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Book online «The Truth About Katrina Remora by Ash Knight (room on the broom read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Ash Knight

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is going on between me and your father."Wendy said,coming to sit on the edge ot the bed,facing the balcony window in the room, which extended into a small balcony just big enough for two people and the few flowers that had planted in pots to decorate the balcony with.
"Oh joy,I hope I dont choke when you explain the 'love at first site' bit."She said laughing, and letting the sarcasm seep through every word.
"Don't you even want to try to listen to me?I guess I already know the answer to that question though."She said in a distant and annoyed voice as she walked over to the desk and sat down it the leather enteriored swivel chair."Look, I only want to explain it so that you'll know I'm not here to hurt anyone,or to take anything from anybody.I want you to be able to like me,atleast for us to be friends,you don't have to pretend I'm your mother or anything like that,I promise."She said solomley.
"No I don't have to pretend,or act,or do anything for you!You know what,I don't think I feel like talking right now.I'm sleepy,I'm going to bed so if you will be so kind as to grace me with privacy I would very much enjoy that.Goodbye Wendy Shanati!"She said, letting every word ring loud enoguh to wake her father from a dead sleep,if he had been asleep.
"Goodnight....Katrina,I just wanted to be your friend,but if you wont even let me be that,then I guess you win.But,just remember this,hating me isn't going to bring your mother back."And with that Wendy left her to herself, in a room that used to be a safe haven,but now was only a memory of her mother, and was forever haunted by her ghost. She closed the door,shutting in all the times, her and her mom had disagreed,leaving one of them crying, while the other was too proud to apolagize.
Once Wendy closed the door and walked down the hall she threw herself on to her bed and cried till she finally fell into a mercifully dreamless sleep.

4. Marrik, the hero

Tonight is definatly the best night of your life,hell,if your lucky he'll kiss you!Oh how I wish such fatasies were true! She thought to herself as she put on her mother's owl necklace, pair of silver hoop earrings that matched her silver bracelet. She had her hair down so that it was falling just barely past the bottom of her shoulder blades, and a pair of black skinny jeans with a pair of stilletos and a white dress shirt,sleeves rolled up just bellow the elbow,and a small black vest,buttoned and low cut.
I had just finished applying some lipgloss very lightly to my lips when my father knocked on the door entering,not waiting for me to answer.When he saw me his mouth hit the floor and stayed there till I had finished putting my make-up,cell phone,ect,ect,in my purse (silver colored,obviously) and was about to walk past him.
Before she made it to the door her father recovered and reached for her arm. She let him pull her to the bed,and it was there that he sat as well.
"You look good,whats the occasion?"He asked,in a teasing voice.Despite all she had done to ignore Wendy she had still made her way into her life, and spilled to her dad that she was up here sprussing up.
"I have a date tonight and would very much appreciate it if you didn't embarress me when Allister gets here."She said sternly, crossing her legs, which were a lovely bronze thanks to the fact that she had sunbathed all day today,only coming home thirty minutes before Allister was due to come and get her.
Then she heard the lyrics to 'Songs about me.',one of her favorite country songs. She ran to her window/balcony and looked over the edge of the balcony which was waist high, to see a car pulling up in the drive way.And getting out of the '69 Dodge Charger,was Allister!
"Kids got a nice ride, he rich or something?"Her dad said over her shoulder. "He must be, if he can afford a car like that. He better be taking you somewhere nice and fancy. Although judging by the make-up,stilletos,and jewelry. Well...I guess that just means I don't need to worry about that much,now do I?I'll take your blush for a no."He said, grinning at her as they descended the stairs.
Allister was already in the sitting room, it was a small cozy room, with two leather recliners (black) a light blue carpet, a huge leather couch, also black, a plazma screen t.v. that hung on the wall oppiste the couch.Allister was sitting in the leather recliner closest to the door,so he saw her last. He was staring at the plasma t.v.,not really watching it,but looking aroud and enjoying the company of her soon to be step-mother, Wendy Shana. She made a sour face, not at Allister, but at Wendy, who just couldn't NOT charm any male with-in tweny miles.
Her father cleared his throut to get there attention.He looked at her then at Allister, who was staring at me with big green eyes, and his chin on the floor.
"Wow, you look great Katrina."He said, making me blush which inturn trigered his mischevious lopsided grin."Um, you ready? Or would you rather we spent sometime on introductions?" He asked, in a polite, yet teasing voice.
"Well, you met Wendy, you know I am her father,and that if her brother were here he would be scaring you out of here fast enough to start a revolution." Her father said in a distant tone,looking Allister over.
Allister was wearing a white button up dress shirt, untucked, with the sleves rolled just below his elbows.He was also wearing black slacks, and black dress shoes. She could see the pendant on his chain,just a barly aduble golden shape hidden by his shirt.He was also wearing a golden watch,and his hair looked just as it had the other day, messy yet neatly arranged that way. While looking over Allister she realized something was different about him,not so big that it was easily detected,but just enough for her to pick up on. His scar was covered by, from what she could see, was stage make-up.
"Mr. Remora, I highly doubt anyone could scare me bad enough to leave the gorgeous creature at your side,who obviously has your best features Sir, here and abandon our date."He replied, thuroughly examining every look that flash across her fathers face.
"Ok...I think enough introductions have been made,lets go Allister.Preferably before you end up wooing my dad instead of me."She said in an annoied voice, which only made the men in the room chuckle uncontrolably.
"Fine, have it your way!"And with that She was out the door and waiting by Allisters car.He came out just behind her, smiling like the true fool he was."What’s with the smile?"She asked in an off-hand tone,knowing he knew she was just being her, when she stormed out the door.
"Your father is very funny and I wasnt joking when I said you looked like him."Allister said as they backed down the drive in his '69 Charger.Once they hit the road Allister was less fake and more real to her, all day she had been thinking that she had just dreamed him up!But it turns out I didn't she guessed, huh funny how you can imagien certain things like that isn't it?
Allister's car was dark with barely any audable light to see with.Only the green neon glow of the clock on the dashboard.In the dim green light his scar looked almost sinister. Looking at his scar, She remembered something, something he had said at Aren's party the other night.
"So are going to tell me the rest of the story of how you got your scar?Or do I get the cold shoulder?"She asked quoting him,with a small smile on her lips. He looked at me in suprise for a second then comprehenton entered his suprised gaze.
He laughed out loud,his voice ringing in the car,sounding like deep bells ringing, oh if only he would laugh more!There wouldn't be a single female on earth that wouldn't want to fall to his feet and listen to his laughter for all eternity!
"I'll tell you my story later,right now I want to hear your entire name,where your from,your mothers name,why you dont seem to like your father's fiance,everything there is to know about you I want to know!But of course,that will all have to wait till dinner,right now,I just want to hear about your mother."He said, his voice very gentle and sweet but still somehow deep and seductive.
So she told him everything she could about her,concluding with:"So there you have it,my mothers name was Carlene,she had dark brown hair,a silver greyish eye color,she was twenty-four when she went missing,her favorite color was silver-blue,her favorite thing to do was read,she loved sunbathing,she never mentioned her father or mother,or any siblings she might have had,she hated it when women wore a heavy amount of make-up,prefering herself just lip gloss and mascara,her favorite season was summer,she loved going to the fair each year, etc, etc, etc, ......"She had went on like that for hours.
"Where are we going?"She finally asked.She stared at him for a moment wondering if she really should have dressed as fancy as she had. Then she checked out what he was wearing once again,and decided that she wasn't dressed that fancy.
"There is a lake, just a little ways to our left,were going there,the road is taking us about another half mile then I will turn on too a little dirt road which will lead us too the lake's edge.I had a friend set a few things up,I don’t know your taste but I think I might have gotten a little bit of my choices for tonight right."As he said this she noticed a small quiver in his voice,though I didn't know weither it was amusment,or just his nerves.
"If we're going to the lake why are both dressed so fancy?"She asked in a nervous tone,making it obvious that she was worried that she looked to fancy,and that he thought her silly."I thought we were going to dinner?"
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