitor.”
“You were the one against your own heritage, Sabrina.” Tempest said.
“Oh, and what heritage can you claim?” Sabrina countered. “You are white as death, hair and eyes black as night with skin as cold as the winter snow. The only heritage I see in you is the Grey Area’s Lord. You have the eyes of a Wizard yourself.”
“None of the powers.” Tempest supplied. “If I did, I would use them on you.”
“I doubt that.” Sabrina stated. “Why did the Grand Magus send you here?”
“I came in search of my parents.” Tempest said softly. “Instead, I am accosted by a shrilling Dominionite and bound by a strange magical cord.”
“The Witch’s Cord?” Sabrina asked. “Aye, she has at least learned something from her witch of a mother.”
“You stall!” Tempest cried. “Release me at once!”
“Grant me this first.” Tempest and Sabrina met eyes. “In exchange for your freedom, I must have your loyalty.”
“I will not!”
“You do not want to search
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