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Book online «The world of Zin by John Boone (best sci fi novels of all time .TXT) 📖». Author John Boone

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killed the orcs with an amazing powerful flame blast.
You cannot remember because you yet have control over your power so when you use it fully it puts you into a berserk mode.
Zoe war is also coming to our peaceful land and we must train you to use your power safely so you can assist us when battle comes.
Do you understand Zoe?"
Kamota says.
"Yes master but how can I of all people have such great power?"
Zoe asks.
I do not know but somehow when your clan was wiped out by the battles from the past you must have been hidden and in thus living to claim the glory your people once had.
Kamota says.
"Well master if this is true and if I am to learn control of my power when do we begin?"
Zoe asks.
"We begin at noon meet me and the other's in the training ground's there we begin."
Kamota says.
Kamota leaves Zoe to be alone and get ready for the enduring training ahead of them.
Zoe grabs his clean linen and changes quickly.
He grabs his sword and wand and run's to the training field to meet with the guy's.
"Ah Zoe you have arrive."
Salander says.
"Yes it is good to see all of you too."
Zoe replies.
"Zoe were going to begin on magic using when ever your ready conjure a wall of fire."
Kamota say's.
Zoe thinks for a long time of trying to unlock his inner power and in a moment of 5 minutes Zoe is ready.
Zoe begins to chant and in front of him a small fire type shield appears.
"Try harder Zoe unlock the power."
Kamota screams.
Zoe thinks harder and with a flint spark the shield turns into a vicious wall of fire.
"Good Zoe Now control the fire and make it move."
Kamota commands.
Zoe does as he was instructed but cut short for the power had left him.
"Master I am tired may I rest for a moment?"
Zoe pleads.
"Yes Zoe take a moments rest then we must get back at it."
Kamota replies.
"Ok Master."
Zoe says.
The 5 men sit down and eat their lunch to refill their stamina.
Zoe thinks to him self.
"I must do this for the master needs me to lend him my power."
After they finish eating they begin training again.
"Zoe I want you to use the water in this bucket and make it float."
Zoe does what he was told.
He uses his mind to bend the water to what ever he wants.
The water begins to rise and out of nowhere Zoe’s power unravels it's self and begins to mass reproduce.
Zoe loses his control and the water begins to grow out of control.
"Grab Zoe, Kamota and let’s escape from the flood."
Salander demands.
Kamota runs to Zoe and grabs him and off they run into the other direction.
As they run they notice the water begins to follow them.
"Its following Zoe Kamota what do we do?"
Salander screams scared.
"Lets lead Zoe to the lake and forcefully wake him."
Kamota screams.
They all run fast to the nearby lake.
As Kamota nears the lake he jumps in with Zoe in his arms.
Zoe awakes automatically.
As Zoe loses the grip of power the water ball falls into the lake.
Kamota and Zoe swims back to he shore and climbs out.
"I lost control didn’t I?"
Zoe asks.
"Yes you did Zoe. Let’s go back to training"
Kamota responds.
They return to the training field and continue with the training.
Zoe practice’s without losing control again.
"Now let’s do sword fighting Zoe."
Salander says.
Zoe replies.
Zoe draws his sword and so does Salander.
Salander take's the first move and strikes hard at Zoe's sword.
Zoe quiver's from the powerful swing.
Zoe in return swings back and knocks Salander's blade backwards.
Salander twists around and swings his blade towards Zoe’s blade twisting him around.
Zoe falls back but quickly recovers his balance.
He strikes Salander’s front and with amazing grace his power quickly takes control and strikes Salander knocking him down hard and making the weapon fly from his hands.
"WOW such power Zoe how can you have such strength?
That was the most amazing and most cunning battle I have ever done.
Zoe you truly are an amazing warrior."
Salander brags.
"Thank you so much for the congrats and i only won cause the power begin to course through my veins.
You are truly a strong and amazing opponent your self Salander.
Thank you for battling with me today."
Zoe says.
"Zoe you didn’t go berserk when the power released within yourself this time.
I believe you are getting use to it."
Kamota says.
Yes I think so also when ever I felt endangered I felt great strength enter into the limbs of my body and I felt as if nothing could harm me as if I was invincible."
Zoe says.
"Let’s call it a break and continue on tomorrow.
The king wanted us to report to him after we made progress.
Let us be off to the throne."
Salander says.
The three head to the kings throne room.
As they enter the king sits alone in his mighty chair.
"Father I have come to tell you of Zoe’s progress."
Salander says.
"Yes and what of our young heroes progress?"
the king asks.
"He has proven more control in sword fighting but alas not in magic."
Salander states.
"Well it is a start my son.
Lets just hope he can make it before the battle comes.
I have sent spies and they have informed me.
You two were correct the orcs and giants are working as one."
The king states.
"Father if this is true it will be impossible to win we haven’t power to defeat the giant" Salander pleads. "we must put our faith into young Zoe."
The king pleads.
"Yes father if Zoe can use his power he could destroy the giants"
Salander says.
"As king I need you to go to the kingdom of garu and have him lend us soldiers."
The king says
"I forgot were bound by war father.
surely with Zoe and garu’s men we can win this battle."
Salander says.
"I Kamota will see that we do not lose."
Kamota states.
"Yes you three be off with haste.
Farewell my warriors."
The king says.
The three leave the throne.
They all go to their rooms alone and begin to pack for the mission.
Zoë goes into his room and grabs all of his clothes and puts them into a sack.
He then fastens his sword to his back.
He then goes out the door and loads his horse with his belongings.
He climbs atop his horse and rides to the southern gates.
There they regroup and began to start their quest to king garu’s land hoping they do not take to long.
The Unleased Power From Within

Chapter Three

The three set out from the gate in complete silence.
As they ride on hard the sun begins to set in the sky.
Zoe watches two sparrows fly high in the sky.
The beautiful setting makes Zoe feel warm and fuzzy inside.
Zoe feels so happy inside he sighs.
They ride even harder when the sun begins to fall.
They begin to slow and halting to a complete stop.
They jump off their horses and begin to make camp.
As they become finish with the camp Salander is the first to speak.
"My plan is to go to the king and humbly ask for assistance in our time of need."
Salander says.
"My lord that is a good plan lets just treat him with respect and hope he agrees to help."
Kamota says.
"Yes let us take rest for we ride at dawn. Zoe you take first watch"
Salander says.
As they begin to get ready for sleep Zoe was the first to take watch.
As he sits and watches the camp he begins to think.
He thanks of the orcs and of the battle.
He thinks of battling.
He grabs his blade and practices its movements.
Moving to the left an inch and slicing forward than retracting his blade close to his side.
He throws his blade up in a defensive manner as if he was blocking and orc then drops his blade and with a twist slicing the imaginary orc.
He drops to the foot and pushes his blade as if he was cutting the ankles of an enemy.
With précised movement he is back on his feet and begins to unlock his true power.
With a flash he slices a small tree into felling it.
He was just far enough to were he did not wake the others.
"Wow such power I never felt such wonderful power ever."
He says.
He then puts his blade back into its sheath.
He runs back to camp and walks to his horse.
He unbuckles the strap to the sack.
He carefully grabs his wand and begins to walk away from the camp.
He walks far enough so he doesn’t harm the encampment with his powerful magic.
He says.
Before him a water ball begins to rise from the muddy soil beneath his feet.
With amazing grace he makes the water flex and rise even higher into the air and splitting it in two.
He has never stilted water in two and controls it in midair before.
Zoe was truly amazed with what he could manage.
Zoe loses his self to the engulfing power coursing through his body and in a instinct loses conscious.
The ball begins to grow more and more until it becomes a water tornado.
The water moves closer to the camp splashing Kamota and Salander with freezing water.
They both awake quickly and see what Zoe has done.
"Quick Salander awake him with haste."
Kamota screams.
Salander runs and picks Zoe's sleeping body and begins to run from the camp.
The water tornado begins to follow the two with haste.
Salander grabs the smelling salts in his pouch and with the smell awakes Zoe from the sleeping state.
With Zoe's wake the water disperses and falls leaving the terrain a muddy mess.
"Zoe you cannot practice your magic with out one of us with you."
Salander screams.
The two walk back to the camp and Salander puts Zoe to bed.
"I will take watch."
Salander say's.
Zoe gets into his sleeping bag and lies there till he falls asleep.
Zoe is woken in the middle of the night.
“Zoe its Kamota I think were being watched.”
Kamota says.
Zoe hops to his feet for he suddenly felt fear.
“Who is it master?”
Zoe asks.
“I think it is another army but I do not know.”
Kamota replies.
At that moment they see torches and mounted horse men headed their way.
"I think it is a army but I do not know."
Kamota replies.
At that moment they see torches and mounted horse men headed their way.
The leader jumps off his horse and approaches the camp.
Salander was the one who stood before him.
"Hello there

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