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Book online «The world of Zin by John Boone (best sci fi novels of all time .TXT) 📖». Author John Boone

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Salander speaks.
"Hello are you the son of the king of Zin?"
The commander asks.
"Yes that would be me."
Salander replies.
"Good I have come with my band to escort you to the king garu's throne.
The commander replies.
"May I have your name?"
Salander asks.
"My name is Brian."
Brian replies.
"Ok are we to leave now it is starting to turn to light."
Salander says.
"Yes we must be on our way with haste for the king has been informed of what you need."
Brian answers.
"Ok let us pace our things."
Salander says.
The three run all over the place packing and getting ready.
They get strapped into their tunics and weapons.
In a matter of a few minutes the camp had been packed and everyone was ready to leave.
The three get onto their horses and emerge into Brian's force.
"Brian this young warrior is Zoe and this Kamota."
Salander says.
"Yes good to meet you all."
Brian says.
"Good to meet you too."
Kamota says.
The group begins to ride and make good time.
On there way they see great rivers and soft land that had been left untouched by the giants and orcs.
It seemed so beautiful to Zoe like a haven place.
The smell in the air smelled of sweet bread as they neared the kingdom of garu's.
As they reach the gates the doors flung open to let the visitors into the castle.
Brian leads the three into the stables and tie's their horses up and leads them to the throne room.
Brian and Zoe walked in front as Kamota and Salander walked in the back.
When they entered the room Salander automatically step forward in pride.
Before speaking he had bowed and then spoke.
"King Garu I the Prince of Zin need you to humbly aid us in the expecting battle to come forth.
We believe that we have been targeted by the orcs and hill giants in the woods beyod our lands.
My father King of Zin has ask me to come and seek aid from you."
Salander says.
"Yes I have receieved word of your lands dilema.
I shall aid you and your father for it is so I also fear that after your throne is destroyed my will be next.
I must ask for you all to stay the night and whenever morning come I shall send 4000 solders to aid your 4500 solders and with Gods will we can defeat them for once and for all."
King Garu says.
"Thank you my lord."
Salander says.
"Oh before Brian takes you to your rooms may Zoe stay here to speak to me alone?"
King Garu asks.
"Yes lord take as much time as needed."
Salander replies.
The party leaves the room with Brian leaving Zoe and king Garu completely alone.
"Ah Zoe my boy I have been inform that you are the last of your kind.
Your magic is like no others your strength stronger than a ox."
King Garu says.
"Yes my lord I do and have the ancient bloodline of the most gifted tribe and yes I am the last of my kind."
Zoe answers bluntly.
"Zoe you mustint call me a king for your more royal then I will ever be boy.
Your the last hope we men have and I believe you will reclaim your tribes lost name and bring forth the most powerful wizards alive once more.
So Zoe just listen to this I beg of you not as a king but as a father please put a stop to tnhe force headed our way please protect my family Zoe."
The king says.
"I will do what I am capable King Garu and I am not royal I am just gifted but I will protect you and your family with every ounce of strength I can muster.
I lie my body down and I will fight to protect the world if I must I will not allow the orcs or hill giants take any life I am able and I swear my life to the people of man."
Zoe said truthfully.
This was the longest and most meaningful thing Zoe had ever said and he ment it till his death.
"Thank you Zoe go along now meet with your friends and I wish the best for you I will always pray for you Zoe.
The king says dismissing Zoe.
Zoe turns around and begins to walk.
Zoe felt amazing like a true hero when he stepped out the throne room.
As he walked down the steps he had images flowing thorugh his head.
He really wanted to do his best and put an end to all the torture and evil in the world.
Zoe ment to save the world with all he could muster.
When zoe got to the bottom of the steps he saw Salander, Kamota, and Brian all waiting for him eagerly.
Brian begin to walk and they all followed him till they reached the end of the hall and with Brian leading them in they were in their room.
Brian left as soon as they all were ready and done with their bathing.
The three sat down and Kamota spoke first.
"I really hope we can do this."
Kamota says.
"Me to so Zoe what the prince want?"
Salander asks.
"He wanted me to do the best in my power to end the force headed our way."
Zoe says.
"We all know you real I have faith in you Zoe you truly will be the most remarkable person I have ever had the pleasure to meet and i believe in you truthfully.
Kamota says.
"Well we need to sleep to have strength goodnight guys good night."
As the three heros begin to drift off to sleep Zoe begins to think.
Fear is slowly creeping on him he was honestly scared.
he did not know if he could save the world he did not know if he was able to become strong enough to fight the wars to protect all of those who needed his aid.
He fought many battles but he knew without a doubt of the dangers that were to come and truly did envy it.
Before he shuts his eyes for good that night he prays that he be gicen the strength to save those who all need him.

The Ambush from the Unknown.

Chapter Four

At the crack of dawn, Zoe was awoken by Kamota.
When he awoke he changed his sleeping garmets and begin to wear his war armour.
Since he awoke he had a bad feeling that his trip home would not be easy.
He felt that as if they were exposed and being watched at every moment.
When he was finished he walked down to the main hall to meet with the group.
As they all greeted him comfortly he spoke up about this surrounding feeling filling in his heart.
"Master I dont know why but I fear that when we leave here we must be cautious it feels as if we are being watched from every angle."
Zoe says.
"Are you sure Zoe.
"Are you just friegten that we rely on you for so much when you are so young?"
Kamota asks.
"Yes master I am sure that there will be danger alokng the roads please just heed my warning."
Zoe begs.
"Yes I agree lets folow our young hero's words of wisdom.
Salander says.
"Alright my lord, we shall do as you say Zoe."
Kamota says.
"Thank you so much master."
Zoe says.
The three than get onto their horses and with one gallop they begin to be off with Brian and the 4000 men promised by king Garu.
When they get to the massive gates the guards open them and out the opening they all flew off in a hurry.
They rode for many minutes before Zoe warning had been put into efect.
Not even 20 minutes ride from the kingdom they were under attack by many orcs and hill giants tossing boulders towards the army.
Zoe hurry and released his sword from the sheath that held it tightly and begun to use his power and fulfill his promise to the king just the night before.
With one mighty swing and the power coursing thourgh him begin to feel and he went on a killing rampage and started felling orc after orc with little or no trouble.
Kamota was not as lucky he saw many orcs filling the mountains pass and tumbling over the force they were to bring to the king of Zin.
kamota went for a strike and killed the poorly train orc splitting it into with his massive blade.
As an orc neared him from behind Zoe went into a major frenzy and dice the orc into many pieces stopping it from causing the man he thought of as a father pain.
Salander was in a bit of trouble with the over realming force striking hard at their comrades.
Zoe seing his friend in danger sent him over the edge and he suddenly begin to use magic without a wand and was still concious.
He brings forth a flaming wall destroying all enemies that were close to Salander.
Zoe saved his friend but the war was not over with.
All three reliazed it was their turn to strike a heavy and dangerous blow to the orc numbers and hill giants.
Kamota fill with pleasure and happiness for Zoe went in easily blowing killing blows smashing and slicing orcs left and right with ease.
The hill giants saw their numbers begin to shrink and started throwning harder and faster than before.
Kamota sees this and runs to the first one feeling Zoe strength and his power coursing thourgh him.
Zoe didnt reliaze but his bond was so strong with Kamota and Salander that he begin to emit rays of power to the two and filled them with the power to stop the hill giants.
Kamota clashed his blade against the strong giant but still slicing him pretty deep.
The giant retailates aand swings back but with great speed kamota dodges it easily and slices back violently cutting the giants calfs making it limp.
The giant felt fear he had not known any human to be as gifted as Kamota was and try to pull away but Kamota saw his mark and jumped high onto the orc and with one quick thrust he cuts the giants juggaler dropping him with a big thud onto the ground.
Kamota then charges back into the orcs and begins to fight in a frenzy just as Zoe was doing.
Salander felt unbeatable with Zoes magic and runs headlong against a massive giant.
The giants swats at him quickly but with failure as Salander drops to the ground before being hit.
Salander hps up in a instinct and charges and waith great poer hacks of 3 of the giants fingers brining a loud yelp from the huge opponet.
The giant tries to body slam Salander but he fails and falls to the ground leaving himself

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