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Book online «The world of Zin by John Boone (best sci fi novels of all time .TXT) 📖». Author John Boone

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wide open.
Salander sees his chance to wound the giant great and jums upon the giant and with enormous strength vuts the giants spine crippling it for ever.
Salander with great pride then sticks his blade into the back of the giants skull piercing the brain tissue winning the battle without a doubt.
Brian sees the men need his help and pulls a bow from his pouch and begins to open fire on the orcs never missing a mark and killing the orcs with the first blows.
Zoe starts to conjure much magic to save his friends.
First he puts an unknown Shield around the armies man protecting them from blows not one orc could break the enormous magic of Zoes.
With the thought of a tornado swarming the orcs and lifting them into midair and killing them with the amazing and violent winds it creates its self from Zoe's thought and begins doing its job.
Zoe than grabs his sword and starts killing all orcs in his way.
He sees the last to giants and charges for them.
The first giant takes a swing at Zoe but Zoe parries and dodges the blow and comes up with his blade ripping the giants heart out.
The next giant throws a rock towards Zoe.
Zoe drops and with a instinct calls for a ghost form.
The form charges the giant and attacks the internal organs.
The giant dies a painful death from being tprn inside out.
No one saw Zoe's ghost and Zoe was happy they didn't for he thought it was unnatural.
Zoe kills 2234 orcs in the matter of minues and with spell after spell and the protecting magic from Zoe spells they only lose 142 men in the great and epic battle.
When all the killing and massacre was over the armies men begun to bury their dead.
"You fought couragous Zoe truly splendid."
Kamota says.
"Thank you master I did my best."
Zoe replies.
"Yes well let us begin the clean up and be on our ways."
Salander says.
The three get their armour and weapons cleaned of gore and guts.
Brian starts to regroup the remaining man and gets their horses and everyone gets mounted.
They leave the battlefield of gore and as they march away from the battle the sun hits them perfectly making their armour glisten as if they were from God himself.
Zoe the young hero was the main talk of the traveling battle force.
The men talked of his fierce power and of how trained with the sword the young warrior is.
Zoe really enjoyed the talk he felt amazing he felt the power still awakening in him.
His true power has yet to reveal its true nature and Zoe was so excited to unlock the power and use it for good of men.
He kept thinking of the battle of how all the people was protected by his magic and how everyone was able to win because of him.
Zoe was so happy that he was able to fulfill his promises to the kings and to be able to make his oath really happened.
The way Zoe was feeling made him want to hurry to the land of Zin for he knew he was the last and only hope the world can have.
The men were uneasy still with war on their minds for they all knew what was to come would be even worse than it had been just earlier.
The men were comforted by having Zoe around.
Zoe had become a beacon of strength the men truly believed their safety was left to this one so young of age but so high in wisdom.
As they were begining to see the gates of the land of Zin Zoe excitement took over and Zoe dashed past the troops and left all the other men in the dust.
Zoe didnt understand what had made him want to greet the king so badly but he did.
When Zoe reached the gates the solders opened the gate for the true and remarkable hero,
When Zoe finally made his way thourgh the town and raced to the stables leaving his horse he flew up the castle to the kings throne room.
"My king I have returned with great news I have learned to control my power and I swear an oath to protect your kingdom even if I must lay my life down i will protect my homeland.
Zoe says.
"Well my young hero I than must say i will have my faith in you.
May i ask were the rest are?"
The king says.
As he finished speaking Kamota, Brian, and Salander appear thourgh the doors.
"My father we are here.
We have done what you asked we have brought plenty of solders and we are fully ready to fight if we must.
Father we were ambushed on the way home by thousand of orcs and a handful of giants but Zoe has proven his heritage and open his power and created a shield around us and fed me and Kamota strength.
We were the victors and Zoe is the most remarkable warrior i have ever had the chance to meet."
Salander says.
"Very well and well done Zoe."
The king Says.
"I am Brian folle and I am a general in king Garus army.
Me and my men will lift our swords to your aid.
This is my oath and this is what shall happen."
Brian says.
"Very well it is my pleasure to meet you Brian.
I must ask that you start training and in one month let us begin our attack.
My spies have told me they will charge us head on in one month so alas this is all the time we hold.
The king says.
"Yes father."
Salander says.
Salander turns around and motions for the rest to follow.
The four walk out the door and down the steps and greeting the huge force in the castle grounds.
Salander motions for everyone to follow him and they all went to the training grounds and the other army was there adding on to make over 8000 men ready to die for the land.
"All men will build their camps next to the training grounds and this is were you all will stay."
Brian says.
All the men go forth and start setting their tents and gathering fire wood.
Hunters went into the woods and brought back plenty of food to feed the hungry.
By nightfall the camps were all finished and ready for the men to stay in.
Zoe begins to become tired.
"Master i am tired so i am going to go rest for training in the morning."
Zoe says.
"Yes Zoe you have had a long day and have fought enough to sleep for days I will come for you in the morning.
Good night Zoe be safe my young warrior.
Kamota says.
Zoe leaves the racket of men, the smell of meat, and the cold bitter night.
He gets to his house undresses from all his heavy armour.
He changes to his comfortable robes and lays down and begins to think.
As he lays he searches deep within his body trying to find his power.
Memories of his past begin to appear fuzzy but his dreams were always fuzzy.
He tries not to dwell on his past but sometimes he cannot help to wonder were he comes from.
When he was young Kanota was on a mission for the king and the enemies were searching for his hard.
Kamota was fierce in his younger days more swift than most men alive today and was very well taught.
Kamota stumbles upon a cabin that was deserted and uses it as a hideaway.
When he walks into the cabin doors to his amazement a baby lied on the floor alone.
Kamota was surprized and without a momments thought he grabs the baby.
He fled from the cabin thourgh the woods and all the way back to the cabin.
He named the baby Zoe and kept him as his own.
This is what kamota told Zoe as he grew older but none of it rings a bell.
Kamota shakes the memory and then thinks of the ghost from earlier.
The ghost looked like someone he knew.
He begun to think he summoned a spirt that was dead.
Zoe got a cold tingly feeling and dismisses the thought and finally closes his eyes and went to sleep.
His body needed sleep from the worn and tear he put on it when he battle.
The Skills Unlocked.

Chapter Five

When Kamota comes to Zoe's room Zoe is silenty asleep.
Kamota not wanting to wake him had to because he was the one who needed the training the most for he was the one true hero that would fight in this bloody war.
Kamota easily shakes Zoe and he awakens in a violent shake.
"It is time for us to begin the hardships of training my young apprentice."
Kamota says.
"Yes ok master I shall be ready in a few moments.
I will meet you outside when I have finished.
Zoe says.
Kamota leaves Zoe to begin dressing and preparing himself for the training.
Zoe gets out of bed slowly and sleepy like and begins taking off his comfortable clothes and slipping into his tunic.
After Zoe gets done he slips the scimitar into its sheath and the wand into his bag.
Zoe tidys his room up and washes his hair before stepping out of the doors to the eager face of kamota's.
He follows kamota slowly and still sore from the battle from the other day.
When they make it to the field to Zoes amazement the men were already training and doing different routines.
Zoe thought they were amazing and had much courage and that he felt pride being able to be one of them.
Zoe took note of one battle that was amazingly neck to neck.
The guys were using different fighting styles and without blades it was hand to hand.
"Who are they master?"
Zoe asked.
"Their names are po and mo their brothers and they love the hand to hand more than bulky swords."
Kamota said.
Zoe watched in amazement as Po struck a hard bloe to mo's wrist.
Mo backed off but came back hard with a strike to Po's side making mo gasp for a moment but carried on.
Both men stuck eachother's blindspots but they manuvered so elegantly and so remarkable that Neither could land a hard enough damanging blow.
Po saw an opening and struck forward hard.
Mo gasp and gave up the match.
Zoe walks up to the two after the battle ended and greeted them.
"Amazing skills if I might say also I am zoe."
Zoe says.
"Ah yes your a splended warrior yourself for one so young."
Po says.
"Yes I must agree with my brother your the one who saved us all during the ambush."
Mo says.
"Yes I just wanted the us to be safe.
Your skills are beautiful I wish I knew such knowledge."
Zoe says.
"Well if thats all we will show you."
Po says.
"Really that would be amazing

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