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Book online «The Truth About Katrina Remora by Ash Knight (room on the broom read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Ash Knight

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road and just kept going.I'll tell you just what happend some other time,right now I want you to dance with me before I have to go.May I,please,have this dance Madmoisel?"He asked in a low and educated voice.
"Why of course you may." I said,in my best british accent,happy to move on too happier subjects.Then Allister put one arm around my waist and held my left hand in his,and with that we were off.We danced,and danced,and danced.I dont think we stopped until it was time for me too leave.The song we danced too at first was '100 years' by Five for fighting.
"Goodbye Allister,I had a great time with you.I hope I can see you around town soon,since today is the first day of spring break I won't be seeing you at school.But you can always find me at the lake."I told him quickly.
"I had a good time too. I was going to ask you if you wanted to go out tommorow night anyway.You know,since we both had such a good time."He said smiling crookedly.
"I would love to go out with you tommorow night Allister.What do you want to do?"I asked in a hurried voice,I was walking to Johny's car now.Allister stopped me about three feet from the car,soaking wet from falling in the pool.
"Have dinner with me,plenty of dancing,and lots of time to talk."He asked me,smiling sweetly,while also seductivly.
"Ok,pick me up at seven,my curfew isn't till nine so we'll have plenty of time to talk."
I said,while climbing into the back of the car and smiling sweetly.He just nodded looking disturbed yet satisfied.I wondered a bit at the disturbed part for a while as my friends mulled over what they had just heard,and seen of me and Allister at the party that night.
"Ok I can't take it anymore!What the hell?!?!I thought you were in love with Aren,but now your making dates with the knew guy???"Brenda exclaimed heatedly.She hated be as confused as she was at that moment.
"He's Aren's cousin,actually."I said dreamly,remembering his devilishly handsome face,and mischiviously gleaming eyes.Oh how I longed to make time speed up!
"Thats even worse!Come on,you obviously can't wait to see the guy,but what about his cousin?You know,Aren,the one you've been mooning over since second grade!"She said,still confused.Johny,Brock,and Tracy just looked at me,we were out side my house now.
"Look,I think Aren is just fine meat for Ashley,if he doesn't have the brains to stay away from her then what kind of boyfriend could he ever make other than a bad one.But me and Al agree that-"Before I could finish Tracy was talking.
"I think you should leave her alone Brenda,she is probably just as suprised as you are about the party and how it turned out."Tracy said knowingly."Now you should go,I see your dad in the window and he looks mad,we have been gone an hour longer than we said we would be."
"An hour late!?!How the heck did that happen?Me and Allister couldn't have danced as long,could we?"I asked,lookin around at the 'yes silly you did' looks on all my friends faces."Ok, well, then I'll see you guys later."I said,the last part sounding a little high and nervous.

3. Den of the monster

Later that night,during dinner my father stared at me with such ferocity that I actually cringed. I had come in the house to a stone faced dad,but as soon as dinner was ready he droped the act and stared at me with every anger he had ever musterd up in his life.Why he was so angry was a mystery to me,I knew it wasn't because of me being late,I was late for dinner all the time.
" 'wanna explain what you meant by what you said to Wendy this afternoon?Or do I need to guess?"He asked in a conversational tone,but letting some of his anger spill into what he said.
"So thats why you've been giving me the evil eye all night.Well...I meant what I said,I never wanted her in my life,and I never will.It's not my fault you dont want to respect mother's memory,it's your's.Now that I have finished dinner I am going to go to bed,good night father I wont be seeing you in the morning,I will be going down to the lake early.Sleep well."I said,when I was done he just stared in shock at what all I had said.Then,getting up and putting my dishes in the sink,I left the room planning on retiring early.But before I made it to the stairs the phone rang.
I picked it up and said,"Hello?"
"Hello,may I talk to Katrina please?"I scratchy voice on the other end of the line asked.
"Speaking,and who am I speaking to may I ask?"I said in a subdued tone.
"Stay away from Allister,Katrina.Or else."Then all there was was a dial tone.I stood holding the reciever in one hand,and clutching the hall table with the other.Who in the world was that?Who would benefit from me staying away from Allister?Ashley?Maybe,I dont know.I went to my room,digesting the feeling in my gut.
I got out a pencil and paper,and started writing at the top of the page:


1.Ashley, because:
A. she hates me?
B. she probably wants Alistair?

2.Aren, because:
A. embarrassed him in front of everyone at his party?
B. Ashley put him up to it?
C.He is just vain enough to do something so stupid!


I stopped to think,who else could do such a thing?Allister?NO!Why would Allister want me to stay away from him?HE asked ME out,not the other way around.Why would he ask me out then try and scare me?But even with all of those positive thoughts,behind them a worse thought made itself noticed.
"What did the disturbed look on Allisters face mean?"I said,the thought making its way to my lips and on to my tounge.With out realizing it I had written a name down on the number three line.Allisters name!Before I could erase it there was a knock on my door.
"Come in."I said flatly, not wanting to listen to one of my dads little speeches about manners and reputations to be held.
"Katrina?I'm not disturing you am I?I was just wanting to tell you a few things."A distinctly feminine voice said from the door way.I turned to find Wendy staring at me as I sat at my desk, writing away.
"No,although I would prefer if it waited till I died."I said,pointedly.Staring at Wendy,in her cut off sweats,and wife-beater shirt,with her hair pulled back in a sloppy pony-tail,she didn't exactly scream attractive,but not ugly either.
"I guess I figured as much.But it would really help both you,and me if you would listen..."She said,in a pitifully hopeful voice.
"Fine,but make it quick.I have stuff to do."I said coldly,getting up to go sit on my bed,Which had a red fake silk sheet and over sheet,with a black comforter.As she walked over too the bed she stared at my room like it was the cave of some long extinct monster's.
The desk was shoved over against the wall on the right side of my room.It was a small black and silver colored desk with a comtuer on it,with just enough space for my papers and folders.The wall was just that,a wall,no wall paper,no paints,just wood.The beds interior was brass,the walk in closet was also a full length mirror on the outside.There was a big siver radio and sound systen set up on a shelf oppisite the desk.And a small brass bedside table with an alarm clock,a water bottle and the only gift my dad had ever given me that I haden't already out grown,a small picture, frame and all,of me,my mom,and my dad.It was summer in the picture and we were all at the lake,goofing off and splashing around.My mother was laying on the beach watching as I learned how to swin.She was wearing her favorie two piece swim suit,blue with an out line of dark green,smiling and encoraging me to keep going.My father was standing next to me and splashing me with the shallow water,I was smiling ear to ear because I had just swam for the first time.
The carpet in my room was a dark red,like my sheets and curtains.Wendy walked in on bare feet,still staring,then remembering her manners she made eye contact with me and flinched away from the icy cold glare I sent her.
"I just wanted to explain to you exactly what
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